

From: normal <ko1@a...>
Date: Thu, 2 Aug 2018 15:09:44 +0900 (JST)
Subject: [ruby-changes:51942] normal:r64157 (trunk): test/socket/test_socket.rb (test_timestampns): retry send

normal	2018-08-02 15:09:38 +0900 (Thu, 02 Aug 2018)

  New Revision: 64157


    test/socket/test_socket.rb (test_timestampns): retry send
    It looks like we need to retry test_timestampns in addition
    to test_timestamp; so share some code while we're at it.
    cf. http://ci.rvm.jp/results/trunk-test@frontier/1153126
    [ruby-core:88104] [Bug #14898]

  Modified files:
Index: test/socket/test_socket.rb
--- test/socket/test_socket.rb	(revision 64156)
+++ test/socket/test_socket.rb	(revision 64157)
@@ -456,6 +456,33 @@ class TestSocket < Test::Unit::TestCase https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/test/socket/test_socket.rb#L456
+  def timestamp_retry_rw(s1, s2, t1, type)
+    IO.pipe do |r,w|
+      # UDP may not be reliable, keep sending until recvmsg returns:
+      th = Thread.new do
+        n = 0
+        begin
+          s2.send("a", 0, s1.local_address)
+          n += 1
+        end while IO.select([r], nil, nil, 0.1).nil?
+        n
+      end
+      msg, _, _, stamp = s1.recvmsg
+      assert_equal("a", msg)
+      assert(stamp.cmsg_is?(:SOCKET, type))
+      w.close # stop th
+      n = th.value
+      n > 1 and
+        warn "UDP packet loss for #{type} over loopback, #{n} tries needed"
+      t2 = Time.now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
+      pat = Regexp.union([t1, t2].uniq)
+      assert_match(pat, stamp.inspect)
+      t = stamp.timestamp
+      assert_match(pat, t.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"))
+      stamp
+    end
+  end
   def test_timestamp
     return if /linux|freebsd|netbsd|openbsd|solaris|darwin/ !~ RUBY_PLATFORM
     return if !defined?(Socket::AncillaryData) || !defined?(Socket::SO_TIMESTAMP)
@@ -464,31 +491,10 @@ class TestSocket < Test::Unit::TestCase https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/test/socket/test_socket.rb#L491
     Addrinfo.udp("", 0).bind {|s1|
       Addrinfo.udp("", 0).bind {|s2|
         s1.setsockopt(:SOCKET, :TIMESTAMP, true)
-        IO.pipe do |r,w|
-          # UDP may not be reliable, keep sending until recvmsg returns:
-          th = Thread.new do
-            n = 0
-            begin
-              s2.send("a", 0, s1.local_address)
-              n += 1
-            end while IO.select([r], nil, nil, 0.1).nil?
-            n
-          end
-          msg, _, _, stamp = s1.recvmsg
-          w.close # stop th
-          assert_equal("a", msg)
-          assert(stamp.cmsg_is?(:SOCKET, :TIMESTAMP))
-          n = th.value
-          warn "UDP packet loss over loopback, #{n} tries needed" if n > 1
-        end
+        stamp = timestamp_retry_rw(s1, s2, t1, :TIMESTAMP)
-    t2 = Time.now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
-    pat = Regexp.union([t1, t2].uniq)
-    assert_match(pat, stamp.inspect)
     t = stamp.timestamp
-    assert_match(pat, t.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"))
     pat = /\.#{"%06d" % t.usec}/
     assert_match(pat, stamp.inspect)
@@ -505,17 +511,10 @@ class TestSocket < Test::Unit::TestCase https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/test/socket/test_socket.rb#L511
           # SO_TIMESTAMPNS is available since Linux 2.6.22
-        s2.send "a", 0, s1.local_address
-        msg, _, _, stamp = s1.recvmsg
-        assert_equal("a", msg)
-        assert(stamp.cmsg_is?(:SOCKET, :TIMESTAMPNS))
+        stamp = timestamp_retry_rw(s1, s2, t1, :TIMESTAMPNS)
-    t2 = Time.now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
-    pat = Regexp.union([t1, t2].uniq)
-    assert_match(pat, stamp.inspect)
     t = stamp.timestamp
-    assert_match(pat, t.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"))
     pat = /\.#{"%09d" % t.nsec}/
     assert_match(pat, stamp.inspect)

ML: ruby-changes@q...
Info: http://www.atdot.net/~ko1/quickml/
