

From: Hiroshi <ko1@a...>
Date: Wed, 10 Jun 2020 09:31:01 +0900 (JST)
Subject: [ruby-changes:61650] 41b8866e75 (master): This document is steal status.


From 41b8866e75ff817de0062571cabb30402f683c19 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Hiroshi SHIBATA <hsbt@r...>
Date: Wed, 10 Jun 2020 09:29:37 +0900
Subject: This document is steal status.

  Now, You can see the all of contributors at https://github.com/ruby/ruby/graphs/contributors

diff --git a/doc/contributors.rdoc b/doc/contributors.rdoc
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c37220..0000000
--- a/doc/contributors.rdoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,793 +0,0 @@ https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/#L0
-= Contributors to Ruby
-The following list might be incomplete. Feel free to add your name if your
-patch was accepted into Ruby.
-== A
-Ayumu AIZAWA (ayumin)
-* committer
-AKIYOSHI, Masamichi (akiyoshi)
-* committer
-* He had maintained the VMS support on 2003-2004.
-Muhammad Ali
-* wrote rdoc for Fiber
-Minero Aoki (aamine)
-* committer
-* He is the maintainer of:
-  * fileutils
-  * net/http, net/https
-  * net/pop
-  * net/smtp
-  * racc
-  * ripper
-  * strscan
-Wakou Aoyama (wakou)
-* committer
-* He was the maintainer of some standard libraries.
-Koji Arai
-* committer
-* He is the distributor of ActiveScriptRuby and experimental 1.9.0-x installers for win32.
-* Wrote patches for win32ole, gc.c, tmpdir.rb
-Sergey Avseyev
-* Added IO#pread and IO#pwrite.
-== B
-Daniel Berger
-* a patch for irb
-* documentation
-* He wrote forwardable.rb
-David Black (dblack)
-* committer
-* He is the maintainer of scanf
-Ken Bloom
-* a patch for REXML.
-Oliver M. Bolzer
-* a patch for soap
-Alexey Borzenkov
-* a patch for mkmf.rb
-Evan Brodie
-* a patch for documentation of Float#round
-Richard Brown
-* a patch for configure.in
-Dirkjan Bussink
-* a patch for date.rb
-Daniel Bovensiepen
-* documentation
-* a patch for irb
-== C
-Brian Candler
-* a patch for configure.in, net/telnet
-keith cascio
-* a patch for optparse.rb
-Frederick Cheung
-* a patch for test/ruby/test_symbol.rb
-* patches for set.rb
-Sean Chittenden
-* patches for net/http, cgi
-William D. Clinger
-* ruby_strtod is based on his paper.
-== D
-Ryan Davis (ryan)
-* committer
-* He wrote and is the maintainer of miniunit
-Guy Decoux (ts)
-* committer
-Zach Dennis
-Martin Duerst (duerst)
-* committer
-* M17N
-Paul Duncan
-* patches for rdoc
-Alexander Dymo
-* a patch for lib/benchmark.rb
-== E
-Yusuke Endoh (mame)
-* committer
-* He wrote and is the maintainer of base64 library (1.9)
-* did much upon YARV compiler.
-* wrote Integer::gcd2
-== F
-Frank S.Fejes
-* a patch for net/pop
-Fundakowski Feldman
-* a patch for process.c
-Mauricio Fernandez
-* patches for parse.y
-David Flanagan (davidflanagan)
-* committer
-* M17N
-Takeyuki Fujioka (xibbar)
-* committer
-* He is the maintainer of cgi/*
-FUKUMOTO, Atsushi
-* a patch for tracer.rb
-Shota Fukumori (sorah)
-* committer
-* #4415 parallel unit/test
-Tadayoshi Funaba (tadf)
-* committer
-* He wrote and is the maintainer of
-  * date
-  * parsedate (1.8)
-* He ported rational.rb and complex.rb, which 1.8 contains, into rational.c and complex.c of 1.9.
-== G
-David M. Gay
-* ruby_strtod
-Florian Gilcher
-* documentation
-GOTOU, Kentaro (gotoken)
-* committer
-* He wrote benchmark.rb
-* He is the maintainer of:
-  * benchmark.rb
-  * open3
-GOTOU, Yuuzou (gotoyuzo)
-* committer
-James Edward Gray II (jeg2)
-* committer
-* He wrote the faster implementation of CSV and is the maintainer of csv.
-* Wrote documentation for rdoc
-== H
-Phil Hagelberg
-* patch for ruby-mode.el's documentation.
-Kirk Haines (wyhaines)
-* committer
-* the maintainer of ruby_1_8_6 branch
-Shinichiro Hamaji
-* fixed memory leaks (marshal.c, string.c)
-Shin-ichiro HARA
-* the developer and the sysop of ruby-{dev,list,core,talk} archive.
-* a patch for numeric.c
-Chris Heath (traumdeutung)
-* a patch for proc.c
-* fixed socket/socket.c
-Daniel Hob
-* He wrote:
-  * SMTP-TLS support for net/smtp.
-  * POP3S support
-Eric Hodel (drbrain)
-* committer
-* He is the maintainer of:
-  * rdoc
-  * ri
-  * rubygems
-Erik Hollensbe
-* a patch for delegate.rb
-Johan Holmberg
-* a patch for dir.c
-* documentation
-Erik Huelsmann
-Dae San Hwang
-* built a continuous integration environment on OpenSolaris.
-== I
-Nobuhiro IMAI
-* a patch for logger.rb
-* a patch for sprintf.c
-Keiju Ishitsuka (keiju)
-* committer
-* He wrote and is the maintainer of:
-  * cmath.rb (1.9)
-  * complex.rb (1.8)
-  * e2mmap.rb
-  * forwardable.rb
-  * irb
-  * mathn
-  * matrix.rb
-  * mutex_m.rb
-  * rational.rb (1.8)
-  * sync.rb
-  * shell/*
-  * thwait.rb
-  * tracer.rb
-== J
-Curtis Jackson
-* missing/dup2.c
-Alan Johnson
-* a patch for net/ftp
-Lyle Johnson
-* patches for nkf, bigdecimal, numeric.c
-== K
-Yoshihiro Kambayashi
-* a patch for enc/trans/single_byte.trans.
-* He wrote supports for some encodings.
-Yutaka Kanemoto
-* patches for common.mk, AIX AF_INET6 support
-Motoyuki Kasahara
-* He wrote getoptlong.rb
-Masahiro Kawato
-* a patch for shellwords.rb
-Wataru Kimura
-* a patch for configure.in
-Michael Klishin
-* patch for make help.
-Noritada Kobayashi
-* a patch for optparse.rb
-Shigeo Kobayashi (shigek)
-* committer
-* He is the maintainer of bigdecimal
-KONISHI, Hiromasa (H_Konishi)
-* committer
-* He had maintained the bcc32 support in 2004.
-Kornelius "murphy" Kalnbach
-* documentation
-K.Kosako (kosako)
-* committer
-* He wrote Oniguruma.
-Takehiro Kubo
-* patches for dl 64bit support.
-== L
-Marc-Andre Lafortune (marcandre)
-* committer
-* patches for hash.c, array.c, thread.c, enumc, string.c, range.c and rdoc documentation.
-Hongli Lai
-* improved pstore.rb
-* patch for tool/file2lastrev.rb.
-raspberry lemon
-* a patch for webrick/httpproxy.rb.
-Christian Loew
-* a patch for fileutils.rb
-== M
-Shugo Maeda (shugo)
-* committer
-* A system administrator of ruby-lang.org servers.
-* He wrote and is the maintainer of:
-  * monitor.rb
-  * net/ftp
-  * net/imap
-Stephan Maka (mathew)
-* documentation
-Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz)
-* Matz -- the founder, language designer of Ruby.
-* committer
-* Ruby itself, most of Ruby.
-* He is the maintainer of:
-  * singleton
-  * timeout
-  * gdbm
-  * sdbm
-Konrad Meyer
-* documentation
-Mib Software
-* missing/vsnprintf.c
-Todd C. Miller
-* missing/strlcat.c
-* missing/strlcpy.c
-* a patch for cgi.rb
-Stefan Monnier
-* regex.c was fixed with based on his Emacs21 patch.
-Marcel Moolenaar
-* patches for eval.c and gc.c.
-* a patch for REXML, xmlrpc
-Hiroshi Moriyama
-* a patch for yaml.
-Kyosuke Morohashi
-* a patch for gem_prelude.rb
-Kenta Murata
-* patches for json, bignum.c
-Akinori MUSHA (knu)
-* committer
-* He wrote and is the maintainer of:
-  * abbrev.rb
-  * generator (1.8)
-  * enumerator (1.8)
-  * set
-  * ipaddr.rb
-  * digest/*
-  * syslog
-* He is the branch maintainer of ruby_1_8, the release manager of 1.8 series.
-== N
-Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai)
-* committer
-* He is the maintainer of tk/*
-Nobuyoshi Nakada (nobu)
-* committer
-* a.k.a. the "patch monster"
-* He wrote and is the maintainer of:
-  * optparse
-  * stringio
-  * io/wait
-  * iconv
-Satoshi Nakagawa
-* patches for util.c
-Narihiro Nakamura (nari)
-* committer
-* a.k.a. authorNari
-* working at GC
-NAKAMURA, Hiroshi (nahi)
-* committer
-* He is the maintainer of:
-  * csv.rb (1.8)
-  * logger.rb
-  * soap/* (1.8)
-  * wsdl/* (1.8)
-  * xsd/* (1.8)
-NAKAMURA, Usaku (usa)
-* committer
-* a.k.a. unak
-* He is the maintainer of mswin32 and mswin64 support.
-NARUSE, Yui (naruse)
-* committer
-* a.k.a. "nurse"
-* Did much upon m17n.
-* He is the maintainer of:
-  * json
-  * nkf
-Christian Neukirchen
-* a patch for webrick/httputils
-Michael Neumann (mneumann)
-* committer
-* He is the maintainer of
-  * xmlrpc (1.8)
-  * gserver (1.8)
-NISHIO Hirokazu
-* wrote a patch for CVE-2010-0541
-Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA (kazu)
-* committer
-* a.k.a. znz
-Go Noguchi
-Martin Nordholts
-* misc/rdebug.el
-* a patch for socket
-== O
-* He is a sysop of the Ruby Reference Manual Renewal Project.
-* fixed ipaddr.rb, ext/etc
-Haruhiko Okumura
-* some of missing/* is based on his book:
-  * missing/erf.c
-  * missing/lgamma_r.c
-  * missing/tgamma.c
-OMAE, jun
-* a patch for debug.rb
-Eugene Ossintsev
-* documentation
-== P
-Heesob Park
-* a patch for win32/win32.c.
-* a patch for instruby.rb
-== Q
-== R
-Gaston Ramos
-* documentation
-The Regents of the University of California
-* missing/crypt.c
-* missing/vsnprintf.c
-Sam Roberts
-* patch for socket
-* documentation
-Michal Rokos (michal)
-* committer
-* He was the maintainer of DJGPP support.
-* a patch for io.c
-Marcus Rueckert
-* a patch for mkconfig.rb.
-Run Paint Run Run
-* patch for enc/unicode.c
-* documentation
-Sean Russell (ser)
-* committer
-* He wrote and is the maintainer of REXML.
-== S
-Kazuo Saito (ksaito)
-* committer
-* M17N
-Tadashi Saito
-* patches for test/ruby/test_math.rb, thread_*.c, bignum.c
-* working upon BigDecimal.
-* did much upon documentation
-Masahiro Sakai
-* a patch for io.c
-Laurent Sansonetti
-* a patch for tool/ytab.sed
-Jeff Saracco
-* documentation
-Koichi Sasada (ko1)
-* committer
-* He wrote YARV.
-Hugh Sasse
-* a patch for net/http
-* documentation
-Charlie Savage
-* a patch for win32/Makefile.sub
-Michael Scholz
-* a patch for ruby-mode.el
-Arthur Schreiber
-* patch for net/http and rdoc.
-Masatoshi SEKI (seki)
-* committer
-* He wrote and is the maintainer of:
-  * drb/*
-  * erb
-  * rinda
-Roman Shterenzon
-* a patch for open-uri.
-Kent Sibilev
-Gavin Sinclair (gsinclair)
-* committer
-John W. Small
-* He wrote gserver.rb
-Yuki Sonoda (yugui)
-* committer
-* She is the maintainer of man/* manual pages and is the release manager of 1.9 series.
-* She  (... truncated)

ML: ruby-changes@q...
Info: http://www.atdot.net/~ko1/quickml/
