

From: st0012 <ko1@a...>
Date: Wed, 29 Jun 2022 00:23:34 +0900 (JST)
Subject: [ruby-changes:72349] a415a3de05 (master): [ruby/irb] Properly reset USE_COLORIZE after changing it in tests


From a415a3de05e0b61fbed44d5ecba4497d8f096351 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: st0012 <stan001212@g...>
Date: Tue, 28 Jun 2022 16:17:07 +0100
Subject: [ruby/irb] Properly reset USE_COLORIZE after changing it in tests

Some context tests assigns USE_COLORIZE to false and never change it
back. This can potentially affect other tests' result as the default
should be nil (activated) instead.

 test/irb/test_context.rb | 224 +++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 1 file changed, 118 insertions(+), 106 deletions(-)

diff --git a/test/irb/test_context.rb b/test/irb/test_context.rb
index 64296d7352..b3fc49e7e3 100644
--- a/test/irb/test_context.rb
+++ b/test/irb/test_context.rb
@@ -279,7 +279,6 @@ module TestIRB https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/test/irb/test_context.rb#L279
     def test_omit_on_assignment
-      IRB.conf[:USE_COLORIZE] = false
       input = TestInputMethod.new([
         "a = [1] * 100\n",
@@ -343,101 +342,103 @@ module TestIRB https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/test/irb/test_context.rb#L342
     def test_omit_multiline_on_assignment
-      IRB.conf[:USE_COLORIZE] = false
-      input = TestInputMethod.new([
-        "class A; def inspect; ([?* * 1000] * 3).join(%{\\n}); end; end; a = A.new\n",
-        "a\n"
-      ])
-      value = ([?* * 1000] * 3).join(%{\n})
-      value_first_line = (?* * 1000).to_s
-      irb = IRB::Irb.new(IRB::WorkSpace.new(Object.new), input)
-      irb.context.return_format = "=> %s\n"
-      irb.context.echo = true
-      irb.context.echo_on_assignment = false
-      out, err = capture_output do
-        irb.eval_input
-      end
-      assert_empty err
-      assert_equal("=> \n#{value}\n", out)
-      irb.context.evaluate('A.remove_method(:inspect)', 0)
-      input.reset
-      irb.context.echo = true
-      irb.context.echo_on_assignment = :truncate
-      out, err = capture_output do
-        irb.eval_input
-      end
-      assert_empty err
-      assert_equal("=> #{value_first_line[0..(input.winsize.last - 9)]}...\n=> \n#{value}\n", out)
-      irb.context.evaluate('A.remove_method(:inspect)', 0)
-      input.reset
-      irb.context.echo = true
-      irb.context.echo_on_assignment = true
-      out, err = capture_output do
-        irb.eval_input
-      end
-      assert_empty err
-      assert_equal("=> \n#{value}\n=> \n#{value}\n", out)
-      irb.context.evaluate('A.remove_method(:inspect)', 0)
-      input.reset
-      irb.context.echo = false
-      irb.context.echo_on_assignment = false
-      out, err = capture_output do
-        irb.eval_input
-      end
-      assert_empty err
-      assert_equal("", out)
-      irb.context.evaluate('A.remove_method(:inspect)', 0)
-      input.reset
-      irb.context.echo = false
-      irb.context.echo_on_assignment = :truncate
-      out, err = capture_output do
-        irb.eval_input
-      end
-      assert_empty err
-      assert_equal("", out)
-      irb.context.evaluate('A.remove_method(:inspect)', 0)
-      input.reset
-      irb.context.echo = false
-      irb.context.echo_on_assignment = true
-      out, err = capture_output do
-        irb.eval_input
+      without_colorize do
+        input = TestInputMethod.new([
+          "class A; def inspect; ([?* * 1000] * 3).join(%{\\n}); end; end; a = A.new\n",
+          "a\n"
+        ])
+        value = ([?* * 1000] * 3).join(%{\n})
+        value_first_line = (?* * 1000).to_s
+        irb = IRB::Irb.new(IRB::WorkSpace.new(Object.new), input)
+        irb.context.return_format = "=> %s\n"
+        irb.context.echo = true
+        irb.context.echo_on_assignment = false
+        out, err = capture_output do
+          irb.eval_input
+        end
+        assert_empty err
+        assert_equal("=> \n#{value}\n", out)
+        irb.context.evaluate('A.remove_method(:inspect)', 0)
+        input.reset
+        irb.context.echo = true
+        irb.context.echo_on_assignment = :truncate
+        out, err = capture_output do
+          irb.eval_input
+        end
+        assert_empty err
+        assert_equal("=> #{value_first_line[0..(input.winsize.last - 9)]}...\n=> \n#{value}\n", out)
+        irb.context.evaluate('A.remove_method(:inspect)', 0)
+        input.reset
+        irb.context.echo = true
+        irb.context.echo_on_assignment = true
+        out, err = capture_output do
+          irb.eval_input
+        end
+        assert_empty err
+        assert_equal("=> \n#{value}\n=> \n#{value}\n", out)
+        irb.context.evaluate('A.remove_method(:inspect)', 0)
+        input.reset
+        irb.context.echo = false
+        irb.context.echo_on_assignment = false
+        out, err = capture_output do
+          irb.eval_input
+        end
+        assert_empty err
+        assert_equal("", out)
+        irb.context.evaluate('A.remove_method(:inspect)', 0)
+        input.reset
+        irb.context.echo = false
+        irb.context.echo_on_assignment = :truncate
+        out, err = capture_output do
+          irb.eval_input
+        end
+        assert_empty err
+        assert_equal("", out)
+        irb.context.evaluate('A.remove_method(:inspect)', 0)
+        input.reset
+        irb.context.echo = false
+        irb.context.echo_on_assignment = true
+        out, err = capture_output do
+          irb.eval_input
+        end
+        assert_empty err
+        assert_equal("", out)
+        irb.context.evaluate('A.remove_method(:inspect)', 0)
-      assert_empty err
-      assert_equal("", out)
-      irb.context.evaluate('A.remove_method(:inspect)', 0)
     def test_echo_on_assignment_conf
       # Default
       IRB.conf[:ECHO] = nil
       IRB.conf[:ECHO_ON_ASSIGNMENT] = nil
-      IRB.conf[:USE_COLORIZE] = false
-      input = TestInputMethod.new()
-      irb = IRB::Irb.new(IRB::WorkSpace.new(Object.new), input)
+      without_colorize do
+        input = TestInputMethod.new()
+        irb = IRB::Irb.new(IRB::WorkSpace.new(Object.new), input)
-      assert(irb.context.echo?, "echo? should be true by default")
-      assert_equal(:truncate, irb.context.echo_on_assignment?, "echo_on_assignment? should be :truncate by default")
+        assert(irb.context.echo?, "echo? should be true by default")
+        assert_equal(:truncate, irb.context.echo_on_assignment?, "echo_on_assignment? should be :truncate by default")
-      # Explicitly set :ECHO to false
-      IRB.conf[:ECHO] = false
-      irb = IRB::Irb.new(IRB::WorkSpace.new(Object.new), input)
+        # Explicitly set :ECHO to false
+        IRB.conf[:ECHO] = false
+        irb = IRB::Irb.new(IRB::WorkSpace.new(Object.new), input)
-      refute(irb.context.echo?, "echo? should be false when IRB.conf[:ECHO] is set to false")
-      assert_equal(:truncate, irb.context.echo_on_assignment?, "echo_on_assignment? should be :truncate by default")
+        refute(irb.context.echo?, "echo? should be false when IRB.conf[:ECHO] is set to false")
+        assert_equal(:truncate, irb.context.echo_on_assignment?, "echo_on_assignment? should be :truncate by default")
-      # Explicitly set :ECHO_ON_ASSIGNMENT to true
-      IRB.conf[:ECHO] = nil
-      IRB.conf[:ECHO_ON_ASSIGNMENT] = false
-      irb = IRB::Irb.new(IRB::WorkSpace.new(Object.new), input)
+        # Explicitly set :ECHO_ON_ASSIGNMENT to true
+        IRB.conf[:ECHO] = nil
+        IRB.conf[:ECHO_ON_ASSIGNMENT] = false
+        irb = IRB::Irb.new(IRB::WorkSpace.new(Object.new), input)
-      assert(irb.context.echo?, "echo? should be true by default")
-      refute(irb.context.echo_on_assignment?, "echo_on_assignment? should be false when IRB.conf[:ECHO_ON_ASSIGNMENT] is set to false")
+        assert(irb.context.echo?, "echo? should be true by default")
+        refute(irb.context.echo_on_assignment?, "echo_on_assignment? should be false when IRB.conf[:ECHO_ON_ASSIGNMENT] is set to false")
+      end
     def test_multiline_output_on_default_inspector
@@ -445,31 +446,32 @@ module TestIRB https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/test/irb/test_context.rb#L446
       def main.inspect
-      IRB.conf[:USE_COLORIZE] = false
-      input = TestInputMethod.new([
-        "self"
-      ])
-      irb = IRB::Irb.new(IRB::WorkSpace.new(main), input)
-      irb.context.return_format = "=> %s\n"
-      # The default
-      irb.context.newline_before_multiline_output = true
-      out, err = capture_output do
-        irb.eval_input
-      end
-      assert_empty err
-      assert_equal("=> \nabc\ndef\n",
-                   out)
+      without_colorize do
+        input = TestInputMethod.new([
+          "self"
+        ])
+        irb = IRB::Irb.new(IRB::WorkSpace.new(main), input)
+        irb.context.return_format = "=> %s\n"
-      # No newline before multiline output
-      input.reset
-      irb.context.newline_before_multiline_output = false
-      out, err = capture_output do
-        irb.eval_input
+        # The default
+        irb.context.newline_before_multiline_output = true
+        out, err = capture_output do
+          irb.eval_input
+        end
+        assert_empty err
+        assert_equal("=> \nabc\ndef\n",
+                     out)
+        # No newline before multiline output
+        input.reset
+        irb.context.newline_before_multiline_output = false
+        out, err = capture_output do
+          irb.eval_input
+        end
+        assert_empty err
+        assert_equal("=> abc\ndef\n", out)
-      assert_empty err
-      assert_equal("=> abc\ndef\n",
-                   out)
     def test_default_return_format
@@ -642,5 +644,15 @@ module TestIRB https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/test/irb/test_context.rb#L644
           :*, /\b6\n/,
         ], out)
+    private
+    def without_colorize
+      original_value = IRB.conf[:USE_COLORIZE]
+      IRB.conf[:USE_COLORIZE] = false
+       (... truncated)

ML: ruby-changes@q...
Info: http://www.atdot.net/~ko1/quickml/
