

From: Kazuhiro <ko1@a...>
Date: Thu, 7 May 2020 14:57:48 +0900 (JST)
Subject: [ruby-changes:61033] 6300e6d378 (master): Remove test of ruby-mode.el


From 6300e6d3782e48ea4d41e37a2edc247544e4303a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <zn@m...>
Date: Thu, 7 May 2020 14:56:08 +0900
Subject: Remove test of ruby-mode.el

Because ruby-mode.el already removed at f03e68edb80dca962290d1fb3a6d49dabdbb911e

diff --git a/test/misc/test_ruby_mode.rb b/test/misc/test_ruby_mode.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index bc51019..0000000
--- a/test/misc/test_ruby_mode.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@ https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/#L0
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-require 'test/unit'
-require 'tempfile'
-class TestRubyMode < Test::Unit::TestCase
-  MISCDIR = File.expand_path("../../../misc", __FILE__)
-  e = ENV["EMACS"] || "emacs"
-  emacs = %W"#{e} -q --no-site-file --batch --load #{MISCDIR}/ruby-mode.el"
-  begin
-    raise if IO.popen([e, "--version", :err=>[:child, :out]]) {|f| f.read}[/[0-9]+/].to_i < 23
-    IO.popen([*emacs, :err=>[:child, :out]]) {|f| f.read}
-  rescue
-    EMACS = nil
-  else
-    EMACS = (emacs if $? and $?.success?)
-  end
-class TestRubyMode
-  EVAL_OPT = "--eval"
-  EXPR_SAVE = "(save-buffer 0)"
-  finish_mark = "ok-#{$$}"
-  FINISH_MARK = /^#{finish_mark}$/
-  EXPR_FINISH = "(print \'#{finish_mark})"
-  EXPR_RUBYMODE = "(ruby-mode)"
-  def run_emacs(src, *exprs)
-    tmp = Tempfile.new(%w"ruby-mode.test. .rb")
-    tmp.puts(src)
-    tmp.close
-    exprs = exprs.map {|expr| [EVAL_OPT, expr]}.flatten
-    exprs.unshift(EVAL_OPT, EXPR_RUBYMODE)
-    exprs.push(EVAL_OPT, EXPR_SAVE)
-    exprs.push(EVAL_OPT, EXPR_FINISH)
-    output = IO.popen([*EMACS, tmp.path, *exprs, err:[:child, :out]], "r") {|e| e.read}
-    tmp.open
-    result = tmp.read
-    return result, output
-  ensure
-    tmp.close!
-  end
-  class TestIndent < self
-    EXPR_INDENT = "(indent-region (point-min) (point-max))"
-    def assert_indent(expected, source, *message)
-      if space = expected[/\A\n?(\s*\|)/, 1]
-        space = /^#{Regexp.quote(space)}/m
-        expected.gsub!(space, '')
-        source.gsub!(space, '')
-      end
-      result, output = run_emacs(source, EXPR_INDENT)
-      assert_match(FINISH_MARK, output)
-      assert_equal(expected, result, message(*message) {diff expected, result})
-    end
-    def test_simple
-      assert_indent('
-      |if foo
-      |  bar
-      |end
-      |zot
-      |', '
-      |if foo
-      |bar
-      |  end
-      |    zot
-      |')
-    end
-    def test_keyword_label
-      assert_indent('
-      |bar(class: XXX) do
-      |  foo
-      |end
-      |bar
-      |', '
-      |bar(class: XXX) do
-      |     foo
-      |  end
-      |    bar
-      |')
-    end
-    def test_method_with_question_mark
-      assert_indent('
-      |if x.is_a?(XXX)
-      |  foo
-      |end
-      |', '
-      |if x.is_a?(XXX)
-      | foo
-      |   end
-      |')
-    end
-    def test_expr_in_regexp
-      assert_indent('
-      |if /#{foo}/ =~ s
-      |  x = 1
-      |end
-      |', '
-      |if /#{foo}/ =~ s
-      | x = 1
-      |  end
-      |')
-    end
-    def test_singleton_class
-      skip("pending")
-      assert_indent('
-      |class<<bar
-      |  foo
-      |end
-      |', '
-      |class<<bar
-      |foo
-      |   end
-      |')
-    end
-    def test_array_literal
-      assert_indent('
-      |foo = [
-      |  bar
-      |]
-      |', '
-      |foo = [
-      | bar
-      |  ]
-      |')
-      assert_indent('
-      |foo do
-      |  [bar]
-      |end
-      |', '
-      |foo do
-      |[bar]
-      |  end
-      |')
-    end
-    def test_begin_end
-      assert_indent('
-      |begin
-      |  a[b]
-      |end
-      |', '
-      |begin
-      | a[b]
-      |  end
-      |')
-    end
-    def test_array_after_paren_and_space
-      assert_indent('
-      |class A
-      |  def foo
-      |    foo( [])
-      |  end
-      |end
-      |', '
-      |class A
-      | def foo
-      |foo( [])
-      |end
-      |  end
-      |')
-    end
-    def test_spread_arguments
-      assert_indent('
-      |foo(1,
-      |    2,
-      |    3)
-      |', '
-      |foo(1,
-      | 2,
-      |  3)
-      |')
-    end
-  end
-end if TestRubyMode::EMACS
cgit v0.10.2

ML: ruby-changes@q...
Info: http://www.atdot.net/~ko1/quickml/
