

From: marcandre <ko1@a...>
Date: Fri, 10 Nov 2017 07:05:52 +0900 (JST)
Subject: [ruby-changes:48615] marcandRe: r60730 (trunk): lib/matrix: Remove method catalog [doc] [ci-skip]

marcandre	2017-11-10 07:05:44 +0900 (Fri, 10 Nov 2017)

  New Revision: 60730


    lib/matrix: Remove method catalog [doc] [ci-skip]

  Modified files:
Index: lib/matrix.rb
--- lib/matrix.rb	(revision 60729)
+++ lib/matrix.rb	(revision 60730)
@@ -28,110 +28,8 @@ end https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/lib/matrix.rb#L28
 # The +Matrix+ class represents a mathematical matrix. It provides methods for creating
 # matrices, operating on them arithmetically and algebraically,
-# and determining their mathematical properties (trace, rank, inverse, determinant).
-# == Method Catalogue
-# To create a matrix:
-# * Matrix[*rows]
-# * Matrix.[](*rows)
-# * Matrix.rows(rows, copy = true)
-# * Matrix.columns(columns)
-# * Matrix.build(row_count, column_count, &block)
-# * Matrix.diagonal(*values)
-# * Matrix.scalar(n, value)
-# * Matrix.identity(n)
-# * Matrix.unit(n)
-# * Matrix.I(n)
-# * Matrix.zero(n)
-# * Matrix.row_vector(row)
-# * Matrix.column_vector(column)
-# * Matrix.empty(row_count, column_count)
-# * Matrix.hstack(*matrices)
-# * Matrix.vstack(*matrices)
-# To access Matrix elements/columns/rows/submatrices/properties:
-# * #[](i, j)
-# * #row_count (row_size)
-# * #column_count (column_size)
-# * #row(i)
-# * #column(j)
-# * #collect
-# * #map
-# * #each
-# * #each_with_index
-# * #find_index
-# * #minor(*param)
-# * #first_minor(row, column)
-# * #cofactor(row, column)
-# * #adjugate
-# * #laplace_expansion(row_or_column: num)
-# * #cofactor_expansion(row_or_column: num)
-# Properties of a matrix:
-# * #diagonal?
-# * #empty?
-# * #hermitian?
-# * #lower_triangular?
-# * #normal?
-# * #orthogonal?
-# * #permutation?
-# * #real?
-# * #regular?
-# * #singular?
-# * #square?
-# * #symmetric?
-# * #unitary?
-# * #upper_triangular?
-# * #zero?
-# Matrix arithmetic:
-# * #*(m)
-# * #+(m)
-# * #-(m)
-# * #/(m)
-# * #inverse
-# * #inv
-# * #**
-# * #+@
-# * #-@
-# Matrix functions:
-# * #determinant
-# * #det
-# * #hstack(*matrices)
-# * #rank
-# * #round
-# * #trace
-# * #tr
-# * #transpose
-# * #t
-# * #vstack(*matrices)
-# Matrix decompositions:
-# * #eigen
-# * #eigensystem
-# * #lup
-# * #lup_decomposition
-# Complex arithmetic:
-# * conj
-# * conjugate
-# * imag
-# * imaginary
-# * real
-# * rect
-# * rectangular
-# Conversion to other data types:
-# * #coerce(other)
-# * #row_vectors
-# * #column_vectors
-# * #to_a
-# String representations:
-# * #to_s
-# * #inspect
+# and determining their mathematical properties such as trace, rank, inverse, determinant,
+# or eigensystem.
 class Matrix
   include Enumerable

ML: ruby-changes@q...
Info: http://www.atdot.net/~ko1/quickml/
