

From: Burdette <ko1@a...>
Date: Tue, 29 Mar 2022 20:20:04 +0900 (JST)
Subject: [ruby-changes:71537] c8e1ae4db7 (master): [DOC] Repair format of What's Here sections in object.c (#5722)


From c8e1ae4db770634693129266dea4e1d334d057c2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Burdette Lamar <BurdetteLamar@Y...>
Date: Tue, 29 Mar 2022 06:19:51 -0500
Subject: [DOC] Repair format of What's Here sections in object.c (#5722)

* Repair format of What's Here sections in object.c
 object.c | 302 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------------
 1 file changed, 147 insertions(+), 155 deletions(-)

diff --git a/object.c b/object.c
index f6736fbe8b..8d5ab63c9c 100644
--- a/object.c
+++ b/object.c
@@ -4194,23 +4194,16 @@ f_sprintf(int c, const VALUE *v, VALUE _) https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/object.c#L4194
  *  These are the methods defined for \BasicObject:
- *  - ::new:: Returns a new \BasicObject instance.
- *  - #!:: Returns the boolean negation of +self+: +true+ or +false+.
- *  - #!=:: Returns whether +self+ and the given object are _not_ equal.
- *  - #==:: Returns whether +self+ and the given object are equivalent.
- *  - {__id__}[#method-i-__id__]:: Returns the integer object identifier for +self+.
- *  - {__send__}[#method-i-__send__]:: Calls the method identified by the given symbol.
- *  - #equal?:: Returns whether +self+ and the given object are the same object.
- *  - #instance_eval:: Evaluates the given string or block in the context of +self+.
- *  - #instance_exec:: Executes the given block in the context of +self+,
- *                     passing the given arguments.
- *  - #method_missing:: Method called when an undefined method is called on +self+.
- *  - #singleton_method_added:: Method called when a singleton method
- *                              is added to +self+.
- *  - #singleton_method_removed:: Method called when a singleton method
- *                                is added removed from +self+.
- *  - #singleton_method_undefined:: Method called when a singleton method
- *                                  is undefined in +self+.
+ *  - ::new: Returns a new \BasicObject instance.
+ *  - {!}[#method-i-21]: Returns the boolean negation of +self+: +true+ or +false+.
+ *  - {!=}[#method-i-21-3D]: Returns whether +self+ and the given object are _not_ equal.
+ *  - #==: Returns whether +self+ and the given object are equivalent.
+ *  - {__id__}[#method-i-__id__]: Returns the integer object identifier for +self+.
+ *  - {__send__}[#method-i-__send__]: Calls the method identified by the given symbol.
+ *  - #equal?: Returns whether +self+ and the given object are the same object.
+ *  - #instance_eval: Evaluates the given string or block in the context of +self+.
+ *  - #instance_exec: Executes the given block in the context of +self+,
+ *    passing the given arguments.
@@ -4247,72 +4240,72 @@ f_sprintf(int c, const VALUE *v, VALUE _) https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/object.c#L4240
  *  === Querying
- *  - #!~:: Returns +true+ if +self+ does not match the given object,
- *          otherwise +false+.
- *  - #<=>:: Returns 0 if +self+ and the given object +object+ are the same
- *           object, or if <tt>self == object</tt>; otherwise returns +nil+.
- *  - #===:: Implements case equality, effectively the same as calling #==.
- *  - #eql?:: Implements hash equality, effectively the same as calling #==.
- *  - #kind_of? (aliased as #is_a?):: Returns whether given argument is an ancestor
- *                                    of the singleton class of +self+.
- *  - #instance_of?:: Returns whether +self+ is an instance of the given class.
- *  - #instance_variable_defined?:: Returns whether the given instance variable
- *                                  is defined in +self+.
- *  - #method:: Returns the Method object for the given method in +self+.
- *  - #methods:: Returns an array of symbol names of public and protected methods
- *               in +self+.
- *  - #nil?:: Returns +false+. (Only +nil+ responds +true+ to method <tt>nil?</tt>.)
- *  - #object_id:: Returns an integer corresponding to +self+ that is unique
- *                 for the current process
- *  - #private_methods:: Returns an array of the symbol names
- *                       of the private methods in +self+.
- *  - #protected_methods:: Returns an array of the symbol names
- *                         of the protected methods in +self+.
- *  - #public_method:: Returns the Method object for the given public method in +self+.
- *  - #public_methods:: Returns an array of the symbol names
- *                      of the public methods in +self+.
- *  - #respond_to?:: Returns whether +self+ responds to the given method.
- *  - #singleton_class:: Returns the singleton class of +self+.
- *  - #singleton_method:: Returns the Method object for the given singleton method
- *                        in +self+.
- *  - #singleton_methods:: Returns an array of the symbol names
- *                         of the singleton methods in +self+.
- *
- *  - #define_singleton_method:: Defines a singleton method in +self+
- *                               for the given symbol method-name and block or proc.
- *  - #extend:: Includes the given modules in the singleton class of +self+.
- *  - #public_send:: Calls the given public method in +self+ with the given argument.
- *  - #send:: Calls the given method in +self+ with the given argument.
+ *  - {!~}[#method-i-21~]: Returns +true+ if +self+ does not match the given object,
+ *    otherwise +false+.
+ *  - {<=>}[#method-i-3C-3D-3E]: Returns 0 if +self+ and the given object +object+ are the same
+ *    object, or if <tt>self == object</tt>; otherwise returns +nil+.
+ *  - #===: Implements case equality, effectively the same as calling #==.
+ *  - #eql?: Implements hash equality, effectively the same as calling #==.
+ *  - #kind_of? (aliased as #is_a?): Returns whether given argument is an ancestor
+ *    of the singleton class of +self+.
+ *  - #instance_of?: Returns whether +self+ is an instance of the given class.
+ *  - #instance_variable_defined?: Returns whether the given instance variable
+ *    is defined in +self+.
+ *  - #method: Returns the Method object for the given method in +self+.
+ *  - #methods: Returns an array of symbol names of public and protected methods
+ *    in +self+.
+ *  - #nil?: Returns +false+. (Only +nil+ responds +true+ to method <tt>nil?</tt>.)
+ *  - #object_id: Returns an integer corresponding to +self+ that is unique
+ *    for the current process
+ *  - #private_methods: Returns an array of the symbol names
+ *    of the private methods in +self+.
+ *  - #protected_methods: Returns an array of the symbol names
+ *    of the protected methods in +self+.
+ *  - #public_method: Returns the Method object for the given public method in +self+.
+ *  - #public_methods: Returns an array of the symbol names
+ *    of the public methods in +self+.
+ *  - #respond_to?: Returns whether +self+ responds to the given method.
+ *  - #singleton_class: Returns the singleton class of +self+.
+ *  - #singleton_method: Returns the Method object for the given singleton method
+ *    in +self+.
+ *  - #singleton_methods: Returns an array of the symbol names
+ *    of the singleton methods in +self+.
+ *
+ *  - #define_singleton_method: Defines a singleton method in +self+
+ *    for the given symbol method-name and block or proc.
+ *  - #extend: Includes the given modules in the singleton class of +self+.
+ *  - #public_send: Calls the given public method in +self+ with the given argument.
+ *  - #send: Calls the given method in +self+ with the given argument.
  *  === Instance Variables
- *  - #instance_variable_get:: Returns the value of the given instance variable
- *                             in +self+, or +nil+ if the instance variable is not set.
- *  - #instance_variable_set:: Sets the value of the given instance variable in +self+
- *                             to the given object.
- *  - #instance_variables:: Returns an array of the symbol names
- *                          of the instance variables in +self+.
- *  - #remove_instance_variable:: Removes the named instance variable from +self+.
+ *  - #instance_variable_get: Returns the value of the given instance variable
+ *    in +self+, or +nil+ if the instance variable is not set.
+ *  - #instance_variable_set: Sets the value of the given instance variable in +self+
+ *    to the given object.
+ *  - #instance_variables: Returns an array of the symbol names
+ *    of the instance variables in +self+.
+ *  - #remove_instance_variable: Removes the named instance variable from +self+.
  *  === Other
- *  - #clone::  Returns a shallow copy of +self+, including singleton class
- *              and frozen state.
- *  - #define_singleton_method:: Defines a singleton method in +self+
- *                               for the given symbol method-name and block or proc.
- *  - #display:: Prints +self+ to the given \IO stream or <tt>$stdout</tt>.
- *  - #dup:: Returns a shallow unfrozen copy of +self+.
- *  - #enum_for (aliased as #to_enum):: Returns an Enumerator for +self+
- *                                      using the using the given method,
- *                                      arguments, and block.
- *  - #extend:: Includes the given modules in the singleton class of +self+.
- *  - #freeze:: Prevents further modifications to +self+.
- *  - #hash:: Returns the integer hash value for +self+.
- *  - #inspect:: Returns a human-readable  string representation of +self+.
- *  - #itself:: Returns +self+.
- *  - #public_send:: Calls the given public method in +self+ with the given argument.
- *  - #send:: Calls the given method in +self+ with the given argument.
- *  - #to_s:: Returns a string representation of +self+.
+ *  - #clone:  Returns a shallow copy of +self+, including singleton class
+ *    and frozen state.
+ *  - #define_singleton_method: Defines a singleton method in +self+
+ *    for the given symbol method-name and block or proc.
+ *  - #display: Prints +self+ to the given \IO stream or <tt>$stdout</tt>.
+ *  - #dup: Returns a  (... truncated)

ML: ruby-changes@q...
Info: http://www.atdot.net/~ko1/quickml/
