

From: mame <ko1@a...>
Date: Fri, 25 Jul 2008 02:47:53 +0900 (JST)
Subject: [ruby-changes:6684] Ruby:r18200 (trunk): * sample/coverage.rb: move from lib/coverage.rb because this remains in

mame	2008-07-25 02:47:34 +0900 (Fri, 25 Jul 2008)

  New Revision: 18200


    * sample/coverage.rb: move from lib/coverage.rb because this remains in
      an early phase of development.

  Added files:
  Removed files:
  Modified files:

Index: ChangeLog
--- ChangeLog	(revision 18199)
+++ ChangeLog	(revision 18200)
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
+Fri Jul 25 02:43:11 2008  Yusuke Endoh  <mame@t...>
+	* sample/coverage.rb: move from lib/coverage.rb because this remains in
+	  an early phase of development.
 Fri Jul 25 00:10:23 2008  Nobuyoshi Nakada  <nobu@r...>
 	* file.c (rb_find_file_ext, rb_find_file): converts Windows style path
Index: sample/coverage.rb
--- sample/coverage.rb	(revision 0)
+++ sample/coverage.rb	(revision 18200)
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+require "coverage.so"
+ext = ENV["COVERUBY_EXT"] || ".cov"
+accum = !accum || accum == "" || !(%w(f n 0).include?(accum[0]))
+pwd = Dir.pwd
+at_exit do
+  Dir.chdir(pwd) do
+    Coverage.result.each do |sfile, covs|
+      cfile = sfile + ext
+      writable = proc do |f|
+        File.writable?(f) || File.writable?(File.dirname(f))
+      end
+      unless writable[cfile]
+        cfile = cfile.gsub(File.PATH_SEPARATOR, "#")
+        next unless writable[cfile]
+      end
+      readlines = proc do |f|
+        File.read(f).force_encoding("ASCII-8BIT").lines.to_a
+      end
+      sources = (readlines[sfile] rescue [])
+      pcovs = []
+      if accum
+        pcovs = (readlines[cfile] rescue []).map.with_index do |line, idx|
+          if line[/^\s*(?:(#####)|(\d+)|-):\s*\d+:(.*)$/n]
+            cov, line = $1 ? 0 : ($2 ? $2.to_i : nil), $3
+            if !sources[idx] || sources[idx].chomp != line.chomp
+              warn("source file changed, ignoring: `#{ cfile }'")
+              break []
+            end
+            cov
+          else
+	    p line
+            warn("coverage file corrupted, ignoring: #{ cfile }")
+            break []
+          end
+        end
+        unless pcovs.empty? || pcovs.size == covs.size
+          warn("coverage file changed, ignoring: `#{ cfile }'")
+          pcovs = []
+        end
+      end
+      open(cfile, "w") do |out|
+        covs.zip(sources, pcovs).each_with_index do |(cov, line, pcov), idx|
+          cov += pcov || 0 if cov
+          cov = (cov ? (cov == 0 ? "#####" : cov.to_s) : "-").rjust(9)
+          out.puts("%s:% 5d:%s" % [cov, idx + 1, line])
+        end
+      end
+    end
+  end

Property changes on: sample/coverage.rb
Name: svn:eol-style
   + LF

Index: lib/coverage.rb
--- lib/coverage.rb	(revision 18199)
+++ lib/coverage.rb	(revision 18200)
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-require "coverage.so"
-ext = ENV["COVERUBY_EXT"] || ".cov"
-accum = !accum || accum == "" || !(%w(f n 0).include?(accum[0]))
-pwd = Dir.pwd
-at_exit do
-  Dir.chdir(pwd) do
-    Coverage.result.each do |sfile, covs|
-      cfile = sfile + ext
-      writable = proc do |f|
-        File.writable?(f) || File.writable?(File.dirname(f))
-      end
-      unless writable[cfile]
-        cfile = cfile.gsub(File.PATH_SEPARATOR, "#")
-        next unless writable[cfile]
-      end
-      readlines = proc do |f|
-        File.read(f).force_encoding("ASCII-8BIT").lines.to_a
-      end
-      sources = (readlines[sfile] rescue [])
-      pcovs = []
-      if accum
-        pcovs = (readlines[cfile] rescue []).map.with_index do |line, idx|
-          if line[/^\s*(?:(#####)|(\d+)|-):\s*\d+:(.*)$/n]
-            cov, line = $1 ? 0 : ($2 ? $2.to_i : nil), $3
-            if !sources[idx] || sources[idx].chomp != line.chomp
-              warn("source file changed, ignoring: `#{ cfile }'")
-              break []
-            end
-            cov
-          else
-	    p line
-            warn("coverage file corrupted, ignoring: #{ cfile }")
-            break []
-          end
-        end
-        unless pcovs.empty? || pcovs.size == covs.size
-          warn("coverage file changed, ignoring: `#{ cfile }'")
-          pcovs = []
-        end
-      end
-      open(cfile, "w") do |out|
-        covs.zip(sources, pcovs).each_with_index do |(cov, line, pcov), idx|
-          cov += pcov || 0 if cov
-          cov = (cov ? (cov == 0 ? "#####" : cov.to_s) : "-").rjust(9)
-          out.puts("%s:% 5d:%s" % [cov, idx + 1, line])
-        end
-      end
-    end
-  end

ML: ruby-changes@q...
Info: http://www.atdot.net/~ko1/quickml/
