

From: Kazuki <ko1@a...>
Date: Sun, 14 Jun 2020 09:28:10 +0900 (JST)
Subject: [ruby-changes:61706] ddded1157a (master): Introduce find pattern [Feature #16828]


From ddded1157a90d21cb54b9f07de35ab9b4cc472e1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Kazuki Tsujimoto <kazuki@c...>
Date: Sun, 14 Jun 2020 09:24:36 +0900
Subject: Introduce find pattern [Feature #16828]

diff --git a/NEWS.md b/NEWS.md
index 6856a29..8b92aa4 100644
--- a/NEWS.md
+++ b/NEWS.md
@@ -38,6 +38,18 @@ sufficient information, see the ChangeLog file or Redmine https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/NEWS.md#L38
   instead of a warning. yield in a class definition outside of a method
   is now a SyntaxError instead of a LocalJumpError.  [[Feature #15575]]
+* Find pattern is added. [[Feature #16828]]
+    ```ruby
+    case ["a", 1, "b", "c", 2, "d", "e", "f", 3]
+    in [*pre, String => x, String => y, *post]
+      p pre  #=> ["a", 1]
+      p x    #=> "b"
+      p y    #=> "c"
+      p post #=> [2, "d", "e", "f", 3]
+    end
+    ```
 * Rightward assignment statement is added.  [EXPERIMENTAL]
   [[Feature #15921]]
diff --git a/ast.c b/ast.c
index 18a9723..44fec16 100644
--- a/ast.c
+++ b/ast.c
@@ -599,6 +599,19 @@ node_children(rb_ast_t *ast, NODE *node) https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/ast.c#L599
                                         NEW_CHILD(ast, apinfo->post_args));
+      case NODE_FNDPTN:
+        {
+            struct rb_fnd_pattern_info *fpinfo = node->nd_fpinfo;
+            VALUE pre_rest = NODE_NAMED_REST_P(fpinfo->pre_rest_arg) ? NEW_CHILD(ast, fpinfo->pre_rest_arg) :
+                                                                       ID2SYM(rb_intern("NODE_SPECIAL_NO_NAME_REST"));
+            VALUE post_rest = NODE_NAMED_REST_P(fpinfo->post_rest_arg) ? NEW_CHILD(ast, fpinfo->post_rest_arg) :
+                                                                         ID2SYM(rb_intern("NODE_SPECIAL_NO_NAME_REST"));
+            return rb_ary_new_from_args(4,
+                                        NEW_CHILD(ast, node->nd_pconst),
+                                        pre_rest,
+                                        NEW_CHILD(ast, fpinfo->args),
+                                        post_rest);
+        }
       case NODE_HSHPTN:
             VALUE kwrest = node->nd_pkwrestarg == NODE_SPECIAL_NO_REST_KEYWORD ? ID2SYM(rb_intern("NODE_SPECIAL_NO_REST_KEYWORD")) :
diff --git a/compile.c b/compile.c
index 5a7a088..9fba24f 100644
--- a/compile.c
+++ b/compile.c
@@ -5752,6 +5752,173 @@ iseq_compile_pattern_each(rb_iseq_t *iseq, LINK_ANCHOR *const ret, const NODE *c https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/compile.c#L5752
+      case NODE_FNDPTN: {
+        /*
+         *   if pattern.has_constant_node?
+         *     unless pattern.constant === obj
+         *       goto match_failed
+         *     end
+         *   end
+         *   unless obj.respond_to?(:deconstruct)
+         *     goto match_failed
+         *   end
+         *   d = obj.deconstruct
+         *   unless Array === d
+         *     goto type_error
+         *   end
+         *   unless d.length >= pattern.args_num
+         *     goto match_failed
+         *   end
+         *
+         *   begin
+         *     len = d.length
+         *     limit = d.length - pattern.args_num
+         *     i = 0
+         *     while i <= limit
+         *       if pattern.args_num.times.all? {|j| pattern.args[j].match?(d[i+j]) }
+         *         if pattern.has_pre_rest_arg_id
+         *           unless pattern.pre_rest_arg.match?(d[0, i])
+         *             goto find_failed
+         *           end
+         *         end
+         *         if pattern.has_post_rest_arg_id
+         *           unless pattern.post_rest_arg.match?(d[i+pattern.args_num, len])
+         *             goto find_failed
+         *           end
+         *         end
+         *         goto find_succeeded
+         *       end
+         *       i+=1
+         *     end
+         *   find_failed:
+         *     goto match_failed
+         *   find_succeeded:
+         *   end
+         *
+         *   goto matched
+         * type_error:
+         *   FrozenCore.raise TypeError
+         * match_failed:
+         *   goto unmatched
+         */
+        struct rb_fnd_pattern_info *fpinfo = node->nd_fpinfo;
+        const NODE *args = fpinfo->args;
+        const int args_num = fpinfo->args ? rb_long2int(fpinfo->args->nd_alen) : 0;
+        LABEL *match_failed, *type_error;
+        match_failed = NEW_LABEL(line);
+        type_error = NEW_LABEL(line);
+        if (node->nd_pconst) {
+            ADD_INSN(ret, line, dup);
+            CHECK(COMPILE(ret, "constant", node->nd_pconst));
+            ADD_INSN1(ret, line, checkmatch, INT2FIX(VM_CHECKMATCH_TYPE_CASE));
+            ADD_INSNL(ret, line, branchunless, match_failed);
+        }
+        ADD_INSN(ret, line, dup);
+        ADD_INSN1(ret, line, putobject, ID2SYM(rb_intern("deconstruct")));
+        ADD_SEND(ret, line, idRespond_to, INT2FIX(1));
+        ADD_INSNL(ret, line, branchunless, match_failed);
+        ADD_SEND(ret, line, rb_intern("deconstruct"), INT2FIX(0));
+        ADD_INSN(ret, line, dup);
+        ADD_INSN1(ret, line, checktype, INT2FIX(T_ARRAY));
+        ADD_INSNL(ret, line, branchunless, type_error);
+        ADD_INSN(ret, line, dup);
+        ADD_SEND(ret, line, idLength, INT2FIX(0));
+        ADD_INSN1(ret, line, putobject, INT2FIX(args_num));
+        ADD_SEND(ret, line, idGE, INT2FIX(1));
+        ADD_INSNL(ret, line, branchunless, match_failed);
+        {
+            LABEL *while_begin = NEW_LABEL(nd_line(node));
+            LABEL *next_loop = NEW_LABEL(nd_line(node));
+            LABEL *find_succeeded = NEW_LABEL(line);
+            LABEL *find_failed = NEW_LABEL(nd_line(node));
+            int j;
+            ADD_INSN(ret, line, dup); /* allocate stack for len */
+            ADD_SEND(ret, line, idLength, INT2FIX(0));
+            ADD_INSN(ret, line, dup); /* allocate stack for limit */
+            ADD_INSN1(ret, line, putobject, INT2FIX(args_num));
+            ADD_SEND(ret, line, idMINUS, INT2FIX(1));
+            ADD_INSN1(ret, line, putobject, INT2FIX(0)); /* allocate stack for i */
+            ADD_LABEL(ret, while_begin);
+            ADD_INSN(ret, line, dup);
+            ADD_INSN1(ret, line, topn, INT2FIX(2));
+            ADD_SEND(ret, line, idLE, INT2FIX(1));
+            ADD_INSNL(ret, line, branchunless, find_failed);
+            for (j = 0; j < args_num; j++) {
+                ADD_INSN1(ret, line, topn, INT2FIX(3));
+                ADD_INSN1(ret, line, topn, INT2FIX(1));
+                if (j != 0) {
+                    ADD_INSN1(ret, line, putobject, INT2FIX(j));
+                    ADD_SEND(ret, line, idPLUS, INT2FIX(1));
+                }
+                ADD_SEND(ret, line, idAREF, INT2FIX(1));
+                CHECK(iseq_compile_pattern_match(iseq, ret, args->nd_head, next_loop, in_alt_pattern));
+                args = args->nd_next;
+            }
+            if (NODE_NAMED_REST_P(fpinfo->pre_rest_arg)) {
+                ADD_INSN1(ret, line, topn, INT2FIX(3));
+                ADD_INSN1(ret, line, putobject, INT2FIX(0));
+                ADD_INSN1(ret, line, topn, INT2FIX(2));
+                ADD_SEND(ret, line, idAREF, INT2FIX(2));
+                CHECK(iseq_compile_pattern_match(iseq, ret, fpinfo->pre_rest_arg, find_failed, in_alt_pattern));
+            }
+            if (NODE_NAMED_REST_P(fpinfo->post_rest_arg)) {
+                ADD_INSN1(ret, line, topn, INT2FIX(3));
+                ADD_INSN1(ret, line, topn, INT2FIX(1));
+                ADD_INSN1(ret, line, putobject, INT2FIX(args_num));
+                ADD_SEND(ret, line, idPLUS, INT2FIX(1));
+                ADD_INSN1(ret, line, topn, INT2FIX(3));
+                ADD_SEND(ret, line, idAREF, INT2FIX(2));
+                CHECK(iseq_compile_pattern_match(iseq, ret, fpinfo->post_rest_arg, find_failed, in_alt_pattern));
+            }
+            ADD_INSNL(ret, line, jump, find_succeeded);
+            ADD_LABEL(ret, next_loop);
+            ADD_INSN1(ret, line, putobject, INT2FIX(1));
+            ADD_SEND(ret, line, idPLUS, INT2FIX(1));
+            ADD_INSNL(ret, line, jump, while_begin);
+            ADD_LABEL(ret, find_failed);
+            ADD_INSN(ret, line, pop);
+            ADD_INSN(ret, line, pop);
+            ADD_INSN(ret, line, pop);
+            ADD_INSNL(ret, line, jump, match_failed);
+            ADD_LABEL(ret, find_succeeded);
+            ADD_INSN(ret, line, pop);
+            ADD_INSN(ret, line, pop);
+            ADD_INSN(ret, line, pop);
+        }
+        ADD_INSN(ret, line, pop);
+        ADD_INSNL(ret, line, jump, matched);
+        ADD_LABEL(ret, type_error);
+        ADD_INSN1(ret, line, putspecialobject, INT2FIX(VM_SPECIAL_OBJECT_VMCORE));
+        ADD_INSN1(ret, line, putobject, rb_eTypeError);
+        ADD_INSN1(ret, line, putobject, rb_fstring_lit("deconstruct must return Array"));
+        ADD_SEND(ret, line, id_core_raise, INT2FIX(2));
+        ADD_LABEL(ret, match_failed);
+        ADD_INSN(ret, line, pop);
+        ADD_INSNL(ret, line, jump, unmatched);
+        break;
+      }
       case NODE_HSHPTN: {
          *   keys = nil
diff --git a/ext/objspace/objspace.c b/ext/objspace/objspace.c
index 0799944..a3f3ef4 100644
--- a/ext/objspace/objspace.c
+++ b/ext/objspace/objspace.c
@@ -479,6 +479,7 @@ count_nodes(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE os) https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/ext/objspace/objspace.c#L479
 #undef COUNT_NODE
 	      case NODE_LAST: break;
diff --git a/node.c b/node.c
index 9decd80..4ef18db 100644
--- a/node.c
+++ b/node.c
@@ -1053,6 +1053,27 @@ dump_node(VALUE buf, VALUE indent, int comment, const NODE * node) https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/node.c#L1053
         F_NODE(nd_apinfo->post_args (... truncated)

ML: ruby-changes@q...
Info: http://www.atdot.net/~ko1/quickml/
