

From: John <ko1@a...>
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 2021 08:20:57 +0900 (JST)
Subject: [ruby-changes:69134] 7ed1e3ff0b (master): Add test of yjit compilation


From 7ed1e3ff0ba0f4fce1b500f27d1c68d94cc5f3b3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: John Hawthorn <john@h...>
Date: Wed, 23 Jun 2021 16:38:37 -0700
Subject: Add test of yjit compilation

 test/ruby/test_yjit.rb | 228 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 228 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 test/ruby/test_yjit.rb

diff --git a/test/ruby/test_yjit.rb b/test/ruby/test_yjit.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2fcd9752b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/ruby/test_yjit.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@ https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/test/ruby/test_yjit.rb#L1
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require 'test/unit'
+require 'envutil'
+require 'tmpdir'
+return unless YJIT.enabled?
+# Tests for YJIT with assertions on compilation and side exits
+# insipired by the MJIT tests in test/ruby/test_jit.rb
+class TestYJIT < Test::Unit::TestCase
+  def test_compile_putnil
+    assert_compiles('nil', insns: %i[putnil], stdout: 'nil')
+  end
+  def test_compile_putobject
+    assert_compiles('true', insns: %i[putobject], stdout: 'true')
+    assert_compiles('123', insns: %i[putobject], stdout: '123')
+    assert_compiles(':foo', insns: %i[putobject], stdout: ':foo')
+  end
+  def test_compile_opt_not
+    assert_compiles('!false', insns: %i[opt_not], stdout: 'true')
+    assert_compiles('!nil', insns: %i[opt_not], stdout: 'true')
+    assert_compiles('!true', insns: %i[opt_not], stdout: 'false')
+    assert_compiles('![]', insns: %i[opt_not], stdout: 'false')
+  end
+  def test_compile_opt_newarray
+    assert_compiles('[]', insns: %i[newarray], stdout: '[]')
+    assert_compiles('[1+1]', insns: %i[newarray opt_plus], stdout: '[2]')
+    assert_compiles('[1,1+1,3,4,5,6]', insns: %i[newarray opt_plus], stdout: '[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]')
+  end
+  def test_compile_opt_duparray
+    assert_compiles('[1]', insns: %i[duparray], stdout: '[1]')
+    assert_compiles('[1, 2, 3]', insns: %i[duparray], stdout: '[1, 2, 3]')
+  end
+  def test_compile_opt_nil_p
+    assert_compiles('nil.nil?', insns: %i[opt_nil_p], stdout: 'true')
+    assert_compiles('false.nil?', insns: %i[opt_nil_p], stdout: 'false')
+    assert_compiles('true.nil?', insns: %i[opt_nil_p], stdout: 'false')
+    assert_compiles('(-"").nil?', insns: %i[opt_nil_p], stdout: 'false')
+    assert_compiles('123.nil?', insns: %i[opt_nil_p], stdout: 'false')
+  end
+  def test_compile_eq_fixnum
+    assert_compiles('123 == 123', insns: %i[opt_eq], stdout: 'true')
+    assert_compiles('123 == 456', insns: %i[opt_eq], stdout: 'false')
+  end
+  def test_compile_eq_string
+    assert_compiles('-"" == -""', insns: %i[opt_eq], stdout: 'true')
+    assert_compiles('-"foo" == -"foo"', insns: %i[opt_eq], stdout: 'true')
+    assert_compiles('-"foo" == -"bar"', insns: %i[opt_eq], stdout: 'false')
+  end
+  def test_string_then_nil
+    assert_compiles(<<~RUBY, insns: %i[opt_nil_p], stdout: 'true')
+      def foo(val)
+        val.nil?
+      end
+      foo("foo")
+      foo(nil)
+    RUBY
+  end
+  def test_nil_then_string
+    assert_compiles(<<~RUBY, insns: %i[opt_nil_p], stdout: 'false')
+      def foo(val)
+        val.nil?
+      end
+      foo(nil)
+      foo("foo")
+    RUBY
+  end
+  def test_opt_length_in_method
+    assert_compiles(<<~RUBY, insns: %i[opt_length], stdout: '5')
+      def foo(str)
+        str.length
+      end
+      foo("hello, ")
+      foo("world")
+    RUBY
+  end
+  def test_compile_opt_getinlinecache
+    assert_compiles(<<~RUBY, insns: %i[opt_getinlinecache], stdout: '123', min_calls: 2)
+      def get_foo
+        FOO
+      end
+      FOO = 123
+      get_foo # warm inline cache
+      get_foo
+    RUBY
+  end
+  def test_string_interpolation
+    assert_compiles(<<~'RUBY', insns: %i[checktype concatstrings], stdout: '"foobar"', min_calls: 2)
+      def make_str(foo, bar)
+        "#{foo}#{bar}"
+      end
+      make_str("foo", "bar")
+      make_str("foo", "bar")
+    RUBY
+  end
+  def assert_compiles(test_script, insns: [], min_calls: 1, stdout: nil, exits: {})
+    reset_stats = <<~RUBY
+      YJIT.runtime_stats
+      YJIT.reset_stats!
+    RUBY
+    print_stats = <<~RUBY
+      stats = YJIT.runtime_stats
+      def collect_blocks(blocks)
+        blocks.sort_by(&:address).map { |b| [b.iseq_start_index, b.iseq_end_index] }
+      end
+      def collect_iseqs(iseq)
+        iseq_array = iseq.to_a
+        insns = iseq_array.last.grep(Array)
+        blocks = YJIT.blocks_for(iseq)
+        h = {
+          name: iseq_array[5],
+          insns: insns,
+          blocks: collect_blocks(blocks),
+        }
+        arr = [h]
+        iseq.each_child { |c| arr.concat collect_iseqs(c) }
+        arr
+      end
+      iseq = RubyVM::InstructionSequence.of(_test_proc)
+      IO.open(3).write Marshal.dump({
+        stats: stats,
+        iseqs: collect_iseqs(iseq),
+        disasm: iseq.disasm
+      })
+    RUBY
+    script = <<~RUBY
+      _test_proc = proc {
+        #{test_script}
+      }
+      #{reset_stats}
+      p _test_proc.call
+      #{print_stats}
+    RUBY
+    status, out, err, stats = eval_with_jit(script, min_calls: min_calls)
+    assert status.success?, "exited with status #{status.to_i}, stderr:\n#{err}"
+    assert_equal stdout.chomp, out.chomp if stdout
+    runtime_stats = stats[:stats]
+    iseqs = stats[:iseqs]
+    disasm = stats[:disasm]
+    if stats[:stats]
+      # Only available when RUBY_DEBUG enabled
+      recorded_exits = stats[:stats].select { |k, v| k.to_s.start_with?("exit_") }
+      recorded_exits = recorded_exits.reject { |k, v| v == 0 }
+      recorded_exits.transform_keys! { |k| k.to_s.gsub("exit_", "").to_sym }
+      if exits != :any && exits != recorded_exits
+        flunk "Expected #{exits.empty? ? "no" : exits.inspect} exits" \
+          ", but got\n#{recorded_exits.inspect}"
+      end
+    end
+    if stats[:stats]
+      # Only available when RUBY_DEBUG enabled
+      missed_insns = insns.dup
+      all_compiled_blocks = {}
+      iseqs.each do |iseq|
+        compiled_blocks = iseq[:blocks].map { |from, to| (from...to) }
+        all_compiled_blocks[iseq[:name]] = compiled_blocks
+        compiled_insns = iseq[:insns]
+        next_idx = 0
+        compiled_insns.map! do |insn|
+          # TODO: not sure this is accurate for determining insn size
+          idx = next_idx
+          next_idx += insn.length
+          [idx, *insn]
+        end
+        compiled_insns.each do |idx, op, *arguments|
+          next unless missed_insns.include?(op)
+          next unless compiled_blocks.any? { |block| block === idx }
+          # This instruction was compiled
+          missed_insns.delete(op)
+        end
+      end
+      unless missed_insns.empty?
+        flunk "Expected to compile instructions #{missed_insns.join(", ")} but didn't.\nCompiled ranges: #{all_compiled_blocks.inspect}\niseq:\n#{disasm}"
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  def eval_with_jit(script, min_calls: 1, timeout: 1000)
+    args = [
+      "--disable-gems",
+      "--yjit-call-threshold=#{min_calls}",
+      "--yjit-stats"
+    ]
+    args << "-e" << script
+    stats_r, stats_w = IO.pipe
+    out, err, status = EnvUtil.invoke_ruby(args,
+      '', true, true, timeout: timeout, ios: {3 => stats_w}
+    )
+    stats_w.close
+    stats = stats_r.read
+    stats = Marshal.load(stats) if !stats.empty?
+    stats_r.close
+    [status, out, err, stats]
+  end
cgit v1.2.1

ML: ruby-changes@q...
Info: http://www.atdot.net/~ko1/quickml/
