

From: =E5=8D=9C=E9=83=A8=E6=98=8C=E5=B9=B3 <ko1@a...>
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 2021 20:01:20 +0900 (JST)
Subject: [ruby-changes:67742] 1bd1339492 (master): include/ruby/internal/core/rstring.h: add doxygen


From 1bd133949295be3b50439c956f951f7b1bfe7d6e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?=E5=8D=9C=E9=83=A8=E6=98=8C=E5=B9=B3?=
Date: Mon, 1 Feb 2021 12:10:21 +0900
Subject: include/ruby/internal/core/rstring.h: add doxygen

Must not be a bad idea to improve documents. [ci skip]
 include/ruby/internal/core/rstring.h | 355 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 347 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/include/ruby/internal/core/rstring.h b/include/ruby/internal/core/rstring.h
index a616eba..e14753a 100644
--- a/include/ruby/internal/core/rstring.h
+++ b/include/ruby/internal/core/rstring.h
@@ -32,14 +32,20 @@ https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/include/ruby/internal/core/rstring.h#L32
 #include "ruby/internal/warning_push.h"
 #include "ruby/assert.h"
+ * Convenient casting macro.
+ *
+ * @param   obj  An object, which is in fact an ::RString.
+ * @return  The passed object casted to ::RString.
+ */
 #define RSTRING(obj)            RBIMPL_CAST((struct RString *)(obj))
+/** @cond INTERNAL_MACRO */
 #define RSTRING_FSTR            RSTRING_FSTR
-/** @cond INTERNAL_MACRO */
@@ -47,59 +53,343 @@ https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/include/ruby/internal/core/rstring.h#L53
 /** @endcond */
+ * @name Conversion of Ruby strings into C's
+ *
+ * @{
+ */
+ * Ensures that the parameter object is a  String.  This is done by calling its
+ * `to_str` method.
+ *
+ * @param[in,out]  v              Arbitrary Ruby object.
+ * @exception      rb_eTypeError  No implicit conversion defined.
+ * @post           `v` is a String.
+ */
 #define StringValue(v)     rb_string_value(&(v))
+ * Identical to #StringValue, except it returns a `char*`.
+ *
+ * @param[in,out]  v              Arbitrary Ruby object.
+ * @exception      rb_eTypeError  No implicit conversion defined.
+ * @return         Converted Ruby string's backend C string.
+ * @post           `v` is a String.
+ */
 #define StringValuePtr(v)  rb_string_value_ptr(&(v))
+ * Identical to #StringValuePtr, except it additionally checks for the contents
+ * for viability  as a C  string.  Ruby can accept  wider range of  contents as
+ * strings, compared to C.  This function is to check that.
+ *
+ * @param[in,out]  v              Arbitrary Ruby object.
+ * @exception      rb_eTypeError  No implicit conversion defined.
+ * @exception      rb_eArgError   String is not C-compatible.
+ * @return         Converted Ruby string's backend C string.
+ * @post           `v` is a String.
+ */
 #define StringValueCStr(v) rb_string_value_cstr(&(v))
+ * @private
+ *
+ * @deprecated  This macro once was a thing in the old days, but makes no sense
+ *              any  longer today.   Exists  here  for backwards  compatibility
+ *              only.  You can safely forget about it.
+ */
 #define SafeStringValue(v) StringValue(v)
+ * Identical  to #StringValue,  except  it additionally  converts the  string's
+ * encoding to default external encoding.  Ruby has a concept called encodings.
+ * A string can have different  encoding than the environment expects.  Someone
+ * has to make  sure its contents be converted to  something suitable.  This is
+ * that routine.  Call it when necessary.
+ *
+ * @param[in,out]  v              Arbitrary Ruby object.
+ * @exception      rb_eTypeError  No implicit conversion defined.
+ * @return         Converted Ruby string's backend C string.
+ * @post           `v` is a String.
+ *
+ * @internal
+ *
+ * Not   sure  but   it  seems   this  macro   does  not   raise  on   encoding
+ * incompatibilities?  Doesn't sound right to @shyouhei.
+ */
 #define ExportStringValue(v) do { \
     StringValue(v);               \
     (v) = rb_str_export(v);       \
 } while (0)
+/** @} */
+ * @private
+ *
+ * Bits that you can set to ::RBasic::flags.
+ *
+ * @warning  These enums are not the only bits we use for strings.
+ *
+ * @internal
+ *
+ * Actually all bits  through FL_USER1 to FL_USER19 are used  for strings.  Why
+ * only this  tiny part of  them are made public  here?  @shyouhei can  find no
+ * reason.
+ */
 enum ruby_rstring_flags {
+    /**
+     * This flag has  something to do with memory footprint.   If the string is
+     * short enough, ruby tries to be  creative to abuse padding bits of struct
+     * ::RString for  storing contents.  If this  flag is set that  string does
+     * _not_  do that,  to resort  to  good old  fashioned external  allocation
+     * strategy instead.
+     *
+     * @warning  This  bit has  to be  considered read-only.   Setting/clearing
+     *           this  bit without  corresponding fix  up must  cause immediate
+     *           SEGV.    Also,  internal   structures  of   a  string   change
+     *           dynamically  and  transparently  throughout of  its  lifetime.
+     *           Don't assume it being persistent.
+     *
+     * @internal
+     *
+     * 3rd parties must  not be aware that  there even is more than  one way to
+     * store a string.  Might better be hidden.
+     */
+    /**
+     * When a  string employs embedded strategy  (see ::RSTRING_NOEMBED), these
+     * bits  are  used to  store  the  number  of  bytes actually  filled  into
+     * ::RString::ary.
+     *
+     * @internal
+     *
+     * 3rd parties must  not be aware that  there even is more than  one way to
+     * store a string.  Might better be hidden.
+     */
                               RUBY_FL_USER5 | RUBY_FL_USER6,
     /* Actually,  string  encodings are  also  encoded  into the  flags,  using
      * remaining bits.*/
+    /**
+     * This  flag has  something  to do  with infamous  "f"string.   What is  a
+     * fstring?  Well  it is a  special subkind  of strings that  is immutable,
+     * deduped globally, and managed  by our GC.  It is much  like a Symbol (in
+     * fact Symbols are  dynamic these days and are  backended using fstrings).
+     * This concept  has been  silently introduced  at some  point in  2.x era.
+     * Since  then it  gained  wider  acceptance in  the  core.  But  extension
+     * libraries could not know that until very recently.  Strings of this flag
+     * live in  a special Limbo deep  inside of the interpreter.   Never try to
+     * manipulate it by hand.
+     *
+     * @internal
+     *
+     * Fstrings  are not  the only  variant  strings that  we implement  today.
+     * Other things are behind-the-scene.  This is the only one that is visible
+     * from extension  library.  There  is no  clear reason why  it has  to be.
+     * Given there are more "polite" ways to create fstrings, it seems this bit
+     * need not be exposed to extension libraries.  Might better be hidden.
+     */
     RSTRING_FSTR            = RUBY_FL_USER17
+ * This is an enum because GDB wants it (rather than a macro).  People need not
+ * bother.
+ */
 enum ruby_rstring_consts {
+    /** Where ::RSTRING_EMBED_LEN_MASK resides. */
+    /** Max possible number of characters that can be embedded. */
+ * Ruby's String.  A string in ruby conceptually has these information:
+ *
+ * - Encoding of the string.
+ * - Length of the string.
+ * - Contents of the string.
+ *
+ * It is worth  noting that a string  is _not_ an array of  characters in ruby.
+ * It has never been.   In 1.x a string was an array of  integers.  Since 2.x a
+ * string is no longer an array of anything.  A string is a string -- just like
+ * a Time is not an integer.
+ */
 struct RString {
+    /** Basic part, including flags and class. */
     struct RBasic basic;
+    /** String's specific fields. */
     union {
+        /**
+         * Strings  that use  separated  memory region  for  contents use  this
+         * pattern.
+         */
         struct {
+            /**
+             * Length of the string, not including terminating NUL character.
+             *
+             * @note  This is in bytes.
+             */
             long len;
+            /**
+             * Pointer to  the contents of  the string.   In the old  days each
+             * string had  dedicated memory  regions.  That  is no  longer true
+             * today,  but there  still are  strings of  such properties.  This
+             * field could be used to point such things.
+             */
             char *ptr;
+            /** Auxiliary info. */
             union {
+                /**
+                 * Capacity of `*ptr`.  A continuous  memory region of at least
+                 * `capa` bytes  is expected to  exist at `*ptr`.  This  can be
+                 * bigger than `len`.
+                 */
                 long capa;
+                /**
+                 * Parent  of the  string.   Nowadays strings  can share  their
+                 * contents each other, constructing  gigantic nest of objects.
+                 * This situation is called "shared",  and this is the field to
+                 * control such properties.
+                 */
                 VALUE shared;
             } aux;
         } heap;
+        /**
+         * Embedded contents.  When a string is short enough, it uses this area
+         * to store the contents themselves.   This was impractical in the 20th
+         * century, but these days 64 bit  machines can typically hold 48 bytes
+          (... truncated)

ML: ruby-changes@q...
Info: http://www.atdot.net/~ko1/quickml/
