

From: xibbar <ko1@a...>
Date: Fri, 24 Oct 2008 16:26:13 +0900 (JST)
Subject: [ruby-changes:8375] Ruby:r19906 (trunk): * lib/cgi/core.rb (read_multipart): change field value as String

xibbar	2008-10-24 16:25:53 +0900 (Fri, 24 Oct 2008)

  New Revision: 19906


    * lib/cgi/core.rb (read_multipart): change field value as String
      from StringIO of Tempfile when multipart parse without file field.
      add files method that can uploaded files. [ruby-dev:36547] 
    * test/cgi/test_cgi_multipart.rb: fix the test for core.rb.

  Modified files:

Index: ChangeLog
--- ChangeLog	(revision 19905)
+++ ChangeLog	(revision 19906)
@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
+Fri Oct 24 16:13:12 2008  Takeyuki FUJIOKA  <xibbar@r...>
+	* lib/cgi/core.rb (read_multipart): change field value as String
+	  from StringIO of Tempfile when multipart parse without file field.
+		add files method that can uploaded files. [ruby-dev:36547] 
+  * test/cgi/test_cgi_multipart.rb: fix the test for core.rb.
 Fri Oct 24 14:22:48 2008  Nobuyoshi Nakada  <nobu@r...>
 	* common.mk (ext): split out the target for extension library.
Index: lib/cgi/core.rb
--- lib/cgi/core.rb	(revision 19905)
+++ lib/cgi/core.rb	(revision 19906)
@@ -406,6 +406,9 @@
     # values is an Array.
     attr_reader :params
+    # Get the uploaed files as a hash of name=>values pairs
+    attr_reader :files
     # Set all the parameters.
     def params=(hash)
@@ -422,6 +425,7 @@
       raise EOFError.new("bad content body") unless first_line == status
       ## parse and set params
       params = {}
+      @files = {}
       boundary_rexp = /--#{Regexp.quote(boundary)}(#{EOL}|--)/
       boundary_size = "#{EOL}--#{boundary}#{EOL}".bytesize
       boundary_end  = nil
@@ -482,7 +486,25 @@
         ## query parameter name
         /Content-Disposition:.* name=(?:"(.*?)"|([^;\r\n]*))/i.match(head)
         name = $1 || $2 || ''
-        (params[name] ||= []) << body
+        if body.original_filename.empty?
+          value=body.read.dup.force_encoding(@accept_charset)
+          (params[name] ||= []) << value
+          unless value.valid_encoding?
+            if @accept_charset_error_block
+              @accept_charset_error_block.call(name,value)
+            else
+              raise InvalidEncoding,"Accept-Charset encoding error"
+            end
+          end
+          class << params[name].last;self;end.class_eval do
+            define_method(:read){self}
+            define_method(:original_filename){""}
+            define_method(:content_type){""}
+          end
+        else
+          (params[name] ||= []) << body
+          @files[name]=body
+        end
         ## break loop
         break if buf.size == 0
         break if content_length == -1
Index: test/cgi/test_cgi_multipart.rb
--- test/cgi/test_cgi_multipart.rb	(revision 19905)
+++ test/cgi/test_cgi_multipart.rb	(revision 19906)
@@ -31,7 +31,8 @@
   def initialize(boundary=nil)
     @boundary = boundary || create_boundary()
-    @buf = ''.force_encoding("ascii-8bit")
+    @buf = ''
+    @buf.force_encoding("ascii-8bit") if RUBY_VERSION>="1.9"
   attr_reader :boundary
@@ -43,7 +44,11 @@
     buf << "Content-Disposition: form-data: name=\"#{name}\"#{s}\r\n"
     buf << "Content-Type: #{content_type}\r\n" if content_type
     buf << "\r\n"
-    buf <<  value
+    if RUBY_VERSION>="1.9"
+      buf <<  value.dup.force_encoding("ASCII-8BIT")
+    else
+      buf << value
+    end
     buf << "\r\n"
     return self
@@ -148,7 +153,18 @@
     @data.each do |hash|
       name = hash[:name]
       expected = hash[:value]
-      expected_class = @expected_class || (hash[:value].length < threshold ? StringIO : Tempfile)
+      if RUBY_VERSION>="1.9"
+        if hash[:filename] #if file
+          expected_class = @expected_class || (hash[:value].length < threshold ? StringIO : Tempfile)
+          assert(cgi.files.keys.member?(hash[:name]))
+        else
+          expected_class = String
+          assert_equal(expected, cgi[name])
+          assert_equal(false,cgi.files.keys.member?(hash[:name]))
+        end
+      else
+        expected_class = @expected_class || (hash[:value].length < threshold ? StringIO : Tempfile)
+      end
       assert_kind_of(expected_class, cgi[name])
       assert_equal(expected, cgi[name].read())
       assert_equal(hash[:filename] || '', cgi[name].original_filename)  #if hash[:filename]
@@ -173,7 +189,7 @@
     @boundary = '----WebKitFormBoundaryAAfvAII+YL9102cX'
     @data = [
       {:name=>'hidden1', :value=>'foobar'},
-      {:name=>'text1',   :value=>"\xE3\x81\x82\xE3\x81\x84\xE3\x81\x86\xE3\x81\x88\xE3\x81\x8A"},
+      {:name=>'text1',   :value=>"\xE3\x81\x82\xE3\x81\x84\xE3\x81\x86\xE3\x81\x88\xE3\x81\x8A".force_encoding("UTF-8")},
       {:name=>'file1',   :value=>_read('file1.html'),
        :filename=>'file1.html', :content_type=>'text/html'},
       {:name=>'image1',  :value=>_read('small.png'),
@@ -188,7 +204,7 @@
     @boundary = '----WebKitFormBoundaryAAfvAII+YL9102cX'
     @data = [
       {:name=>'hidden1', :value=>'foobar'},
-      {:name=>'text1',   :value=>"\xE3\x81\x82\xE3\x81\x84\xE3\x81\x86\xE3\x81\x88\xE3\x81\x8A"},
+      {:name=>'text1',   :value=>"\xE3\x81\x82\xE3\x81\x84\xE3\x81\x86\xE3\x81\x88\xE3\x81\x8A".force_encoding("UTF-8")},
       {:name=>'file1',   :value=>_read('file1.html'),
        :filename=>'file1.html', :content_type=>'text/html'},
       {:name=>'image1',  :value=>_read('large.png'),
@@ -279,7 +295,7 @@
     @boundary = '(.|\n)*'
     @data = [
       {:name=>'hidden1', :value=>'foobar'},
-      {:name=>'text1',   :value=>"\xE3\x81\x82\xE3\x81\x84\xE3\x81\x86\xE3\x81\x88\xE3\x81\x8A"},
+      {:name=>'text1',   :value=>"\xE3\x81\x82\xE3\x81\x84\xE3\x81\x86\xE3\x81\x88\xE3\x81\x8A".force_encoding("UTF-8")},
       {:name=>'file1',   :value=>_read('file1.html'),
        :filename=>'file1.html', :content_type=>'text/html'},
       {:name=>'image1',  :value=>_read('small.png'),

ML: ruby-changes@q...
Info: http://www.atdot.net/~ko1/quickml/
