

From: rhe <ko1@a...>
Date: Wed, 18 May 2016 16:59:12 +0900 (JST)
Subject: [ruby-changes:42983] rhe:r55057 (trunk): openssl: fix OpenSSL error queue leak in OpenSSL::PKCS12.new

rhe	2016-05-18 16:59:09 +0900 (Wed, 18 May 2016)

  New Revision: 55057


    openssl: fix OpenSSL error queue leak in OpenSSL::PKCS12.new
    * ext/openssl/ossl_pkcs12.c (ossl_pkcs12_initialize): pop errors
      leaked by PKCS12_parse(). This is a bug in OpenSSL, which exists
      in the versions before the version 1.0.0t, 1.0.1p, 1.0.2d.

  Modified files:
Index: ext/openssl/ossl_pkcs12.c
--- ext/openssl/ossl_pkcs12.c	(revision 55056)
+++ ext/openssl/ossl_pkcs12.c	(revision 55057)
@@ -165,8 +165,12 @@ ossl_pkcs12_initialize(int argc, VALUE * https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/ext/openssl/ossl_pkcs12.c#L165
     pkey = cert = ca = Qnil;
+    /* OpenSSL's bug; PKCS12_parse() puts errors even if it succeeds.
+     * Fixed in OpenSSL 1.0.0t, 1.0.1p, 1.0.2d */
+    ERR_set_mark();
     if(!PKCS12_parse(pkcs, passphrase, &key, &x509, &x509s))
 	ossl_raise(ePKCS12Error, "PKCS12_parse");
+    ERR_pop_to_mark();
     pkey = rb_protect((VALUE(*)_((VALUE)))ossl_pkey_new, (VALUE)key,
 		      &st); /* NO DUP */
     if(st) goto err;
Index: ChangeLog
--- ChangeLog	(revision 55056)
+++ ChangeLog	(revision 55057)
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@ https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/ChangeLog#L1
+Wed May 18 16:52:03 2016  Kazuki Yamaguchi  <k@r...>
+	* ext/openssl/ossl_pkcs12.c (ossl_pkcs12_initialize): pop errors
+	  leaked by PKCS12_parse(). This is a bug in OpenSSL, which exists
+	  in the versions before the version 1.0.0t, 1.0.1p, 1.0.2d.
 Wed May 18 16:04:54 2016  Nobuyoshi Nakada  <nobu@r...>
 	* tool/downloader.rb (Downloader::RubyGems.download): verify gems

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Info: http://www.atdot.net/~ko1/quickml/
