

From: Hiroshi <ko1@a...>
Date: Fri, 26 Jul 2019 18:38:47 +0900 (JST)
Subject: [ruby-changes:56669] Hiroshi SHIBATA: 95aa60f6cd (master): Ignore Merge commit and insufficiency commit for ruby core repository.


From 95aa60f6cde1ab7bc5cfe33c95c4fd2d2154cd52 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Hiroshi SHIBATA <hsbt@r...>
Date: Fri, 26 Jul 2019 17:14:32 +0800
Subject: Ignore Merge commit and insufficiency commit for ruby core

diff --git a/tool/sync_default_gems.rb b/tool/sync_default_gems.rb
index 599d6b3..cb9492f 100644
--- a/tool/sync_default_gems.rb
+++ b/tool/sync_default_gems.rb
@@ -238,31 +238,39 @@ def sync_default_gems_with_commits(gem, range) https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/tool/sync_default_gems.rb#L238
   `git fetch --no-tags #{gem}`
+  commits = []
   IO.popen(%W"git log --format=%H,%s #{range}") do |f|
     commits = f.read.split("\n").reverse.map{|commit| commit.split(',')}
+  end
-    # Ignore Merge commit for ruby core repository.
-    commits.delete_if{|_, subject| subject =~ /^Merge/}
-    puts "Try to pick these commits:"
-    puts commits.map{|commit| commit.join(": ")}.join("\n")
+  # Ignore Merge commit and insufficiency commit for ruby core repository.
+  commits.delete_if do |sha, subject|
+    files = []
+    IO.popen(%W"git diff-tree --no-commit-id --name-only -r #{sha}") do |f|
+      files = f.read.split("\n")
+    end
+    subject =~ /^Merge/ || files.all?{|file| file =~ /(\.travis.yml|appveyor\.yml|azure\-pipelines\.yml|\.gitignore|Gemfile|README\.md)/}
+  end
-    commits.each do |sha, subject|
-      puts "Pick #{sha} from #{$repositories[gem.to_sym]}."
+  puts "Try to pick these commits:"
+  puts commits.map{|commit| commit.join(": ")}.join("\n")
+  puts "----"
-      `git cherry-pick #{sha}`
-      unless $?.success?
-        puts "Failed to pick #{sha}"
-        break
-      end
+  commits.each do |sha, subject|
+    puts "Pick #{sha} from #{$repositories[gem.to_sym]}."
-      prefix = "[#{($repositories[gem.to_sym])}]".gsub(/\//, '\/')
-      suffix = "https://github.com/#{($repositories[gem.to_sym])}/commit/#{sha[0,10]}"
-      `git filter-branch -f --msg-filter 'sed "1s/^/#{prefix} /" && echo && echo #{suffix}' -- HEAD~1..HEAD`
-      unless $?.success?
-        puts "Failed to modify commit message of #{sha}"
-        break
-      end
+    `git cherry-pick #{sha}`
+    unless $?.success?
+      puts "Failed to pick #{sha}"
+      break
+    end
+    prefix = "[#{($repositories[gem.to_sym])}]".gsub(/\//, '\/')
+    suffix = "https://github.com/#{($repositories[gem.to_sym])}/commit/#{sha[0,10]}"
+    `git filter-branch -f --msg-filter 'sed "1s/^/#{prefix} /" && echo && echo #{suffix}' -- HEAD~1..HEAD`
+    unless $?.success?
+      puts "Failed to modify commit message of #{sha}"
+      break
cgit v0.10.2

ML: ruby-changes@q...
Info: http://www.atdot.net/~ko1/quickml/
