

From: =E5=8D=9C=E9=83=A8=E6=98=8C=E5=B9=B3 <ko1@a...>
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 2021 20:01:43 +0900 (JST)
Subject: [ruby-changes:67765] 26b7efc51c (master): include/ruby/internal/intern/proc.h: add doxygen


From 26b7efc51cf2085c5173bd4fc7263760b81900c7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?=E5=8D=9C=E9=83=A8=E6=98=8C=E5=B9=B3?=
Date: Fri, 5 Mar 2021 13:55:54 +0900
Subject: include/ruby/internal/intern/proc.h: add doxygen

Must not be a bad idea to improve documents. [ci skip]
 eval.c                              |  17 --
 include/ruby/internal/intern/proc.h | 334 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 2 files changed, 317 insertions(+), 34 deletions(-)

diff --git a/eval.c b/eval.c
index 209ad33..325592f 100644
--- a/eval.c
+++ b/eval.c
@@ -983,23 +983,6 @@ rb_rescue(VALUE (* b_proc)(VALUE), VALUE data1, https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/eval.c#L983
-/*! Protects a function call from potential global escapes from the function.
- *
- * Such global escapes include exceptions, \c Kernel\#throw, \c break in
- * an iterator, for example.
- * It first calls the function func with arg as the argument.
- * If no exception occurred during func, it returns the result of func and
- * *state is zero.
- * Otherwise, it returns Qnil and sets *state to nonzero.
- * If state is NULL, it is not set in both cases.
- *
- * You have to clear the error info with rb_set_errinfo(Qnil) when
- * ignoring the caught exception.
- * \ingroup exception
- * \sa rb_rescue
- * \sa rb_rescue2
- * \sa rb_ensure
- */
 rb_protect(VALUE (* proc) (VALUE), VALUE data, int *pstate)
diff --git a/include/ruby/internal/intern/proc.h b/include/ruby/internal/intern/proc.h
index fa193b0..b8c3c5e 100644
--- a/include/ruby/internal/intern/proc.h
+++ b/include/ruby/internal/intern/proc.h
@@ -27,26 +27,326 @@ https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/include/ruby/internal/intern/proc.h#L27
 /* proc.c */
+ * Constructs a  Proc object  from implicitly passed  components.  When  a ruby
+ * method is  called with a block,  that block is not  explicitly passed around
+ * using C level function parameters.   This function gathers all the necessary
+ * info to turn them into a Ruby level instance of ::rb_cProc.
+ *
+ * @exception  rb_eArgError  There is no passed block.
+ * @return     An instance of ::rb_cProc.
+ */
 VALUE rb_block_proc(void);
+ * Identical to rb_proc_new(), except it returns a lambda.
+ *
+ * @exception  rb_eArgError  There is no passed block.
+ * @return     An instance of ::rb_cProc.
+ */
 VALUE rb_block_lambda(void);
-VALUE rb_proc_new(rb_block_call_func_t, VALUE);
-VALUE rb_obj_is_proc(VALUE);
-VALUE rb_proc_call(VALUE, VALUE);
-VALUE rb_proc_call_kw(VALUE, VALUE, int);
-VALUE rb_proc_call_with_block(VALUE, int argc, const VALUE *argv, VALUE);
-VALUE rb_proc_call_with_block_kw(VALUE, int argc, const VALUE *argv, VALUE, int);
-int rb_proc_arity(VALUE);
-VALUE rb_proc_lambda_p(VALUE);
+ * This is an rb_iterate() + rb_block_proc() combo.
+ *
+ * ```CXX
+ * my_own_iterator(RB_BLOCK_CALL_FUNC_ARGLIST(y, c))
+ * {
+ *     const auto plus = rb_intern("+");
+ *     return rb_funcall(c, plus, 1, y);
+ * }
+ *
+ * my_own_method(VALUE self)
+ * {
+ *     return rb_proc_new(my_own_iterator, self);
+ * }
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param[in]  func          A backend function of a proc.
+ * @param[in]  callback_arg  Passed to `func`'s callback_arg.
+ * @return     A C-backended proc object.
+ *
+ */
+VALUE rb_proc_new(rb_block_call_func_t func, VALUE callback_arg);
+ * Queries if the given object is a proc.
+ *
+ * @note       This is about the object's data structure, not its class etc.
+ * @param[in]  recv         Object in question.
+ * @retval     RUBY_Qtrue   It is a proc.
+ * @retval     RUBY_Qfalse  Otherwise.
+ */
+VALUE rb_obj_is_proc(VALUE recv);
+ * Evaluates the passed proc with the passed arguments.
+ *
+ * @param[in]  recv           The proc to call.
+ * @param[in]  args           An instance of ::RArray which is the arguments.
+ * @exception  rb_eException  Any exceptions happen inside.
+ * @return     What the proc evaluates to.
+ */
+VALUE rb_proc_call(VALUE recv, VALUE args);
+ * Identical to rb_proc_call(),  except you can specify how to  handle the last
+ * element of the given array.
+ *
+ * @param[in]  recv             The proc to call.
+ * @param[in]  args             An instance of ::RArray which is the arguments.
+ * @param[in]  kw_splat         Handling of keyword parameters:
+ *   - RB_NO_KEYWORDS           `args`' last is not a keyword argument.
+ *   - RB_PASS_KEYWORDS         `args`' last is a keyword argument.
+ *   - RB_PASS_CALLED_KEYWORDS  it depends if there is a passed block.
+ * @exception  rb_eException    Any exceptions happen inside.
+ * @return     What the proc evaluates to.
+ */
+VALUE rb_proc_call_kw(VALUE recv, VALUE args, int kw_splat);
+ * Identical to rb_proc_call(),  except you can additionally  pass another proc
+ * object, as a block.  Nowadays procs can take blocks:
+ *
+ * ```ruby
+ * l = -> (positional, optional=nil, *rest, kwarg:, **kwrest, &block) {
+ *   #                   ... how can we pass this `&block`?   ^^^^^^
+ * }
+ * ```
+ *
+ * And this function is to pass one to such procs.
+ *
+ * @param[in]  recv           The proc to call.
+ * @param[in]  argc           Number of arguments.
+ * @param[in]  argv           Arbitrary number of proc arguments.
+ * @param[in]  proc           Proc as a passed block.
+ * @exception  rb_eException  Any exceptions happen inside.
+ * @return     What the proc evaluates to.
+ */
+VALUE rb_proc_call_with_block(VALUE recv, int argc, const VALUE *argv, VALUE proc);
+ * Identical to rb_proc_call_with_block(), except you can specify how to handle
+ * the last  element of  the given  array.  It can  also be  seen as  a routine
+ * identical  to rb_proc_call_kw(),  except you  can additionally  pass another
+ * proc object as a block.
+ *
+ * @param[in]  recv             The proc to call.
+ * @param[in]  argc             Number of arguments.
+ * @param[in]  argv             Arbitrary number of proc arguments.
+ * @param[in]  proc             Proc as a passed block.
+ * @param[in]  kw_splat         Handling of keyword parameters:
+ *   - RB_NO_KEYWORDS           `args`' last is not a keyword argument.
+ *   - RB_PASS_KEYWORDS         `args`' last is a keyword argument.
+ *   - RB_PASS_CALLED_KEYWORDS  it depends if there is a passed block.
+ * @exception  rb_eException    Any exceptions happen inside.
+ * @return     What the proc evaluates to.
+ */
+VALUE rb_proc_call_with_block_kw(VALUE recv, int argc, const VALUE *argv, VALUE proc, int kw_splat);
+ * Queries the number  of mandatory arguments of the given  Proc.  If its block
+ * is declared  to take no  arguments, returns `0`.  If  the block is  known to
+ * take  exactly  `n`  arguments,  returns  `n`.  If  the  block  has  optional
+ * arguments, returns `-n-1`,  where `n` is the number  of mandatory arguments,
+ * with the exception  for blocks that are  not lambdas and have  only a finite
+ * number of  optional arguments;  in this latter  case, returns  `n`.  Keyword
+ * arguments will be considered as  a single additional argument, that argument
+ * being mandatory if any keyword argument is mandatory.
+ *
+ * @param[in]  recv  Target Proc object.
+ * @retval     0     It takes no arguments.
+ * @retval     >0    It takes exactly this number of arguments.
+ * @retval     <0    It takes optional arguments.
+ */
+int rb_proc_arity(VALUE recv);
+ * Queries if the given object is a lambda.  Instances of ::rb_cProc are either
+ * lambda  or  proc.   They  differ  in  several  points.   This  function  can
+ * distinguish them without actually evaluating their contents.
+ *
+ * @param[in]  recv         Target proc object.
+ * @retval     RUBY_Qtrue   It is a lambda.
+ * @retval     RUBY_Qfalse  Otherwise.
+ */
+VALUE rb_proc_lambda_p(VALUE recv);
+ * Snapshots the  current execution  context and  turn it  into an  instance of
+ * ::rb_cBinding.
+ *
+ * @return  An instance of ::rb_cBinding.
+ */
 VALUE rb_binding_new(void);
-VALUE rb_obj_method(VALUE, VALUE);
-VALUE rb_obj_is_method(VALUE);
-VALUE rb_method_call(int, const VALUE*, VALUE);
-VALUE rb_method_call_kw(int, const VALUE*, VALUE, int);
-VALUE rb_method_call_with_block(int, const VALUE *, VALUE, VALUE);
-VALUE rb_method_call_with_block_kw(int, const VALUE *, VALUE, VALUE, int);
-int rb_mod_method_arity(VALUE, ID);
-int rb_obj_method_arity(VALUE, ID);
-VALUE rb_protect(VALUE (*)(VALUE), VALUE, int*);
+ * Creates a method object.  A method object is a proc-like object that you can
+ * "call".  Note  that a  method object  snapshots the method  at the  time the
+ * object is created:
+ *
+ * ```ruby
+ * class Foo
+ *   def foo
+ *     return 1
+ *   end
+ * end
+ *
+ * obj = Foo.new.method(:foo)
+ *
+ * class Foo
+ *   def foo
+ *     return 2
+ *   end
+ * end
+ *
+ * obj.call # => 1, not 2.
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param[in]  recv               Receiver of the method.
+ * @param[in]  mid                Method name, in either String or Symbol.
+ * @exception  rb_eNoMethodError  No such method.
+ * @return     An instance of ::rb_cMethod.
+ */
+VALUE rb_obj_method(VALUE recv, VALUE mid);
+ * Queries if the given object is a method.
+ *
+ * @note       This is about the object's data structure, not its class etc.
+ * @param[in]  recv         Object in question.
+ * @retval     RUBY_Qtrue   It is a method.
+ * @retval     RUBY_Qfalse  Otherwise.
+ */
+VALUE rb_obj_is_method(VALUE recv);
+ * Evaluates the passed method with the passed arguments.
+ *
+ * @param[in]  argc           Number of objects of `argv`.
+ * @param[in]  argv           Arbitrary number of method arguments.
+ * @param[in]  recv           The method object to call.
+ * @exception  rb_eTypeError  `recv` is not a method.
+ * @exception  rb_eException  Any exceptions happen inside.
+ * @return     What the method returns.
+ */
+VALUE rb_method_call(int argc, const VALUE *argv, VALUE recv);
+ * Iden (... truncated)

ML: ruby-changes@q...
Info: http://www.atdot.net/~ko1/quickml/
