

From: ryan <ko1@a...>
Date: Fri, 10 Oct 2008 10:19:11 +0900 (JST)
Subject: [ruby-changes:8212] Ruby:r19740 (trunk): Added minitest 1.3.0

ryan	2008-10-10 10:18:03 +0900 (Fri, 10 Oct 2008)

  New Revision: 19740


    Added minitest 1.3.0

  Added directories:
  Added files:

Index: lib/minitest/unit.rb
--- lib/minitest/unit.rb	(revision 0)
+++ lib/minitest/unit.rb	(revision 19740)
@@ -0,0 +1,488 @@
+# This file is imported from a different project.
+# DO NOT make modifications in this repo.
+# File a patch instead and assign it to Ryan Davis
+# Totally minimal drop-in replacement for test-unit
+# TODO: refute -> debunk, prove/rebut, show/deny... lots of possibilities
+module MiniTest
+  class Assertion < Exception; end
+  class Skip < Assertion; end
+  file = if RUBY_VERSION =~ /^1\.9/ then  # bt's expanded, but __FILE__ isn't :(
+           File.expand_path __FILE__
+         elsif  __FILE__ =~ /^[^\.]/ then # assume both relative
+           require 'pathname'
+           pwd = Pathname.new Dir.pwd
+           pn = Pathname.new File.expand_path(__FILE__)
+           pn = File.join(".", pn.relative_path_from(pwd)) unless pn.relative?
+           pn.to_s
+         else                             # assume both are expanded
+           __FILE__
+         end
+  # './lib' in project dir, or '/usr/local/blahblah' if installed
+  MINI_DIR = File.dirname(File.dirname(file))
+  def self.filter_backtrace bt
+    return ["No backtrace"] unless bt
+    new_bt = []
+    bt.each do |line|
+      break if line.rindex(MINI_DIR, 0)
+      new_bt << line
+    end
+    new_bt = bt.reject { |line| line.rindex(MINI_DIR, 0) } if new_bt.empty?
+    new_bt = bt.dup if new_bt.empty?
+    new_bt
+  end
+  module Assertions
+    def mu_pp(obj)
+      s = obj.inspect
+      s = s.force_encoding(Encoding.default_external) if defined? Encoding
+      s
+    end
+    def _assertions= n
+      @_assertions = n
+    end
+    def _assertions
+      @_assertions ||= 0
+    end
+    def assert test, msg = nil
+      msg ||= "Failed assertion, no message given."
+      self._assertions += 1
+      unless test then
+        msg = msg.call if Proc === msg
+        raise MiniTest::Assertion, msg
+      end
+      true
+    end
+    def assert_block msg = nil
+      msg = message(msg) { "Expected block to return true value" }
+      assert yield, msg
+    end
+    def assert_empty obj, msg = nil
+      msg = message(msg) { "Expected #{obj.inspect} to be empty" }
+      assert_respond_to obj, :empty?
+      assert obj.empty?, msg
+    end
+    def assert_equal exp, act, msg = nil
+      msg = message(msg) { "Expected #{mu_pp(exp)}, not #{mu_pp(act)}" }
+      assert(exp == act, msg)
+    end
+    def assert_in_delta exp, act, delta = 0.001, msg = nil
+      n = (exp - act).abs
+      msg = message(msg) { "Expected #{exp} - #{act} (#{n}) to be < #{delta}" }
+      assert delta > n, msg
+    end
+    def assert_in_epsilon a, b, epsilon = 0.001, msg = nil
+      assert_in_delta a, b, [a, b].min * epsilon, msg
+    end
+    def assert_includes collection, obj, msg = nil
+      msg = message(msg) { "Expected #{mu_pp(collection)} to include #{mu_pp(obj)}" }
+      assert_respond_to collection, :include?
+      assert collection.include?(obj), msg
+    end
+    def assert_instance_of cls, obj, msg = nil
+      msg = message(msg) { "Expected #{mu_pp(obj)} to be an instance of #{cls}, not #{obj.class}" }
+      flip = (Module === obj) && ! (Module === cls) # HACK for specs
+      obj, cls = cls, obj if flip
+      assert cls === obj, msg
+    end
+    def assert_kind_of cls, obj, msg = nil # TODO: merge with instance_of
+      msg = message(msg) {
+        "Expected #{mu_pp(obj)} to be a kind of #{cls}, not #{obj.class}" }
+      flip = (Module === obj) && ! (Module === cls) # HACK for specs
+      obj, cls = cls, obj if flip
+      assert obj.kind_of?(cls), msg
+    end
+    def assert_match exp, act, msg = nil
+      msg = message(msg) { "Expected #{mu_pp(act)} to match #{mu_pp(exp)}" }
+      assert_respond_to act, :"=~"
+      (exp = /#{exp}/) if String === exp && String === act
+      assert act =~ exp, msg
+    end
+    def assert_nil obj, msg = nil
+      msg = message(msg) { "Expected #{mu_pp(obj)} to be nil" }
+      assert obj.nil?, msg
+    end
+    def assert_operator o1, op, o2, msg = nil
+      msg = message(msg) { "Expected #{mu_pp(o1)} to be #{op} #{mu_pp(o2)}" }
+      assert o1.__send__(op, o2), msg
+    end
+    def assert_raises *exp
+      msg = String === exp.last ? exp.pop : nil
+      should_raise = false
+      begin
+        yield
+        should_raise = true
+      rescue Exception => e
+        assert_includes(exp, e.class, exception_details(e, "<#{mu_pp(exp)}> exception expected, not"))
+        return e
+      end
+      exp = exp.first if exp.size == 1
+      flunk "#{mu_pp(exp)} expected but nothing was raised." if should_raise
+    end
+    def assert_respond_to obj, meth, msg = nil
+      msg = message(msg) {
+          "Expected #{mu_pp(obj)} (#{obj.class}) to respond to ##{meth}"
+        }
+      flip = (Symbol === obj) && ! (Symbol === meth) # HACK for specs
+      obj, meth = meth, obj if flip
+      assert obj.respond_to?(meth), msg
+    end
+    def assert_same exp, act, msg = nil
+      msg = message(msg) {
+        data = [mu_pp(act), act.object_id, mu_pp(exp), exp.object_id]
+        "Expected %s (0x%x) to be the same as %s (0x%x)" % data
+      }
+      assert exp.equal?(act), msg
+    end
+    def assert_send send_ary, m = nil
+      recv, msg, *args = send_ary
+      m = message(m) {
+        "Expected #{mu_pp(recv)}.#{msg}(*#{mu_pp(args)}) to return true" }
+      assert recv.__send__(msg, *args), m
+    end
+    def assert_throws sym, msg = nil
+      default = "Expected #{mu_pp(sym)} to have been thrown"
+      caught = true
+      catch(sym) do
+        begin
+          yield
+        rescue ArgumentError => e     # 1.9 exception
+          default += ", not #{e.message.split(/ /).last}"
+        rescue NameError => e         # 1.8 exception
+          default += ", not #{e.name.inspect}"
+        end
+        caught = false
+      end
+      assert caught, message(msg) { default }
+    end
+    def capture_io
+      require 'stringio'
+      orig_stdout, orig_stderr         = $stdout.dup, $stderr.dup
+      captured_stdout, captured_stderr = StringIO.new, StringIO.new
+      $stdout, $stderr                 = captured_stdout, captured_stderr
+      yield
+      return captured_stdout.string, captured_stderr.string
+    ensure
+      $stdout = orig_stdout
+      $stderr = orig_stderr
+    end
+    def exception_details e, msg
+      "#{msg}\nClass: <#{e.class}>\nMessage: <#{e.message.inspect}>\n---Backtrace---\n#{MiniTest::filter_backtrace(e.backtrace).join("\n")}\n---------------"
+    end
+    def flunk msg = nil
+      msg ||= "Epic Fail!"
+      assert false, msg
+    end
+    def message msg = nil, &default
+      proc {
+        if msg then
+          msg = msg.to_s unless String === msg
+          msg += '.' unless msg.empty?
+          msg += "\n#{default.call}."
+          msg.strip
+        else
+          "#{default.call}."
+        end
+      }
+    end
+    # used for counting assertions
+    def pass msg = nil
+      assert true
+    end
+    def refute test, msg = nil
+      msg ||= "Failed refutation, no message given"
+      not assert(! test, msg)
+    end
+    def refute_empty obj, msg = nil
+      msg = message(msg) { "Expected #{obj.inspect} to not be empty" }
+      assert_respond_to obj, :empty?
+      refute obj.empty?, msg
+    end
+    def refute_equal exp, act, msg = nil
+      msg = message(msg) { "Expected #{mu_pp(act)} to not be equal to #{mu_pp(exp)}" }
+      refute exp == act, msg
+    end
+    def refute_in_delta exp, act, delta = 0.001, msg = nil
+      n = (exp - act).abs
+      msg = message(msg) { "Expected #{exp} - #{act} (#{n}) to not be < #{delta}" }
+      refute delta > n, msg
+    end
+    def refute_in_epsilon a, b, epsilon = 0.001, msg = nil
+      refute_in_delta a, b, a * epsilon, msg
+    end
+    def refute_includes collection, obj, msg = nil
+      msg = message(msg) { "Expected #{mu_pp(collection)} to not include #{mu_pp(obj)}" }
+      assert_respond_to collection, :include?
+      refute collection.include?(obj), msg
+    end
+    def refute_instance_of cls, obj, msg = nil
+      msg = message(msg) { "Expected #{mu_pp(obj)} to not be an instance of #{cls}" }
+      flip = (Module === obj) && ! (Module === cls) # HACK for specs
+      obj, cls = cls, obj if flip
+      refute cls === obj, msg
+    end
+    def refute_kind_of cls, obj, msg = nil # TODO: merge with instance_of
+      msg = message(msg) { "Expected #{mu_pp(obj)} to not be a kind of #{cls}" }
+      flip = (Module === obj) && ! (Module === cls) # HACK for specs
+      obj, cls = cls, obj if flip
+      refute obj.kind_of?(cls), msg
+    end
+    def refute_match exp, act, msg = nil
+      msg = message(msg) { "Expected #{mu_pp(act)} to not match #{mu_pp(exp)}" }
+      refute act =~ exp, msg
+    end
+    def refute_nil obj, msg = nil
+      msg = message(msg) { "Expected #{mu_pp(obj)} to not be nil" }
+      refute obj.nil?, msg
+    end
+    def refute_operator o1, op, o2, msg = nil
+      msg = message(msg) { "Expected #{mu_pp(o1)} to not be #{op} #{mu_pp(o2)}" }
+      refute o1.__send__(op, o2), msg
+    end
+    def refute_respond_to obj, meth, msg = nil
+      msg = message(msg) { "Expected #{mu_pp(obj)} to not respond to #{meth}" }
+      flip = (Symbol === obj) && ! (Symbol === meth) # HACK for specs
+      obj, meth = meth, obj if flip
+      refute obj.respond_to?(meth), msg
+    end
+    def refute_same exp, act, msg = nil
+      msg = message(msg) { "Expected #{mu_pp(act)} to not be the same as #{mu_pp(exp)}" }
+      refute exp.equal?(act), msg
+    end
+    def skip msg = nil
+      msg ||= "Skipped, no message given"
+      raise MiniTest::Skip, msg
+    end
+  end
+  class Unit
+    VERSION = "1.3.0"
+    attr_accessor :report, :failures, :errors, :skips
+    attr_accessor :test_count, :assertion_count
+    @@installed_at_exit ||= false
+    @@out = $stdout
+    def self.autorun
+      at_exit {
+        exit_code = MiniTest::Unit.new.run(ARGV)
+        exit false if exit_code && exit_code != 0
+      } unless @@installed_at_exit
+      @@installed_at_exit = true
+    end
+    def self.output= stream
+      @@out = stream
+    end
+    def location e
+      e.backtrace.find { |s|
+        s !~ /in .(assert|refute|flunk|pass|fail|raise)/
+      }.sub(/:in .*$/, '')
+    end
+    def puke klass, meth, e
+      e = case e
+          when MiniTest::Skip then
+            @skips += 1
+            "Skipped:\n#{meth}(#{klass}) [#{location e}]:\n#{e.message}\n"
+          when MiniTest::Assertion then
+            @failures += 1
+            "Failure:\n#{meth}(#{klass}) [#{location e}]:\n#{e.message}\n"
+          else
+            @errors += 1
+            bt = MiniTest::filter_backtrace(e.backtrace).join("\n    ")
+            "Error:\n#{meth}(#{klass}):\n#{e.class}: #{e.message}\n    #{bt}\n"
+          end
+      @report << e
+      e[0, 1]
+    end
+    def initialize
+      @report = []
+      @errors = @failures = @skips = 0
+      @verbose = false
+    end
+    ##
+    # Top level driver, controls all output and filtering.
+    def run args = []
+      @verbose = args.delete('-v')
+      filter = if args.first =~ /^(-n|--name)$/ then
+                 args.shift
+                 arg = args.shift
+                 arg =~ /\/(.*)\// ? Regexp.new($1) : arg
+               else
+                 /./ # anything - ^test_ already filtered by #tests
+               end
+      @@out.puts "Loaded suite #{$0.sub(/\.rb$/, '')}\nStarted"
+      start = Time.now
+      run_test_suites filter
+      @@out.puts
+      @@out.puts "Finished in #{'%.6f' % (Time.now - start)} seconds."
+      @report.each_with_index do |msg, i|
+        @@out.puts "\n%3d) %s" % [i + 1, msg]
+      end
+      @@out.puts
+      format = "%d tests, %d assertions, %d failures, %d errors, %d skips"
+      @@out.puts format % [test_count, assertion_count, failures, errors, skips]
+      return failures + errors if @test_count > 0 # or return nil...
+    end
+    def run_test_suites filter = /./
+      @test_count, @assertion_count = 0, 0
+      old_sync, @@out.sync = @@out.sync, true if @@out.respond_to? :sync=
+      TestCase.test_suites.each do |suite|
+        suite.test_methods.grep(filter).each do |test|
+          inst = suite.new test
+          inst._assertions = 0
+          @@out.print "#{suite}##{test}: " if @verbose
+          t = Time.now if @verbose
+          result = inst.run(self)
+          @@out.print "%.2f s: " % (Time.now - t) if @verbose
+          @@out.print result
+          @@out.puts if @verbose
+          @test_count += 1
+          @assertion_count += inst._assertions
+        end
+      end
+      @@out.sync = old_sync if @@out.respond_to? :sync=
+      [@test_count, @assertion_count]
+    end
+    class TestCase
+      attr_reader :name
+      def run runner
+        result = '.'
+        begin
+          @passed = nil
+          self.setup
+          self.__send__ self.name
+          @passed = true
+        rescue Exception => e
+          @passed = false
+          result = runner.puke(self.class, self.name, e)
+        ensure
+          begin
+            self.teardown
+          rescue Exception => e
+            result = runner.puke(self.class, self.name, e)
+          end
+        end
+        result
+      end
+      def initialize name
+        @name = name
+        @passed = nil
+      end
+      def self.reset
+        @@test_suites = {}
+      end
+      reset
+      def self.inherited klass
+        @@test_suites[klass] = true
+      end
+      def self.test_order
+        :random
+      end
+      def self.test_suites
+        @@test_suites.keys.sort_by { |ts| ts.name }
+      end
+      def self.test_methods
+        methods = public_instance_methods(true).grep(/^test/).map { |m|
+          m.to_s
+        }.sort
+        if self.test_order == :random then
+          max = methods.size
+          methods = methods.sort_by { rand(max) }
+        end
+        methods
+      end
+      def setup; end
+      def teardown; end
+      def passed?
+        @passed
+      end
+      include MiniTest::Assertions
+    end # class TestCase
+  end # class Test
+end # module Mini
Index: lib/minitest/mock.rb
--- lib/minitest/mock.rb	(revision 0)
+++ lib/minitest/mock.rb	(revision 19740)
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# This file is imported from a different project.
+# DO NOT make modifications in this repo.
+# File a patch instead and assign it to Ryan Davis
+class MockExpectationError < StandardError; end
+module MiniTest
+  class Mock
+    def initialize
+      @expected_calls = {}
+      @actual_calls = Hash.new {|h,k| h[k] = [] }
+    end
+    def expect(name, retval, args=[])
+      n, r, a = name, retval, args # for the closure below
+      @expected_calls[name] = { :retval => retval, :args => args }
+      self.class.__send__(:define_method, name) { |*x|
+        raise ArgumentError unless @expected_calls[n][:args].size == x.size
+        @actual_calls[n] << { :retval => r, :args => x }
+        retval
+      }
+      self
+    end
+    def verify
+      @expected_calls.each_key do |name|
+        expected = @expected_calls[name]
+        msg = "expected #{name}, #{expected.inspect}"
+        raise MockExpectationError, msg unless
+          @actual_calls.has_key? name and @actual_calls[name].include?(expected)
+      end
+      true
+    end
+  end
Index: lib/minitest/spec.rb
--- lib/minitest/spec.rb	(revision 0)
+++ lib/minitest/spec.rb	(revision 19740)
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+# This file is imported from a different project.
+# DO NOT make modifications in this repo.
+# File a patch instead and assign it to Ryan Davis
+#!/usr/bin/ruby -w
+require 'minitest/unit'
+class Module
+  def infect_with_assertions pos_prefix, neg_prefix, skip_re, map = {}
+    MiniTest::Assertions.public_instance_methods(false).each do |meth|
+      meth = meth.to_s
+      new_name = case meth
+                 when /^assert/ then
+                   meth.sub(/^assert/, pos_prefix.to_s)
+                 when /^refute/ then
+                   meth.sub(/^refute/, neg_prefix.to_s)
+                 end
+      next unless new_name
+      next if new_name =~ skip_re
+      regexp, replacement = map.find { |re, _| new_name =~ re }
+      new_name.sub! regexp, replacement if replacement
+      # warn "%-22p -> %p %p" % [meth, new_name, regexp]
+      self.class_eval <<-EOM
+        def #{new_name} *args, &block
+          return MiniTest::Spec.current.#{meth}(*args, &self)     if Proc === self
+          return MiniTest::Spec.current.#{meth}(args.first, self) if args.size == 1
+          return MiniTest::Spec.current.#{meth}(self, *args)
+        end
+      EOM
+    end
+  end
+Object.infect_with_assertions(:must, :wont,
+                              /^(must|wont)$|wont_(throw)|
+                                 must_(block|not?_|nothing|raise$)/x,
+                              /(must_throw)s/                 => '\1',
+                              /(?!not)_same/                  => '_be_same_as',
+                              /_in_/                          => '_be_within_',
+                              /_operator/                     => '_be',
+                              /_includes/                     => '_include',
+                              /(must|wont)_(.*_of|nil|empty)/ => '\1_be_\2',
+                              /must_raises/                   => 'must_raise')
+class Object
+  alias :must_be_close_to :must_be_within_delta
+  alias :wont_be_close_to :wont_be_within_delta
+module Kernel
+  def describe desc, &block
+    cls = Class.new(MiniTest::Spec)
+    Object.const_set desc.to_s.split(/\W+/).map { |s| s.capitalize }.join, cls
+    cls.class_eval(&block)
+  end
+class MiniTest::Spec < MiniTest::Unit::TestCase
+  def self.current
+    @@current_spec
+  end
+  def initialize name
+    super
+    @@current_spec = self
+  end
+  def self.before(type = :each, &block)
+    raise "unsupported before type: #{type}" unless type == :each
+    define_method :setup, &block
+  end
+  def self.after(type = :each, &block)
+    raise "unsupported after type: #{type}" unless type == :each
+    define_method :teardown, &block
+  end
+  def self.it desc, &block
+    define_method "test_#{desc.gsub(/\W+/, '_').downcase}", &block
+  end
Index: test/minitest/test_mini_mock.rb
--- test/minitest/test_mini_mock.rb	(revision 0)
+++ test/minitest/test_mini_mock.rb	(revision 19740)
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+# This file is imported from a different project.
+# DO NOT make modifications in this repo.
+# File a patch instead and assign it to Ryan Davis
+require 'minitest/mock'
+require 'minitest/unit'
+class TestMiniMock < MiniTest::Unit::TestCase
+  def setup
+    @mock = MiniTest::Mock.new.expect(:foo, nil)
+    @mock.expect(:meaning_of_life, 42)
+  end
+  def test_should_create_stub_method
+    assert_nil @mock.foo
+  end
+  def test_should_allow_return_value_specification
+    assert_equal 42, @mock.meaning_of_life
+  end
+  def test_should_blow_up_if_not_called
+    @mock.foo
+    util_verify_bad
+  end
+  def test_should_not_blow_up_if_everything_called
+    @mock.foo
+    @mock.meaning_of_life
+    assert @mock.verify
+  end
+  def test_should_allow_expectations_to_be_added_after_creation
+    @mock.expect(:bar, true)
+    assert @mock.bar
+  end
+  def test_should_not_verify_if_new_expected_method_is_not_called
+    @mock.foo
+    @mock.meaning_of_life
+    @mock.expect(:bar, true)
+    util_verify_bad
+  end
+  def test_should_not_verify_if_unexpected_method_is_called
+    assert_raises NoMethodError do
+      @mock.unexpected
+    end
+  end
+  def test_should_blow_up_on_wrong_number_of_arguments
+    @mock.foo
+    @mock.meaning_of_life
+    @mock.expect(:sum, 3, [1, 2])
+    assert_raises ArgumentError do
+      @mock.sum
+    end
+  end
+  def test_should_blow_up_on_wrong_arguments
+    @mock.foo
+    @mock.meaning_of_life
+    @mock.expect(:sum, 3, [1, 2])
+    @mock.sum(2, 4)
+    util_verify_bad
+  end
+  def util_verify_bad
+    assert_raises MockExpectationError do
+      @mock.verify
+    end
+  end
Index: test/minitest/test_mini_spec.rb
--- test/minitest/test_mini_spec.rb	(revision 0)
+++ test/minitest/test_mini_spec.rb	(revision 19740)
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+# This file is imported from a different project.
+# DO NOT make modifications in this repo.
+# File a patch instead and assign it to Ryan Davis
+require 'minitest/spec'
+describe MiniTest::Spec do
+  before do
+    @assertion_count = 5
+  end
+  after do
+    self._assertions.must_equal @assertion_count
+  end
+  it "needs to have all methods named well" do
+    @assertion_count = 2
+    methods = Object.public_instance_methods.find_all { |n| n =~ /^must|^wont/ }
+    methods.map! { |m| m.to_s } if Symbol === methods.first
+    musts, wonts = methods.sort.partition { |m| m =~ /^must/ }
+    expected_musts = %w(must_be
+                        must_be_close_to
+                        must_be_empty
+                        must_be_instance_of
+                        must_be_kind_of
+                        must_be_nil
+                        must_be_same_as
+                        must_be_within_delta
+                        must_be_within_epsilon
+                        must_equal
+                        must_include
+                        must_match
+                        must_raise
+                        must_respond_to
+                        must_send
+                        must_throw)
+    expected_wonts = expected_musts.map { |m| m.sub(/^must/, 'wont') }
+    expected_wonts.reject! { |m| m =~ /wont_(not|raise|throw|send)/ }
+    musts.must_equal expected_musts
+    wonts.must_equal expected_wonts
+  end
+  it "needs to verify equality" do
+    (6 * 7).must_equal(42).must_equal true
+    proc { (6 * 9).must_equal(42) }.must_raise MiniTest::Assertion
+  end
+  it "needs to verify floats within a delta" do
+    (6.0 * 7).must_be_close_to(42.0).must_equal true
+    proc { 42.002.must_be_close_to 42.0 }.must_raise MiniTest::Assertion
+  end
+  it "needs to verify types of objects" do
+    (6 * 7).must_be_instance_of(Fixnum).must_equal true
+    proc { (6 * 7).must_be_instance_of String }.must_raise MiniTest::Assertion
+  end
+  it "needs to verify kinds of objects" do
+    @assertion_count = 7
+    (6 * 7).must_be_kind_of(Fixnum).must_equal true
+    (6 * 7).must_be_kind_of(Numeric).must_equal true
+    proc { (6 * 7).must_be_kind_of String }.must_raise MiniTest::Assertion
+  end
+  it "needs to verify regexp matches" do
+    @assertion_count = 7
+    "blah".must_match(/\w+/).must_equal true
+    proc { "blah".must_match(/\d+/) }.must_raise MiniTest::Assertion
+  end
+  it "needs to verify nil" do
+    nil.must_be_nil.must_equal true
+    proc { 42.must_be_nil }.must_raise MiniTest::Assertion
+  end
+  it "needs to verify using any operator" do
+    41.must_be(:<, 42).must_equal true
+    proc { 42.must_be(:<, 41) }.must_raise MiniTest::Assertion
+  end
+  it "needs to catch an expected exception" do
+    @assertion_count = 4
+    proc { raise "blah" }.must_raise RuntimeError
+    proc { raise MiniTest::Assertion }.must_raise MiniTest::Assertion
+  end
+  it "needs to catch an unexpected exception" do
+    @assertion_count = 4
+    proc {
+      proc { raise MiniTest::Assertion }.must_raise(RuntimeError)
+    }.must_raise MiniTest::Assertion
+  end
+  it "needs raise if an expected exception is not raised" do
+    @assertion_count = 3
+    proc { proc { 42 }.must_raise(RuntimeError) }.must_raise MiniTest::Assertion
+  end
+  it "needs to be able to catch a MiniTest::Assertion exception" do
+    @assertion_count = 3
+    proc { 1.wont_equal 1 }.must_raise MiniTest::Assertion
+  end
+  it "needs to verify using respond_to" do
+    42.must_respond_to(:+).must_equal true
+    proc { 42.must_respond_to(:clear) }.must_raise MiniTest::Assertion
+  end
+  it "needs to verify identity" do
+    1.must_be_same_as(1).must_equal true
+    proc { 1.must_be_same_as 2 }.must_raise MiniTest::Assertion
+  end
+  it "needs to verify throw" do
+    @assertion_count = 8
+    proc { throw :blah }.must_throw(:blah).must_equal true
+    proc { proc { }.must_throw(:blah) }.must_raise MiniTest::Assertion
+    proc { proc { throw :xxx }.must_throw(:blah) }.must_raise MiniTest::Assertion
+  end
+  it "needs to verify inequality" do
+    42.wont_equal(6 * 9).must_equal false
+    proc { 1.wont_equal 1 }.must_raise MiniTest::Assertion
+  end
+  it "needs to verify mismatch" do
+    "blah".wont_match(/\d+/).must_equal false
+    proc { "blah".wont_match(/\w+/) }.must_raise MiniTest::Assertion
+  end
+  it "needs to verify non-nil" do
+    42.wont_be_nil.must_equal false
+    proc { nil.wont_be_nil }.must_raise MiniTest::Assertion
+  end
+  it "needs to verify non-identity" do
+    1.wont_be_same_as(2).must_equal false
+    proc { 1.wont_be_same_as 1 }.must_raise MiniTest::Assertion
+  end
Index: test/minitest/test_mini_test.rb
--- test/minitest/test_mini_test.rb	(revision 0)
+++ test/minitest/test_mini_test.rb	(revision 19740)
@@ -0,0 +1,835 @@
+# This file is imported from a different project.
+# DO NOT make modifications in this repo.
+# File a patch instead and assign it to Ryan Davis
+require 'stringio'
+require 'minitest/unit'
+class TestMiniTest < MiniTest::Unit::TestCase
+  def setup
+    srand 42
+    MiniTest::Unit::TestCase.reset
+    @tu = MiniTest::Unit.new
+    @output = StringIO.new("")
+    MiniTest::Unit.output = @output
+    assert_equal [0, 0], @tu.run_test_suites
+  end
+  def teardown
+    MiniTest::Unit.output = $stdout
+    Object.send :remove_const, :ATestCase if defined? ATestCase
+  end
+  BT_MIDDLE = ["./lib/mini/test.rb:165:in `run_test_suites'",
+               "./lib/mini/test.rb:161:in `each'",
+               "./lib/mini/test.rb:161:in `run_test_suites'",
+               "./lib/mini/test.rb:158:in `each'",
+               "./lib/mini/test.rb:158:in `run_test_suites'",
+               "./lib/mini/test.rb:139:in `run'",
+               "./lib/mini/test.rb:106:in `run'"]
+  def test_filter_backtrace
+    # this is a semi-lame mix of relative paths.
+    # I cheated by making the autotest parts not have ./
+    bt = (["lib/autotest.rb:571:in `add_exception'",
+           "test/test_autotest.rb:62:in `test_add_exception'",
+           "./lib/mini/test.rb:165:in `__send__'"] +
+          BT_MIDDLE +
+          ["./lib/mini/test.rb:29",
+           "test/test_autotest.rb:422"])
+    bt = util_expand_bt bt
+    ex = ["lib/autotest.rb:571:in `add_exception'",
+          "test/test_autotest.rb:62:in `test_add_exception'"]
+    ex = util_expand_bt ex
+    fu = MiniTest::filter_backtrace(bt)
+    assert_equal ex, fu
+  end
+  def util_expand_bt bt
+    if RUBY_VERSION =~ /^1\.9/ then
+      bt.map { |f| (f =~ /^\./) ? File.expand_path(f) : f }
+    else
+      bt
+    end
+  end
+  def test_filter_backtrace_all_unit
+    bt = (["./lib/mini/test.rb:165:in `__send__'"] +
+          BT_MIDDLE +
+          ["./lib/mini/test.rb:29"])
+    ex = bt.clone
+    fu = MiniTest::filter_backtrace(bt)
+    assert_equal ex, fu
+  end
+  def test_filter_backtrace_unit_starts
+    bt = (["./lib/mini/test.rb:165:in `__send__'"] +
+          BT_MIDDLE +
+          ["./lib/mini/test.rb:29",
+           "-e:1"])
+    bt = util_expand_bt bt
+    ex = ["-e:1"]
+    fu = MiniTest::filter_backtrace(bt)
+    assert_equal ex, fu
+  end
+  def test_class_puke_with_assertion_failed
+    exception = MiniTest::Assertion.new "Oh no!"
+    exception.set_backtrace ["unhappy"]
+    assert_equal 'F', @tu.puke('SomeClass', 'method_name', exception)
+    assert_equal 1, @tu.failures
+    assert_match(/^Failure.*Oh no!/m, @tu.report.first)
+  end
+  def test_class_puke_with_failure_and_flunk_in_backtrace
+    exception = begin
+                  MiniTest::Unit::TestCase.new('fake tc').flunk
+                rescue MiniTest::Assertion => failure
+                  failure
+                end
+    assert_equal 'F', @tu.puke('SomeClass', 'method_name', exception)
+    refute @tu.report.any?{|line| line =~ /in .flunk/}
+  end
+  def test_class_puke_with_non_failure_exception
+    exception = Exception.new("Oh no again!")
+    assert_equal 'E', @tu.puke('SomeClass', 'method_name', exception)
+    assert_equal 1, @tu.errors
+    assert_match(/^Exception.*Oh no again!/m, @tu.report.first)
+  end
+  def test_class_run_test_suites
+    tc = Class.new(MiniTest::Unit::TestCase) do
+      def test_something
+        assert true
+      end
+    end
+    Object.const_set(:ATestCase, tc)
+    assert_equal [1, 1], @tu.run_test_suites
+  end
+  def test_run_failing # TODO: add error test
+    tc = Class.new(MiniTest::Unit::TestCase) do
+      def test_something
+        assert true
+      end
+      def test_failure
+        assert false
+      end
+    end
+    Object.const_set(:ATestCase, tc)
+    @tu.run
+    expected = "Loaded suite blah
+Finished in 0.00
+  1) Failure:
+test_failure(ATestCase) [FILE:LINE]:
+Failed assertion, no message given.
+2 tests, 2 assertions, 1 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips
+    util_assert_report expected
+  end
+  def test_run_error
+    tc = Class.new(MiniTest::Unit::TestCase) do
+      def test_something
+        assert true
+      end
+      def test_error
+        raise "unhandled exception"
+      end
+    end
+    Object.const_set(:ATestCase, tc)
+    @tu.run
+    expected = "Loaded suite blah
+Finished in 0.00
+  1) Error:
+RuntimeError: unhandled exception
+    FILE:LINE:in `test_error'
+2 tests, 1 assertions, 0 failures, 1 errors, 0 skips
+    util_assert_report expected
+  end
+  def test_run_error_teardown
+    tc = Class.new(MiniTest::Unit::TestCase) do
+      def test_something
+        assert true
+      end
+      def teardown
+        raise "unhandled exception"
+      end
+    end
+    Object.const_set(:ATestCase, tc)
+    @tu.run
+    expected = "Loaded suite blah
+Finished in 0.00
+  1) Error:
+RuntimeError: unhandled exception
+    FILE:LINE:in `teardown'
+1 tests, 1 assertions, 0 failures, 1 errors, 0 skips
+    util_assert_report expected
+  end
+  def test_run_skip
+    tc = Class.new(MiniTest::Unit::TestCase) do
+      def test_something
+        assert true
+      end
+      def test_skip
+        skip "not yet"
+      end
+    end
+    Object.const_set(:ATestCase, tc)
+    @tu.run
+    expected = "Loaded suite blah
+Finished in 0.00
+  1) Skipped:
+test_skip(ATestCase) [FILE:LINE]:
+not yet
+2 tests, 1 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 1 skips
+    util_assert_report expected
+  end
+  def util_assert_report expected = nil
+    expected ||= "Loaded suite blah
+Finished in 0.00
+1 tests, 1 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips
+    output = @output.string.sub(/Finished in .*/, "Finished in 0.00")
+    output.sub!(/Loaded suite .*/, 'Loaded suite blah')
+    output.sub!(/[\w\/\.]+:\d+/, 'FILE:LINE')
+    assert_equal(expected, output)
+  end
+  def test_run_failing_filtered
+    tc = Class.new(MiniTest::Unit::TestCase) do
+      def test_something
+        assert true
+      end
+      def test_failure
+        assert false
+      end
+    end
+    Object.const_set(:ATestCase, tc)
+    @tu.run(%w(-n /something/))
+    util_assert_report
+  end
+  def test_run_passing
+    tc = Class.new(MiniTest::Unit::TestCase) do
+      def test_something
+        assert true
+      end
+    end
+    Object.const_set(:ATestCase, tc)
+    @tu.run
+    util_assert_report
+  end
+class TestMiniTestTestCase < MiniTest::Unit::TestCase
+  def setup
+    MiniTest::Unit::TestCase.reset
+    @tc = MiniTest::Unit::TestCase.new 'fake tc'
+    @zomg = "zomg ponies!"
+    @assertion_count = 1
+  end
+  def teardown
+    assert_equal(@assertion_count, @tc._assertions,
+                 "expected #{@assertion_count} assertions to be fired during the test, not #{@tc._assertions}") if @tc._assertions
+    Object.send :remove_const, :ATestCase if defined? ATestCase
+  end
+  def test_class_inherited
+    @assertion_count = 0
+    Object.const_set(:ATestCase, Class.new(MiniTest::Unit::TestCase))
+    assert_equal [ATestCase], MiniTest::Unit::TestCase.test_suites
+  end
+  def test_class_test_suites
+    @assertion_count = 0
+    Object.const_set(:ATestCase, Class.new(MiniTest::Unit::TestCase))
+    assert_equal 1, MiniTest::Unit::TestCase.test_suites.size
+    assert_equal [ATestCase], MiniTest::Unit::TestCase.test_suites
+  end
+  def test_class_asserts_match_refutes
+    @assertion_count = 0
+    methods = MiniTest::Assertions.public_instance_methods
+    methods.map! { |m| m.to_s } if Symbol === methods.first
+    ignores = %w(assert_block assert_no_match assert_not_equal assert_not_nil
+                 assert_not_same assert_nothing_thrown assert_raise
+                 assert_nothing_raised assert_raises assert_throws assert_send)
+    asserts = methods.grep(/^assert/).sort - ignores
+    refutes = methods.grep(/^refute/).sort - ignores
+    assert_empty refutes.map { |n| n.sub(/^refute/, 'assert') } - asserts
+    assert_empty asserts.map { |n| n.sub(/^assert/, 'refute') } - refutes
+  end
+  def test_assert
+    @assertion_count = 2
+    @tc.assert_equal true, @tc.assert(true), "returns true on success"
+  end
+  def test_assert__triggered
+    util_assert_triggered "Failed assertion, no message given." do
+      @tc.assert false
+    end
+  end
+  def test_assert__triggered_message
+    util_assert_triggered @zomg do
+      @tc.assert false, @zomg
+    end
+  end
+  def test_assert_block
+    @tc.assert_block do
+      true
+    end
+  end
+  def test_assert_block_triggered
+    util_assert_triggered 'Expected block to return true value.' do
+      @tc.assert_block do
+        false
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  def test_assert_empty
+    @assertion_count = 2
+    @tc.assert_empty []
+  end
+  def test_assert_empty_triggered
+    @assertion_count = 2
+    util_assert_triggered "Expected [1] to be empty." do
+      @tc.assert_empty [1]
+    end
+  end
+  def test_assert_equal
+    @tc.assert_equal 1, 1
+  end
+  def test_assert_equal_different
+    util_assert_triggered "Expected 1, not 2." do
+      @tc.assert_equal 1, 2
+    end
+  end
+  def test_assert_in_delta
+    @tc.assert_in_delta 0.0, 1.0 / 1000, 0.1
+  end
+  def test_assert_in_delta_triggered
+    util_assert_triggered 'Expected 0.0 - 0.001 (0.001) to be < 1.0e-06.' do
+      @tc.assert_in_delta 0.0, 1.0 / 1000, 0.000001
+    end
+  end
+  def test_assert_in_epsilon
+    @assertion_count = 8
+    @tc.assert_in_epsilon 10000, 9991
+    @tc.assert_in_epsilon 9991, 10000
+    @tc.assert_in_epsilon 1.0, 1.001
+    @tc.assert_in_epsilon 1.001, 1.0
+    @tc.assert_in_epsilon 10000, 9999.1, 0.0001
+    @tc.assert_in_epsilon 9999.1, 10000, 0.0001
+    @tc.assert_in_epsilon 1.0, 1.0001, 0.0001
+    @tc.assert_in_epsilon 1.0001, 1.0, 0.0001
+  end
+  def test_assert_in_epsilon_triggered
+    util_assert_triggered 'Expected 10000 - 9990 (10) to be < 9.99.' do
+      @tc.assert_in_epsilon 10000, 9990
+    end
+  end
+  def test_assert_includes
+    @assertion_count = 2
+    @tc.assert_includes [true], true
+  end
+  def test_assert_includes_triggered
+    @assertion_count = 4
+    e = @tc.assert_raises MiniTest::Assertion do
+      @tc.assert_includes [true], false
+    end
+    expected = "Expected [true] to include false."
+    assert_equal expected, e.message
+  end
+  def test_assert_instance_of
+    @tc.assert_instance_of String, "blah"
+  end
+  def test_assert_instance_of_triggered
+    util_assert_triggered 'Expected "blah" to be an instance of Array, not String.' do
+      @tc.assert_instance_of Array, "blah"
+    end
+  end
+  def test_assert_kind_of
+    @tc.assert_kind_of String, "blah"
+  end
+  def test_assert_kind_of_triggered
+    util_assert_triggered 'Expected "blah" to be a kind of Array, not String.' do
+      @tc.assert_kind_of Array, "blah"
+    end
+  end
+  def test_assert_match
+    @assertion_count = 2
+    @tc.assert_match "blah blah blah", /\w+/
+  end
+  def test_assert_match_triggered
+    @assertion_count = 2
+    util_assert_triggered 'Expected /\d+/ to match "blah blah blah".' do
+      @tc.assert_match "blah blah blah", /\d+/
+    end
+  end
+  def test_assert_nil
+    @tc.assert_nil nil
+  end
+  def test_assert_nil_triggered
+    util_assert_triggered 'Expected 42 to be nil.' do
+      @tc.assert_nil 42
+    end
+  end
+  def test_assert_operator
+    @tc.assert_operator 2, :>, 1
+  end
+  def test_assert_operator_triggered
+    util_assert_triggered "Expected 2 to be < 1." do
+      @tc.assert_operator 2, :<, 1
+    end
+  end
+  def test_assert_raises
+    @assertion_count = 2
+    @tc.assert_raises RuntimeError do
+      raise "blah"
+    end
+  end
+  def test_assert_raises_triggered_different
+    @assertion_count = 2
+    e = assert_raises MiniTest::Assertion do
+      @tc.assert_raises RuntimeError do
+        raise SyntaxError, "icky"
+      end
+    end
+    expected = "<[RuntimeError]> exception expected, not
+Class: <SyntaxError>
+Message: <\"icky\">
+FILE:LINE:in `test_assert_raises_triggered_different'
+Expected [RuntimeError] to include SyntaxError."
+    assert_equal expected, expected.gsub(/[\w\/\.]+:\d+/, 'FILE:LINE')
+  end
+  def test_assert_raises_triggered_none
+    e = assert_raises MiniTest::Assertion do
+      @tc.assert_raises MiniTest::Assertion do
+        # do nothing
+      end
+    end
+    expected = "MiniTest::Assertion expected but nothing was raised."
+    assert_equal expected, e.message
+  end
+  def test_assert_respond_to
+    @tc.assert_respond_to "blah", :empty?
+  end
+  def test_assert_respond_to_triggered
+    util_assert_triggered 'Expected "blah" (String) to respond to #rawr!.' do
+      @tc.assert_respond_to "blah", :rawr!
+    end
+  end
+  def test_assert_same
+    @assertion_count = 3
+    o = "blah"
+    @tc.assert_same 1, 1
+    @tc.assert_same :blah, :blah
+    @tc.assert_same o, o
+  end
+  def test_assert_same_triggered
+    @assertion_count = 2
+    util_assert_triggered 'Expected 2 (0xXXX) to be the same as 1 (0xXXX).' do
+      @tc.assert_same 1, 2
+    end
+    s1 = "blah"
+    s2 = "blah"
+    util_assert_triggered 'Expected "blah" (0xXXX) to be the same as "blah" (0xXXX).' do
+      @tc.assert_same s1, s2
+    end
+  end
+  def test_assert_send
+    @tc.assert_send [1, :<, 2]
+  end
+  def test_assert_send_bad
+    util_assert_triggered "Expected 1.>(*[2]) to return true." do
+      @tc.assert_send [1, :>, 2]
+    end
+  end
+  def test_assert_throws
+    @tc.assert_throws(:blah) do
+      throw :blah
+    end
+  end
+  def test_assert_throws_different
+    util_assert_triggered 'Expected :blah to have been thrown, not :not_blah.' do
+      @tc.assert_throws(:blah) do
+        throw :not_blah
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  def test_assert_throws_unthrown
+    util_assert_triggered 'Expected :blah to have been thrown.' do
+      @tc.assert_throws(:blah) do
+        # do nothing
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  def test_capture_io
+    @assertion_count = 0
+    out, err = capture_io do
+      puts 'hi'
+      warn 'bye!'
+    end
+    assert_equal "hi\n", out
+    assert_equal "bye!\n", err
+  end
+  def test_flunk
+    util_assert_triggered 'Epic Fail!' do
+      @tc.flunk
+    end
+  end
+  def test_flunk_message
+    util_assert_triggered @zomg do
+      @tc.flunk @zomg
+    end
+  end
+  def test_message
+    @assertion_count = 0
+    assert_equal "blah2.",         @tc.message { "blah2" }.call
+    assert_equal "blah2.",         @tc.message("") { "blah2" }.call
+    assert_equal "blah1.\nblah2.", @tc.message("blah1") { "blah2" }.call
+  end
+  def test_pass
+    @tc.pass
+  end
+  def test_test_methods_sorted
+    @assertion_count = 0
+    sample_test_case = Class.new(MiniTest::Unit::TestCase)
+    class << sample_test_case
+      def test_order; :sorted end
+    end
+    sample_test_case.instance_eval do
+      define_method :test_test3 do assert "does not matter" end
+      define_method :test_test2 do assert "does not matter" end
+      define_method :test_test1 do assert "does not matter" end
+    end
+    expected = %w(test_test1 test_test2 test_test3)
+    assert_equal expected, sample_test_case.test_methods
+  end
+  def test_test_methods_random
+    @assertion_count = 0
+    sample_test_case = Class.new(MiniTest::Unit::TestCase)
+    class << sample_test_case
+      def test_order; :random end
+    end
+    sample_test_case.instance_eval do
+      define_method :test_test1 do assert "does not matter" end
+      define_method :test_test2 do assert "does not matter" end
+      define_method :test_test3 do assert "does not matter" end
+    end
+    srand 42
+    expected = %w(test_test1 test_test2 test_test3)
+    max = expected.size
+    expected = expected.sort_by { rand(max) }
+    srand 42
+    result = sample_test_case.test_methods
+    assert_equal expected, result
+  end
+  def test_refute
+    @assertion_count = 2
+    @tc.assert_equal false, @tc.refute(false), "returns false on success"
+  end
+  def test_refute_empty
+    @assertion_count = 2
+    @tc.refute_empty [1]
+  end
+  def test_refute_empty_triggered
+    @assertion_count = 2
+    util_assert_triggered "Expected [] to not be empty." do
+      @tc.refute_empty []
+    end
+  end
+  def test_refute_equal
+    @tc.refute_equal "blah", "yay"
+  end
+  def test_refute_equal_triggered
+    util_assert_triggered 'Expected "blah" to not be equal to "blah".' do
+      @tc.refute_equal "blah", "blah"
+    end
+  end
+  def test_refute_in_delta
+    @tc.refute_in_delta 0.0, 1.0 / 1000, 0.000001
+  end
+  def test_refute_in_delta_triggered
+    util_assert_triggered 'Expected 0.0 - 0.001 (0.001) to not be < 0.1.' do
+      @tc.refute_in_delta 0.0, 1.0 / 1000, 0.1
+    end
+  end
+  def test_refute_in_epsilon
+    @tc.refute_in_epsilon 10000, 9990
+  end
+  def test_refute_in_epsilon_triggered
+    util_assert_triggered 'Expected 10000 - 9991 (9) to not be < 10.0.' do
+      @tc.refute_in_epsilon 10000, 9991
+      fail
+    end
+  end
+  def test_refute_includes
+    @assertion_count = 2
+    @tc.refute_includes [true], false
+  end
+  def test_refute_includes_triggered
+    @assertion_count = 4
+    e = @tc.assert_raises MiniTest::Assertion do
+      @tc.refute_includes [true], true
+    end
+    expected = "Expected [true] to not include true."
+    assert_equal expected, e.message
+  end
+  def test_refute_instance_of
+    @tc.refute_instance_of Array, "blah"
+  end
+  def test_refute_instance_of_triggered
+    util_assert_triggered 'Expected "blah" to not be an instance of String.' do
+      @tc.refute_instance_of String, "blah"
+    end
+  end
+  def test_refute_kind_of
+    @tc.refute_kind_of Array, "blah"
+  end
+  def test_refute_kind_of_triggered
+    util_assert_triggered 'Expected "blah" to not be a kind of String.' do
+      @tc.refute_kind_of String, "blah"
+    end
+  end
+  def test_refute_match
+    @tc.refute_match "blah blah blah", /\d+/
+  end
+  def test_refute_match_triggered
+    util_assert_triggered 'Expected /\w+/ to not match "blah blah blah".' do
+      @tc.refute_match "blah blah blah", /\w+/
+    end
+  end
+  def test_refute_nil
+    @tc.refute_nil 42
+  end
+  def test_refute_nil_triggered
+    util_assert_triggered 'Expected nil to not be nil.' do
+      @tc.refute_nil nil
+    end
+  end
+  def test_refute_operator
+    @tc.refute_operator 2, :<, 1
+  end
+  def test_refute_operator_triggered
+    util_assert_triggered "Expected 2 to not be > 1." do
+      @tc.refute_operator 2, :>, 1
+    end
+  end
+  def test_refute_respond_to
+    @tc.refute_respond_to "blah", :rawr!
+  end
+  def test_refute_respond_to_triggered
+    util_assert_triggered 'Expected "blah" to not respond to empty?.' do
+      @tc.refute_respond_to "blah", :empty?
+    end
+  end
+  def test_refute_same
+    @tc.refute_same 1, 2
+  end
+  # TODO: "with id <id>" crap from assertions.rb
+  def test_refute_same_triggered
+    util_assert_triggered 'Expected 1 to not be the same as 1.' do
+      @tc.refute_same 1, 1
+    end
+  end
+  def test_skip
+    @assertion_count = 0
+    util_assert_triggered "haha!", MiniTest::Skip do
+      @tc.skip "haha!"
+    end
+  end
+  def util_assert_triggered expected, klass = MiniTest::Assertion
+    e = assert_raises(klass) do
+      yield
+    end
+    msg = e.message.sub(/(---Backtrace---).*/m, '\1')
+    msg.gsub!(/\(0x[0-9a-f]+\)/, '(0xXXX)')
+    assert_equal expected, msg
+  end

ML: ruby-changes@q...
Info: http://www.atdot.net/~ko1/quickml/
