

From: Jeremy <ko1@a...>
Date: Fri, 25 Mar 2022 04:31:24 +0900 (JST)
Subject: [ruby-changes:71505] 343ea9967e (master): Raise RuntimeError if Kernel#binding is called from a non-Ruby frame


From 343ea9967e4a6b279eed6bd8e81ad0bdc747f254 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jeremy Evans <code@j...>
Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2022 10:24:01 -0800
Subject: Raise RuntimeError if Kernel#binding is called from a non-Ruby frame

Check whether the current or previous frame is a Ruby frame in
call_trace_func before attempting to create a binding for the frame.

Fixes [Bug #18487]

Co-authored-by: Alan Wu <XrXr@u...>
 bootstraptest/test_yjit.rb              | 31 -------------------
 spec/ruby/optional/capi/binding_spec.rb | 21 +++++++++----
 test/ruby/test_proc.rb                  |  5 +++
 test/ruby/test_settracefunc.rb          | 54 ++++++++++++++++-----------------
 vm.c                                    | 11 +++----
 vm_trace.c                              |  9 +++++-
 6 files changed, 59 insertions(+), 72 deletions(-)

diff --git a/bootstraptest/test_yjit.rb b/bootstraptest/test_yjit.rb
index d124d180d1..a84a9e035a 100644
--- a/bootstraptest/test_yjit.rb
+++ b/bootstraptest/test_yjit.rb
@@ -1,34 +1,3 @@ https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/bootstraptest/test_yjit.rb#L1
-assert_equal '2022', %q{
- def contrivance(hash, key)
-    # Expect this to compile to an `opt_aref`.
-    hash[key]
-    # The [] call above tracks that the `hash` local has a VALUE that
-    # is a heap pointer and the guard for the Kernel#itself call below
-    # doesn't check that it's a heap pointer VALUE.
-    #
-    # As you can see from the crash, the call to rb_hash_aref() can set the
-    # `hash` local, making eliding the heap object guard unsound.
-    hash.itself
-  end
-  # This is similar to ->(recv, mid) { send(recv, mid).local_variable_set(...) }.
-  # By composing we avoid creating new Ruby frames and so sending :binding
-  # captures the environment of the frame that does the missing key lookup.
-  # We use it to capture the environment inside of `contrivance`.
-  cap_then_set =
-    Kernel.instance_method(:send).method(:bind_call).to_proc >>
-      ->(binding) { binding.local_variable_set(:hash, 2022) }
-  special_missing = Hash.new(&cap_then_set)
-  # Make YJIT speculate that it's a hash and generate code
-  # that calls rb_hash_aref().
-  contrivance({}, :warmup)
-  contrivance({}, :warmup)
-  contrivance(special_missing, :binding)
 assert_equal '18374962167983112447', %q{
   # regression test for incorrectly discarding 32 bits of a pointer when it
   # comes to default values.
diff --git a/spec/ruby/optional/capi/binding_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/optional/capi/binding_spec.rb
index 966d650c46..2165705457 100644
--- a/spec/ruby/optional/capi/binding_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/ruby/optional/capi/binding_spec.rb
@@ -8,12 +8,21 @@ describe "CApiBindingSpecs" do https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/spec/ruby/optional/capi/binding_spec.rb#L8
   describe "Kernel#binding" do
-    it "gives the top-most Ruby binding when called from C" do
-      foo = 14
-      b = @b.get_binding
-      b.local_variable_get(:foo).should == 14
-      b.local_variable_set :foo, 12
-      foo.should == 12
+    ruby_version_is '3.2' do
+      it "raises when called from C" do
+        foo = 14
+        -> { @b.get_binding }.should raise_error(RuntimeError)
+      end
+    end
+    ruby_version_is ''...'3.2' do
+      it "gives the top-most Ruby binding when called from C" do
+        foo = 14
+        b = @b.get_binding
+        b.local_variable_get(:foo).should == 14
+        b.local_variable_set :foo, 12
+        foo.should == 12
+      end
diff --git a/test/ruby/test_proc.rb b/test/ruby/test_proc.rb
index e81dfec874..bcba3a127b 100644
--- a/test/ruby/test_proc.rb
+++ b/test/ruby/test_proc.rb
@@ -445,6 +445,11 @@ class TestProc < Test::Unit::TestCase https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/test/ruby/test_proc.rb#L445
     assert_equal(@@line_of_source_location_test, lineno, 'Bug #2427')
+  def test_binding_error_unless_ruby_frame
+    define_singleton_method :binding_from_c!, method(:binding).to_proc >> ->(bndg) {bndg}
+    assert_raise(RuntimeError) { binding_from_c! }
+  end
   def test_proc_lambda
     assert_raise(ArgumentError) { proc }
     assert_raise(ArgumentError) { assert_warn(/deprecated/) {lambda} }
diff --git a/test/ruby/test_settracefunc.rb b/test/ruby/test_settracefunc.rb
index 0524c35873..6d9652e3fd 100644
--- a/test/ruby/test_settracefunc.rb
+++ b/test/ruby/test_settracefunc.rb
@@ -594,7 +594,7 @@ CODE https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/test/ruby/test_settracefunc.rb#L594
     eval <<-EOF.gsub(/^.*?: /, ""), nil, 'xyzzy'
     1: set_trace_func(lambda{|event, file, line, id, binding, klass|
-    2:   events << [event, line, file, klass, id, binding.eval('self'), binding.eval("_local_var")] if file == 'xyzzy'
+    2:   events << [event, line, file, klass, id, binding&.eval('self'), binding&.eval("_local_var")] if file == 'xyzzy'
     3: })
     4: 1.times{|;_local_var| _local_var = :inner
     5:   tap{}
@@ -619,31 +619,31 @@ CODE https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/test/ruby/test_settracefunc.rb#L619
     answer_events = [
-     [:c_return, 1, "xyzzy", TracePoint,  :trace,           TracePoint,  :outer,  trace],
+     [:c_return, 1, "xyzzy", TracePoint,  :trace,           TracePoint,  nil,  nil],
      [:line,     4, 'xyzzy', self.class,  method,           self,        :outer, :nothing],
-     [:c_call,   4, 'xyzzy', Integer,     :times,           1,           :outer, :nothing],
+     [:c_call,   4, 'xyzzy', Integer,     :times,           1,           nil, nil],
      [:line,     4, 'xyzzy', self.class,  method,           self,        nil,    :nothing],
      [:line,     5, 'xyzzy', self.class,  method,           self,        :inner, :nothing],
-     [:c_return, 4, "xyzzy", Integer,     :times,           1,           :outer, 1],
+     [:c_return, 4, "xyzzy", Integer,     :times,           1,           nil, nil],
      [:line,     7, 'xyzzy', self.class,  method,           self,        :outer, :nothing],
-     [:c_call,   7, "xyzzy", Class,       :inherited,       Object,      :outer, :nothing],
-     [:c_return, 7, "xyzzy", Class,       :inherited,       Object,      :outer, nil],
-     [:c_call,   7, "xyzzy", Class,       :const_added,     Object,      :outer, :nothing],
-     [:c_return, 7, "xyzzy", Class,       :const_added,     Object,      :outer, nil],
+     [:c_call,   7, "xyzzy", Class,       :inherited,       Object,      nil, nil],
+     [:c_return, 7, "xyzzy", Class,       :inherited,       Object,      nil, nil],
+     [:c_call,   7, "xyzzy", Class,       :const_added,     Object,      nil, nil],
+     [:c_return, 7, "xyzzy", Class,       :const_added,     Object,      nil, nil],
      [:class,    7, "xyzzy", nil,         nil,              xyzzy.class, nil,    :nothing],
      [:line,     8, "xyzzy", nil,         nil,              xyzzy.class, nil,    :nothing],
      [:line,     9, "xyzzy", nil,         nil,              xyzzy.class, :XYZZY_outer, :nothing],
-     [:c_call,   9, "xyzzy", Module,      :method_added,    xyzzy.class, :XYZZY_outer, :nothing],
-     [:c_return, 9, "xyzzy", Module,      :method_added,    xyzzy.class, :XYZZY_outer, nil],
+     [:c_call,   9, "xyzzy", Module,      :method_added,    xyzzy.class, nil, nil],
+     [:c_return, 9, "xyzzy", Module,      :method_added,    xyzzy.class, nil, nil],
      [:line,    13, "xyzzy", nil,         nil,              xyzzy.class, :XYZZY_outer, :nothing],
-     [:c_call,  13, "xyzzy", Module,      :method_added,    xyzzy.class, :XYZZY_outer, :nothing],
-     [:c_return,13, "xyzzy", Module,      :method_added,    xyzzy.class, :XYZZY_outer, nil],
+     [:c_call,  13, "xyzzy", Module,      :method_added,    xyzzy.class, nil, nil],
+     [:c_return,13, "xyzzy", Module,      :method_added,    xyzzy.class, nil, nil],
      [:end,     17, "xyzzy", nil,         nil,              xyzzy.class, :XYZZY_outer, :nothing],
      [:line,    18, "xyzzy", TestSetTraceFunc, method,      self,        :outer, :nothing],
-     [:c_call,  18, "xyzzy", Class,       :new,             xyzzy.class, :outer, :nothing],
-     [:c_call,  18, "xyzzy", BasicObject, :initialize,      xyzzy,       :outer, :nothing],
-     [:c_return,18, "xyzzy", BasicObject, :initialize,      xyzzy,       :outer, nil],
-     [:c_return,18, "xyzzy", Class,       :new,             xyzzy.class, :outer, xyzzy],
+     [:c_call,  18, "xyzzy", Class,       :new,             xyzzy.class, nil, nil],
+     [:c_call,  18, "xyzzy", BasicObject, :initialize,      xyzzy,       nil, nil],
+     [:c_return,18, "xyzzy", BasicObject, :initialize,      xyzzy,       nil, nil],
+     [:c_return,18, "xyzzy", Class,       :new,             xyzzy.class, nil, nil],
      [:line,    19, "xyzzy", TestSetTraceFunc, method,      self, :outer, :nothing],
      [:call,     9, "xyzzy", xyzzy.class, :foo,             xyzzy,       nil,  :nothing],
      [:line,    10, "xyzzy", xyzzy.class, :foo,             xyzzy,       nil,  :nothing],
@@ -654,19 +654,19 @@ CODE https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/test/ruby/test_settracefunc.rb#L654
      [:return,  16, "xyzzy", xyzzy.class, :bar,             xyzzy,       :XYZZY_bar, xyzzy],
      [:return,  12, "xyzzy", xyzzy.class, :foo,             xyzzy,       :XYZZY_foo, xyzzy],
      [:line,    20, "xyzzy", TestSetTraceFunc, method,      self,        :outer, :nothing],
-     [:c_call,  20, "xyzzy", Kernel,      :raise,           self,        :outer, :nothing],
-     [:c_call,  20, "xyzzy", Exception,   :exception,       RuntimeError, :outer, :nothing],
-     [:c_call,  20, "xyzzy", Exception,   :initialize,      raised_exc,  :outer, :nothing],
-     [:c_return,20, "xyzzy", Exception,   :initialize,      raised_exc,  :outer, raised_exc],
-     [:c_return,20, "xyzzy", Exception,   :exception,       RuntimeError, :outer, raised_exc],
-     [:c_return,20, "xyzzy", Kernel,      :raise,           self,        :outer, nil],
-     [:c_call,  20, "xyzzy", Exception,   :backtrace,       raised_exc,  :outer, :nothing], (... truncated)

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Info: http://www.atdot.net/~ko1/quickml/
