

From: nagachika <ko1@a...>
Date: Sun, 24 Dec 2017 11:29:25 +0900 (JST)
Subject: [ruby-changes:49319] nagachika:r61436 (ruby_2_4): merge revision(s) 59444, 59445: [Backport #13776]

nagachika	2017-12-24 11:29:19 +0900 (Sun, 24 Dec 2017)

  New Revision: 61436


    merge revision(s) 59444,59445: [Backport #13776]
    adjust indent [ci skip]
    * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_call_method_each_type): adjust indent of a
      block in switch.
    visibility of inherited method
    * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_call_method_each_type): honor the original
      visibility of inherited methods when a refinement is defined but
      not activated.  [ruby-core:82209] [Bug #13776]
    Author:    Mon_Ouie (Mon ouie) <mon.ouie@g...>

  Modified directories:
  Modified files:
Index: ruby_2_4/vm_insnhelper.c
--- ruby_2_4/vm_insnhelper.c	(revision 61435)
+++ ruby_2_4/vm_insnhelper.c	(revision 61436)
@@ -2209,44 +2209,45 @@ vm_call_method_each_type(rb_thread_t *th https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/ruby_2_4/vm_insnhelper.c#L2209
 	return vm_call_zsuper(th, cfp, calling, ci, cc, RCLASS_ORIGIN(cc->me->owner));
-	  const rb_cref_t *cref = rb_vm_get_cref(cfp->ep);
-	  VALUE refinements = cref ? CREF_REFINEMENTS(cref) : Qnil;
-	  VALUE refinement;
-	  const rb_callable_method_entry_t *ref_me;
-	  refinement = find_refinement(refinements, cc->me->owner);
-	  if (NIL_P(refinement)) {
-	      goto no_refinement_dispatch;
-	  }
-	  ref_me = rb_callable_method_entry(refinement, ci->mid);
-	  if (ref_me) {
-	      if (cc->call == vm_call_super_method) {
-		  const rb_control_frame_t *top_cfp = current_method_entry(th, cfp);
-		  const rb_callable_method_entry_t *top_me = rb_vm_frame_method_entry(top_cfp);
-		  if (top_me && rb_method_definition_eq(ref_me->def, top_me->def)) {
-		      goto no_refinement_dispatch;
-		  }
-	      }
-	      cc->me = ref_me;
-	      if (ref_me->def->type != VM_METHOD_TYPE_REFINED) {
-		  return vm_call_method(th, cfp, calling, ci, cc);
-	      }
-	  }
-	  else {
-	      cc->me = NULL;
-	      return vm_call_method_nome(th, cfp, calling, ci, cc);
-	  }
-	no_refinement_dispatch:
-	  if (cc->me->def->body.refined.orig_me) {
-	      cc->me = refined_method_callable_without_refinement(cc->me);
-	      return vm_call_method(th, cfp, calling, ci, cc);
-	  }
-	  else {
-	      return vm_call_zsuper(th, cfp, calling, ci, cc, cc->me->owner);
-	  }
+	const rb_cref_t *cref = rb_vm_get_cref(cfp->ep);
+	VALUE refinements = cref ? CREF_REFINEMENTS(cref) : Qnil;
+	VALUE refinement;
+	const rb_callable_method_entry_t *ref_me;
+	refinement = find_refinement(refinements, cc->me->owner);
+	if (NIL_P(refinement)) {
+	    goto no_refinement_dispatch;
+	}
+	ref_me = rb_callable_method_entry(refinement, ci->mid);
+	if (ref_me) {
+	    if (cc->call == vm_call_super_method) {
+		const rb_control_frame_t *top_cfp = current_method_entry(th, cfp);
+		const rb_callable_method_entry_t *top_me = rb_vm_frame_method_entry(top_cfp);
+		if (top_me && rb_method_definition_eq(ref_me->def, top_me->def)) {
+		    goto no_refinement_dispatch;
+		}
+	    }
+	    cc->me = ref_me;
+	    if (ref_me->def->type != VM_METHOD_TYPE_REFINED) {
+		return vm_call_method(th, cfp, calling, ci, cc);
+	    }
+	}
+	else {
+	    cc->me = NULL;
+	    return vm_call_method_nome(th, cfp, calling, ci, cc);
+	}
+      no_refinement_dispatch:
+	if (cc->me->def->body.refined.orig_me) {
+	    cc->me = refined_method_callable_without_refinement(cc->me);
+	}
+	else {
+	    VALUE klass = RCLASS_SUPER(cc->me->owner);
+	    cc->me = klass ? rb_callable_method_entry(klass, ci->mid) : NULL;
+	}
+	return vm_call_method(th, cfp, calling, ci, cc);
Index: ruby_2_4/version.h
--- ruby_2_4/version.h	(revision 61435)
+++ ruby_2_4/version.h	(revision 61436)
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/ruby_2_4/version.h#L1
 #define RUBY_VERSION "2.4.4"
-#define RUBY_RELEASE_DATE "2017-12-22"
-#define RUBY_PATCHLEVEL 220
+#define RUBY_RELEASE_DATE "2017-12-24"
+#define RUBY_PATCHLEVEL 221
 #define RUBY_RELEASE_YEAR 2017
-#define RUBY_RELEASE_DAY 22
+#define RUBY_RELEASE_DAY 24
 #include "ruby/version.h"
Index: ruby_2_4/test/ruby/test_refinement.rb
--- ruby_2_4/test/ruby/test_refinement.rb	(revision 61435)
+++ ruby_2_4/test/ruby/test_refinement.rb	(revision 61436)
@@ -1917,6 +1917,50 @@ class TestRefinement < Test::Unit::TestC https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/ruby_2_4/test/ruby/test_refinement.rb#L1917
+  class ParentDefiningPrivateMethod
+    private
+    def some_inherited_method
+    end
+  end
+  module MixinDefiningPrivateMethod
+    private
+    def some_included_method
+    end
+  end
+  class SomeChildClassToRefine < ParentDefiningPrivateMethod
+    include MixinDefiningPrivateMethod
+    private
+    def some_method
+    end
+  end
+  def test_refine_inherited_method_with_visibility_changes
+    Module.new do
+      refine(SomeChildClassToRefine) do
+        def some_inherited_method; end
+        def some_included_method; end
+        def some_method; end
+      end
+    end
+    obj = SomeChildClassToRefine.new
+    assert_raise_with_message(NoMethodError, /private/) do
+      obj.some_inherited_method
+    end
+    assert_raise_with_message(NoMethodError, /private/) do
+      obj.some_included_method
+    end
+    assert_raise_with_message(NoMethodError, /private/) do
+      obj.some_method
+    end
+  end
   def eval_using(mod, s)
Index: ruby_2_4
--- ruby_2_4	(revision 61435)
+++ ruby_2_4	(revision 61436)

Property changes on: ruby_2_4
Modified: svn:mergeinfo
## -0,0 +0,1 ##
   Merged /trunk:r59444-59445

ML: ruby-changes@q...
Info: http://www.atdot.net/~ko1/quickml/
