

From: naruse <ko1@a...>
Date: Wed, 13 Jan 2016 11:03:54 +0900 (JST)
Subject: [ruby-changes:41445] naruse:r53519 (trunk): try sudo:false on travis

naruse	2016-01-13 11:04:18 +0900 (Wed, 13 Jan 2016)

  New Revision: 53519


    try sudo:false on travis

  Modified files:
Index: .travis.yml
--- .travis.yml	(revision 53518)
+++ .travis.yml	(revision 53519)
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/.travis.yml#L18
 # Language specification.
 language: c
+sudo: false
 # Compilers.  Several  compilers are  provided in Travis,  so we try  them all.
 # The value set here is visible via $CC environment variable.
@@ -35,16 +36,16 @@ os: https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/.travis.yml#L36
 # far since the 1.9.1 release.
-  - "if [[ $TRAVIS_OS_NAME = 'linux' ]]; then sudo apt-get -qq update; fi"
+#  - "if [[ $TRAVIS_OS_NAME = 'linux' ]]; then sudo apt-get -qq update; fi"
   # Travis ships an outdated, broken version of libssl by default
-  - "if [[ $TRAVIS_OS_NAME = 'linux' ]]; then sudo apt-get -qq --only-upgrade install '^libssl.*'; fi"
-  - "if [[ $TRAVIS_OS_NAME = 'linux' ]]; then sudo apt-get -qq install $CC; fi" # upgrade if any
-  - "if [[ $TRAVIS_OS_NAME = 'linux' ]]; then JOBS='-j'; fi"
+#  - "if [[ $TRAVIS_OS_NAME = 'linux' ]]; then sudo apt-get -qq --only-upgrade install '^libssl.*'; fi"
+#  - "if [[ $TRAVIS_OS_NAME = 'linux' ]]; then sudo apt-get -qq install $CC; fi" # upgrade if any
+  - "if [[ $TRAVIS_OS_NAME = 'linux' ]]; then JOBS='-j 4'; fi"
   - "if [[ $TRAVIS_OS_NAME = 'osx' ]]; then brew install autoconf gdbm openssl; fi"
   - "if [[ $TRAVIS_OS_NAME = 'osx' ]]; then CONFIG_FLAG=\"$CONFIG_FLAG --with-gdbm-dir=`brew --prefix gdbm`\"; fi"
   - "if [[ $TRAVIS_OS_NAME = 'osx' ]]; then CONFIG_FLAG=\"$CONFIG_FLAG --with-openssl-dir=`brew --prefix openssl`\"; fi"
   - "if [[ $TRAVIS_OS_NAME = 'osx' && $CC = 'gcc' ]]; then CC='gcc-4.9'; fi"
-install: "if [[ $TRAVIS_OS_NAME = 'linux' ]]; then sudo apt-get -qq build-dep ruby1.9.1 2>/dev/null; fi"
+#install: "if [[ $TRAVIS_OS_NAME = 'linux' ]]; then sudo apt-get -qq build-dep ruby1.9.1 2>/dev/null; fi"
 # Script is where the test runs.  Note  we just do "make test", not other tests
 # like  test-all, test-rubyspec.   This is  because  they take  too much  time,
@@ -68,7 +69,7 @@ before_script: https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/.travis.yml#L69
   - "if [[ $TRAVIS_OS_NAME = 'osx' ]]; then echo 'exclude :test_deadlock_by_signal_at_forking, \"under investigation\"' >> test/excludes/TestProcess.rb; fi"
   - "make test"
-  - "make test-all TESTOPTS='-q -j2'"
+  - "make test-all TESTOPTS='-q -j3'"
   - "make test-rubyspec"
   - "if [[ $TRAVIS_OS_NAME = 'osx' ]]; then find ~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports -type f -name ruby_\\*.crash -ls -execdir cat {} \\; -delete; fi"
Index: common.mk
--- common.mk	(revision 53518)
+++ common.mk	(revision 53519)
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ SHOWFLAGS = showflags https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/common.mk#L167
 all: $(SHOWFLAGS) main docs
-main: $(SHOWFLAGS) $(ENCSTATIC:static=lib)encs exts
+main: $(SHOWFLAGS) exts $(ENCSTATIC:static=lib)encs
 .PHONY: showflags

ML: ruby-changes@q...
Info: http://www.atdot.net/~ko1/quickml/
