

From: aycabta <ko1@a...>
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 2021 15:47:46 +0900 (JST)
Subject: [ruby-changes:65580] 971a0cd246 (master): [ruby/rdoc] Allow partial default values to be overridden with .rdoc_options


From 971a0cd246db6578e1ea8760a903e1a23e3681f3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: aycabta <aycabta@g...>
Date: Sun, 7 Mar 2021 10:13:14 +0900
Subject: [ruby/rdoc] Allow partial default values to be overridden with

 lib/rdoc/options.rb         | 34 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 lib/rdoc/rdoc.rb            |  7 ++++++-
 test/rdoc/test_rdoc_rdoc.rb | 12 ++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 51 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lib/rdoc/options.rb b/lib/rdoc/options.rb
index 13c1aba..13b7ba5 100644
--- a/lib/rdoc/options.rb
+++ b/lib/rdoc/options.rb
@@ -338,8 +338,9 @@ class RDoc::Options https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/lib/rdoc/options.rb#L338
   attr_reader :visibility
-  def initialize # :nodoc:
+  def initialize loaded_options = nil # :nodoc:
+    override loaded_options if loaded_options
   def init_ivars # :nodoc:
@@ -417,6 +418,37 @@ class RDoc::Options https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/lib/rdoc/options.rb#L418
     init_with map
+  def override map # :nodoc:
+    if map.has_key?('encoding')
+      encoding = map['encoding']
+      @encoding = encoding ? Encoding.find(encoding) : encoding
+    end
+    @charset        = map['charset']        if map.has_key?('charset')
+    @exclude        = map['exclude']        if map.has_key?('exclude')
+    @generator_name = map['generator_name'] if map.has_key?('generator_name')
+    @hyperlink_all  = map['hyperlink_all']  if map.has_key?('hyperlink_all')
+    @line_numbers   = map['line_numbers']   if map.has_key?('line_numbers')
+    @locale_name    = map['locale_name']    if map.has_key?('locale_name')
+    @locale_dir     = map['locale_dir']     if map.has_key?('locale_dir')
+    @main_page      = map['main_page']      if map.has_key?('main_page')
+    @markup         = map['markup']         if map.has_key?('markup')
+    @op_dir         = map['op_dir']         if map.has_key?('op_dir')
+    @show_hash      = map['show_hash']      if map.has_key?('show_hash')
+    @tab_width      = map['tab_width']      if map.has_key?('tab_width')
+    @template_dir   = map['template_dir']   if map.has_key?('template_dir')
+    @title          = map['title']          if map.has_key?('title')
+    @visibility     = map['visibility']     if map.has_key?('visibility')
+    @webcvs         = map['webcvs']         if map.has_key?('webcvs')
+    if map.has_key?('rdoc_include')
+      @rdoc_include = sanitize_path map['rdoc_include']
+    end
+    if map.has_key?('static_path')
+      @static_path  = sanitize_path map['static_path']
+    end
+  end
   def == other # :nodoc:
     self.class === other and
       @encoding       == other.encoding       and
diff --git a/lib/rdoc/rdoc.rb b/lib/rdoc/rdoc.rb
index 93e764c..c47f639 100644
--- a/lib/rdoc/rdoc.rb
+++ b/lib/rdoc/rdoc.rb
@@ -167,7 +167,12 @@ class RDoc::RDoc https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/lib/rdoc/rdoc.rb#L167
     raise RDoc::Error, "#{options_file} is not a valid rdoc options file" unless
-      RDoc::Options === options
+      RDoc::Options === options or Hash === options
+    if Hash === options
+      # Override the default values with the contents of YAML file.
+      options = RDoc::Options.new options
+    end
diff --git a/test/rdoc/test_rdoc_rdoc.rb b/test/rdoc/test_rdoc_rdoc.rb
index f7d9b86..b54cec5 100644
--- a/test/rdoc/test_rdoc_rdoc.rb
+++ b/test/rdoc/test_rdoc_rdoc.rb
@@ -133,6 +133,18 @@ class TestRDocRDoc < RDoc::TestCase https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/test/rdoc/test_rdoc_rdoc.rb#L133
+  def test_load_options_partial_override
+    temp_dir do
+      File.open '.rdoc_options', 'w' do |io|
+        io.write "markup: Markdown"
+      end
+      options = @rdoc.load_options
+      assert_equal 'Markdown', options.markup
+    end
+  end
   def load_options_no_file
     temp_dir do
       options = @rdoc.load_options
cgit v1.1

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Info: http://www.atdot.net/~ko1/quickml/
