

From: k0kubun <ko1@a...>
Date: Sun, 14 Oct 2018 22:25:28 +0900 (JST)
Subject: [ruby-changes:52864] k0kubun:r65076 (trunk): _mjit_compile_ivar.erb: optimize setivar as well

k0kubun	2018-10-14 22:25:21 +0900 (Sun, 14 Oct 2018)

  New Revision: 65076


    _mjit_compile_ivar.erb: optimize setivar as well
    mjit_compile.inc.erb: ditto
    common.mk: update dependency for the rename from getivar.erb
    === Optcarrot benchmark ===
    $ benchmark-driver benchmark.yml --rbenv '2.0.0::2.0.0-p648 --disable-gems;before::before --disable-gems;before+JIT::before --disable-gems --jit;after::after --disable-gems;after+JIT::after --disable-gems --jit' -v --repeat-count 24
    2.0.0: ruby 2.0.0p648 (2015-12-16 revision 53162) [x86_64-linux]
    before: ruby 2.6.0dev (2018-10-14 trunk 65074) [x86_64-linux]
    before+JIT: ruby 2.6.0dev (2018-10-14 trunk 65074) +JIT [x86_64-linux]
    after: ruby 2.6.0dev (2018-10-14 trunk 65074) [x86_64-linux]
    after+JIT: ruby 2.6.0dev (2018-10-14 trunk 65074) +JIT [x86_64-linux]
    Calculating -------------------------------------
                                  2.0.0      before  before+JIT       after   after+JIT
    Optcarrot Lan_Master.nes     34.434      53.125      84.782      53.321      86.812 fps
                 Optcarrot Lan_Master.nes
                   after+JIT:        86.8 fps
                  before+JIT:        84.8 fps - 1.02x  slower
                       after:        53.3 fps - 1.63x  slower
                      before:        53.1 fps - 1.63x  slower
                       2.0.0:        34.4 fps - 2.52x  slower

  Added files:
  Removed files:
  Modified files:
Index: tool/ruby_vm/views/_mjit_compile_getivar.erb
--- tool/ruby_vm/views/_mjit_compile_getivar.erb	(revision 65075)
+++ tool/ruby_vm/views/_mjit_compile_getivar.erb	(nonexistent)
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@ https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/tool/ruby_vm/views/_mjit_compile_getivar.erb#L0
-% # -*- mode:c; style:ruby; coding: utf-8; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
-% # Copyright (c) 2018 Takashi Kokubun.  All rights reserved.
-% #
-% # This file is a part of  the programming language Ruby.  Permission is hereby
-% # granted, to either  redistribute and/or modify this file,  provided that the
-% # conditions mentioned  in the  file COPYING  are met.   Consult the  file for
-% # details.
-% # Optimized case of get_instancevariable instruction.
-% # compiler: Prepare operands which may be used by `insn.call_attribute`
-% insn.opes.each_with_index do |ope, i|
-    MAYBE_UNUSED(<%= ope.fetch(:decl) %>) = (<%= ope.fetch(:type) %>)operands[<%= i %>];
-% end
-% # compiler: Consider cfp->self as T_OBJECT if ic->ic_serial is set
-    if (ic->ic_serial) {
-% # JIT: optimize away motion of sp and pc. This path does not call rb_warning() and so it's always leaf and not `handles_sp`.
-% # <%= render 'mjit_compile_pc_and_sp', locals: { insn: insn } -%>
-% # JIT: prepare vm_getivar's arguments and variables
-        fprintf(f, "{\n");
-        fprintf(f, "    VALUE obj = GET_SELF();\n");
-        fprintf(f, "    const rb_serial_t ic_serial = (rb_serial_t)%"PRI_SERIALT_PREFIX"u;\n", ic->ic_serial);
-        fprintf(f, "    const st_index_t index = %lu;\n", ic->ic_value.index);
-% # JIT: cache hit path of vm_getivar, or cancel JIT.
-        fprintf(f, "    if (LIKELY(RB_TYPE_P(obj, T_OBJECT) && ic_serial == RCLASS_SERIAL(RBASIC(obj)->klass) && index < ROBJECT_NUMIV(obj))) {\n");
-        fprintf(f, "        stack[%d] = ROBJECT_IVPTR(obj)[index];\n", b->stack_size);
-        fprintf(f, "    }\n");
-        fprintf(f, "    else {\n");
-        fprintf(f, "        reg_cfp->pc = original_body_iseq + %d;\n", pos);
-        fprintf(f, "        reg_cfp->sp = (VALUE *)reg_cfp->bp + %d;\n", b->stack_size + 1);
-        fprintf(f, "        goto cancel;\n");
-        fprintf(f, "    }\n");
-% # compiler: Move JIT compiler's internal stack pointer
-        b->stack_size += <%= insn.call_attribute('sp_inc') %>;
-        fprintf(f, "}\n");
-        break;
-    }
-#endif /* OPT_IC_FOR_IVAR */
Index: tool/ruby_vm/views/mjit_compile.inc.erb
--- tool/ruby_vm/views/mjit_compile.inc.erb	(revision 65075)
+++ tool/ruby_vm/views/mjit_compile.inc.erb	(revision 65076)
@@ -52,8 +52,8 @@ switch (insn) { https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/tool/ruby_vm/views/mjit_compile.inc.erb#L52
 <%=   render 'mjit_compile_send', locals: { insn: insn } -%>
 %   when 'opt_aref' # experimental. TODO: increase insns and make the list automatically by finding DISPATCH_ORIGINAL_INSN
 <%=   render 'mjit_compile_send', locals: { insn: opt_send_without_block } -%>
-%   when 'getinstancevariable'
-<%=   render 'mjit_compile_getivar', locals: { insn: insn } -%>
+%   when 'getinstancevariable', 'setinstancevariable'
+<%=   render 'mjit_compile_ivar', locals: { insn: insn } -%>
 %   when 'leave'
     if (b->stack_size != 1) {
         if (mjit_opts.warnings || mjit_opts.verbose)
Index: tool/ruby_vm/views/_mjit_compile_ivar.erb
--- tool/ruby_vm/views/_mjit_compile_ivar.erb	(nonexistent)
+++ tool/ruby_vm/views/_mjit_compile_ivar.erb	(revision 65076)
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/tool/ruby_vm/views/_mjit_compile_ivar.erb#L1
+% # -*- mode:c; style:ruby; coding: utf-8; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
+% # Copyright (c) 2018 Takashi Kokubun.  All rights reserved.
+% #
+% # This file is a part of  the programming language Ruby.  Permission is hereby
+% # granted, to either  redistribute and/or modify this file,  provided that the
+% # conditions mentioned  in the  file COPYING  are met.   Consult the  file for
+% # details.
+% # Optimized case of get_instancevariable instruction.
+% # compiler: Prepare operands which may be used by `insn.call_attribute`
+% insn.opes.each_with_index do |ope, i|
+    MAYBE_UNUSED(<%= ope.fetch(:decl) %>) = (<%= ope.fetch(:type) %>)operands[<%= i %>];
+% end
+% # compiler: Consider cfp->self as T_OBJECT if ic->ic_serial is set
+    if (ic->ic_serial) {
+% # JIT: optimize away motion of sp and pc. This path does not call rb_warning() and so it's always leaf and not `handles_sp`.
+% # <%= render 'mjit_compile_pc_and_sp', locals: { insn: insn } -%>
+% # JIT: prepare vm_getivar's arguments and variables
+        fprintf(f, "{\n");
+        fprintf(f, "    VALUE obj = GET_SELF();\n");
+        fprintf(f, "    const rb_serial_t ic_serial = (rb_serial_t)%"PRI_SERIALT_PREFIX"u;\n", ic->ic_serial);
+        fprintf(f, "    const st_index_t index = %lu;\n", ic->ic_value.index);
+% if insn.name == 'setinstancevariable'
+        fprintf(f, "    VALUE val = stack[%d];\n", b->stack_size - 1);
+% end
+% # JIT: cache hit path of vm_getivar, or cancel JIT.
+        fprintf(f, "    if (LIKELY(RB_TYPE_P(obj, T_OBJECT) && ic_serial == RCLASS_SERIAL(RBASIC(obj)->klass) && index < ROBJECT_NUMIV(obj))) {\n");
+% if insn.name == 'setinstancevariable'
+        fprintf(f, "        VALUE *ptr = ROBJECT_IVPTR(obj);\n");
+        fprintf(f, "        RB_OBJ_WRITE(obj, &ptr[index], val);\n");
+% else
+        fprintf(f, "        stack[%d] = ROBJECT_IVPTR(obj)[index];\n", b->stack_size);
+% end
+        fprintf(f, "    }\n");
+        fprintf(f, "    else {\n");
+        fprintf(f, "        reg_cfp->pc = original_body_iseq + %d;\n", pos);
+        fprintf(f, "        reg_cfp->sp = (VALUE *)reg_cfp->bp + %d;\n", b->stack_size + 1);
+        fprintf(f, "        goto cancel;\n");
+        fprintf(f, "    }\n");
+% # compiler: Move JIT compiler's internal stack pointer
+        b->stack_size += <%= insn.call_attribute('sp_inc') %>;
+        fprintf(f, "}\n");
+        break;
+    }
+#endif /* OPT_IC_FOR_IVAR */
Index: common.mk
--- common.mk	(revision 65075)
+++ common.mk	(revision 65076)
@@ -938,7 +938,7 @@ $(srcs_vpath)vm.inc: $(srcdir)/tool/ruby https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/common.mk#L938
   $(srcdir)/tool/ruby_vm/views/_insn_entry.erb $(srcdir)/tool/ruby_vm/views/_trace_instruction.erb
 $(srcs_vpath)mjit_compile.inc: $(srcdir)/tool/ruby_vm/views/mjit_compile.inc.erb $(inc_common_headers) \
   $(srcdir)/tool/ruby_vm/views/_mjit_compile_insn.erb $(srcdir)/tool/ruby_vm/views/_mjit_compile_send.erb \
-  $(srcdir)/tool/ruby_vm/views/_mjit_compile_send_guard.erb $(srcdir)/tool/ruby_vm/views/_mjit_compile_getivar.erb \
+  $(srcdir)/tool/ruby_vm/views/_mjit_compile_send_guard.erb $(srcdir)/tool/ruby_vm/views/_mjit_compile_ivar.erb \
   $(srcdir)/tool/ruby_vm/views/_mjit_compile_insn_body.erb $(srcdir)/tool/ruby_vm/views/_mjit_compile_pc_and_sp.erb
 common-srcs: $(srcs_vpath)parse.c $(srcs_vpath)lex.c $(srcs_vpath)enc/trans/newline.c $(srcs_vpath)id.c \

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