

From: nobu <ko1@a...>
Date: Fri, 1 Jul 2011 05:20:42 +0900 (JST)
Subject: [ruby-changes:20296] nobu:r32344 (trunk): * sytle fixes.

nobu	2011-07-01 05:20:32 +0900 (Fri, 01 Jul 2011)

  New Revision: 32344


    * sytle fixes.

  Modified files:

Index: parse.y
--- parse.y	(revision 32343)
+++ parse.y	(revision 32344)
@@ -5987,7 +5987,7 @@
     set_yylval_str(STR_NEW3(tok(), toklen(), enc, func));
 #ifdef RIPPER
-    if (!NIL_P(parser->delayed)){
+    if (!NIL_P(parser->delayed)) {
 	ptrdiff_t len = lex_p - parser->tokp;
 	if (len > 0) {
 	    rb_enc_str_buf_cat(parser->delayed, parser->tokp, len, enc);
Index: ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_dsa.c
--- ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_dsa.c	(revision 32343)
+++ ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_dsa.c	(revision 32344)
@@ -515,7 +515,7 @@
     /* Document-class: OpenSSL::PKey::DSA
-     * DSA, the Digital Signature Algorithm, is specified in NIST's 
+     * DSA, the Digital Signature Algorithm, is specified in NIST's
      * FIPS 186-3. It is an asymmetric public key algorithm that may be used
      * similar to e.g. RSA.
      * Please note that for OpenSSL versions prior to 1.0.0 the digest
Index: ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c
--- ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c	(revision 32343)
+++ ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c	(revision 32344)
@@ -1647,7 +1647,7 @@
  * call-seq:
  *    ssl.client_ca => [x509name, ...]
- * Returns the list of client CAs. Please note that in contrast to 
+ * Returns the list of client CAs. Please note that in contrast to
  * SSLContext#client_ca= no array of X509::Certificate is returned but
  * X509::Name instances of the CA's subject distinguished name.
Index: ext/openssl/ossl_asn1.c
--- ext/openssl/ossl_asn1.c	(revision 32343)
+++ ext/openssl/ossl_asn1.c	(revision 32344)
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@
  * for infinite length values is different in OpenSSL <= 0.9.7
-#define ossl_asn1_object_size(cons, len, tag)		(cons) == 2 ? (len) + ASN1_object_size((cons), 0, (tag)) : ASN1_object_size((cons), (len), (tag)) 
+#define ossl_asn1_object_size(cons, len, tag)		(cons) == 2 ? (len) + ASN1_object_size((cons), 0, (tag)) : ASN1_object_size((cons), (len), (tag))
 #define ossl_asn1_put_object(pp, cons, len, tag, xc)	(cons) == 2 ? ASN1_put_object((pp), (cons), 0, (tag), (xc)) : ASN1_put_object((pp), (cons), (len), (tag), (xc))
 #define ossl_asn1_object_size(cons, len, tag)		ASN1_object_size((cons), (len), (tag))
@@ -1832,7 +1832,7 @@
      * OpenSSL::ASN1::EndOfContent instance.
      * Please note that it is not possible to encode Constructive without
-     * the +infinite_length+ attribute being set to +true+, use 
+     * the +infinite_length+ attribute being set to +true+, use
      * OpenSSL::ASN1::Sequence or OpenSSL::ASN1::Set in these cases instead.
      * === Example - Infinite length OCTET STRING
Index: ext/openssl/ossl_pkey.c
--- ext/openssl/ossl_pkey.c	(revision 32343)
+++ ext/openssl/ossl_pkey.c	(revision 32344)
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
  * * +pwd+ is an optional password in case +string+ or +file+ is an encrypted
  * PEM resource.
-static VALUE 
+static VALUE
 ossl_pkey_new_from_data(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
      FILE *fp;
Index: ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_dh.c
--- ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_dh.c	(revision 32343)
+++ ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_dh.c	(revision 32344)
@@ -357,7 +357,7 @@
  * per-session information.
  * === Example
- *  dh = OpenSSL::PKey::DH.new(2048) # has public and private key set 
+ *  dh = OpenSSL::PKey::DH.new(2048) # has public and private key set
  *  public_key = dh.public_key # contains only prime and generator
  *  parameters = public_key.to_der # it's safe to publish this
@@ -574,10 +574,10 @@
      *  dh1 = OpenSSL::PKey::DH.new(2048)
      *  params = dh1.public_key.to_der #you may send this publicly to the participating party
      *  dh2 = OpenSSL::PKey::DH.new(der)
-     *  dh2.generate_key! #generate the per-session key pair 
+     *  dh2.generate_key! #generate the per-session key pair
      *  symm_key1 = dh1.compute_key(dh2.pub_key)
      *  symm_key2 = dh2.compute_key(dh1.pub_key)
-     *  
+     *
      *  puts symm_key1 == symm_key2 # => true
     cDH = rb_define_class_under(mPKey, "DH", cPKey);
Index: ext/openssl/ossl_pkcs7.c
--- ext/openssl/ossl_pkcs7.c	(revision 32343)
+++ ext/openssl/ossl_pkcs7.c	(revision 32344)
@@ -322,7 +322,7 @@
     if (!p7) {
         p7 = d2i_PKCS7_bio(in, &pkcs);
-	if (!p7) 
+	if (!p7)
 	    ossl_raise(rb_eArgError, "Could not parse the PKCS7");
 	DATA_PTR(self) = pkcs;
Index: benchmark/bm_vm2_defined_method.rb
--- benchmark/bm_vm2_defined_method.rb	(revision 32343)
+++ benchmark/bm_vm2_defined_method.rb	(revision 32344)
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-class Object
-  define_method(:m){}
-while i<6000000 # benchmark loop 2
-  i+=1
-  m; m; m; m; m; m; m; m;
+class Object
+  define_method(:m){}
+while i<6000000 # benchmark loop 2
+  i+=1
+  m; m; m; m; m; m; m; m;

Property changes on: benchmark/bm_vm2_defined_method.rb
Added: svn:eol-style
   + LF

ML: ruby-changes@q...
Info: http://www.atdot.net/~ko1/quickml/
