

From: kou <ko1@a...>
Date: Sun, 23 Dec 2018 16:00:42 +0900 (JST)
Subject: [ruby-changes:54298] kou:r66507 (trunk): Import CSV 3.0.2

kou	2018-12-23 16:00:35 +0900 (Sun, 23 Dec 2018)

  New Revision: 66507


    Import CSV 3.0.2
    This includes performance improvement especially writing. Writing is
    about 2 times faster.

  Added files:
  Modified files:
Index: lib/csv.rb
--- lib/csv.rb	(revision 66506)
+++ lib/csv.rb	(revision 66507)
@@ -93,36 +93,22 @@ require "forwardable" https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/lib/csv.rb#L93
 require "English"
 require "date"
 require "stringio"
-require_relative "csv/table"
-require_relative "csv/row"
-# This provides String#match? and Regexp#match? for Ruby 2.3.
-unless String.method_defined?(:match?)
-  class CSV
-    module MatchP
-      refine String do
-        def match?(pattern)
-          self =~ pattern
-        end
-      end
-      refine Regexp do
-        def match?(string)
-          self =~ string
-        end
-      end
-    end
-  end
+require_relative "csv/fields_converter"
+require_relative "csv/match_p"
+require_relative "csv/parser"
+require_relative "csv/row"
+require_relative "csv/table"
+require_relative "csv/writer"
-  using CSV::MatchP
+using CSV::MatchP if CSV.const_defined?(:MatchP)
 # This class provides a complete interface to CSV files and data.  It offers
 # tools to enable you to read and write to and from Strings or IO objects, as
 # needed.
-# The most generic interface of a class is:
+# The most generic interface of the library is:
 #    csv = CSV.new(string_or_io, **options)
@@ -204,18 +190,18 @@ end https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/lib/csv.rb#L190
 #   # Headers are part of data
 #   data = CSV.parse(<<~ROWS, headers: true)
 #     Name,Department,Salary
-#     Bob,Engeneering,1000
+#     Bob,Engineering,1000
 #     Jane,Sales,2000
 #     John,Management,5000
 #   ROWS
 #   data.class      #=> CSV::Table
-#   data.first      #=> #<CSV::Row "Name":"Bob" "Department":"Engeneering" "Salary":"1000">
-#   data.first.to_h #=> {"Name"=>"Bob", "Department"=>"Engeneering", "Salary"=>"1000"}
+#   data.first      #=> #<CSV::Row "Name":"Bob" "Department":"Engineering" "Salary":"1000">
+#   data.first.to_h #=> {"Name"=>"Bob", "Department"=>"Engineering", "Salary"=>"1000"}
 #   # Headers provided by developer
 #   data = CSV.parse('Bob,Engeneering,1000', headers: %i[name department salary])
-#   data.first      #=> #<CSV::Row name:"Bob" department:"Engeneering" salary:"1000">
+#   data.first      #=> #<CSV::Row name:"Bob" department:"Engineering" salary:"1000">
 # === Typed data reading
@@ -902,10 +888,24 @@ class CSV https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/lib/csv.rb#L888
   # Options cannot be overridden in the instance methods for performance reasons,
   # so be sure to set what you want here.
-  def initialize(data, col_sep: ",", row_sep: :auto, quote_char: '"', field_size_limit:   nil,
-                 converters: nil, unconverted_fields: nil, headers: false, return_headers: false,
-                 write_headers: nil, header_converters: nil, skip_blanks: false, force_quotes: false,
-                 skip_lines: nil, liberal_parsing: false, internal_encoding: nil, external_encoding: nil, encoding: nil,
+  def initialize(data,
+                 col_sep: ",",
+                 row_sep: :auto,
+                 quote_char: '"',
+                 field_size_limit: nil,
+                 converters: nil,
+                 unconverted_fields: nil,
+                 headers: false,
+                 return_headers: false,
+                 write_headers: nil,
+                 header_converters: nil,
+                 skip_blanks: false,
+                 force_quotes: false,
+                 skip_lines: nil,
+                 liberal_parsing: false,
+                 internal_encoding: nil,
+                 external_encoding: nil,
+                 encoding: nil,
                  nil_value: nil,
                  empty_value: "")
     raise ArgumentError.new("Cannot parse nil as CSV") if data.nil?
@@ -913,64 +913,79 @@ class CSV https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/lib/csv.rb#L913
     # create the IO object we will read from
     @io = data.is_a?(String) ? StringIO.new(data) : data
     @encoding = determine_encoding(encoding, internal_encoding)
-    #
-    # prepare for building safe regular expressions in the target encoding,
-    # if we can transcode the needed characters
-    #
-    @re_esc   = "\\".encode(@encoding).freeze rescue ""
-    @re_chars = /#{%"[-\\]\\[\\.^$?*+{}()|# \r\n\t\f\v]".encode(@encoding)}/
-    @unconverted_fields = unconverted_fields
-    # Stores header row settings and loads header converters, if needed.
-    @use_headers    = headers
-    @return_headers = return_headers
-    @write_headers  = write_headers
-    # headers must be delayed until shift(), in case they need a row of content
-    @headers = nil
-    @nil_value = nil_value
-    @empty_value = empty_value
-    @empty_value_is_empty_string = (empty_value == "")
-    init_separators(col_sep, row_sep, quote_char, force_quotes)
-    init_parsers(skip_blanks, field_size_limit, liberal_parsing)
-    init_converters(converters, :@converters, :convert)
-    init_converters(header_converters, :@header_converters, :header_convert)
-    init_comments(skip_lines)
-    @force_encoding = !!encoding
-    # track our own lineno since IO gets confused about line-ends is CSV fields
-    @lineno = 0
-    # make sure headers have been assigned
-    if header_row? and [Array, String].include? @use_headers.class and @write_headers
-      parse_headers  # won't read data for Array or String
-      self << @headers
-    end
+    @base_fields_converter_options = {
+      nil_value: nil_value,
+      empty_value: empty_value,
+    }
+    @initial_converters = converters
+    @initial_header_converters = header_converters
+    @parser_options = {
+      column_separator: col_sep,
+      row_separator: row_sep,
+      quote_character: quote_char,
+      field_size_limit: field_size_limit,
+      unconverted_fields: unconverted_fields,
+      headers: headers,
+      return_headers: return_headers,
+      skip_blanks: skip_blanks,
+      skip_lines: skip_lines,
+      liberal_parsing: liberal_parsing,
+      encoding: @encoding,
+      nil_value: nil_value,
+      empty_value: empty_value,
+    }
+    @parser = nil
+    @writer_options = {
+      encoding: @encoding,
+      force_encoding: (not encoding.nil?),
+      force_quotes: force_quotes,
+      headers: headers,
+      write_headers: write_headers,
+      column_separator: col_sep,
+      row_separator: row_sep,
+      quote_character: quote_char,
+    }
+    @writer = nil
+    writer if @writer_options[:write_headers]
   # The encoded <tt>:col_sep</tt> used in parsing and writing.  See CSV::new
   # for details.
-  attr_reader :col_sep
+  def col_sep
+    parser.column_separator
+  end
   # The encoded <tt>:row_sep</tt> used in parsing and writing.  See CSV::new
   # for details.
-  attr_reader :row_sep
+  def row_sep
+    parser.row_separator
+  end
   # The encoded <tt>:quote_char</tt> used in parsing and writing.  See CSV::new
   # for details.
-  attr_reader :quote_char
+  def quote_char
+    parser.quote_character
+  end
   # The limit for field size, if any.  See CSV::new for details.
-  attr_reader :field_size_limit
+  def field_size_limit
+    parser.field_size_limit
+  end
   # The regex marking a line as a comment. See CSV::new for details
-  attr_reader :skip_lines
+  def skip_lines
+    parser.skip_lines
+  end
   # Returns the current list of converters in effect.  See CSV::new for details.
@@ -978,7 +993,7 @@ class CSV https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/lib/csv.rb#L993
   # as is.
   def converters
-    @converters.map do |converter|
+    fields_converter.map do |converter|
       name = Converters.rassoc(converter)
       name ? name.first : converter
@@ -987,42 +1002,68 @@ class CSV https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/lib/csv.rb#L1002
   # Returns +true+ if unconverted_fields() to parsed results.  See CSV::new
   # for details.
-  def unconverted_fields?() @unconverted_fields end
+  def unconverted_fields?
+    parser.unconverted_fields?
+  end
   # Returns +nil+ if headers will not be used, +true+ if they will but have not
   # yet been read, or the actual headers after they have been read.  See
   # CSV::new for details.
   def headers
-    @headers || true if @use_headers
+    if @writer
+      @writer.headers
+    else
+      parsed_headers = parser.headers
+      return parsed_headers if parsed_headers
+      raw_headers = @parser_options[:headers]
+      raw_headers = nil if raw_headers == false
+      raw_headers
+    end
   # Returns +true+ if headers will be returned as a row of results.
   # See CSV::new for details.
-  def return_headers?()     @return_headers     end
+  def return_headers?
+    parser.return_headers?
+  end
   # Returns +true+ if headers are written in output. See CSV::new for details.
-  def write_headers?()      @write_headers      end
+  def write_headers?
+    @writer_options[:write_headers]
+  end
   # Returns the current list of converters in effect for headers.  See CSV::new
   # for details.  Built-in converters will be returned by name, while others
   # will be returned as is.
   def header_converters
-    @header_converters.map do |converter|
+    header_fields_converter.map do |converter|
       name = HeaderConverters.rassoc(converter)
       name ? name.first : converter
   # Returns +true+ blank lines are skipped by the parser. See CSV::new
   # for details.
-  def skip_blanks?()        @skip_blanks        end
+  def skip_blanks?
+    parser.skip_blanks?
+  end
   # Returns +true+ if all output fields are quoted. See CSV::new for details.
-  def force_quotes?()       @force_quotes       end
+  def force_quotes?
+    @writer_options[:force_quotes]
+  end
   # Returns +true+ if illegal input is handled. See CSV::new for details.
-  def liberal_parsing?()    @liberal_parsing    end
+  def liberal_parsing?
+    parser.liberal_parsing?
+  end
   # The Encoding CSV is parsing or writing in.  This will be the Encoding you
@@ -1031,10 +1072,23 @@ class CSV https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/lib/csv.rb#L1072
   attr_reader :encoding
-  # The line number of the last row read from this file.  Fields with nested
+  # The line number of the last row read from this file. Fields with nested
   # line-end characters will not affect this count.
-  attr_reader :lineno, :line
+  def lineno
+    if @writer
+      @writer.lineno
+    else
+      parser.lineno
+    end
+  end
+  #
+  # The last row read from this file.
+  #
+  def line
+    parser.line
+  end
   ### IO and StringIO Delegation ###
@@ -1048,9 +1102,9 @@ class CSV https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/lib/csv.rb#L1102
   # Rewinds the underlying IO object and resets CSV's lineno() counter.
   def rewind
-    @headers = nil
-    @lineno  = 0
+    @parser = nil
+    @parser_enumerator = nil
+    @writer.rewind if @writer
@@ -1064,34 +1118,8 @@ class CSV https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/lib/csv.rb#L1118
   # The data source must be open for writing.
   def <<(row)
-    # make sure headers have been assigned
-    if header_row? and [Array, String].include? @use_headers.class and !@write_headers
-      parse_headers  # won't read data for Array or String
-    end
-    # handle CSV::Row objects and Hashes
-    row = case row
-          when self.class::Row then row.fields
-          when Hash            then @headers.map { |header| row[header] }
-          else                      row
-          end
-    @headers =  row if header_row?
-    @lineno  += 1
-    output = row.map(&@quote).join(@col_sep) + @row_sep  # quote and separate
-    if @io.is_a?(StringIO)             and
-       output.encoding != (encoding = raw_encoding)
-      if @force_encoding
-        output = output.encode(encoding)
-      elsif (compatible_encoding = Encoding.compatible?(@io.string, output))
-        @io.set_encoding(compatible_encoding)
-        @io.seek(0, IO::SEEK_END)
-      end
-    end
-    @io << output
-    self  # for chaining
+    writer << row
+    self
   alias_method :add_row, :<<
   alias_method :puts,    :<<
@@ -1112,7 +1140,7 @@ class CSV https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/lib/csv.rb#L1140
   # converted field or the field itself.
   def convert(name = nil, &converter)
-    add_converter(:@converters, self.class::Converters, name, &converter)
+    fields_converter.add_converter(name, &converter)
@@ -1127,10 +1155,7 @@ class CSV https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/lib/csv.rb#L1155
   # effect.
   def header_convert(name = nil, &converter)
-    add_converter( :@header_converters,
-                   self.class::HeaderConverters,
-                   name,
-                   &converter )
+    header_fields_converter.add_converter(name, &converter)
   include Enumerable
@@ -1142,14 +1167,8 @@ class CSV https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/lib/csv.rb#L1167
   # The data source must be open for reading.
-  def each
-    if block_given?
-      while row = shift
-        yield row
-      end
-    else
-      to_enum
-    end
+  def each(&block)
+    parser.parse(&block)
@@ -1159,8 +1178,9 @@ class CSV https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/lib/csv.rb#L1178
   def read
     rows = to_a
-    if @use_headers
-      Table.new(rows)
+    headers = parser.headers
+    if headers
+      Table.new(rows, headers: headers)
@@ -1169,7 +1189,7 @@ class CSV https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/lib/csv.rb#L1189
   # Returns +true+ if the next row read will be a header row.
   def header_row?
-    @use_headers and @headers.nil?
+    parser.header_row?
@@ -1180,171 +1200,11 @@ class CSV https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/lib/csv.rb#L1200
   # The data source must be open for reading.
   def shift
-    #########################################################################
-    ### This method is purposefully kept a bit long as simple conditional ###
-    ### checks are faster than numerous (expensive) method calls.         ###
-    #########################################################################
-    # handle headers not based on document content
-    if header_row? and @return_headers and
-       [Array, String].include? @use_headers.class
-      if @unconverted_fields
-        return add_unconverted_fields(parse_headers, Array.new)
-      else
-        return parse_headers
-      end
-    end
-    #
-    # it can take multiple calls to <tt>@io.gets()</tt> to get a full line,
-    # because of \r and/or \n characters embedded in quoted fields
-    #
-    in_extended_col = false
-    csv             = Array.new
-    loop do
-      # add another read to the line
-      unless parse = @io.gets(@row_sep)
-        return nil
-      end
-      if in_extended_col
-        @line.concat(parse)
-      else
-        @line = parse.clone
-      end
-      begin
-        parse.sub!(@parsers[:line_end], "")
-      rescue ArgumentError
-        unless parse.valid_encoding?
-          message = "Invalid byte sequence in #{parse.encoding}"
-          raise MalformedCSVError.new(message, lineno + 1)
-        end
-        raise
-      end
-      if csv.empty?
-        #
-        # I believe a blank line should be an <tt>Array.new</tt>, not Ruby 1.8
-        # CSV's <tt>[nil]</tt>
-        #
-        if parse.empty?
-          @lineno += 1
-          if @skip_blanks
-            next
-          elsif @unconverted_fields
-            return add_unconverted_fields(Array.new, Array.new)
-          elsif @use_headers
-            return self.class::Row.new(@headers, Array.new)
-          else
-            return Array.new
-          end
-        end
-      end
-      next if @skip_lines and @skip_lines.match parse
-      parts =  parse.split(@col_sep_split_separator, -1)
-      if parts.empty?
-        if in_extended_col
-          csv[-1] << @col_sep   # will be replaced with a @row_sep after the parts.each loop
-        else
-          csv << nil
-        end
-      end
-      # This loop is the hot path of csv parsing. Some things may be non-dry
-      # for a reason. Make sure to benchmark when refactoring.
-      parts.each do |part|
-        if in_extended_col
-          # If we are continuing a previous column
-          if part.end_with?(@quote_char) && part.count(@quote_char) % 2 != 0
-            # extended column ends
-            csv.last << part[0..-2]
-            if csv.last.match?(@parsers[:stray_quote])
-              raise MalformedCSVError.new("Missing or stray quote",
-                                          lineno + 1)
-            end
-            csv.last.gsub!(@double_quote_char, @quote_char)
-            in_extended_col = false
-          else
-            csv.last << part << @col_sep
-          end
-        elsif part.start_with?(@quote_char)
-          # If we are starting a new quoted column
-          if part.count(@quote_char) % 2 != 0
-            # start an extended column
-            csv << (part[1..-1] << @col_sep)
-            in_extended_col =  true
-          elsif part.end_with?(@quote_char)
-            # regular quoted column
-            csv << part[1..-2]
-            if csv.last.match?(@parsers[:stray_quote])
-              raise MalformedCSVError.new("Missing or stray quote",
-                                          lineno + 1)
-            end
-            csv.last.gsub!(@double_quote_char, @quote_char)
-          elsif @liberal_parsing
-            csv << part
-          else
-            raise MalformedCSVError.new("Missing or stray quote",
-                                        lineno + 1)
-          end
-        elsif part.match?(@parsers[:quote_or_nl])
-          # Unquoted field with bad characters.
-          if part.match?(@parsers[:nl_or_lf])
-            message = "Unquoted fields do not allow \\r or \\n"
-            raise MalformedCSVError.new(message, lineno + 1)
-          else
-            if @liberal_parsing
-              csv << part
-            else
-              raise MalformedCSVError.new("Illegal quoting", lineno + 1)
-            end
-          end
-        else
-          # Regular ole unquoted field.
-          csv << (part.empty? ? nil : part)
-        end
-      end
-      # Replace tacked on @col_sep with @row_sep if we are still in an extended
-      # column.
-      csv[-1][-1] = @row_sep if in_extended_col
-      if in_extended_col
-        # if we're at eof?(), a quoted field wasn't closed...
-        if @io.eof?
-          raise MalformedCSVError.new("Unclosed quoted field",
-                                      lineno + 1)
-        elsif @field_size_limit and csv.last.size >= @field_size_limit
-          raise MalformedCSVError.new("Field size exceeded",
-                                      lineno + 1)
-        end
-        # otherwise, we need to loop and pull some more data to complete the row
-      else
-        @lineno += 1
-        # save fields unconverted fields, if needed...
-        unconverted = csv.dup if @unconverted_fields
-        if @use_headers
-          # parse out header rows and handle CSV::Row conversions...
-          csv = parse_headers(csv)
-        else
-          # convert fields, if needed...
-          csv = convert_fields(csv)
-        end
-        # inject unconverted fields and accessor, if requested...
-        if @unconverted_fields and not csv.respond_to? :unconverted_fields
-          add_unconverted_fields(csv, unconverted)
-        end
-        # return the results
-        break csv
-      end
+    @parser_enumerator ||= parser.parse
+    begin
+      @parser_enumerator.next
+    rescue StopIteration
+      nil
   alias_method :gets,     :shift
@@ -1369,15 +1229,19 @@ class CSV https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/lib/csv.rb#L1229
     # s (... truncated)

ML: ruby-changes@q...
Info: http://www.atdot.net/~ko1/quickml/
