

From: Hiroshi <ko1@a...>
Date: Tue, 2 Jul 2019 08:49:38 +0900 (JST)
Subject: [ruby-changes:56327] Hiroshi SHIBATA: c3c0e3f5c9 (master): Move to tool/lib from test/lib.


From c3c0e3f5c9444c197779cb242de46dfffda79dec Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Hiroshi SHIBATA <hsbt@r...>
Date: Sat, 29 Jun 2019 19:43:47 +0900
Subject: Move to tool/lib from test/lib.

diff --git a/test/colors b/test/colors
deleted file mode 100644
index a65c326..0000000
--- a/test/colors
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/#L0
diff --git a/test/lib/-test-/integer.rb b/test/lib/-test-/integer.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index a224148..0000000
--- a/test/lib/-test-/integer.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/#L0
-require 'test/unit'
-require '-test-/integer.so'
-module Test::Unit::Assertions
-  def assert_fixnum(v, msg=nil)
-    assert_instance_of(Integer, v, msg)
-    assert_predicate(v, :fixnum?, msg)
-  end
-  def assert_bignum(v, msg=nil)
-    assert_instance_of(Integer, v, msg)
-    assert_predicate(v, :bignum?, msg)
-  end
diff --git a/test/lib/envutil.rb b/test/lib/envutil.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index b4eb63d..0000000
--- a/test/lib/envutil.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,311 +0,0 @@ https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/#L0
-# -*- coding: us-ascii -*-
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-require "open3"
-require "timeout"
-require_relative "find_executable"
-  require 'rbconfig'
-rescue LoadError
-  require "rbconfig/sizeof"
-rescue LoadError
-module EnvUtil
-  def rubybin
-    if ruby = ENV["RUBY"]
-      return ruby
-    end
-    ruby = "ruby"
-    exeext = RbConfig::CONFIG["EXEEXT"]
-    rubyexe = (ruby + exeext if exeext and !exeext.empty?)
-    3.times do
-      if File.exist? ruby and File.executable? ruby and !File.directory? ruby
-        return File.expand_path(ruby)
-      end
-      if rubyexe and File.exist? rubyexe and File.executable? rubyexe
-        return File.expand_path(rubyexe)
-      end
-      ruby = File.join("..", ruby)
-    end
-    if defined?(RbConfig.ruby)
-      RbConfig.ruby
-    else
-      "ruby"
-    end
-  end
-  module_function :rubybin
-  DEFAULT_SIGNALS = Signal.list
-  DEFAULT_SIGNALS.delete("TERM") if /mswin|mingw/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM
-  class << self
-    attr_accessor :timeout_scale
-    attr_reader :original_internal_encoding, :original_external_encoding,
-                :original_verbose
-    def capture_global_values
-      @original_internal_encoding = Encoding.default_internal
-      @original_external_encoding = Encoding.default_external
-      @original_verbose = $VERBOSE
-    end
-  end
-  def apply_timeout_scale(t)
-    if scale = EnvUtil.timeout_scale
-      t * scale
-    else
-      t
-    end
-  end
-  module_function :apply_timeout_scale
-  def timeout(sec, klass = nil, message = nil, &blk)
-    return yield(sec) if sec == nil or sec.zero?
-    sec = apply_timeout_scale(sec)
-    Timeout.timeout(sec, klass, message, &blk)
-  end
-  module_function :timeout
-  def terminate(pid, signal = :TERM, pgroup = nil, reprieve = 1)
-    reprieve = apply_timeout_scale(reprieve) if reprieve
-    signals = Array(signal).select do |sig|
-      DEFAULT_SIGNALS[sig.to_s] or
-        DEFAULT_SIGNALS[Signal.signame(sig)] rescue false
-    end
-    signals |= [:ABRT, :KILL]
-    case pgroup
-    when 0, true
-      pgroup = -pid
-    when nil, false
-      pgroup = pid
-    end
-    while signal = signals.shift
-      begin
-        Process.kill signal, pgroup
-      rescue Errno::EINVAL
-        next
-      rescue Errno::ESRCH
-        break
-      end
-      if signals.empty? or !reprieve
-        Process.wait(pid)
-      else
-        begin
-          Timeout.timeout(reprieve) {Process.wait(pid)}
-        rescue Timeout::Error
-        end
-      end
-    end
-    $?
-  end
-  module_function :terminate
-  def invoke_ruby(args, stdin_data = "", capture_stdout = false, capture_stderr = false,
-                  encoding: nil, timeout: 10, reprieve: 1, timeout_error: Timeout::Error,
-                  stdout_filter: nil, stderr_filter: nil,
-                  signal: :TERM,
-                  rubybin: EnvUtil.rubybin, precommand: nil,
-                  **opt)
-    timeout = apply_timeout_scale(timeout)
-    in_c, in_p = IO.pipe
-    out_p, out_c = IO.pipe if capture_stdout
-    err_p, err_c = IO.pipe if capture_stderr && capture_stderr != :merge_to_stdout
-    opt[:in] = in_c
-    opt[:out] = out_c if capture_stdout
-    opt[:err] = capture_stderr == :merge_to_stdout ? out_c : err_c if capture_stderr
-    if encoding
-      out_p.set_encoding(encoding) if out_p
-      err_p.set_encoding(encoding) if err_p
-    end
-    c = "C"
-    child_env = {}
-    LANG_ENVS.each {|lc| child_env[lc] = c}
-    if Array === args and Hash === args.first
-      child_env.update(args.shift)
-    end
-    if RUBYLIB and lib = child_env["RUBYLIB"]
-      child_env["RUBYLIB"] = [lib, RUBYLIB].join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR)
-    end
-    args = [args] if args.kind_of?(String)
-    pid = spawn(child_env, *precommand, rubybin, *args, **opt)
-    in_c.close
-    out_c.close if capture_stdout
-    err_c.close if capture_stderr && capture_stderr != :merge_to_stdout
-    if block_given?
-      return yield in_p, out_p, err_p, pid
-    else
-      th_stdout = Thread.new { out_p.read } if capture_stdout
-      th_stderr = Thread.new { err_p.read } if capture_stderr && capture_stderr != :merge_to_stdout
-      in_p.write stdin_data.to_str unless stdin_data.empty?
-      in_p.close
-      if (!th_stdout || th_stdout.join(timeout)) && (!th_stderr || th_stderr.join(timeout))
-        timeout_error = nil
-      else
-        status = terminate(pid, signal, opt[:pgroup], reprieve)
-      end
-      stdout = th_stdout.value if capture_stdout
-      stderr = th_stderr.value if capture_stderr && capture_stderr != :merge_to_stdout
-      out_p.close if capture_stdout
-      err_p.close if capture_stderr && capture_stderr != :merge_to_stdout
-      status ||= Process.wait2(pid)[1]
-      stdout = stdout_filter.call(stdout) if stdout_filter
-      stderr = stderr_filter.call(stderr) if stderr_filter
-      if timeout_error
-        bt = caller_locations
-        msg = "execution of #{bt.shift.label} expired timeout (#{timeout} sec)"
-        msg = Test::Unit::Assertions::FailDesc[status, msg, [stdout, stderr].join("\n")].()
-        raise timeout_error, msg, bt.map(&:to_s)
-      end
-      return stdout, stderr, status
-    end
-  ensure
-    [th_stdout, th_stderr].each do |th|
-      th.kill if th
-    end
-    [in_c, in_p, out_c, out_p, err_c, err_p].each do |io|
-      io&.close
-    end
-    [th_stdout, th_stderr].each do |th|
-      th.join if th
-    end
-  end
-  module_function :invoke_ruby
-  alias rubyexec invoke_ruby
-  class << self
-    alias rubyexec invoke_ruby
-  end
-  def verbose_warning
-    class << (stderr = "".dup)
-      alias write concat
-      def flush; end
-    end
-    stderr, $stderr = $stderr, stderr
-    $VERBOSE = true
-    yield stderr
-    return $stderr
-  ensure
-    stderr, $stderr = $stderr, stderr
-    $VERBOSE = EnvUtil.original_verbose
-  end
-  module_function :verbose_warning
-  def default_warning
-    $VERBOSE = false
-    yield
-  ensure
-    $VERBOSE = EnvUtil.original_verbose
-  end
-  module_function :default_warning
-  def suppress_warning
-    $VERBOSE = nil
-    yield
-  ensure
-    $VERBOSE = EnvUtil.original_verbose
-  end
-  module_function :suppress_warning
-  def under_gc_stress(stress = true)
-    stress, GC.stress = GC.stress, stress
-    yield
-  ensure
-    GC.stress = stress
-  end
-  module_function :under_gc_stress
-  def with_default_external(enc)
-    suppress_warning { Encoding.default_external = enc }
-    yield
-  ensure
-    suppress_warning { Encoding.default_external = EnvUtil.original_external_encoding }
-  end
-  module_function :with_default_external
-  def with_default_internal(enc)
-    suppress_warning { Encoding.default_internal = enc }
-    yield
-  ensure
-    suppress_warning { Encoding.default_internal = EnvUtil.original_internal_encoding }
-  end
-  module_function :with_default_internal
-  def labeled_module(name, &block)
-    Module.new do
-      singleton_class.class_eval {define_method(:to_s) {name}; alias inspect to_s}
-      class_eval(&block) if block
-    end
-  end
-  module_function :labeled_module
-  def labeled_class(name, superclass = Object, &block)
-    Class.new(superclass) do
-      singleton_class.class_eval {define_method(:to_s) {name}; alias inspect to_s}
-      class_eval(&block) if block
-    end
-  end
-  module_function :labeled_class
-  if /darwin/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM
-    DIAGNOSTIC_REPORTS_PATH = File.expand_path("~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports")
-    @ruby_install_name = RbConfig::CONFIG['RUBY_INSTALL_NAME']
-    def self.diagnostic_reports(signame, pid, now)
-      return unless %w[ABRT QUIT SEGV ILL TRAP].include?(signame)
-      cmd = File.basename(rubybin)
-      cmd = @ruby_install_name if "ruby-runner#{RbConfig::CONFIG["EXEEXT"]}" == cmd
-      pat = "#{path}/#{cmd}_#{now.strftime(timeformat)}[-_]*.crash"
-      first = true
-      30.times do
-        first ? (first = false) : sleep(0.1)
-        Dir.glob(pat) do |name|
-          log = File.read(name) rescue next
-          if /\AProcess:\s+#{cmd} \[#{pid}\]$/ =~ log
-            File.unlink(name)
-            File.unlink("#{path}/.#{File.basename(name)}.plist") rescue nil
-            return log
-          end
-        end
-      end
-      nil
-    end
-  else
-    def self.diagnostic_reports(signame, pid, now)
-    end
-  end
-  def self.gc_stress_to_class?
-    unless defined?(@gc_stress_to_class)
-      _, _, status = invoke_ruby(["-e""exit GC.respond_to?(:add_stress_to_class)"])
-      @gc_stress_to_class = status.success?
-    end
-    @gc_stre (... truncated)

ML: ruby-changes@q...
Info: http://www.atdot.net/~ko1/quickml/
