

From: ryan <ko1@a...>
Date: Fri, 10 Oct 2008 15:15:41 +0900 (JST)
Subject: [ruby-changes:8215] Ruby:r19743 (trunk): Fixed missing test/unit.rb, bad svn merge. Rolled back test/runner.rb

ryan	2008-10-10 15:15:29 +0900 (Fri, 10 Oct 2008)

  New Revision: 19743


    Fixed missing test/unit.rb, bad svn merge. Rolled back test/runner.rb

  Added files:
  Modified files:

Index: lib/test/unit.rb
--- lib/test/unit.rb	(revision 0)
+++ lib/test/unit.rb	(revision 19743)
@@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
+require 'test/unit/testcase'
+require 'test/unit/autorunner'
+module Test # :nodoc:
+  #
+  # = Test::Unit - Ruby Unit Testing Framework
+  # 
+  # == Introduction
+  # 
+  # Unit testing is making waves all over the place, largely due to the
+  # fact that it is a core practice of XP. While XP is great, unit testing
+  # has been around for a long time and has always been a good idea. One
+  # of the keys to good unit testing, though, is not just writing tests,
+  # but having tests. What's the difference? Well, if you just _write_ a
+  # test and throw it away, you have no guarantee that something won't
+  # change later which breaks your code. If, on the other hand, you _have_
+  # tests (obviously you have to write them first), and run them as often
+  # as possible, you slowly build up a wall of things that cannot break
+  # without you immediately knowing about it. This is when unit testing
+  # hits its peak usefulness.
+  # 
+  # Enter Test::Unit, a framework for unit testing in Ruby, helping you to
+  # design, debug and evaluate your code by making it easy to write and
+  # have tests for it.
+  # 
+  # 
+  # == Notes
+  # 
+  # Test::Unit has grown out of and superceded Lapidary.
+  # 
+  # 
+  # == Feedback
+  # 
+  # I like (and do my best to practice) XP, so I value early releases,
+  # user feedback, and clean, simple, expressive code. There is always
+  # room for improvement in everything I do, and Test::Unit is no
+  # exception. Please, let me know what you think of Test::Unit as it
+  # stands, and what you'd like to see expanded/changed/improved/etc. If
+  # you find a bug, let me know ASAP; one good way to let me know what the
+  # bug is is to submit a new test that catches it :-) Also, I'd love to
+  # hear about any successes you have with Test::Unit, and any
+  # documentation you might add will be greatly appreciated. My contact
+  # info is below.
+  # 
+  # 
+  # == Contact Information
+  # 
+  # A lot of discussion happens about Ruby in general on the ruby-talk
+  # mailing list (http://www.ruby-lang.org/en/ml.html), and you can ask
+  # any questions you might have there. I monitor the list, as do many
+  # other helpful Rubyists, and you're sure to get a quick answer. Of
+  # course, you're also welcome to email me (Nathaniel Talbott) directly
+  # at mailto:testunit@t..., and I'll do my best to help you out.
+  # 
+  # 
+  # == Credits
+  # 
+  # I'd like to thank...
+  # 
+  # Matz, for a great language!
+  # 
+  # Masaki Suketa, for his work on RubyUnit, which filled a vital need in
+  # the Ruby world for a very long time. I'm also grateful for his help in
+  # polishing Test::Unit and getting the RubyUnit compatibility layer
+  # right. His graciousness in allowing Test::Unit to supercede RubyUnit
+  # continues to be a challenge to me to be more willing to defer my own
+  # rights.
+  # 
+  # Ken McKinlay, for his interest and work on unit testing, and for his
+  # willingness to dialog about it. He was also a great help in pointing
+  # out some of the holes in the RubyUnit compatibility layer.
+  # 
+  # Dave Thomas, for the original idea that led to the extremely simple
+  # "require 'test/unit'", plus his code to improve it even more by
+  # allowing the selection of tests from the command-line. Also, without
+  # RDoc, the documentation for Test::Unit would stink a lot more than it
+  # does now.
+  # 
+  # Everyone who's helped out with bug reports, feature ideas,
+  # encouragement to continue, etc. It's a real privilege to be a part of
+  # the Ruby community.
+  # 
+  # The guys at RoleModel Software, for putting up with me repeating, "But
+  # this would be so much easier in Ruby!" whenever we're coding in Java.
+  # 
+  # My Creator, for giving me life, and giving it more abundantly.
+  # 
+  # 
+  # == License
+  # 
+  # Test::Unit is copyright (c) 2000-2003 Nathaniel Talbott. It is free
+  # software, and is distributed under the Ruby license. See the COPYING
+  # file in the standard Ruby distribution for details.
+  # 
+  # 
+  # == Warranty
+  # 
+  # This software is provided "as is" and without any express or
+  # implied warranties, including, without limitation, the implied
+  # warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular
+  # purpose.
+  # 
+  # 
+  # == Author
+  # 
+  # Nathaniel Talbott.
+  # Copyright (c) 2000-2003, Nathaniel Talbott
+  #
+  # ----
+  #
+  # = Usage
+  #
+  # The general idea behind unit testing is that you write a _test_
+  # _method_ that makes certain _assertions_ about your code, working
+  # against a _test_ _fixture_. A bunch of these _test_ _methods_ are
+  # bundled up into a _test_ _suite_ and can be run any time the
+  # developer wants. The results of a run are gathered in a _test_
+  # _result_ and displayed to the user through some UI. So, lets break
+  # this down and see how Test::Unit provides each of these necessary
+  # pieces.
+  #
+  #
+  # == Assertions
+  #
+  # These are the heart of the framework. Think of an assertion as a
+  # statement of expected outcome, i.e. "I assert that x should be equal
+  # to y". If, when the assertion is executed, it turns out to be
+  # correct, nothing happens, and life is good. If, on the other hand,
+  # your assertion turns out to be false, an error is propagated with
+  # pertinent information so that you can go back and make your
+  # assertion succeed, and, once again, life is good. For an explanation
+  # of the current assertions, see Test::Unit::Assertions.
+  #
+  #
+  # == Test Method & Test Fixture
+  #
+  # Obviously, these assertions have to be called within a context that
+  # knows about them and can do something meaningful with their
+  # pass/fail value. Also, it's handy to collect a bunch of related
+  # tests, each test represented by a method, into a common test class
+  # that knows how to run them. The tests will be in a separate class
+  # from the code they're testing for a couple of reasons. First of all,
+  # it allows your code to stay uncluttered with test code, making it
+  # easier to maintain. Second, it allows the tests to be stripped out
+  # for deployment, since they're really there for you, the developer,
+  # and your users don't need them. Third, and most importantly, it
+  # allows you to set up a common test fixture for your tests to run
+  # against.
+  #
+  # What's a test fixture? Well, tests do not live in a vacuum; rather,
+  # they're run against the code they are testing. Often, a collection
+  # of tests will run against a common set of data, also called a
+  # fixture. If they're all bundled into the same test class, they can
+  # all share the setting up and tearing down of that data, eliminating
+  # unnecessary duplication and making it much easier to add related
+  # tests.
+  #
+  # Test::Unit::TestCase wraps up a collection of test methods together
+  # and allows you to easily set up and tear down the same test fixture
+  # for each test. This is done by overriding #setup and/or #teardown,
+  # which will be called before and after each test method that is
+  # run. The TestCase also knows how to collect the results of your
+  # assertions into a Test::Unit::TestResult, which can then be reported
+  # back to you... but I'm getting ahead of myself. To write a test,
+  # follow these steps:
+  #
+  # * Make sure Test::Unit is in your library path.
+  # * require 'test/unit' in your test script.
+  # * Create a class that subclasses Test::Unit::TestCase.
+  # * Add a method that begins with "test" to your class.
+  # * Make assertions in your test method.
+  # * Optionally define #setup and/or #teardown to set up and/or tear
+  #   down your common test fixture.
+  # * You can now run your test as you would any other Ruby
+  #   script... try it and see!
+  #
+  # A really simple test might look like this (#setup and #teardown are
+  # commented out to indicate that they are completely optional):
+  #
+  #     require 'test/unit'
+  #     
+  #     class TC_MyTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
+  #       # def setup
+  #       # end
+  #     
+  #       # def teardown
+  #       # end
+  #     
+  #       def test_fail
+  #         assert(false, 'Assertion was false.')
+  #       end
+  #     end
+  #
+  #
+  # == Test Runners
+  #
+  # So, now you have this great test class, but you still need a way to
+  # run it and view any failures that occur during the run. This is
+  # where Test::Unit::UI::Console::TestRunner (and others, such as
+  # Test::Unit::UI::GTK::TestRunner) comes into play. The console test
+  # runner is automatically invoked for you if you require 'test/unit'
+  # and simply run the file. To use another runner, or to manually
+  # invoke a runner, simply call its run class method and pass in an
+  # object that responds to the suite message with a
+  # Test::Unit::TestSuite. This can be as simple as passing in your
+  # TestCase class (which has a class suite method). It might look
+  # something like this:
+  #
+  #    require 'test/unit/ui/console/testrunner'
+  #    Test::Unit::UI::Console::TestRunner.run(TC_MyTest)
+  #
+  #
+  # == Test Suite
+  #
+  # As more and more unit tests accumulate for a given project, it
+  # becomes a real drag running them one at a time, and it also
+  # introduces the potential to overlook a failing test because you
+  # forget to run it. Suddenly it becomes very handy that the
+  # TestRunners can take any object that returns a Test::Unit::TestSuite
+  # in response to a suite method. The TestSuite can, in turn, contain
+  # other TestSuites or individual tests (typically created by a
+  # TestCase). In other words, you can easily wrap up a group of
+  # TestCases and TestSuites like this:
+  #
+  #  require 'test/unit/testsuite'
+  #  require 'tc_myfirsttests'
+  #  require 'tc_moretestsbyme'
+  #  require 'ts_anothersetoftests'
+  #
+  #  class TS_MyTests
+  #    def self.suite
+  #      suite = Test::Unit::TestSuite.new
+  #      suite << TC_MyFirstTests.suite
+  #      suite << TC_MoreTestsByMe.suite
+  #      suite << TS_AnotherSetOfTests.suite
+  #      return suite
+  #    end
+  #  end
+  #  Test::Unit::UI::Console::TestRunner.run(TS_MyTests)
+  #
+  # Now, this is a bit cumbersome, so Test::Unit does a little bit more
+  # for you, by wrapping these up automatically when you require
+  # 'test/unit'. What does this mean? It means you could write the above
+  # test case like this instead:
+  #
+  #  require 'test/unit'
+  #  require 'tc_myfirsttests'
+  #  require 'tc_moretestsbyme'
+  #  require 'ts_anothersetoftests'
+  #
+  # Test::Unit is smart enough to find all the test cases existing in
+  # the ObjectSpace and wrap them up into a suite for you. It then runs
+  # the dynamic suite using the console TestRunner.
+  #
+  #
+  # == Questions?
+  #
+  # I'd really like to get feedback from all levels of Ruby
+  # practitioners about typos, grammatical errors, unclear statements,
+  # missing points, etc., in this document (or any other).
+  #
+  module Unit
+    # If set to false Test::Unit will not automatically run at exit.
+    def self.run=(flag)
+      @run = flag
+    end
+    # Automatically run tests at exit?
+    def self.run?
+      @run ||= false
+    end
+  end
+at_exit do
+  unless $! || Test::Unit.run?
+    exit Test::Unit::AutoRunner.run
+  end
Index: test/runner.rb
--- test/runner.rb	(revision 19742)
+++ test/runner.rb	(revision 19743)
@@ -6,46 +6,4 @@
 Version = rcsid[2].scan(/\d+/).collect!(&method(:Integer)).freeze
 Release = rcsid[3].freeze
-class Module
-  def tu_deprecation_warning old, new = nil, kaller = nil
-    # stfu - for now...
-  end
-test_dir = File.dirname(__FILE__)
-# not sure why these are needed now... but whatever
-$:.push(*Dir[File.join(test_dir, '*')].find_all { |path| File.directory? path })
-test_files = (Dir[File.join(test_dir, "test_*.rb")] +
-              Dir[File.join(test_dir, "**/test_*.rb")])
-files = []
-other = []
-until ARGV.empty? do
-  arg = ARGV.shift
-  case arg
-  when /^-x$/ then
-    filter = ARGV.shift
-    test_files.reject! { |f| f =~ /#{filter}/ }
-  when /^--$/ then
-    other.push(*ARGV)
-    ARGV.clear
-    break
-  when /^-(n|-name)$/ then
-    other.push arg, ARGV.shift
-  when /^-/ then
-    other << arg
-  else
-    files << arg
-  end
-test_files = test_files.grep(Regexp.union(*files)) unless files.empty?
-ARGV.replace other # this passes through to miniunit
-test_files.each do |test|
-  require test
+exit Test::Unit::AutoRunner.run(true, File.dirname($0))

ML: ruby-changes@q...
Info: http://www.atdot.net/~ko1/quickml/
