

From: hsbt <ko1@a...>
Date: Mon, 14 Dec 2015 11:52:34 +0900 (JST)
Subject: [ruby-changes:41026] hsbt:r53105 (trunk): * enum.c: fix a typo in documentation.

hsbt	2015-12-14 11:52:14 +0900 (Mon, 14 Dec 2015)

  New Revision: 53105


    * enum.c: fix a typo in documentation.
      [ci skip][fix GH-1140] Patch by @jutaz
    * io.c: ditto.
    * iseq.c: ditto.
    * numeric.c: ditto.
    * process.c: ditto.
    * string.c: ditto.
    * vm_trace.c: ditto.

  Modified files:
Index: ChangeLog
--- ChangeLog	(revision 53104)
+++ ChangeLog	(revision 53105)
@@ -1,3 +1,14 @@ https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/ChangeLog#L1
+Mon Dec 14 11:46:52 2015  SHIBATA Hiroshi  <hsbt@r...>
+	* enum.c: fix a typo in documentation.
+	  [ci skip][fix GH-1140] Patch by @jutaz
+	* io.c: ditto.
+	* iseq.c: ditto.
+	* numeric.c: ditto.
+	* process.c: ditto.
+	* string.c: ditto.
+	* vm_trace.c: ditto.
 Mon Dec 14 11:41:59 2015  SHIBATA Hiroshi  <hsbt@r...>
 	* lib/cgi.rb: fix a typo in documentation.
Index: iseq.c
--- iseq.c	(revision 53104)
+++ iseq.c	(revision 53105)
@@ -2336,7 +2336,7 @@ rb_iseqw_local_variables(VALUE iseqval) https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/iseq.c#L2336
  *     iseq.to_binary(extra_data = nil) -> binary str
  *  Returns serialized iseq binary format data as a String object.
- *  A correspnding iseq object is created by
+ *  A corresponding iseq object is created by
  *  RubyVM::InstructionSequence.load_from_binary() method.
  *  String extra_data will be saved with binary data.
Index: enum.c
--- enum.c	(revision 53104)
+++ enum.c	(revision 53105)
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ enum_grep(VALUE obj, VALUE pat) https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/enum.c#L97
  *     enum.grep_v(pattern)                  -> array
  *     enum.grep_v(pattern) { |obj| block }  -> array
- *  Inversed version of Enumerable#grep.
+ *  Inverted version of Enumerable#grep.
  *  Returns an array of every element in <i>enum</i> for which
  *  not <code>Pattern === element</code>.
Index: string.c
--- string.c	(revision 53104)
+++ string.c	(revision 53105)
@@ -4527,7 +4527,7 @@ rb_str_sub_bang(int argc, VALUE *argv, V https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/string.c#L4527
  *  additional backslash. However, within +replacement+ the special match
  *  variables, such as <code>&$</code>, will not refer to the current match.
  *  If +replacement+ is a String that looks like a pattern's capture group but
- *  is actaully not a pattern capture group e.g. <code>"\\'"</code>, then it
+ *  is actually not a pattern capture group e.g. <code>"\\'"</code>, then it
  *  will have to be preceded by two backslashes like so <code>"\\\\'"</code>.
  *  If the second argument is a Hash, and the matched text is one of its keys,
Index: io.c
--- io.c	(revision 53104)
+++ io.c	(revision 53105)
@@ -3214,7 +3214,7 @@ rb_io_gets(VALUE io) https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/io.c#L3214
  *  If IO contains multibyte characters byte then <code>gets(1)</code>
  *  returns character entirely:
- *     # russian characters take 2 bytes
+ *     # Russian characters take 2 bytes
  *     File.write("testfile", "\u{442 435 441 442}")
  *     File.open("testfile") {|f|f.gets(1)} #=> "\u0442"
  *     File.open("testfile") {|f|f.gets(2)} #=> "\u0442"
@@ -11845,7 +11845,7 @@ opt_i_get(ID id, VALUE *var) https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/io.c#L11845
  *  call-seq:
  *     ARGF.inplace_mode = ext  -> ARGF
- *  Sets the filename extension for inplace editing mode to the given String.
+ *  Sets the filename extension for in place editing mode to the given String.
  *  Each file being edited has this value appended to its filename. The
  *  modified file is saved under this new name.
Index: process.c
--- process.c	(revision 53104)
+++ process.c	(revision 53105)
@@ -7111,7 +7111,7 @@ get_mach_timebase_info(void) https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/process.c#L7111
  *    #=> 896053.968060096
  *  +clock_id+ specifies a kind of clock.
- *  It is specifed as a constant which begins with <code>Process::CLOCK_</code>
+ *  It is specified as a constant which begins with <code>Process::CLOCK_</code>
  *  such as Process::CLOCK_REALTIME and Process::CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
  *  The supported constants depends on OS and version.
Index: vm_trace.c
--- vm_trace.c	(revision 53104)
+++ vm_trace.c	(revision 53105)
@@ -1448,7 +1448,7 @@ Init_vm_trace(void) https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/vm_trace.c#L1448
      * +:b_return+:: event hook at block ending
      * +:thread_begin+:: event hook at thread beginning
      * +:thread_end+:: event hook at thread ending
-     * +:fiber_siwtch+:: event hook at fiber switch
+     * +:fiber_switch+:: event hook at fiber switch
     rb_cTracePoint = rb_define_class("TracePoint", rb_cObject);
Index: numeric.c
--- numeric.c	(revision 53104)
+++ numeric.c	(revision 53105)
@@ -1619,7 +1619,7 @@ flo_next_float(VALUE vx) https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/numeric.c#L1619
  *  call-seq:
  *     float.prev_float  ->  float
- *  Returns the previous representable floatint-point number.
+ *  Returns the previous representable floating-point number.
  *  (-Float::MAX).prev_float and (-Float::INFINITY).prev_float is -Float::INFINITY.

ML: ruby-changes@q...
Info: http://www.atdot.net/~ko1/quickml/
