

From: Takashi <ko1@a...>
Date: Fri, 31 May 2019 06:58:20 +0900 (JST)
Subject: [ruby-changes:55927] Takashi Kokubun: cb40a21da0 (trunk): Warn compile_error only when input is finished


From cb40a21da0687b5dd3cd251c9e66bb0edf67f2b9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Takashi Kokubun <takashikkbn@g...>
Date: Fri, 31 May 2019 06:03:18 +0900
Subject: Warn compile_error only when input is finished

Let's say we are in progress to write `"foo"`:

irb> "fo

at this moment, nothing is wrong.
It would be just a normal way to write `"foo"`.

Prior to this commit, the `fo` part was warned because of
5b64d7ac6e7cbf759b859428f125539e58bac0bd. But I think warning such a
normal input is not valuable for users.

However, we'd like to warn `:@1` or `@@1` which is also a syntax error.
Then this commit switches the syntax highlight based on whether the
input text is finished or not. When it's not finished yet, it does not
warn compile_error.

diff --git a/lib/irb/color.rb b/lib/irb/color.rb
index 41b559b..4c83a9b 100644
--- a/lib/irb/color.rb
+++ b/lib/irb/color.rb
@@ -98,14 +98,17 @@ module IRB # :nodoc: https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/lib/irb/color.rb#L98
-      def colorize_code(code)
+      # If `complete` is false (code is incomplete), this does not warm compile_error.
+      # This option is needed to avoid warning a user when the compile_error is happening
+      # because the input is not wrong but just incomplete.
+      def colorize_code(code, complete: true)
         return code unless colorable?
         symbol_state = SymbolState.new
         colored = +''
         length = 0
-        scan(code) do |token, str, expr|
+        scan(code, detect_compile_error: complete) do |token, str, expr|
           in_symbol = symbol_state.scan_token(token)
           str.each_line do |line|
             line = Reline::Unicode.escape_for_print(line)
@@ -127,23 +130,29 @@ module IRB # :nodoc: https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/lib/irb/color.rb#L130
-      def scan(code)
-        pos = [1, 0]
-        Ripper::Lexer.new(code).scan.each do |elem|
-          str = elem.tok
-          next if ([elem.pos[0], elem.pos[1] + str.bytesize] <=> pos) <= 0
-          str.each_line do |line|
-            if line.end_with?("\n")
-              pos[0] += 1
-              pos[1] = 0
-            else
-              pos[1] += line.bytesize
+      def scan(code, detect_compile_error:)
+        if detect_compile_error
+          pos = [1, 0]
+          Ripper::Lexer.new(code).scan.each do |elem|
+            str = elem.tok
+            next if ([elem.pos[0], elem.pos[1] + str.bytesize] <=> pos) <= 0
+            str.each_line do |line|
+              if line.end_with?("\n")
+                pos[0] += 1
+                pos[1] = 0
+              else
+                pos[1] += line.bytesize
+              end
-          end
-          yield(elem.event, str, elem.state)
+            yield(elem.event, str, elem.state)
+          end
+        else
+          ParseErrorLexer.new(code).parse.sort_by(&:pos).each do |elem|
+            yield(elem.event, elem.tok, elem.state)
+          end
@@ -162,6 +171,15 @@ module IRB # :nodoc: https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/lib/irb/color.rb#L171
+    class ParseErrorLexer < Ripper::Lexer
+      if method_defined?(:token)
+        def on_parse_error(mesg)
+          @buf.push Elem.new([lineno(), column()], __callee__, token(), state())
+        end
+      end
+    end
+    private_constant :ParseErrorLexer
     # A class to manage a state to know whether the current token is for Symbol or not.
     class SymbolState
       def initialize
diff --git a/lib/irb/input-method.rb b/lib/irb/input-method.rb
index 9d3580a..aa62a62 100644
--- a/lib/irb/input-method.rb
+++ b/lib/irb/input-method.rb
@@ -224,9 +224,9 @@ module IRB https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/lib/irb/input-method.rb#L224
       Reline.completion_proc = IRB::InputCompletor::CompletionProc
       Reline.output_modifier_proc =
         if IRB.conf[:USE_COLORIZE]
-          proc do |output|
+          proc do |output, complete:|
             next unless IRB::Color.colorable?
-            IRB::Color.colorize_code(output)
+            IRB::Color.colorize_code(output, complete: complete)
           proc do |output|
diff --git a/lib/reline/line_editor.rb b/lib/reline/line_editor.rb
index a8a3f67..acdc9a2 100644
--- a/lib/reline/line_editor.rb
+++ b/lib/reline/line_editor.rb
@@ -436,6 +436,8 @@ class Reline::LineEditor https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/lib/reline/line_editor.rb#L436
     line = modify_lines(whole_lines)[@line_index]
     if @is_multiline
       if finished?
+        # Always rerender on finish because output_modifier_proc may return a different output.
+        render_partial(prompt, prompt_width, line)
@@ -498,7 +500,7 @@ class Reline::LineEditor https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/lib/reline/line_editor.rb#L500
   private def modify_lines(before)
     return before if before.nil? || before.empty?
-    if after = @output_modifier_proc&.call("#{before.join("\n")}\n")
+    if after = @output_modifier_proc&.call("#{before.join("\n")}\n", complete: finished?)
       after.lines(chomp: true)
diff --git a/test/irb/test_color.rb b/test/irb/test_color.rb
index 778874a..ebae790 100644
--- a/test/irb/test_color.rb
+++ b/test/irb/test_color.rb
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ module TestIRB https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/test/irb/test_color.rb#L23
         skip "this Ripper version is not supported"
+      # Common behaviors. Warn parser error, but do not warn compile error.
         "1" => "#{BLUE}#{BOLD}1#{CLEAR}",
         "2.3" => "#{MAGENTA}#{BOLD}2.3#{CLEAR}",
@@ -40,7 +41,6 @@ module TestIRB https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/test/irb/test_color.rb#L41
         "'a\nb'" => "#{RED}'#{CLEAR}#{RED}a#{CLEAR}\n#{RED}b#{CLEAR}#{RED}'#{CLEAR}",
         "4.5.6" => "#{MAGENTA}#{BOLD}4.5#{CLEAR}#{RED}#{REVERSE}.6#{CLEAR}",
         "[1]]]" => "[1]]]",
-        "\e[0m\n" => "#{RED}#{REVERSE}^[#{CLEAR}[#{BLUE}#{BOLD}0#{CLEAR}m\n",
         "%w[a b]" => "#{RED}%w[#{CLEAR}#{RED}a#{CLEAR} #{RED}b#{CLEAR}#{RED}]#{CLEAR}",
         "%i[c d]" => "#{RED}%i[#{CLEAR}#{RED}c#{CLEAR} #{RED}d#{CLEAR}#{RED}]#{CLEAR}",
         "{'a': 1}" => "{#{RED}'#{CLEAR}#{RED}a#{CLEAR}#{RED}':#{CLEAR} #{BLUE}#{BOLD}1#{CLEAR}}",
@@ -66,10 +66,38 @@ module TestIRB https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/test/irb/test_color.rb#L66
         "\t" => "\t", # not ^I
         "foo(*%W(bar))" => "foo(*#{RED}%W(#{CLEAR}#{RED}bar#{CLEAR}#{RED})#{CLEAR})",
         "$stdout" => "#{GREEN}#{BOLD}$stdout#{CLEAR}",
+      }.each do |code, result|
+        actual = with_term { IRB::Color.colorize_code(code, complete: true) }
+        assert_equal(result, actual, "Case: colorize_code(#{code.dump}, complete: true)\nResult: #{humanized_literal(actual)}")
+        actual = with_term { IRB::Color.colorize_code(code, complete: false) }
+        assert_equal(result, actual, "Case: colorize_code(#{code.dump}, complete: false)\nResult: #{humanized_literal(actual)}")
+      end
+    end
+    def test_colorize_code_complete_true
+      # `complete: true` behaviors. Warn compile_error.
+      {
+        "\e[0m\n" => "#{RED}#{REVERSE}^[#{CLEAR}[#{BLUE}#{BOLD}0#{CLEAR}m\n",
         "'foo' + 'bar" => "#{RED}'#{CLEAR}#{RED}foo#{CLEAR}#{RED}'#{CLEAR} + #{RED}'#{CLEAR}#{RED}#{REVERSE}bar#{CLEAR}",
+        ":@1" => "#{YELLOW}:#{CLEAR}#{RED}#{REVERSE}@1#{CLEAR}",
+        "@@1" => "#{RED}#{REVERSE}@@1#{CLEAR}",
+      }.each do |code, result|
+        actual = with_term { IRB::Color.colorize_code(code, complete: true) }
+        assert_equal(result, actual, "Case: colorize_code(#{code.dump}, complete: true)\nResult: #{humanized_literal(actual)}")
+      end
+    end
+    def test_colorize_code_complete_false
+      # `complete: false` behaviors. Do not warn compile_error.
+      {
+        "\e[0m\n" => "#{CLEAR}\n",
+        "'foo' + 'bar" => "#{RED}'#{CLEAR}#{RED}foo#{CLEAR}#{RED}'#{CLEAR} + #{RED}'#{CLEAR}#{RED}bar#{CLEAR}",
+        ":@1" => "#{YELLOW}:#{CLEAR}#{YELLOW}@1#{CLEAR}",
+        "@@1" => "@@1",
       }.each do |code, result|
-        actual = with_term { IRB::Color.colorize_code(code) }
-        assert_equal(result, actual, "Case: colorize_code(#{code.dump})\nResult: #{humanized_literal(actual)}")
+        actual = with_term { IRB::Color.colorize_code(code, complete: false) }
+        assert_equal(result, actual, "Case: colorize_code(#{code.dump}, complete: false)\nResult: #{humanized_literal(actual)}")
cgit v0.10.2

ML: ruby-changes@q...
Info: http://www.atdot.net/~ko1/quickml/
