

From: yugui <ko1@a...>
Date: Sat, 31 Oct 2009 22:16:46 +0900 (JST)
Subject: [ruby-changes:13797] Ruby:r25596 (ruby_1_9_1): merges r24834,r24837,r24853,r24857,r24858,r24862,r24863 and r24864 from trunk into ruby_1_9_1.

yugui	2009-10-31 22:05:25 +0900 (Sat, 31 Oct 2009)

  New Revision: 25596


    merges r24834,r24837,r24853,r24857,r24858,r24862,r24863 and r24864 from trunk into ruby_1_9_1.
    add tests for open-uri.
    more tests.
    more tests.
    add https test.
    test proxy log.
    test CA certs dir.

  Added directories:
  Added files:
  Modified files:

Index: ruby_1_9_1/version.h
--- ruby_1_9_1/version.h	(revision 25595)
+++ ruby_1_9_1/version.h	(revision 25596)
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 #define RUBY_VERSION "1.9.1"
-#define RUBY_PATCHLEVEL 321
+#define RUBY_PATCHLEVEL 322
Index: ruby_1_9_1/test/open-uri/test_open-uri.rb
--- ruby_1_9_1/test/open-uri/test_open-uri.rb	(revision 0)
+++ ruby_1_9_1/test/open-uri/test_open-uri.rb	(revision 25596)
@@ -0,0 +1,389 @@
+require 'test/unit'
+require 'open-uri'
+require 'webrick'
+require 'webrick/httpproxy'
+require 'zlib'
+class TestOpenURI < Test::Unit::TestCase
+  NullLog = Object.new
+  def NullLog.<<(arg)
+  end
+  def with_http
+    Dir.mktmpdir {|dr|
+      srv = WEBrick::HTTPServer.new({
+        :DocumentRoot => dr,
+        :ServerType => Thread,
+        :Logger => WEBrick::Log.new(NullLog),
+        :AccessLog => [[NullLog, ""]],
+        :BindAddress => '',
+        :Port => 0})
+      _, port, _, host = srv.listeners[0].addr
+      begin
+        th = srv.start
+        yield srv, dr, "http://#{host}:#{port}"
+      ensure
+        srv.shutdown
+      end
+    }
+  end
+  def setup
+    @proxies = %w[http_proxy ftp_proxy no_proxy]
+    @old_proxies = @proxies.map {|k| ENV[k] }
+    @proxies.each {|k| ENV[k] = nil }
+  end
+  def teardown
+    @proxies.each_with_index {|k, i| ENV[k] = @old_proxies[i] }
+  end
+  def test_200
+    with_http {|srv, dr, url|
+      open("#{dr}/foo200", "w") {|f| f << "foo200" }
+      open("#{url}/foo200") {|f|
+        assert_equal("200", f.status[0])
+        assert_equal("foo200", f.read)
+      }
+    }
+  end
+  def test_200big
+    with_http {|srv, dr, url|
+      content = "foo200big"*10240
+      open("#{dr}/foo200big", "w") {|f| f << content }
+      open("#{url}/foo200big") {|f|
+        assert_equal("200", f.status[0])
+        assert_equal(content, f.read)
+      }
+    }
+  end
+  def test_404
+    with_http {|srv, dr, url|
+      exc = assert_raise(OpenURI::HTTPError) { open("#{url}/not-exist") {} }
+      assert_equal("404", exc.io.status[0])
+    }
+  end
+  def test_open_uri
+    with_http {|srv, dr, url|
+      open("#{dr}/foo_ou", "w") {|f| f << "foo_ou" }
+      u = URI("#{url}/foo_ou")
+      open(u) {|f|
+        assert_equal("200", f.status[0])
+        assert_equal("foo_ou", f.read)
+      }
+    }
+  end
+  def test_invalid_option
+    assert_raise(ArgumentError) { open("", :invalid_option=>true) {} }
+  end
+  def test_mode
+    with_http {|srv, dr, url|
+      open("#{dr}/mode", "w") {|f| f << "mode" }
+      open("#{url}/mode", "r") {|f|
+        assert_equal("200", f.status[0])
+        assert_equal("mode", f.read)
+      }
+      open("#{url}/mode", "r", 0600) {|f|
+        assert_equal("200", f.status[0])
+        assert_equal("mode", f.read)
+      }
+      assert_raise(ArgumentError) { open("#{url}/mode", "a") {} }
+    }
+  end
+  def test_without_block
+    with_http {|srv, dr, url|
+      open("#{dr}/without_block", "w") {|g| g << "without_block" }
+      begin
+        f = open("#{url}/without_block")
+        assert_equal("200", f.status[0])
+        assert_equal("without_block", f.read)
+      ensure
+        f.close
+      end
+    }
+  end
+  def test_multi_proxy_opt
+    assert_raise(ArgumentError) {
+      open("", :proxy_http_basic_authentication=>true, :proxy=>true) {}
+    }
+  end
+  def test_proxy
+    with_http {|srv, dr, url|
+      prxy = WEBrick::HTTPProxyServer.new({
+        :ServerType => Thread,
+        :Logger => WEBrick::Log.new(NullLog),
+        :AccessLog => [[sio=StringIO.new, WEBrick::AccessLog::COMMON_LOG_FORMAT]],
+        :BindAddress => '',
+        :Port => 0})
+      _, p_port, _, p_host = prxy.listeners[0].addr
+      begin
+        th = prxy.start
+        open("#{dr}/proxy", "w") {|f| f << "proxy" }
+        open("#{url}/proxy", :proxy=>"http://#{p_host}:#{p_port}/") {|f|
+          assert_equal("200", f.status[0])
+          assert_equal("proxy", f.read)
+        }
+        assert_match(/#{Regexp.quote url}/, sio.string)
+        sio.truncate(0); sio.rewind
+        open("#{url}/proxy", :proxy=>URI("http://#{p_host}:#{p_port}/")) {|f|
+          assert_equal("200", f.status[0])
+          assert_equal("proxy", f.read)
+        }
+        assert_match(/#{Regexp.quote url}/, sio.string)
+        sio.truncate(0); sio.rewind
+        open("#{url}/proxy", :proxy=>nil) {|f|
+          assert_equal("200", f.status[0])
+          assert_equal("proxy", f.read)
+        }
+        assert_equal("", sio.string)
+        assert_raise(ArgumentError) {
+          open("#{url}/proxy", :proxy=>:invalid) {}
+        }
+        assert_equal("", sio.string)
+      ensure
+        prxy.shutdown
+      end
+    }
+  end
+  def test_proxy_http_basic_authentication
+    with_http {|srv, dr, url|
+      prxy = WEBrick::HTTPProxyServer.new({
+        :ServerType => Thread,
+        :Logger => WEBrick::Log.new(NullLog),
+        :AccessLog => [[sio=StringIO.new, WEBrick::AccessLog::COMMON_LOG_FORMAT]],
+        :ProxyAuthProc => lambda {|req, res|
+          if req["Proxy-Authorization"] != "Basic #{['user:pass'].pack('m').chomp}"
+            raise WEBrick::HTTPStatus::ProxyAuthenticationRequired
+          end
+        },
+        :BindAddress => '',
+        :Port => 0})
+      _, p_port, _, p_host = prxy.listeners[0].addr
+      p_url = "http://#{p_host}:#{p_port}/"
+      begin
+        th = prxy.start
+        open("#{dr}/proxy", "w") {|f| f << "proxy" }
+        exc = assert_raise(OpenURI::HTTPError) { open("#{url}/proxy", :proxy=>p_url) {} }
+        assert_equal("407", exc.io.status[0])
+        assert_match(/#{Regexp.quote url}/, sio.string)
+        sio.truncate(0); sio.rewind
+        open("#{url}/proxy",
+            :proxy_http_basic_authentication=>[p_url, "user", "pass"]) {|f|
+          assert_equal("200", f.status[0])
+          assert_equal("proxy", f.read)
+        }
+        assert_match(/#{Regexp.quote url}/, sio.string)
+        sio.truncate(0); sio.rewind
+        assert_raise(ArgumentError) {
+          open("#{url}/proxy",
+              :proxy_http_basic_authentication=>[true, "user", "pass"]) {}
+        }
+        assert_equal("", sio.string)
+      ensure
+        prxy.shutdown
+      end
+    }
+  end
+  def test_redirect
+    with_http {|srv, dr, url|
+      srv.mount_proc("/r1/") {|req, res| res.status = 301; res["location"] = "#{url}/r2"; res.body = "r1" }
+      srv.mount_proc("/r2/") {|req, res| res.body = "r2" }
+      srv.mount_proc("/to-file/") {|req, res| res.status = 301; res["location"] = "file:///foo" }
+      open("#{url}/r1/") {|f|
+        assert_equal("#{url}/r2", f.base_uri.to_s)
+        assert_equal("r2", f.read)
+      }
+      assert_raise(OpenURI::HTTPRedirect) { open("#{url}/r1/", :redirect=>false) {} }
+      assert_raise(RuntimeError) { open("#{url}/to-file/") {} }
+    }
+  end
+  def test_redirect_auth
+    with_http {|srv, dr, url|
+      srv.mount_proc("/r1/") {|req, res| res.status = 301; res["location"] = "#{url}/r2" }
+      srv.mount_proc("/r2/") {|req, res|
+        if req["Authorization"] != "Basic #{['user:pass'].pack('m').chomp}"
+          raise WEBrick::HTTPStatus::Unauthorized
+        end
+        res.body = "r2"
+      }
+      exc = assert_raise(OpenURI::HTTPError) { open("#{url}/r2/") {} }
+      assert_equal("401", exc.io.status[0])
+      open("#{url}/r2/", :http_basic_authentication=>['user', 'pass']) {|f|
+        assert_equal("r2", f.read)
+      }
+      exc = assert_raise(OpenURI::HTTPError) { open("#{url}/r1/", :http_basic_authentication=>['user', 'pass']) {} }
+      assert_equal("401", exc.io.status[0])
+    }
+  end
+  def test_userinfo
+    if "1.9.0" <= RUBY_VERSION
+      assert_raise(ArgumentError) { open("http://user:pass@1.../") {} }
+    end
+  end
+  def test_progress
+    with_http {|srv, dr, url|
+      content = "a" * 10000
+      srv.mount_proc("/data/") {|req, res| res.body = content }
+      length = []
+      progress = []
+      open("#{url}/data/",
+           :content_length_proc => lambda {|n| length << n },
+           :progress_proc => lambda {|n| progress << n },
+          ) {|f|
+        assert_equal(1, length.length)
+        assert_equal(content.length, length[0])
+        assert_equal(content.length, progress.inject(&:+))
+        assert_equal(content, f.read)
+      }
+    }
+  end
+  def test_progress_chunked
+    with_http {|srv, dr, url|
+      content = "a" * 10000
+      srv.mount_proc("/data/") {|req, res| res.body = content; res.chunked = true }
+      length = []
+      progress = []
+      open("#{url}/data/",
+           :content_length_proc => lambda {|n| length << n },
+           :progress_proc => lambda {|n| progress << n },
+          ) {|f|
+        assert_equal(1, length.length)
+        assert_equal(nil, length[0])
+        assert_equal(content.length, progress.inject(&:+))
+        assert_equal(content, f.read)
+      }
+    }
+  end
+  def test_uri_read
+    with_http {|srv, dr, url|
+      open("#{dr}/uriread", "w") {|f| f << "uriread" }
+      data = URI("#{url}/uriread").read
+      assert_equal("200", data.status[0])
+      assert_equal("uriread", data)
+    }
+  end
+  def test_encoding
+    with_http {|srv, dr, url|
+      content_u8 = "\u3042"
+      content_ej = "\xa2\xa4".force_encoding("euc-jp")
+      srv.mount_proc("/u8/") {|req, res| res.body = content_u8; res['content-type'] = 'text/plain; charset=utf-8' }
+      srv.mount_proc("/ej/") {|req, res| res.body = content_ej; res['content-type'] = 'TEXT/PLAIN; charset=EUC-JP' }
+      srv.mount_proc("/nc/") {|req, res| res.body = "aa"; res['content-type'] = 'Text/Plain' }
+      open("#{url}/u8/") {|f|
+        assert_equal(content_u8, f.read)
+        assert_equal("text/plain", f.content_type)
+        assert_equal("utf-8", f.charset)
+      }
+      open("#{url}/ej/") {|f|
+        assert_equal(content_ej, f.read)
+        assert_equal("text/plain", f.content_type)
+        assert_equal("euc-jp", f.charset)
+      }
+      open("#{url}/nc/") {|f|
+        assert_equal("aa", f.read)
+        assert_equal("text/plain", f.content_type)
+        assert_equal("iso-8859-1", f.charset)
+        assert_equal("unknown", f.charset { "unknown" })
+      }
+    }
+  end
+  def test_last_modified
+    with_http {|srv, dr, url|
+      srv.mount_proc("/data/") {|req, res| res.body = "foo"; res['last-modified'] = 'Fri, 07 Aug 2009 06:05:04 GMT' }
+      open("#{url}/data/") {|f|
+        assert_equal("foo", f.read)
+        assert_equal(Time.utc(2009,8,7,6,5,4), f.last_modified)
+      }
+    }
+  end
+  def test_content_encoding
+    with_http {|srv, dr, url|
+      content = "abc" * 10000
+      Zlib::GzipWriter.wrap(StringIO.new(content_gz="".force_encoding("ascii-8bit"))) {|z| z.write content }
+      srv.mount_proc("/data/") {|req, res| res.body = content_gz; res['content-encoding'] = 'gzip' }
+      srv.mount_proc("/data2/") {|req, res| res.body = content_gz; res['content-encoding'] = 'gzip'; res.chunked = true }
+      srv.mount_proc("/noce/") {|req, res| res.body = content_gz }
+      open("#{url}/data/") {|f|
+        assert_equal ['gzip'], f.content_encoding
+        assert_equal(content_gz, f.read.force_encoding("ascii-8bit"))
+      }
+      open("#{url}/data2/") {|f|
+        assert_equal ['gzip'], f.content_encoding
+        assert_equal(content_gz, f.read.force_encoding("ascii-8bit"))
+      }
+      open("#{url}/noce/") {|f|
+        assert_equal [], f.content_encoding
+        assert_equal(content_gz, f.read.force_encoding("ascii-8bit"))
+      }
+    }
+  end
+  def with_env(h)
+    begin
+      old = {}
+      h.each_key {|k| old[k] = ENV[k] }
+      h.each {|k, v| ENV[k] = v }
+      yield
+    ensure
+      h.each_key {|k| ENV[k] = old[k] }
+    end
+  end
+  # is TEST-NET.  [RFC3330]
+  def test_find_proxy
+    assert_nil(URI("").find_proxy)
+    assert_nil(URI("").find_proxy)
+    with_env('http_proxy'=>'') {
+      assert_equal(URI(''), URI("").find_proxy)
+      assert_nil(URI("").find_proxy)
+    }
+    with_env('ftp_proxy'=>'') {
+      assert_nil(URI("").find_proxy)
+      assert_equal(URI(''), URI("").find_proxy)
+    }
+    with_env('REQUEST_METHOD'=>'GET') {
+      assert_nil(URI("").find_proxy)
+    }
+    with_env('CGI_HTTP_PROXY'=>'', 'REQUEST_METHOD'=>'GET') {
+      assert_equal(URI(''), URI("").find_proxy)
+    }
+    with_env('http_proxy'=>'', 'no_proxy'=>'') {
+      assert_equal(URI(''), URI("").find_proxy)
+      assert_nil(URI("").find_proxy)
+    }
+  end
+  def test_find_proxy_case_sensitive_env
+    with_env('http_proxy'=>'', 'REQUEST_METHOD'=>'GET') {
+      assert_equal(URI(''), URI("").find_proxy)
+    }
+    with_env('HTTP_PROXY'=>'', 'REQUEST_METHOD'=>'GET') {
+      assert_nil(nil, URI("").find_proxy)
+    }
+    with_env('http_proxy'=>'', 'HTTP_PROXY'=>'', 'REQUEST_METHOD'=>'GET') {
+      assert_equal(URI(''), URI("").find_proxy)
+    }
+  end
Index: ruby_1_9_1/test/open-uri/test_ssl.rb
--- ruby_1_9_1/test/open-uri/test_ssl.rb	(revision 0)
+++ ruby_1_9_1/test/open-uri/test_ssl.rb	(revision 25596)
@@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
+require 'test/unit'
+require 'open-uri'
+require 'openssl'
+require 'stringio'
+require 'webrick'
+require 'webrick/https'
+require 'webrick/httpproxy'
+class TestOpenURISSL < Test::Unit::TestCase
+  NullLog = Object.new
+  def NullLog.<<(arg)
+  end
+  def with_https
+    Dir.mktmpdir {|dr|
+      srv = WEBrick::HTTPServer.new({
+        :DocumentRoot => dr,
+        :ServerType => Thread,
+        :Logger => WEBrick::Log.new(NullLog),
+        :AccessLog => [[NullLog, ""]],
+        :SSLEnable => true,
+        :SSLCertificate => OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new(SERVER_CERT),
+        :SSLPrivateKey => OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new(SERVER_KEY),
+        :BindAddress => '',
+        :Port => 0})
+      _, port, _, host = srv.listeners[0].addr
+      begin
+        th = srv.start
+        yield srv, dr, "https://#{host}:#{port}"
+      ensure
+        srv.shutdown
+      end
+    }
+  end
+  def setup
+    @proxies = %w[http_proxy https_proxy ftp_proxy no_proxy]
+    @old_proxies = @proxies.map {|k| ENV[k] }
+    @proxies.each {|k| ENV[k] = nil }
+  end
+  def teardown
+    @proxies.each_with_index {|k, i| ENV[k] = @old_proxies[i] }
+  end
+  def test_validation
+    with_https {|srv, dr, url|
+      cacert_filename = "#{dr}/cacert.pem"
+      open(cacert_filename, "w") {|f| f << CA_CERT }
+      open("#{dr}/data", "w") {|f| f << "ddd" }
+      open("#{url}/data", :ssl_ca_cert => cacert_filename) {|f|
+        assert_equal("200", f.status[0])
+        assert_equal("ddd", f.read)
+      }
+      open("#{url}/data", :ssl_verify_mode => OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE) {|f|
+        assert_equal("200", f.status[0])
+        assert_equal("ddd", f.read)
+      }
+      assert_raise(OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError) { open("#{url}/data") {} }
+    }
+  end
+  def test_proxy
+    with_https {|srv, dr, url|
+      cacert_filename = "#{dr}/cacert.pem"
+      open(cacert_filename, "w") {|f| f << CA_CERT }
+      cacert_directory = "#{dr}/certs"
+      Dir.mkdir cacert_directory
+      hashed_name = "%08x.0" % OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new(CA_CERT).subject.hash
+      open("#{cacert_directory}/#{hashed_name}", "w") {|f| f << CA_CERT }
+      prxy = WEBrick::HTTPProxyServer.new({
+        :ServerType => Thread,
+        :Logger => WEBrick::Log.new(NullLog),
+        :AccessLog => [[sio=StringIO.new, WEBrick::AccessLog::COMMON_LOG_FORMAT]],
+        :BindAddress => '',
+        :Port => 0})
+      _, p_port, _, p_host = prxy.listeners[0].addr
+      begin
+        th = prxy.start
+        open("#{dr}/proxy", "w") {|f| f << "proxy" }
+        open("#{url}/proxy", :proxy=>"http://#{p_host}:#{p_port}/", :ssl_ca_cert => cacert_filename) {|f|
+          assert_equal("200", f.status[0])
+          assert_equal("proxy", f.read)
+        }
+        assert_match(%r[CONNECT #{url.sub(%r{\Ahttps://}, '')} ], sio.string)
+        sio.truncate(0); sio.rewind
+        open("#{url}/proxy", :proxy=>"http://#{p_host}:#{p_port}/", :ssl_ca_cert => cacert_directory) {|f|
+          assert_equal("200", f.status[0])
+          assert_equal("proxy", f.read)
+        }
+        assert_match(%r[CONNECT #{url.sub(%r{\Ahttps://}, '')} ], sio.string)
+        sio.truncate(0); sio.rewind
+      ensure
+        prxy.shutdown
+      end
+    }
+  end
+# mkdir demoCA demoCA/private demoCA/newcerts
+# touch demoCA/index.txt
+# echo 00 > demoCA/serial
+# openssl req -new -keyout demoCA/private/cakey.pem -out demoCA/careq.pem
+# openssl ca -out demoCA/cacert.pem -startdate 090101000000Z -enddate 491231235959Z -batch -keyfile demoCA/private/cakey.pem -selfsign -infiles demoCA/careq.pem
+# cp /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf openssl-server.cnf # Debian
+# vi openssl-server.cnf # enable "nsCertType = server"
+# mkdir server
+# openssl genrsa -des3 -out server/server.key 1024
+# openssl rsa -in server/server.key -out server/servernopass.key
+# openssl req -new -days 365 -key server/servernopass.key -out server/csr.pem
+# openssl ca -config openssl-server.cnf -startdate 090101000000Z -enddate 491231235959Z -in server/csr.pem -keyfile demoCA/private/cakey.pem -cert demoCA/cacert.pem -out server/cert.pem
+# demoCA/cacert.pem => TestOpenURISSL::CA_CERT
+# server/cert.pem => TestOpenURISSL::SERVER_CERT
+# server/servernopass.key => TestOpenURISSL::SERVER_KEY
+TestOpenURISSL::CA_CERT = <<'End'
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 0 (0x0)
+        Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=JP, ST=Tokyo, O=RubyTest, CN=Ruby Test CA
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Jan  1 00:00:00 2009 GMT
+            Not After : Dec 31 23:59:59 2049 GMT
+        Subject: C=JP, ST=Tokyo, O=RubyTest, CN=Ruby Test CA
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+            RSA Public Key: (1024 bit)
+                Modulus (1024 bit):
+                    00:9f:58:19:39:bc:ea:0c:b8:c3:5d:12:a7:d8:20:
+                    6c:53:ac:91:34:c8:b4:db:3f:56:f6:75:b6:6c:23:
+                    80:23:6a:5f:b3:f6:9a:3e:00:b4:16:19:1c:9c:2c:
+                    8d:e8:53:d5:0b:f1:52:3f:7b:60:93:86:ae:89:ab:
+                    20:82:9a:b6:72:14:3c:4d:a9:0b:6c:34:79:9e:d3:
+                    14:82:6d:c9:3b:90:d9:5e:68:6f:8c:b5:d8:09:f4:
+                    6f:3b:22:9f:5e:81:9c:37:df:cf:90:36:65:57:dc:
+                    ad:31:ca:8b:48:92:a7:3c:1e:42:e9:1c:4e:1e:cb:
+                    36:c1:44:4e:ab:9a:b2:73:6d
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: 
+                CA:FALSE
+            Netscape Comment: 
+                OpenSSL Generated Certificate
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                24:6F:03:A3:EE:06:51:75:B2:BA:FC:3A:38:59:BF:ED:87:CD:E8:7F
+            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: 
+                keyid:24:6F:03:A3:EE:06:51:75:B2:BA:FC:3A:38:59:BF:ED:87:CD:E8:7F
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        13:eb:db:ca:cd:90:f2:09:9e:d9:72:70:5e:42:5d:11:84:ce:
+        00:1d:c4:2f:41:d2:3e:16:e5:d4:97:1f:43:a9:a7:9c:fa:60:
+        c4:35:96:f2:f6:0d:13:6d:0f:36:dd:59:03:08:ee:2e:a6:df:
+        9e:d8:6d:ca:72:8f:02:c2:2b:53:7b:12:7f:55:81:6c:9e:7d:
+        e7:40:7e:f8:f5:75:0d:4b:a0:8d:ee:a4:d9:e8:5f:06:c9:86:
+        66:71:70:6c:41:81:6a:dd:a4:4f:a3:c1:ac:70:d4:78:1b:23:
+        30:2f:a5:ef:98:ee:d4:62:80:fd:bf:d4:7a:9b:8e:2d:18:e5:
+        00:46
+TestOpenURISSL::SERVER_CERT = <<'End'
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 1 (0x1)
+        Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=JP, ST=Tokyo, O=RubyTest, CN=Ruby Test CA
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Jan  1 00:00:00 2009 GMT
+            Not After : Dec 31 23:59:59 2049 GMT
+        Subject: C=JP, ST=Tokyo, O=RubyTest, CN=
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+            RSA Public Key: (1024 bit)
+                Modulus (1024 bit):
+                    00:bb:bd:74:69:53:58:50:24:79:f2:eb:db:8b:97:
+                    e4:69:a4:dd:48:0c:40:35:62:42:b3:35:8c:96:2a:
+                    62:76:98:b5:2a:e0:f8:78:33:b6:ff:f8:55:bf:44:
+                    69:21:d7:b5:0e:bd:8a:dd:31:1b:88:d5:b4:5e:7a:
+                    82:e0:ba:99:6c:04:76:e9:ff:e6:f8:f5:06:8e:7e:
+                    a4:db:db:eb:43:44:12:a7:ca:ca:2b:aa:5f:83:10:
+                    e2:9e:35:55:e8:e8:af:be:c8:7d:bb:c2:d4:aa:c1:
+                    1c:57:0b:c0:0c:3a:1d:6e:23:a9:03:26:7c:ea:8c:
+                    f0:86:61:ce:f1:ff:42:c7:23
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: 
+                CA:FALSE
+            Netscape Cert Type: 
+                SSL Server
+            Netscape Comment: 
+                OpenSSL Generated Certificate
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                7F:17:5A:58:88:96:E1:1F:44:EA:FF:AD:C6:2E:90:E2:95:32:DD:F0
+            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: 
+                keyid:24:6F:03:A3:EE:06:51:75:B2:BA:FC:3A:38:59:BF:ED:87:CD:E8:7F
+    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
+        9a:34:99:ea:76:a2:ed:f0:f7:a7:75:3b:81:fb:75:57:93:c1:
+        27:b6:1e:7a:38:67:95:be:58:42:9a:0a:dd:2b:23:fb:85:42:
+        80:34:bf:b9:0e:9c:5e:5a:dc:2d:25:8c:68:02:a2:c7:7f:c0:
+        eb:f3:e0:61:e2:05:e5:7e:c1:e0:33:1c:76:65:23:2c:25:08:
+        f6:5a:11:b9:d4:f7:e3:80:bb:b0:ce:76:1a:56:22:af:e2:4a:
+        e1:7e:a4:60:f3:fd:9c:53:46:51:57:32:6b:05:53:80:5c:a5:
+        61:93:87:ae:06:a8:a2:ba:4d:a1:b7:1b:0f:8f:82:0a:e8:b3:
+        ea:63
+TestOpenURISSL::SERVER_KEY = <<'End'
+Private-Key: (1024 bit)
+    00:bb:bd:74:69:53:58:50:24:79:f2:eb:db:8b:97:
+    e4:69:a4:dd:48:0c:40:35:62:42:b3:35:8c:96:2a:
+    62:76:98:b5:2a:e0:f8:78:33:b6:ff:f8:55:bf:44:
+    69:21:d7:b5:0e:bd:8a:dd:31:1b:88:d5:b4:5e:7a:
+    82:e0:ba:99:6c:04:76:e9:ff:e6:f8:f5:06:8e:7e:
+    a4:db:db:eb:43:44:12:a7:ca:ca:2b:aa:5f:83:10:
+    e2:9e:35:55:e8:e8:af:be:c8:7d:bb:c2:d4:aa:c1:
+    1c:57:0b:c0:0c:3a:1d:6e:23:a9:03:26:7c:ea:8c:
+    f0:86:61:ce:f1:ff:42:c7:23
+publicExponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+    00:af:3a:ec:17:0a:f5:d9:07:d2:d3:4c:15:c5:3b:
+    66:b4:bc:6e:d5:ba:a9:8b:aa:45:3b:63:f5:ee:8b:
+    6d:0f:e9:04:e0:1a:cf:8f:d2:25:32:d1:a5:a7:3a:
+    c1:2e:17:5a:25:82:00:c4:e7:fb:1d:42:ea:71:6c:
+    c4:0f:e1:db:23:ff:1e:d6:c8:d6:60:ca:2d:06:fc:
+    54:3c:03:d4:09:96:bb:38:7a:22:a1:61:2c:f7:d0:
+    d0:90:6c:9f:61:ba:61:30:5a:aa:64:ad:43:3a:53:
+    38:e8:ba:cc:8c:51:3e:68:3e:3a:6a:0f:5d:5d:e0:
+    d6:df:f2:54:93:d3:14:22:a1
+    00:e8:ec:11:fe:e6:2b:23:21:29:d5:40:a6:11:ec:
+    4c:ae:4d:08:2a:71:18:ac:d1:3e:40:2f:12:41:59:
+    12:09:e2:f7:c2:d7:6b:0a:96:0a:06:e3:90:6a:4e:
+    b2:eb:25:b7:09:68:e9:13:ab:d0:5a:29:7a:e4:72:
+    1a:ee:46:a0:8b
+    00:ce:57:5e:31:e9:c9:a8:5b:1f:55:af:67:e2:49:
+    2a:af:90:b6:02:c0:32:2f:ca:ae:1e:de:47:81:73:
+    a8:f8:37:53:70:93:24:62:77:d4:b8:80:30:9f:65:
+    26:20:46:ae:5a:65:6e:6d:af:68:4c:8d:e8:3c:f3:
+    d1:d1:d9:6e:c9
+    03:f1:02:b8:f2:82:26:5d:08:4d:30:83:de:e7:c5:
+    c0:69:53:4b:0c:90:e3:53:c3:1e:e8:ed:01:28:15:
+    b3:0f:21:2c:2d:e3:04:d1:d7:27:98:b0:37:ec:4f:
+    00:c5:a9:9c:42:27:37:8a:ff:c2:96:d3:1a:8c:87:
+    c2:22:75:d3
+    6f:17:32:ab:84:c7:01:51:2d:e9:9f:ea:3a:36:52:
+    38:fb:9c:42:96:df:6e:43:9c:c3:19:c1:3d:bc:db:
+    77:e7:b1:90:a6:67:ac:6b:ff:a6:e5:bd:47:d3:d9:
+    56:ff:36:d7:8c:4c:8b:d9:28:3a:2f:1c:9d:d4:57:
+    5e:b7:c5:a1
+    45:50:47:66:56:e9:21:d9:40:0e:af:3f:f2:05:77:
+    ab:e7:08:40:97:88:2a:51:b3:7e:86:b0:b2:03:2e:
+    6d:36:3f:46:42:97:7d:5a:a2:93:6c:05:c2:8b:8b:
+    2d:af:d5:7d:75:e9:70:f0:2d:21:e3:b9:cf:4d:9a:
+    c4:97:e2:79

ML: ruby-changes@q...
Info: http://www.atdot.net/~ko1/quickml/
