

From: John <ko1@a...>
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 2021 08:19:11 +0900 (JST)
Subject: [ruby-changes:69183] b93f59ced0 (master): Implement invokebuiltin_delegate


From b93f59ced0a1dbab6b18839e8664a02ea7b3b1aa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: John Hawthorn <john@h...>
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 2021 14:02:51 -0700
Subject: Implement invokebuiltin_delegate

invokebuiltin_delegate is a special version of invokebuiltin used for
sending a contiguous subset of the current method's locals.

In some cases YJIT would already handle this for trivial cases it could
be inlined, implementing this OP allows it to work when the method isn't
inlinable (not marked as 'inline', does more than just call, not called
from yjit, etc).
 bootstraptest/test_yjit.rb | 30 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 yjit_codegen.c             | 51 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 81 insertions(+)

diff --git a/bootstraptest/test_yjit.rb b/bootstraptest/test_yjit.rb
index fcf027d728..de20b3565e 100644
--- a/bootstraptest/test_yjit.rb
+++ b/bootstraptest/test_yjit.rb
@@ -1040,6 +1040,36 @@ assert_equal 'foo123', %q{ https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/bootstraptest/test_yjit.rb#L1040
   make_str("foo", 123)
+# test invokebuiltin_delegate as used inside Dir.open
+assert_equal '.', %q{
+  def foo(path)
+    Dir.open(path).path
+  end
+  foo(".")
+  foo(".")
+# test invokebuiltin_delegate_leave in method called from jit
+assert_normal_exit %q{
+  def foo(obj)
+    obj.clone
+  end
+  foo(Object.new)
+  foo(Object.new)
+# test invokebuiltin_delegate_leave in method called from cfunc
+assert_normal_exit %q{
+  def foo(obj)
+    [obj].map(&:clone)
+  end
+  foo(Object.new)
+  foo(Object.new)
 # getlocal with 2 levels
 assert_equal '7', %q{
   def foo(foo, bar)
diff --git a/yjit_codegen.c b/yjit_codegen.c
index 8ab3d97f98..2c9e31f024 100644
--- a/yjit_codegen.c
+++ b/yjit_codegen.c
@@ -3176,6 +3176,56 @@ gen_getblockparamproxy(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx) https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/yjit_codegen.c#L3176
+// opt_invokebuiltin_delegate calls a builtin function, like
+// invokebuiltin does, but instead of taking arguments from the top of the
+// stack uses the argument locals (and self) from the current method.
+static codegen_status_t
+gen_opt_invokebuiltin_delegate(jitstate_t *jit, ctx_t *ctx)
+    const struct rb_builtin_function *bf = (struct rb_builtin_function *)jit_get_arg(jit, 0);
+    int32_t start_index = (int32_t)jit_get_arg(jit, 1);
+    if (bf->argc + 2 >= NUM_C_ARG_REGS) {
+        return YJIT_CANT_COMPILE;
+    }
+    // If the calls don't allocate, do they need up to date PC, SP?
+    jit_save_pc(jit, REG0);
+    jit_save_sp(jit, ctx);
+    // Save YJIT registers
+    yjit_save_regs(cb);
+    if (bf->argc > 0) {
+        // Load environment pointer EP from CFP
+        mov(cb, REG0, member_opnd(REG_CFP, rb_control_frame_t, ep));
+    }
+    // Save self from CFP
+    mov(cb, REG1, member_opnd(REG_CFP, rb_control_frame_t, self));
+    // Call the builtin func (ec, recv, arg1, arg2, ...)
+    mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[0], REG_EC); // clobbers REG_CFP
+    mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[1], REG1); // self, clobbers REG_EC
+    // Copy arguments from locals
+    for (int32_t i = 0; i < bf->argc; i++) {
+        const int32_t offs = -jit->iseq->body->local_table_size - VM_ENV_DATA_SIZE + 1 + start_index + i;
+        x86opnd_t local_opnd = mem_opnd(64, REG0, offs * SIZEOF_VALUE);
+        x86opnd_t c_arg_reg = C_ARG_REGS[i + 2];
+        mov(cb, c_arg_reg, local_opnd);
+    }
+    call_ptr(cb, REG0, (void *)bf->func_ptr);
+    // Load YJIT registers
+    yjit_load_regs(cb);
+    // Push the return value
+    x86opnd_t stack_ret = ctx_stack_push(ctx, TYPE_UNKNOWN);
+    mov(cb, stack_ret, RAX);
 static void
 yjit_reg_op(int opcode, codegen_fn gen_fn)
@@ -3247,6 +3297,7 @@ yjit_init_codegen(void) https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/yjit_codegen.c#L3297
     yjit_reg_op(BIN(opt_str_uminus), gen_opt_str_uminus);
     yjit_reg_op(BIN(opt_not), gen_opt_not);
     yjit_reg_op(BIN(opt_getinlinecache), gen_opt_getinlinecache);
+    yjit_reg_op(BIN(opt_invokebuiltin_delegate), gen_opt_invokebuiltin_delegate);
     yjit_reg_op(BIN(branchif), gen_branchif);
     yjit_reg_op(BIN(branchunless), gen_branchunless);
     yjit_reg_op(BIN(branchnil), gen_branchnil);
cgit v1.2.1

ML: ruby-changes@q...
Info: http://www.atdot.net/~ko1/quickml/
