

From: usa <ko1@a...>
Date: Sun, 26 Mar 2017 03:35:15 +0900 (JST)
Subject: [ruby-changes:46053] usa:r58124 (ruby_2_2): merge revision(s) 57887: [Backport #13159]

usa	2017-03-26 03:35:09 +0900 (Sun, 26 Mar 2017)

  New Revision: 58124


    merge revision(s) 57887: [Backport #13159]
    lib/ostruct.rb: [DOC] revise docs for OpenStruct
    * update paragraph on implementation:
      define_singleton_method is used, not define_method
    * add call-seq with return values for each_pair
    * adopt description of dig from Array and Hash
    * fix description of the hash method
    * :nodoc: initialize_copy, respond_to_missing?
    * other small improvements, e.g. use the term `attribute' in the docs
      (instead of `member'), which is clearer for users of the class
    * improve code examples: e.g. use more consistent style (always use
      double quotes, drop `p' and `puts', ...), update inspect output,
      use example data that is not prone to change (like population)
    * add more code examples
    * fix some small errors and grammar
    [ruby-core:79265] [Bug #13159]

  Modified directories:
  Modified files:
Index: ruby_2_2/lib/ostruct.rb
--- ruby_2_2/lib/ostruct.rb	(revision 58123)
+++ ruby_2_2/lib/ostruct.rb	(revision 58124)
@@ -14,56 +14,58 @@ https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/ruby_2_2/lib/ostruct.rb#L14
 # accomplished by using Ruby's metaprogramming to define methods on the class
 # itself.
-# == Examples:
+# == Examples
-#   require 'ostruct'
+#   require "ostruct"
 #   person = OpenStruct.new
-#   person.name    = "John Smith"
-#   person.age     = 70
-#   person.pension = 300
-#   puts person.name     # -> "John Smith"
-#   puts person.age      # -> 70
-#   puts person.address  # -> nil
-# An OpenStruct employs a Hash internally to store the methods and values and
-# can even be initialized with one:
-#   australia = OpenStruct.new(:country => "Australia", :population => 20_000_000)
-#   p australia   # -> <OpenStruct country="Australia" population=20000000>
-# Hash keys with spaces or characters that would normally not be able to use for
-# method calls (e.g. ()[]*) will not be immediately available on the
-# OpenStruct object as a method for retrieval or assignment, but can be still be
-# reached through the Object#send method.
+#   person.name = "John Smith"
+#   person.age  = 70
+#   person.name      # => "John Smith"
+#   person.age       # => 70
+#   person.address   # => nil
+# An OpenStruct employs a Hash internally to store the attributes and values
+# and can even be initialized with one:
+#   australia = OpenStruct.new(:country => "Australia", :capital => "Canberra")
+#     # => #<OpenStruct country="Australia", capital="Canberra">
+# Hash keys with spaces or characters that could normally not be used for
+# method calls (e.g. <code>()[]*</code>) will not be immediately available
+# on the OpenStruct object as a method for retrieval or assignment, but can
+# still be reached through the Object#send method.
 #   measurements = OpenStruct.new("length (in inches)" => 24)
-#   measurements.send("length (in inches)")  # -> 24
+#   measurements.send("length (in inches)")   # => 24
-#   data_point = OpenStruct.new(:queued? => true)
-#   data_point.queued?                       # -> true
-#   data_point.send("queued?=",false)
-#   data_point.queued?                       # -> false
+#   message = OpenStruct.new(:queued? => true)
+#   message.queued?                           # => true
+#   message.send("queued?=", false)
+#   message.queued?                           # => false
+# Removing the presence of an attribute requires the execution of the
+# delete_field method as setting the property value to +nil+ will not
+# remove the attribute.
-# Removing the presence of a method requires the execution the delete_field
-# method as setting the property value to +nil+ will not remove the method.
+#   first_pet  = OpenStruct.new(:name => "Rowdy", :owner => "John Smith")
+#   second_pet = OpenStruct.new(:name => "Rowdy")
-#   first_pet = OpenStruct.new(:name => 'Rowdy', :owner => 'John Smith')
 #   first_pet.owner = nil
-#   second_pet = OpenStruct.new(:name => 'Rowdy')
-#   first_pet == second_pet   # -> false
+#   first_pet                 # => #<OpenStruct name="Rowdy", owner=nil>
+#   first_pet == second_pet   # => false
 #   first_pet.delete_field(:owner)
-#   first_pet == second_pet   # -> true
+#   first_pet                 # => #<OpenStruct name="Rowdy">
+#   first_pet == second_pet   # => true
-# == Implementation:
+# == Implementation
 # An OpenStruct utilizes Ruby's method lookup structure to find and define the
-# necessary methods for properties. This is accomplished through the method
-# method_missing and define_method.
+# necessary methods for properties. This is accomplished through the methods
+# method_missing and define_singleton_method.
 # This should be a consideration if there is a concern about the performance of
 # the objects that are created, as there is much more overhead in the setting
@@ -78,11 +80,11 @@ class OpenStruct https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/ruby_2_2/lib/ostruct.rb#L80
   # (can be a Hash, an OpenStruct or a Struct).
   # For example:
-  #   require 'ostruct'
-  #   hash = { "country" => "Australia", :population => 20_000_000 }
+  #   require "ostruct"
+  #   hash = { "country" => "Australia", :capital => "Canberra" }
   #   data = OpenStruct.new(hash)
-  #   p data        # -> <OpenStruct country="Australia" population=20000000>
+  #   data   # => #<OpenStruct country="Australia", capital="Canberra">
   def initialize(hash=nil)
     @table = {}
@@ -95,8 +97,8 @@ class OpenStruct https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/ruby_2_2/lib/ostruct.rb#L97
-  # Duplicate an OpenStruct object members.
-  def initialize_copy(orig)
+  # Duplicates an OpenStruct object's Hash table.
+  def initialize_copy(orig) # :nodoc:
     @table = @table.dup
     @table.each_key{|key| new_ostruct_member(key)}
@@ -104,25 +106,27 @@ class OpenStruct https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/ruby_2_2/lib/ostruct.rb#L106
   # Converts the OpenStruct to a hash with keys representing
-  # each attribute (as symbols) and their corresponding values
-  # Example:
+  # each attribute (as symbols) and their corresponding values.
-  #   require 'ostruct'
-  #   data = OpenStruct.new("country" => "Australia", :population => 20_000_000)
-  #   data.to_h   # => {:country => "Australia", :population => 20000000 }
+  #   require "ostruct"
+  #   data = OpenStruct.new("country" => "Australia", :capital => "Canberra")
+  #   data.to_h   # => {:country => "Australia", :capital => "Canberra" }
   def to_h
-  # Yields all attributes (as a symbol) along with the corresponding values
-  # or returns an enumerator if not block is given.
-  # Example:
-  #
-  #   require 'ostruct'
-  #   data = OpenStruct.new("country" => "Australia", :population => 20_000_000)
-  #   data.each_pair.to_a  # => [[:country, "Australia"], [:population, 20000000]]
+  # :call-seq:
+  #   ostruct.each_pair {|name, value| block }  -> ostruct
+  #   ostruct.each_pair                         -> Enumerator
+  #
+  # Yields all attributes (as symbols) along with the corresponding values
+  # or returns an enumerator if no block is given.
+  #
+  #   require "ostruct"
+  #   data = OpenStruct.new("country" => "Australia", :capital => "Canberra")
+  #   data.each_pair.to_a   # => [[:country, "Australia"], [:capital, "Canberra"]]
   def each_pair
     return to_enum(__method__) { @table.size } unless block_given?
@@ -191,35 +195,50 @@ class OpenStruct https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/ruby_2_2/lib/ostruct.rb#L195
-  # Returns the value of a member.
-  #   person = OpenStruct.new('name' => 'John Smith', 'age' => 70)
-  #   person[:age] # => 70, same as ostruct.age
+  # :call-seq:
+  #   ostruct[name]  -> object
+  #
+  # Returns the value of an attribute.
+  #
+  #   require "ostruct"
+  #   person = OpenStruct.new("name" => "John Smith", "age" => 70)
+  #   person[:age]   # => 70, same as person.age
   def [](name)
-  # Sets the value of a member.
+  # :call-seq:
+  #   ostruct[name] = obj  -> obj
+  #
+  # Sets the value of an attribute.
-  #   person = OpenStruct.new('name' => 'John Smith', 'age' => 70)
-  #   person[:age] = 42 # => equivalent to ostruct.age = 42
-  #   person.age # => 42
+  #   require "ostruct"
+  #   person = OpenStruct.new("name" => "John Smith", "age" => 70)
+  #   person[:age] = 42   # equivalent to person.age = 42
+  #   person.age          # => 42
   def []=(name, value)
     modifiable[new_ostruct_member(name)] = value
-  # Remove the named field from the object. Returns the value that the field
+  # Removes the named field from the object. Returns the value that the field
   # contained if it was defined.
-  #   require 'ostruct'
+  #   require "ostruct"
-  #   person = OpenStruct.new('name' => 'John Smith', 'age' => 70)
+  #   person = OpenStruct.new(name: "John", age: 70, pension: 300)
-  #   person.delete_field('name')  # => 'John Smith'
+  #   person.delete_field("age")   # => 70
+  #   person                       # => #<OpenStruct name="John", pension=300>
+  #
+  # Setting the value to +nil+ will not remove the attribute:
+  #
+  #   person.pension = nil
+  #   person                 # => #<OpenStruct name="John", pension=nil>
   def delete_field(name)
     sym = name.to_sym
@@ -263,6 +282,14 @@ class OpenStruct https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/ruby_2_2/lib/ostruct.rb#L282
   # +other+ when +other+ is an OpenStruct and the two objects' Hash tables are
   # equal.
+  #   require "ostruct"
+  #   first_pet  = OpenStruct.new("name" => "Rowdy")
+  #   second_pet = OpenStruct.new(:name  => "Rowdy")
+  #   third_pet  = OpenStruct.new("name" => "Rowdy", :age => nil)
+  #
+  #   first_pet == second_pet   # => true
+  #   first_pet == third_pet    # => false
+  #
   def ==(other)
     return false unless other.kind_of?(OpenStruct)
     @table == other.table
@@ -278,9 +305,11 @@ class OpenStruct https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/ruby_2_2/lib/ostruct.rb#L305
-  # Compute a hash-code for this OpenStruct.
-  # Two hashes with the same content will have the same hash code
-  # (and will be eql?).
+  # Computes a hash code for this OpenStruct.
+  # Two OpenStruct objects with the same content will have the same hash code
+  # (and will compare using #eql?).
+  #
+  # See also Object#hash.
   def hash
Index: ruby_2_2/version.h
--- ruby_2_2/version.h	(revision 58123)
+++ ruby_2_2/version.h	(revision 58124)
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/ruby_2_2/version.h#L1
 #define RUBY_VERSION "2.2.7"
 #define RUBY_RELEASE_DATE "2017-03-26"
-#define RUBY_PATCHLEVEL 456
+#define RUBY_PATCHLEVEL 457
 #define RUBY_RELEASE_YEAR 2017

Property changes on: ruby_2_2
Modified: svn:mergeinfo
   Merged /trunk:r57887

ML: ruby-changes@q...
Info: http://www.atdot.net/~ko1/quickml/
