

From: Maxime <ko1@a...>
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 2021 08:08:40 +0900 (JST)
Subject: [ruby-changes:68561] 8f40a62647 (master): Progress on x86 assembler. Encode a few simple instructions.


From 8f40a62647cd7b961faac6b810053b87502d3994 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Maxime Chevalier-Boisvert <maxime.chevalierboisvert@s...>
Date: Tue, 8 Sep 2020 16:45:35 -0400
Subject: Progress on x86 assembler. Encode a few simple instructions.

 common.mk        |  1 -
 test_asm.sh      |  6 +++-
 ujit_asm.c       | 84 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------
 ujit_asm.h       | 96 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 ujit_asm_tests.c | 69 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
 5 files changed, 223 insertions(+), 33 deletions(-)

diff --git a/common.mk b/common.mk
index 59d5dcea5d..1c62cc000c 100644
--- a/common.mk
+++ b/common.mk
@@ -151,7 +151,6 @@ COMMONOBJS    = array.$(OBJEXT) \ https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/common.mk#L151
 		vm_sync.$(OBJEXT) \
 		vm_trace.$(OBJEXT) \
 		ujit_asm.$(OBJEXT) \
-		ujit_asm_tests.$(OBJEXT) \
 		$(DTRACE_OBJ) \
diff --git a/test_asm.sh b/test_asm.sh
index 446dd36d65..6a48bf5112 100755
--- a/test_asm.sh
+++ b/test_asm.sh
@@ -1,6 +1,10 @@ https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/test_asm.sh#L1
 # NOTE: I did not know what would be the sensible way to compile
 # and run these tests from the Ruby makefile
-clang -std=c99 -Wall ujit_asm.c ujit_asm_tests.c -o asm_test
+clang -std=gnu99 -Wall ujit_asm.c ujit_asm_tests.c -o asm_test
+rm asm_test
diff --git a/ujit_asm.c b/ujit_asm.c
index bb6ad29a5a..5afea1a0c2 100644
--- a/ujit_asm.c
+++ b/ujit_asm.c
@@ -11,6 +11,24 @@ https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/ujit_asm.c#L11
 // TODO: give ujit_examples.h some more meaningful file name
 #include "ujit_examples.h"
+// 64-bit GP registers
+const x86opnd_t RAX = { OPND_REG, 64, .reg = { REG_GP, 0 }};
+const x86opnd_t RCX = { OPND_REG, 64, .reg = { REG_GP, 1 }};
+const x86opnd_t RDX = { OPND_REG, 64, .reg = { REG_GP, 2 }};
+const x86opnd_t RBX = { OPND_REG, 64, .reg = { REG_GP, 3 }};
+const x86opnd_t RSP = { OPND_REG, 64, .reg = { REG_GP, 4 }};
+const x86opnd_t RBP = { OPND_REG, 64, .reg = { REG_GP, 5 }};
+const x86opnd_t RSI = { OPND_REG, 64, .reg = { REG_GP, 6 }};
+const x86opnd_t RDI = { OPND_REG, 64, .reg = { REG_GP, 7 }};
+const x86opnd_t R8  = { OPND_REG, 64, .reg = { REG_GP, 8 }};
+const x86opnd_t R9  = { OPND_REG, 64, .reg = { REG_GP, 9 }};
+const x86opnd_t R10 = { OPND_REG, 64, .reg = { REG_GP, 10 }};
+const x86opnd_t R11 = { OPND_REG, 64, .reg = { REG_GP, 11 }};
+const x86opnd_t R12 = { OPND_REG, 64, .reg = { REG_GP, 12 }};
+const x86opnd_t R13 = { OPND_REG, 64, .reg = { REG_GP, 13 }};
+const x86opnd_t R14 = { OPND_REG, 64, .reg = { REG_GP, 14 }};
+const x86opnd_t R15 = { OPND_REG, 64, .reg = { REG_GP, 15 }};
 void cb_init(codeblock_t* cb, size_t mem_size)
     // Map the memory as executable
@@ -36,6 +54,15 @@ void cb_init(codeblock_t* cb, size_t mem_size) https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/ujit_asm.c#L54
     cb->num_refs = 0;
+Set the current write position
+void cb_set_pos(codeblock_t* cb, size_t pos)
+    assert (pos < cb->mem_size);
+    cb->write_pos = pos;
 // Get a direct pointer into the executable memory block
 uint8_t* cb_get_ptr(codeblock_t* cb, size_t index)
@@ -128,8 +155,27 @@ void cb_write_epilogue(codeblock_t* cb) https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/ujit_asm.c#L155
         cb_write_byte(cb, ujit_post_call_bytes[i]);
+// Check if an operand needs a rex byte to be encoded
+bool rex_needed(x86opnd_t opnd)
+    if (opnd.type == OPND_REG)
+    {
+        return (
+            opnd.reg.reg_no > 7 ||
+            (opnd.num_bits == 8 && opnd.reg.reg_no >= 4 && opnd.reg.reg_no <= 7)
+        );
+    }
+    if (opnd.type == OPND_MEM)
+    {
+        return (opnd.mem.base_reg_no > 7) || (opnd.mem.has_idx && opnd.mem.idx_reg_no > 7);
+    }
+    assert (false);
 // Write the REX byte
-void writeREX(
+static void cb_write_rex(
     codeblock_t* cb,
     bool w_flag,
     uint8_t reg_no,
@@ -153,13 +199,12 @@ void writeREX( https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/ujit_asm.c#L199
 // Write an opcode byte with an embedded register operand
-/*static void cb_write_opcode(codeblock_t* cb, uint8_t opcode, X86Reg rOpnd)
+static void cb_write_opcode(codeblock_t* cb, uint8_t opcode, x86opnd_t reg)
     // Write the reg field into the opcode byte
-    uint8_t op_byte = opcode | (rOpnd.regNo & 7);
+    uint8_t op_byte = opcode | (reg.reg.reg_no & 7);
     cb_write_byte(cb, op_byte);
 // nop - Noop, one or multiple bytes long
 void nop(codeblock_t* cb, size_t length)
@@ -228,28 +273,35 @@ void nop(codeblock_t* cb, size_t length) https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/ujit_asm.c#L273
 /// push - Push a register on the stack
-void push(codeblock_t* cb, X86Reg reg)
+void push(codeblock_t* cb, x86opnd_t reg)
-    assert (reg.size is 64, "can only push 64-bit registers");
+    assert (reg.num_bits == 64);
     //cb.writeASM("push", reg);
-    if (reg.rexNeeded)
-        cb_write_rex(cb, false, 0, 0, reg.regNo);
-    cb_write_byte(cb, 0x50, reg);
+    if (rex_needed(reg))
+        cb_write_rex(cb, false, 0, 0, reg.reg.reg_no);
+    cb_write_opcode(cb, 0x50, reg);
 /// pop - Pop a register off the stack
-void pop(codeblock_t* cb, X86Reg reg)
+void pop(codeblock_t* cb, x86opnd_t reg)
-    assert (reg.size is 64);
+    assert (reg.num_bits == 64);
     //cb.writeASM("pop", reg);
-    if (reg.rexNeeded)
-        cb_write_rex(false, 0, 0, reg.regNo);
-    cb_write_byte(cb, 0x58, reg);
+    if (rex_needed(reg))
+        cb_write_rex(cb, false, 0, 0, reg.reg.reg_no);
+    cb_write_opcode(cb, 0x58, reg);
+/// ret - Return from call, popping only the return address
+void ret(codeblock_t* cb)
+    //cb.writeASM("ret");
+    cb_write_byte(cb, 0xC3);
diff --git a/ujit_asm.h b/ujit_asm.h
index b192588c69..13f0698916 100644
--- a/ujit_asm.h
+++ b/ujit_asm.h
@@ -11,9 +11,10 @@ https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/ujit_asm.h#L11
 // Maximum number of label references
 #define MAX_LABEL_REFS 32
+// Reference to an ASM label
 typedef struct LabelRef
-    // Position where the label reference is in the code block
+    // Position in the code block where the label reference exists
     size_t pos;
     // Label which this refers to
@@ -21,6 +22,7 @@ typedef struct LabelRef https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/ujit_asm.h#L22
 } labelref_t;
+// Block of executable memory into which instructions can be written
 typedef struct CodeBlock
     // Memory block
@@ -51,15 +53,101 @@ typedef struct CodeBlock https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/ujit_asm.h#L53
 } codeblock_t;
+enum OpndType
+    OPND_REG,
+    OPND_IMM,
+    OPND_MEM,
+enum RegType
+    REG_GP,
+    REG_FP,
+    REG_XMM,
+    REG_IP
+typedef struct X86Reg
+    // Register type
+    uint8_t reg_type;
+    // Register index number
+    uint8_t reg_no;
+} x86reg_t;
+typedef struct X86Mem
+    /// Base register number
+    uint8_t base_reg_no;
+    /// Index register number
+    uint8_t idx_reg_no;
+    /// SIB scale exponent value (power of two, two bits)
+    uint8_t scale_exp;
+    /// Has index register flag
+    bool has_idx;
+    // FIXME: do we need this, or can base reg just be RIP?
+    /// IP-relative addressing flag
+    bool is_iprel;
+    /// Constant displacement from the base, not scaled
+    int32_t disp;
+} x86mem_t;
 typedef struct X86Opnd
+    // Operand type
+    uint8_t type;
+    // Size in bits
+    uint16_t num_bits;
+    union
+    {
+        // Register operand
+        x86reg_t reg;
+        // Memory operand
+        x86mem_t mem;
+        // Signed immediate value
+        int64_t imm;
+        // Unsigned immediate value
+        uint64_t unsgImm;
+    };
 } x86opnd_t;
+// 64-bit GP registers
+const x86opnd_t RAX;
+const x86opnd_t RCX;
+const x86opnd_t RDX;
+const x86opnd_t RBX;
+const x86opnd_t RBP;
+const x86opnd_t RSP;
+const x86opnd_t RSI;
+const x86opnd_t RDI;
+const x86opnd_t R8;
+const x86opnd_t R9;
+const x86opnd_t R10;
+const x86opnd_t R11;
+const x86opnd_t R12;
+const x86opnd_t R13;
+const x86opnd_t R14;
+const x86opnd_t R15;
 void cb_init(codeblock_t* cb, size_t mem_size);
+void cb_set_pos(codeblock_t* cb, size_t pos);
 uint8_t* cb_get_ptr(codeblock_t* cb, size_t index);
 void cb_write_byte(codeblock_t* cb, uint8_t byte);
 void cb_write_bytes(codeblock_t* cb, size_t num_bytes, ...);
@@ -69,7 +157,13 @@ void cb_write_int(codeblock_t* cb, uint64_t val, size_t num_bits); https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/ujit_asm.h#L157
 void cb_write_prologue(codeblock_t* cb);
 void cb_write_epilogue(codeblock_t* cb);
+// Encode individual instructions into a code block
 void nop(codeblock_t* cb, size_t length);
+void push(codeblock_t* cb, x86opnd_t reg);
+void pop(codeblock_t* cb, x86opnd_t reg);
+void ret(codeblock_t* cb);
diff --git a/ujit_asm_tests.c b/ujit_asm_tests.c
index fc8005e56e..6cc5f1e16a 100644
--- a/ujit_asm_tests.c
+++ b/ujit_asm_tests.c
@@ -1,27 +1,68 @@ https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/ujit_asm_tests.c#L1
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <assert.h>
 #include "ujit_asm.h"
-//fprintf(stderr, format);
-// TODO: make a macro to test encoding sequences
-// ***You can use sizeof to know the length***
-// CHECK_BYTES(cb, {})
+// Check that the code block contains the given sequence of bytes
+void check_bytes(codeblock_t* cb, const char* bytes)
+    printf("checking encoding: %s\n", bytes);
+    size_t len = strlen(bytes);
+    assert (len % 2 == 0);
+    size_t num_bytes = len / 2;
+    if (cb->write_pos != num_bytes)
+    {
+        fprintf(stderr, "incorrect encoding length %ld\n", cb->write_pos);
+        exit(-1);
+    }
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < num_bytes; ++i)
+    {
+        char byte_str[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
+        strncpy(byte_str, bytes + (2 * i), 2);
 (... truncated)

ML: ruby-changes@q...
Info: http://www.atdot.net/~ko1/quickml/
