

From: Burdette <ko1@a...>
Date: Tue, 24 Nov 2020 09:34:22 +0900 (JST)
Subject: [ruby-changes:63716] d99bca9012 (master): [ruby/csv] Enhanced RDoc for Table::Row (#169)


From d99bca9012dfa9ed0a18d4e36e1adfe27f499d93 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Burdette Lamar <BurdetteLamar@Y...>
Date: Sun, 23 Aug 2020 16:25:25 -0500
Subject: [ruby/csv] Enhanced RDoc for Table::Row (#169)


diff --git a/lib/csv/row.rb b/lib/csv/row.rb
index 57dc143..f63ff23 100644
--- a/lib/csv/row.rb
+++ b/lib/csv/row.rb
@@ -54,34 +54,75 @@ class CSV https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/lib/csv/row.rb#L54
-    # Returns +true+ if this is a header row.
+    # :call-seq:
+    #   row.header_row? -> true or false
+    #
+    # Returns +true+ if this is a header row, +false+ otherwise.
     def header_row?
-    # Returns +true+ if this is a field row.
+    # :call-seq:
+    #   row.field_row? -> true or false
+    #
+    # Returns +true+ if this is a field row, +false+ otherwise.
     def field_row?
       not header_row?
-    # Returns the headers of this row.
+    # :call-seq:
+    #    row.headers
+    #
+    # Returns the headers for this row:
+    #   source = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
+    #   table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
+    #   row = table.first
+    #   row.headers # => ["Name", "Value"]
     def headers
-    #
     # :call-seq:
-    #   field( header )
-    #   field( header, offset )
-    #   field( index )
-    #
-    # This method will return the field value by +header+ or +index+. If a field
-    # is not found, +nil+ is returned.
-    #
-    # When provided, +offset+ ensures that a header match occurs on or later
-    # than the +offset+ index. You can use this to find duplicate headers,
-    # without resorting to hard-coding exact indices.
-    #
+    #   field(index)
+    #   field(header)
+    #   field(header, offset)
+    #
+    # Returns the field value for the given +index+ or +header+.
+    # If an \Integer +offset+ is given, the first +offset+ columns are
+    # ignored.
+    #
+    # ---
+    #
+    # Fetch field value by \Integer index:
+    #   source = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
+    #   table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
+    #   row = table[0]
+    #   row.field(0) # => "foo"
+    #   row.field(1) # => "bar"
+    #
+    # Counts backward from the last column if +index+ is negative:
+    #   row.field(-1) # => "0"
+    #   row.field(-2) # => "foo"
+    #
+    # Returns +nil+ if +index+ is out of range:
+    #   row.field(2) # => nil
+    #   row.field(-3) # => nil
+    #
+    # ---
+    #
+    # Fetch field value by header (first found):
+    #   source = "Name,Name,Name\nFoo,Bar,Baz\n"
+    #   table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
+    #   row = table[0]
+    #   row.field('Name') # => "Foo"
+    #
+    # Fetch field value by header, ignoring +offset+ leading fields:
+    #   source = "Name,Name,Name\nFoo,Bar,Baz\n"
+    #   table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
+    #   row = table[0]
+    #   row.field('Name', 2) # => "Baz"
+    #
+    # Returns +nil+ if the header does not exist.
     def field(header_or_index, minimum_index = 0)
       # locate the pair
       finder = (header_or_index.is_a?(Integer) || header_or_index.is_a?(Range)) ? :[] : :assoc
@@ -98,16 +139,45 @@ class CSV https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/lib/csv/row.rb#L139
     # :call-seq:
-    #   fetch( header )
-    #   fetch( header ) { |row| ... }
-    #   fetch( header, default )
-    #
-    # This method will fetch the field value by +header+. It has the same
-    # behavior as Hash#fetch: if there is a field with the given +header+, its
-    # value is returned. Otherwise, if a block is given, it is yielded the
-    # +header+ and its result is returned; if a +default+ is given as the
-    # second argument, it is returned; otherwise a KeyError is raised.
-    #
+    #   fetch(header)
+    #   fetch(header, default)
+    #   fetch(header) {|row| ... }
+    #
+    # Returns the field value as specified by +header+.
+    #
+    # ---
+    #
+    # With the single argument +header+, returns the field value
+    # for that header (first found):
+    #   source = "Name,Name,Name\nFoo,Bar,Baz\n"
+    #   table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
+    #   row = table[0]
+    #   row.fetch('Name') # => "Foo"
+    #
+    # Raises exception +KeyError+ if the header does not exist.
+    #
+    # ---
+    #
+    # With arguments +header+ and +default+ given,
+    # returns the field value for the header (first found)
+    # if the header exists, otherwise returns +default+:
+    #   source = "Name,Name,Name\nFoo,Bar,Baz\n"
+    #   table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
+    #   row = table[0]
+    #   row.fetch('Name', '') # => "Foo"
+    #   row.fetch(:nosuch, '') # => ""
+    #
+    # ---
+    #
+    # With argument +header+ and a block given,
+    # returns the field value for the header (first found)
+    # if the header exists; otherwise calls the block
+    # and returns its return value:
+    #   source = "Name,Name,Name\nFoo,Bar,Baz\n"
+    #   table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
+    #   row = table[0]
+    #   row.fetch('Name') {|header| fail 'Cannot happen' } # => "Foo"
+    #   row.fetch(:nosuch) {|header| "Header '#{header} not found'" } # => "Header 'nosuch not found'"
     def fetch(header, *varargs)
       raise ArgumentError, "Too many arguments" if varargs.length > 1
       pair = @row.assoc(header)
@@ -124,7 +194,11 @@ class CSV https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/lib/csv/row.rb#L194
-    # Returns +true+ if there is a field with the given +header+.
+    # :call-seq:
+    #   row.has_key?(header)
+    #
+    # Returns +true+ if there is a field with the given +header+,
+    # +false+ otherwise.
     def has_key?(header)
cgit v0.10.2

ML: ruby-changes@q...
Info: http://www.atdot.net/~ko1/quickml/
