

From: nobu <ko1@a...>
Date: Mon, 12 Dec 2016 12:20:00 +0900 (JST)
Subject: [ruby-changes:44982] nobu:r57055 (trunk): test for Symbol#match? [Feature #12898]

nobu	2016-12-12 12:19:52 +0900 (Mon, 12 Dec 2016)

  New Revision: 57055


    test for Symbol#match?  [Feature #12898]

  Modified files:
Index: test/ruby/test_symbol.rb
--- test/ruby/test_symbol.rb	(revision 57054)
+++ test/ruby/test_symbol.rb	(revision 57055)
@@ -325,6 +325,48 @@ class TestSymbol < Test::Unit::TestCase https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/test/ruby/test_symbol.rb#L325
     assert_raise(ArgumentError) { :"foo".match }
+  def test_match_p_regexp
+    /backref/ =~ 'backref'
+    # must match here, but not in a separate method, e.g., assert_send,
+    # to check if $~ is affected or not.
+    assert_equal(true, "".match?(//))
+    assert_equal(true, :abc.match?(/.../))
+    assert_equal(true, 'abc'.match?(/b/))
+    assert_equal(true, 'abc'.match?(/b/, 1))
+    assert_equal(true, 'abc'.match?(/../, 1))
+    assert_equal(true, 'abc'.match?(/../, -2))
+    assert_equal(false, 'abc'.match?(/../, -4))
+    assert_equal(false, 'abc'.match?(/../, 4))
+    assert_equal(true, ("\u3042" + '\x').match?(/../, 1))
+    assert_equal(true, ''.match?(/\z/))
+    assert_equal(true, 'abc'.match?(/\z/))
+    assert_equal(true, 'Ruby'.match?(/R.../))
+    assert_equal(false, 'Ruby'.match?(/R.../, 1))
+    assert_equal(false, 'Ruby'.match?(/P.../))
+    assert_equal('backref', $&)
+  end
+  def test_match_p_string
+    /backref/ =~ 'backref'
+    # must match here, but not in a separate method, e.g., assert_send,
+    # to check if $~ is affected or not.
+    assert_equal(true, "".match?(''))
+    assert_equal(true, :abc.match?('...'))
+    assert_equal(true, 'abc'.match?('b'))
+    assert_equal(true, 'abc'.match?('b', 1))
+    assert_equal(true, 'abc'.match?('..', 1))
+    assert_equal(true, 'abc'.match?('..', -2))
+    assert_equal(false, 'abc'.match?('..', -4))
+    assert_equal(false, 'abc'.match?('..', 4))
+    assert_equal(true, ("\u3042" + '\x').match?('..', 1))
+    assert_equal(true, ''.match?('\z'))
+    assert_equal(true, 'abc'.match?('\z'))
+    assert_equal(true, 'Ruby'.match?('R...'))
+    assert_equal(false, 'Ruby'.match?('R...', 1))
+    assert_equal(false, 'Ruby'.match?('P...'))
+    assert_equal('backref', $&)
+  end
   def test_symbol_popped
     assert_nothing_raised { eval('a = 1; :"#{ a }"; 1') }

ML: ruby-changes@q...
Info: http://www.atdot.net/~ko1/quickml/
