

From: Hiroshi <ko1@a...>
Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2020 13:29:46 +0900 (JST)
Subject: [ruby-changes:59995] a5d7b8e13d (master): Expose assert_normal_exit for weakref


From a5d7b8e13d8a648175ec106a1127b4baca2d801d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Hiroshi SHIBATA <hsbt@r...>
Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2020 10:50:32 +0900
Subject: Expose assert_normal_exit for weakref

diff --git a/tool/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb b/tool/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb
index e2b8658..fbade0a 100644
--- a/tool/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb
+++ b/tool/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb
@@ -53,50 +53,6 @@ module Test https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/tool/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb#L53
       # :call-seq:
-      #   assert_nothing_raised( *args, &block )
-      #
-      #If any exceptions are given as arguments, the assertion will
-      #fail if one of those exceptions are raised. Otherwise, the test fails
-      #if any exceptions are raised.
-      #
-      #The final argument may be a failure message.
-      #
-      #    assert_nothing_raised RuntimeError do
-      #      raise Exception #Assertion passes, Exception is not a RuntimeError
-      #    end
-      #
-      #    assert_nothing_raised do
-      #      raise Exception #Assertion fails
-      #    end
-      def assert_nothing_raised(*args)
-        self._assertions += 1
-        if Module === args.last
-          msg = nil
-        else
-          msg = args.pop
-        end
-        begin
-          line = __LINE__; yield
-        rescue MiniTest::Skip
-          raise
-        rescue Exception => e
-          bt = e.backtrace
-          as = e.instance_of?(MiniTest::Assertion)
-          if as
-            ans = /\A#{Regexp.quote(__FILE__)}:#{line}:in /o
-            bt.reject! {|ln| ans =~ ln}
-          end
-          if ((args.empty? && !as) ||
-              args.any? {|a| a.instance_of?(Module) ? e.is_a?(a) : e.class == a })
-            msg = message(msg) { "Exception raised:\n<#{mu_pp(e)}>" }
-            raise MiniTest::Assertion, msg.call, bt
-          else
-            raise
-          end
-        end
-      end
-      # :call-seq:
       #   assert_nothing_thrown( failure_message = nil, &block )
       #Fails if the given block uses a call to Kernel#throw, and
@@ -354,57 +310,6 @@ EOT https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/tool/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb#L310
       # compatibility with test-unit
       alias pend skip
-      if defined?(RubyVM::InstructionSequence)
-        def syntax_check(code, fname, line)
-          code = code.dup.force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8)
-          RubyVM::InstructionSequence.compile(code, fname, fname, line)
-          :ok
-        ensure
-          raise if SyntaxError === $!
-        end
-      else
-        def syntax_check(code, fname, line)
-          code = code.b
-          code.sub!(/\A(?:\xef\xbb\xbf)?(\s*\#.*$)*(\n)?/n) {
-            "#$&#{"\n" if $1 && !$2}BEGIN{throw tag, :ok}\n"
-          }
-          code = code.force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8)
-          catch {|tag| eval(code, binding, fname, line - 1)}
-        end
-      end
-      def prepare_syntax_check(code, fname = nil, mesg = nil, verbose: nil)
-        fname ||= caller_locations(2, 1)[0]
-        mesg ||= fname.to_s
-        verbose, $VERBOSE = $VERBOSE, verbose
-        case
-        when Array === fname
-          fname, line = *fname
-        when defined?(fname.path) && defined?(fname.lineno)
-          fname, line = fname.path, fname.lineno
-        else
-          line = 1
-        end
-        yield(code, fname, line, message(mesg) {
-                if code.end_with?("\n")
-                  "```\n#{code}```\n"
-                else
-                  "```\n#{code}\n```\n""no-newline"
-                end
-              })
-      ensure
-        $VERBOSE = verbose
-      end
-      def assert_valid_syntax(code, *args, **opt)
-        prepare_syntax_check(code, *args, **opt) do |src, fname, line, mesg|
-          yield if defined?(yield)
-          assert_nothing_raised(SyntaxError, mesg) do
-            assert_equal(:ok, syntax_check(src, fname, line), mesg)
-          end
-        end
-      end
       def assert_syntax_error(code, error, *args)
         prepare_syntax_check(code, *args) do |src, fname, line, mesg|
           yield if defined?(yield)
@@ -416,17 +321,6 @@ EOT https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/tool/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb#L321
-      def assert_normal_exit(testsrc, message = '', child_env: nil, **opt)
-        assert_valid_syntax(testsrc, caller_locations(1, 1)[0])
-        if child_env
-          child_env = [child_env]
-        else
-          child_env = []
-        end
-        out, _, status = EnvUtil.invoke_ruby(child_env + %W'-W0', testsrc, true, :merge_to_stdout, **opt)
-        assert !status.signaled?, FailDesc[status, message, out]
-      end
       def assert_no_warning(pat, msg = nil)
         result = nil
         stderr = EnvUtil.verbose_warning {
diff --git a/tool/lib/test/unit/core_assertions.rb b/tool/lib/test/unit/core_assertions.rb
index 86ed37f..79f4fd6 100644
--- a/tool/lib/test/unit/core_assertions.rb
+++ b/tool/lib/test/unit/core_assertions.rb
@@ -94,6 +94,112 @@ module Test https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/tool/lib/test/unit/core_assertions.rb#L94
+      if defined?(RubyVM::InstructionSequence)
+        def syntax_check(code, fname, line)
+          code = code.dup.force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8)
+          RubyVM::InstructionSequence.compile(code, fname, fname, line)
+          :ok
+        ensure
+          raise if SyntaxError === $!
+        end
+      else
+        def syntax_check(code, fname, line)
+          code = code.b
+          code.sub!(/\A(?:\xef\xbb\xbf)?(\s*\#.*$)*(\n)?/n) {
+            "#$&#{"\n" if $1 && !$2}BEGIN{throw tag, :ok}\n"
+          }
+          code = code.force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8)
+          catch {|tag| eval(code, binding, fname, line - 1)}
+        end
+      end
+      # :call-seq:
+      #   assert_nothing_raised( *args, &block )
+      #
+      #If any exceptions are given as arguments, the assertion will
+      #fail if one of those exceptions are raised. Otherwise, the test fails
+      #if any exceptions are raised.
+      #
+      #The final argument may be a failure message.
+      #
+      #    assert_nothing_raised RuntimeError do
+      #      raise Exception #Assertion passes, Exception is not a RuntimeError
+      #    end
+      #
+      #    assert_nothing_raised do
+      #      raise Exception #Assertion fails
+      #    end
+      def assert_nothing_raised(*args)
+        self._assertions += 1
+        if Module === args.last
+          msg = nil
+        else
+          msg = args.pop
+        end
+        begin
+          line = __LINE__; yield
+        rescue MiniTest::Skip
+          raise
+        rescue Exception => e
+          bt = e.backtrace
+          as = e.instance_of?(MiniTest::Assertion)
+          if as
+            ans = /\A#{Regexp.quote(__FILE__)}:#{line}:in /o
+            bt.reject! {|ln| ans =~ ln}
+          end
+          if ((args.empty? && !as) ||
+              args.any? {|a| a.instance_of?(Module) ? e.is_a?(a) : e.class == a })
+            msg = message(msg) { "Exception raised:\n<#{mu_pp(e)}>" }
+            raise MiniTest::Assertion, msg.call, bt
+          else
+            raise
+          end
+        end
+      end
+      def prepare_syntax_check(code, fname = nil, mesg = nil, verbose: nil)
+        fname ||= caller_locations(2, 1)[0]
+        mesg ||= fname.to_s
+        verbose, $VERBOSE = $VERBOSE, verbose
+        case
+        when Array === fname
+          fname, line = *fname
+        when defined?(fname.path) && defined?(fname.lineno)
+          fname, line = fname.path, fname.lineno
+        else
+          line = 1
+        end
+        yield(code, fname, line, message(mesg) {
+                if code.end_with?("\n")
+                  "```\n#{code}```\n"
+                else
+                  "```\n#{code}\n```\n""no-newline"
+                end
+              })
+      ensure
+        $VERBOSE = verbose
+      end
+      def assert_valid_syntax(code, *args, **opt)
+        prepare_syntax_check(code, *args, **opt) do |src, fname, line, mesg|
+          yield if defined?(yield)
+          assert_nothing_raised(SyntaxError, mesg) do
+            assert_equal(:ok, syntax_check(src, fname, line), mesg)
+          end
+        end
+      end
+      def assert_normal_exit(testsrc, message = '', child_env: nil, **opt)
+        assert_valid_syntax(testsrc, caller_locations(1, 1)[0])
+        if child_env
+          child_env = [child_env]
+        else
+          child_env = []
+        end
+        out, _, status = EnvUtil.invoke_ruby(child_env + %W'-W0', testsrc, true, :merge_to_stdout, **opt)
+        assert !status.signaled?, FailDesc[status, message, out]
+      end
       def assert_ruby_status(args, test_stdin="", message=nil, **opt)
         out, _, status = EnvUtil.invoke_ruby(args, test_stdin, true, :merge_to_stdout, **opt)
         desc = FailDesc[status, message, out]
cgit v0.10.2

ML: ruby-changes@q...
Info: http://www.atdot.net/~ko1/quickml/
