

From: naruse <ko1@a...>
Date: Fri, 15 Jan 2016 20:05:25 +0900 (JST)
Subject: [ruby-changes:41468] naruse:r53542 (trunk): Revert "* common.mk: test-sample was changed to test-basic."

naruse	2016-01-15 20:05:51 +0900 (Fri, 15 Jan 2016)

  New Revision: 53542


    Revert "* common.mk: test-sample was changed to test-basic."
    This reverts r53537.
    Fix chkbuild first.

  Added files:
  Removed files:
  Modified files:
Index: common.mk
--- common.mk	(revision 53541)
+++ common.mk	(revision 53542)
@@ -581,10 +581,10 @@ no-btest-ruby: PHONY https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/common.mk#L581
 yes-btest-ruby: prog PHONY
 	$(Q)$(exec) $(RUNRUBY) "$(srcdir)/bootstraptest/runner.rb" --ruby="$(PROGRAM) -I$(srcdir)/lib $(RUN_OPTS)" -q $(OPTS) $(TESTOPTS)
-test-basic: $(TEST_RUNNABLE)-test-basic
-no-test-basic: PHONY
-yes-test-basic: prog PHONY
-	$(Q)$(exec) $(RUNRUBY) "$(srcdir)/basictest/runner.rb" --run-opt=$(RUN_OPTS) $(OPTS) $(TESTOPTS)
+test-sample: $(TEST_RUNNABLE)-test-sample
+no-test-sample: PHONY
+yes-test-sample: prog PHONY
+	$(Q)$(exec) $(RUNRUBY) "$(srcdir)/tool/rubytest.rb" --run-opt=$(RUN_OPTS) $(OPTS) $(TESTOPTS)
 test-knownbugs: test-knownbug
 test-knownbug: $(TEST_RUNNABLE)-test-knownbug
@@ -597,7 +597,7 @@ yes-test-testframework: prog PHONY https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/common.mk#L597
 	$(Q)$(exec) $(RUNRUBY) "$(srcdir)/test/runner.rb" --ruby="$(RUNRUBY)" $(TESTOPTS) testunit minitest
 no-test-testframework: PHONY
-test: btest-ruby test-knownbug test-basic
+test: test-sample btest-ruby test-knownbug
 # $ make test-all TESTOPTS="--help" displays more detail
 # for example, make test-all TESTOPTS="-j2 -v -n test-name -- test-file-name"
@@ -663,7 +663,7 @@ $(ENC_MK): $(srcdir)/enc/make_encmake.rb https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/common.mk#L663
 .PHONY: clean clean-ext clean-local clean-enc clean-golf clean-rdoc clean-html clean-extout
 .PHONY: distclean distclean-ext distclean-local distclean-enc distclean-golf distclean-extout
 .PHONY: realclean realclean-ext realclean-local realclean-enc realclean-golf realclean-extout
-.PHONY: check test test-all btest btest-ruby test-basic test-knownbug
+.PHONY: check test test-all btest btest-ruby test-sample test-knownbug
 .PHONY: run runruby parse benchmark benchmark-each tbench gdb gdb-ruby
 .PHONY: update-mspec update-rubyspec test-rubyspec
Index: sample/test.rb
--- sample/test.rb	(revision 0)
+++ sample/test.rb	(revision 53542)
@@ -0,0 +1,2369 @@ https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/sample/test.rb#L1
+#! /usr/bin/env ruby
+# -*- coding: us-ascii -*-
+$failed = 0
+class Progress
+  def initialize
+    @color = nil
+    @tty = nil
+    @quiet = nil
+    @verbose = nil
+    ARGV.each do |arg|
+      case arg
+      when /\A--color(?:=(?:always|(auto)|(never)|(.*)))?\z/
+        warn "unknown --color argument: #$3" if $3
+        @color = $1 ? nil : !$2
+      when /\A--tty(=(?:yes|(no)|(.*)))?\z/
+        warn "unknown --tty argument: #$3" if $3
+        @tty = !$1 || !$2
+        true
+      when /\A-(q|-quiet)\z/
+        @quiet = true
+      when /\A-(v|-verbose)\z/
+        @verbose = true
+      end
+    end
+    @tty = STDERR.tty? && !STDOUT.tty? && /dumb/ !~ ENV["TERM"] if @tty.nil?
+    @eol = @tty && !@verbose ? "\r\e[K\r" : "\n"
+    case @color
+    when nil
+      @color = @tty
+    end
+    if @color
+      # dircolors-like style
+      colors = (colors = ENV['TEST_COLORS']) ? Hash[colors.scan(/(\w+)=([^:\n]*)/)] : {}
+      begin
+        File.read(File.join(__dir__, "../test/colors")).scan(/(\w+)=([^:\n]*)/) do |n, c|
+          colors[n] ||= c
+        end
+      rescue
+      end
+      @passed = "\e[;#{colors["pass"] || "32"}m"
+      @failed = "\e[;#{colors["fail"] || "31"}m"
+      @reset = "\e[m"
+    else
+      @passed = @failed = @reset = ""
+    end
+    extend(Rotator) if @tty
+  end
+  def passed_string
+    "."
+  end
+  def failed_string
+    "#{@failed}F#{@reset}"
+  end
+  def init_string
+  end
+  def finish_string
+    if @quiet
+      @eol
+    else
+      "#{@passed}#{@ok ? 'OK' : ''} #{$testnum}#{@reset}#{@eol}"
+    end
+  end
+  def pass
+    STDERR.print passed_string
+  end
+  def fail
+    @ok = false
+    STDERR.print failed_string
+  end
+  def init
+    @ok = true
+    STDERR.print init_string
+  end
+  def finish
+    STDERR.print finish_string
+  end
+  module Rotator
+    ROTATOR = %w[- \\ | /]
+    BS = "\b" * ROTATOR[0].size
+    def passed_string
+      "#{BS}#{ROTATOR[(@count += 1) % ROTATOR.size]}"
+    end
+    def failed_string
+      "#{BS}#{super}#{ROTATOR[@count % ROTATOR.size]}"
+    end
+    def init_string
+      @count = 0
+      " "
+    end
+    def finish_string
+      s = "#{BS}#{' ' * BS.size}#{BS}#{super}"
+      s.gsub!(/\n/, "\r\e[2K\r") if @quiet
+      s
+    end
+  end
+PROGRESS = Progress.new
+def test_check(what)
+  unless $ntest.zero?
+    PROGRESS.finish
+  end
+  STDERR.print "basictest/test.rb:#{what} "
+  PROGRESS.init
+  $what = what
+  $testnum = 0
+def test_ok(cond,n=1)
+  $testnum+=1
+  $ntest+=1
+  where = (st = caller(n)) ? st[0] : "caller error! (n=#{n}, trace=#{caller(0).join(', ')}"
+  if cond
+    PROGRESS.pass
+    printf "ok %d (%s)\n", $testnum, where
+  else
+    PROGRESS.fail
+    printf "not ok %s %d -- %s\n", $what, $testnum, where
+    $failed+=1
+  end
+  STDOUT.flush
+  STDERR.flush
+# make sure conditional operators work
+test_check "assignment"
+a=[]; a[0] ||= "bar";
+test_ok(a[0] == "bar")
+h={}; h["foo"] ||= "bar";
+test_ok(h["foo"] == "bar")
+aa = 5
+aa ||= 25
+test_ok(aa == 5)
+bb ||= 25
+test_ok(bb == 25)
+cc &&=33
+test_ok(cc == nil)
+cc = 5
+cc &&=44
+test_ok(cc == 44)
+a = nil; test_ok(a == nil)
+a = 1; test_ok(a == 1)
+a = []; test_ok(a == [])
+a = [1]; test_ok(a == [1])
+a = [nil]; test_ok(a == [nil])
+a = [[]]; test_ok(a == [[]])
+a = [1,2]; test_ok(a == [1,2])
+a = [*[]]; test_ok(a == [])
+a = [*[1]]; test_ok(a == [1])
+a = [*[1,2]]; test_ok(a == [1,2])
+a = *[]; test_ok(a == [])
+a = *[1]; test_ok(a == [1])
+a = *[nil]; test_ok(a == [nil])
+a = *[[]]; test_ok(a == [[]])
+a = *[1,2]; test_ok(a == [1,2])
+a = *[*[]]; test_ok(a == [])
+a = *[*[1]]; test_ok(a == [1])
+a = *[*[1,2]]; test_ok(a == [1,2])
+a, = nil; test_ok(a == nil)
+a, = 1; test_ok(a == 1)
+a, = []; test_ok(a == nil)
+a, = [1]; test_ok(a == 1)
+a, = [nil]; test_ok(a == nil)
+a, = [[]]; test_ok(a == [])
+a, = 1,2; test_ok(a == 1)
+a, = [1,2]; test_ok(a == 1)
+a, = [*[]]; test_ok(a == nil)
+a, = [*[1]]; test_ok(a == 1)
+a, = *[1,2]; test_ok(a == 1)
+a, = [*[1,2]]; test_ok(a == 1)
+a, = *[]; test_ok(a == nil)
+a, = *[1]; test_ok(a == 1)
+a, = *[nil]; test_ok(a == nil)
+a, = *[[]]; test_ok(a == [])
+a, = *[1,2]; test_ok(a == 1)
+a, = *[*[]]; test_ok(a == nil)
+a, = *[*[1]]; test_ok(a == 1)
+a, = *[*[1,2]]; test_ok(a == 1)
+*a = nil; test_ok(a == [nil])
+*a = 1; test_ok(a == [1])
+*a = []; test_ok(a == [])
+*a = [1]; test_ok(a == [1])
+*a = [nil]; test_ok(a == [nil])
+*a = [[]]; test_ok(a == [[]])
+*a = [1,2]; test_ok(a == [1,2])
+*a = [*[]]; test_ok(a == [])
+*a = [*[1]]; test_ok(a == [1])
+*a = [*[1,2]]; test_ok(a == [1,2])
+*a = *[]; test_ok(a == [])
+*a = *[1]; test_ok(a == [1])
+*a = *[nil]; test_ok(a == [nil])
+*a = *[[]]; test_ok(a == [[]])
+*a = *[1,2]; test_ok(a == [1,2])
+*a = *[*[]]; test_ok(a == [])
+*a = *[*[1]]; test_ok(a == [1])
+*a = *[*[1,2]]; test_ok(a == [1,2])
+a,b,*c = nil; test_ok([a,b,c] == [nil,nil,[]])
+a,b,*c = 1; test_ok([a,b,c] == [1,nil,[]])
+a,b,*c = []; test_ok([a,b,c] == [nil,nil,[]])
+a,b,*c = [1]; test_ok([a,b,c] == [1,nil,[]])
+a,b,*c = [nil]; test_ok([a,b,c] == [nil,nil,[]])
+a,b,*c = [[]]; test_ok([a,b,c] == [[],nil,[]])
+a,b,*c = [1,2]; test_ok([a,b,c] == [1,2,[]])
+a,b,*c = [*[]]; test_ok([a,b,c] == [nil,nil,[]])
+a,b,*c = [*[1]]; test_ok([a,b,c] == [1,nil,[]])
+a,b,*c = [*[1,2]]; test_ok([a,b,c] == [1,2,[]])
+a,b,*c = *[]; test_ok([a,b,c] == [nil,nil,[]])
+a,b,*c = *[1]; test_ok([a,b,c] == [1,nil,[]])
+a,b,*c = *[nil]; test_ok([a,b,c] == [nil,nil,[]])
+a,b,*c = *[[]]; test_ok([a,b,c] == [[],nil,[]])
+a,b,*c = *[1,2]; test_ok([a,b,c] == [1,2,[]])
+a,b,*c = *[*[]]; test_ok([a,b,c] == [nil,nil,[]])
+a,b,*c = *[*[1]]; test_ok([a,b,c] == [1,nil,[]])
+a,b,*c = *[*[1,2]]; test_ok([a,b,c] == [1,2,[]])
+def f; yield nil; end; f {|a| test_ok(a == nil)}
+def f; yield 1; end; f {|a| test_ok(a == 1)}
+def f; yield []; end; f {|a| test_ok(a == [])}
+def f; yield [1]; end; f {|a| test_ok(a == [1])}
+def f; yield [nil]; end; f {|a| test_ok(a == [nil])}
+def f; yield [[]]; end; f {|a| test_ok(a == [[]])}
+def f; yield [*[]]; end; f {|a| test_ok(a == [])}
+def f; yield [*[1]]; end; f {|a| test_ok(a == [1])}
+def f; yield [*[1,2]]; end; f {|a| test_ok(a == [1,2])}
+def f; yield *[]; end; f {|a| test_ok(a == nil)}
+def f; yield *[1]; end; f {|a| test_ok(a == 1)}
+def f; yield *[nil]; end; f {|a| test_ok(a == nil)}
+def f; yield *[[]]; end; f {|a| test_ok(a == [])}
+def f; yield *[*[]]; end; f {|a| test_ok(a == nil)}
+def f; yield *[*[1]]; end; f {|a| test_ok(a == 1)}
+def f; yield *[*[1,2]]; end; f {|a| test_ok(a == 1)}
+def f; yield; end; f {|a,| test_ok(a == nil)}
+def f; yield nil; end; f {|a,| test_ok(a == nil)}
+def f; yield 1; end; f {|a,| test_ok(a == 1)}
+def f; yield []; end; f {|a,| test_ok(a == nil)}
+def f; yield [1]; end; f {|a,| test_ok(a == 1)}
+def f; yield [nil]; end; f {|a,| test_ok(a == nil)}
+def f; yield [[]]; end; f {|a,| test_ok(a == [])}
+def f; yield [*[]]; end; f {|a,| test_ok(a == nil)}
+def f; yield [*[1]]; end; f {|a,| test_ok(a == 1)}
+def f; yield [*[1,2]]; end; f {|a,| test_ok(a == 1)}
+def f; yield *[]; end; f {|a,| test_ok(a == nil)}
+def f; yield *[1]; end; f {|a,| test_ok(a == 1)}
+def f; yield *[nil]; end; f {|a,| test_ok(a == nil)}
+def f; yield *[[]]; end; f {|a,| test_ok(a == nil)}
+def f; yield *[*[]]; end; f {|a,| test_ok(a == nil)}
+def f; yield *[*[1]]; end; f {|a,| test_ok(a == 1)}
+def f; yield *[*[1,2]]; end; f {|a,| test_ok(a == 1)}
+def f; yield; end; f {|*a| test_ok(a == [])}
+def f; yield nil; end; f {|*a| test_ok(a == [nil])}
+def f; yield 1; end; f {|*a| test_ok(a == [1])}
+def f; yield []; end; f {|*a| test_ok(a == [[]])}
+def f; yield [1]; end; f {|*a| test_ok(a == [[1]])}
+def f; yield [nil]; end; f {|*a| test_ok(a == [[nil]])}
+def f; yield [[]]; end; f {|*a| test_ok(a == [[[]]])}
+def f; yield [1,2]; end; f {|*a| test_ok(a == [[1,2]])}
+def f; yield [*[]]; end; f {|*a| test_ok(a == [[]])}
+def f; yield [*[1]]; end; f {|*a| test_ok(a == [[1]])}
+def f; yield [*[1,2]]; end; f {|*a| test_ok(a == [[1,2]])}
+def f; yield *[]; end; f {|*a| test_ok(a == [])}
+def f; yield *[1]; end; f {|*a| test_ok(a == [1])}
+def f; yield *[nil]; end; f {|*a| test_ok(a == [nil])}
+def f; yield *[[]]; end; f {|*a| test_ok(a == [[]])}
+def f; yield *[*[]]; end; f {|*a| test_ok(a == [])}
+def f; yield *[*[1]]; end; f {|*a| test_ok(a == [1])}
+def f; yield *[*[1,2]]; end; f {|*a| test_ok(a == [1,2])}
+def f; yield; end; f {|a,b,*c| test_ok([a,b,c] == [nil,nil,[]])}
+def f; yield nil; end; f {|a,b,*c| test_ok([a,b,c] == [nil,nil,[]])}
+def f; yield 1; end; f {|a,b,*c| test_ok([a,b,c] == [1,nil,[]])}
+def f; yield []; end; f {|a,b,*c| test_ok([a,b,c] == [nil,nil,[]])}
+def f; yield [1]; end; f {|a,b,*c| test_ok([a,b,c] == [1,nil,[]])}
+def f; yield [nil]; end; f {|a,b,*c| test_ok([a,b,c] == [nil,nil,[]])}
+def f; yield [[]]; end; f {|a,b,*c| test_ok([a,b,c] == [[],nil,[]])}
+def f; yield [*[]]; end; f {|a,b,*c| test_ok([a,b,c] == [nil,nil,[]])}
+def f; yield [*[1]]; end; f {|a,b,*c| test_ok([a,b,c] == [1,nil,[]])}
+def f; yield [*[1,2]]; end; f {|a,b,*c| test_ok([a,b,c] == [1,2,[]])}
+def f; yield *[]; end; f {|a,b,*c| test_ok([a,b,c] == [nil,nil,[]])}
+def f; yield *[1]; end; f {|a,b,*c| test_ok([a,b,c] == [1,nil,[]])}
+def f; yield *[nil]; end; f {|a,b,*c| test_ok([a,b,c] == [nil,nil,[]])}
+def f; yield *[[]]; end; f {|a,b,*c| test_ok([a,b,c] == [nil,nil,[]])}
+def f; yield *[*[]]; end; f {|a,b,*c| test_ok([a,b,c] == [nil,nil,[]])}
+def f; yield *[*[1]]; end; f {|a,b,*c| test_ok([a,b,c] == [1,nil,[]])}
+def f; yield *[*[1,2]]; end; f {|a,b,*c| test_ok([a,b,c] == [1,2,[]])}
+def r; return; end; a = r(); test_ok(a == nil)
+def r; return nil; end; a = r(); test_ok(a == nil)
+def r; return 1; end; a = r(); test_ok(a == 1)
+def r; return []; end; a = r(); test_ok(a == [])
+def r; return [1]; end; a = r(); test_ok(a == [1])
+def r; return [nil]; end; a = r(); test_ok(a == [nil])
+def r; return [[]]; end; a = r(); test_ok(a == [[]])
+def r; return [*[]]; end; a = r(); test_ok(a == [])
+def r; return [*[1]]; end; a = r(); test_ok(a == [1])
+def r; return [*[1,2]]; end; a = r(); test_ok(a == [1,2])
+def r; return *[]; end; a = r(); test_ok(a == [])
+def r; return *[1]; end; a = r(); test_ok(a == [1])
+def r; return *[nil]; end; a = r(); test_ok(a == [nil])
+def r; return *[[]]; end; a = r(); test_ok(a == [[]])
+def r; return *[*[]]; end; a = r(); test_ok(a == [])
+def r; return *[*[1]]; end; a = r(); test_ok(a == [1])
+def r; return *[*[1,2]]; end; a = r(); test_ok(a == [1,2])
+def r; return *[[]]; end; a = *r(); test_ok(a == [[]])
+def r; return *[*[1,2]]; end; a = *r(); test_ok(a == [1,2])
+def r; return; end; *a = r(); test_ok(a == [nil])
+def r; return nil; end; *a = r(); test_ok(a == [nil])
+def r; return 1; end; *a = r(); test_ok(a == [1])
+def r; return []; end; *a = r(); test_ok(a == [])
+def r; return [1]; end; *a = r(); test_ok(a == [1])
+def r; return [nil]; end; *a = r(); test_ok(a == [nil])
+def r; return [[]]; end; *a = r(); test_ok(a == [[]])
+def r; return [1,2]; end; *a = r(); test_ok(a == [1,2])
+def r; return [*[]]; end; *a = r(); test_ok(a == [])
+def r; return [*[1]]; end; *a = r(); test_ok(a == [1])
+def r; return [*[1,2]]; end; *a = r(); test_ok(a == [1,2])
+def r; return *[]; end; *a = r(); test_ok(a == [])
+def r; return *[1]; end; *a = r(); test_ok(a == [1])
+def r; return *[nil]; end; *a = r(); test_ok(a == [nil])
+def r; return *[[]]; end; *a = r(); test_ok(a == [[]])
+def r; return *[1,2]; end; *a = r(); test_ok(a == [1,2])
+def r; return *[*[]]; end; *a = r(); test_ok(a == [])
+def r; return *[*[1]]; end; *a = r(); test_ok(a == [1])
+def r; return *[*[1,2]]; end; *a = r(); test_ok(a == [1,2])
+def r; return *[[]]; end; *a = *r(); test_ok(a == [[]])
+def r; return *[1,2]; end; *a = *r(); test_ok(a == [1,2])
+def r; return *[*[1,2]]; end; *a = *r(); test_ok(a == [1,2])
+def r; return; end; a,b,*c = r(); test_ok([a,b,c] == [nil,nil,[]])
+def r; return nil; end; a,b,*c = r(); test_ok([a,b,c] == [nil,nil,[]])
+def r; return 1; end; a,b,*c = r(); test_ok([a,b,c] == [1,nil,[]])
+def r; return []; end; a,b,*c = r(); test_ok([a,b,c] == [nil,nil,[]])
+def r; return [1]; end; a,b,*c = r(); test_ok([a,b,c] == [1,nil,[]])
+def r; return [nil]; end; a,b,*c = r(); test_ok([a,b,c] == [nil,nil,[]])
+def r; return [[]]; end; a,b,*c = r(); test_ok([a,b,c] == [[],nil,[]])
+def r; return [1,2]; end; a,b,*c = r(); test_ok([a,b,c] == [1,2,[]])
+def r; return [*[]]; end; a,b,*c = r(); test_ok([a,b,c] == [nil,nil,[]])
+def r; return [*[1]]; end; a,b,*c = r(); test_ok([a,b,c] == [1,nil,[]])
+def r; return [*[1,2]]; end; a,b,*c = r(); test_ok([a,b,c] == [1,2,[]])
+def r; return *[]; end; a,b,*c = r(); test_ok([a,b,c] == [nil,nil,[]])
+def r; return *[1]; end; a,b,*c = r(); test_ok([a,b,c] == [1,nil,[]])
+def r; return *[nil]; end; a,b,*c = r(); test_ok([a,b,c] == [nil,nil,[]])
+def r; return *[[]]; end; a,b,*c = r(); test_ok([a,b,c] == [[],nil,[]])
+def r; return *[1,2]; end; a,b,*c = r(); test_ok([a,b,c] == [1,2,[]])
+def r; return *[*[]]; end; a,b,*c = r(); test_ok([a,b,c] == [nil,nil,[]])
+def r; return *[*[1]]; end; a,b,*c = r(); test_ok([a,b,c] == [1,nil,[]])
+def r; return *[*[1,2]]; end; a,b,*c = r(); test_ok([a,b,c] == [1,2,[]])
+f = lambda {|r,| test_ok([] == r)}
+f.call([], *[])
+f = lambda {|r,*l| test_ok([] == r); test_ok([1] == l)}
+f.call([], *[1])
+f = lambda{|x| x}
+test_ok(f.call(42) == 42)
+test_ok(f.call([42]) == [42])
+test_ok(f.call([[42]]) == [[42]])
+test_ok(f.call([42,55]) == [42,55])
+f = lambda{|x,| x}
+test_ok(f.call(42) == 42)
+test_ok(f.call([42]) == [42])
+test_ok(f.call([[42]]) == [[42]])
+test_ok(f.call([42,55]) == [42,55])
+f = lambda{|*x| x}
+test_ok(f.call(42) == [42])
+test_ok(f.call([42]) == [[42]])
+test_ok(f.call([[42]]) == [[[42]]])
+test_ok(f.call([42,55]) == [[42,55]])
+test_ok(f.call(42,55) == [42,55])
+f = lambda { |a, b=42, *c| [a,b,c] }
+test_ok(f.call(1      ) == [1,42,[  ]] )
+test_ok(f.call(1,43   ) == [1,43,[  ]] )
+test_ok(f.call(1,43,44) == [1,43,[44]] )
+f = lambda { |a, b=(a|16), *c, &block| [a,b,c,block&&block[]] }
+test_ok(f.call(8      )     == [8,24,[  ],nil] )
+test_ok(f.call(8,43   )     == [8,43,[  ],nil] )
+test_ok(f.call(8,43,44)     == [8,43,[44],nil] )
+test_ok(f.call(8      ){45} == [8,24,[  ],45 ] )
+test_ok(f.call(8,43   ){45} == [8,43,[  ],45 ] )
+test_ok(f.call(8,43,44){45} == [8,43,[44],45 ] )
+f = lambda { |a, b=42, *c, d| [a,b,c,d] }
+test_ok(f.call(1      ,99) == [1,42,[  ],99] )
+test_ok(f.call(1,43   ,99) == [1,43,[  ],99] )
+test_ok(f.call(1,43,44,99) == [1,43,[44],99] )
+f = lambda { |a, b=(a|16), &block| [a,b,block&&block[]] }
+test_ok(f.call(8   )     == [8,24,nil] )
+test_ok(f.call(8,43)     == [8,43,nil] )
+test_ok(f.call(8,43)     == [8,43,nil] )
+test_ok(f.call(8   ){45} == [8,24,45 ] )
+test_ok(f.call(8,43){45} == [8,43,45 ] )
+test_ok(f.call(8,43){45} == [8,43,45 ] )
+f = lambda { |a, b=42, d| [a,b,d] }
+test_ok(f.call(1   ,99) == [1,42,99] )
+test_ok(f.call(1,43,99) == [1,43,99] )
+test_ok(f.call(1,43,99) == [1,43,99] )
+f = lambda { |b=42, *c, &block| [b,c,block&&block[]] }
+test_ok(f.call(     )     == [42,[  ],nil] )
+test_ok(f.call(43   )     == [43,[  ],nil] )
+test_ok(f.call(43,44)     == [43,[44],nil] )
+test_ok(f.call(     ){45} == [42,[  ],45 ] )
+test_ok(f.call(43   ){45} == [43,[  ],45 ] )
+test_ok(f.call(43,44){45} == [43,[44],45 ] )
+f = lambda { |b=42, *c, d| [b,c,d] }
+test_ok(f.call(      99) == [42,[  ],99] )
+test_ok(f.call(43   ,99) == [43,[  ],99] )
+test_ok(f.call(43,44,99) == [43,[44],99] )
+f = lambda { |b=42, &block| [b,block&&block[]] }
+test_ok(f.call(  )     == [42,nil] )
+test_ok(f.call(43)     == [43,nil] )
+test_ok(f.call(43)     == [43,nil] )
+test_ok(f.call(  ){45} == [42,45 ] )
+test_ok(f.call(43){45} == [43,45 ] )
+test_ok(f.call(43){45} == [43,45 ] )
+f = lambda { |b=42, d| [b,d] }
+test_ok(f.call(   99) == [42,99] )
+test_ok(f.call(43,99) == [43,99] )
+test_ok(f.call(43,99) == [43,99] )
+test_ok(a == 1)
+test_ok(a == [1])
+test_ok(a == [[1]])
+x, (y, z) = 1, 2, 3
+test_ok([1,2,nil] == [x,y,z])
+x, (y, z) = 1, [2,3]
+test_ok([1,2,3] == [x,y,z])
+x, (y, z) = 1, [2]
+test_ok([1,2,nil] == [x,y,z])
+a = loop do break; end; test_ok(a == nil)
+a = loop do break nil; end; test_ok(a == nil)
+a = loop do break 1; end; test_ok(a == 1)
+a = loop do break []; end; test_ok(a == [])
+a = loop do break [1]; end; test_ok(a == [1])
+a = loop do break [nil]; end; test_ok(a == [nil])
+a = loop do break [[]]; end; test_ok(a == [[]])
+a = loop do break [*[]]; end; test_ok(a == [])
+a = loop do break [*[1]]; end; test_ok(a == [1])
+a = loop do break [*[1,2]]; end; test_ok(a == [1,2])
+a = loop do break *[]; end; test_ok(a == [])
+a = loop do break *[1]; end; test_ok(a == [1])
+a = loop do break *[nil]; end; test_ok(a == [nil])
+a = loop do break *[[]]; end; test_ok(a == [[]])
+a = loop do break *[*[]]; end; test_ok(a == [])
+a = loop do break *[*[1]]; end; test_ok(a == [1])
+a = loop do break *[*[1,2]]; end; test_ok(a == [1,2])
+*a = loop do break; end; test_ok(a == [nil])
+*a = loop do break nil; end; test_ok(a == [nil])
+*a = loop do break 1; end; test_ok(a == [1])
+*a = loop do break []; end; test_ok(a == [])
+*a = loop do break [1]; end; test_ok(a == [1])
+*a = loop do break [nil]; end; test_ok(a == [nil])
+*a = loop do break [[]]; end; test_ok(a == [[]])
+*a = loop do break [1,2]; end; test_ok(a == [1,2])
+*a = loop do break [*[]]; end; test_ok(a == [])
+*a = loop do break [*[1]]; end; test_ok(a == [1])
+*a = loop do break [*[1,2]]; end; test_ok(a == [1,2])
+*a = loop do break *[]; end; test_ok(a == [])
+*a = loop do break *[1 (... truncated)

ML: ruby-changes@q...
Info: http://www.atdot.net/~ko1/quickml/
