

From: nobu <ko1@a...>
Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2015 14:47:17 +0900 (JST)
Subject: [ruby-changes:37821] nobu:r49902 (trunk): test_beginendblock.rb: assert_in_out_err

nobu	2015-03-09 14:47:05 +0900 (Mon, 09 Mar 2015)

  New Revision: 49902


    test_beginendblock.rb: assert_in_out_err
    * test/ruby/test_beginendblock.rb (TestBeginEndBlock): simplify
      with assert_in_out_err.

  Removed files:
  Modified files:
Index: test/ruby/endblockwarn_rb
--- test/ruby/endblockwarn_rb	(revision 49901)
+++ test/ruby/endblockwarn_rb	(revision 49902)
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/test/ruby/endblockwarn_rb#L0
-def end1
-  END {}
-eval <<EOE
-  def end2
-    END {}
-  end
Index: test/ruby/test_beginendblock.rb
--- test/ruby/test_beginendblock.rb	(revision 49901)
+++ test/ruby/test_beginendblock.rb	(revision 49902)
@@ -1,33 +1,16 @@ https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/test/ruby/test_beginendblock.rb#L1
 require 'test/unit'
-require 'tempfile'
-require 'timeout'
 class TestBeginEndBlock < Test::Unit::TestCase
   DIR = File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__))
-  def q(content)
-    "\"#{content}\""
-  end
   def test_beginendblock
-    ruby = EnvUtil.rubybin
     target = File.join(DIR, 'beginmainend.rb')
-    result = IO.popen([ruby, target]){|io|io.read}
-    assert_equal(%w(b1 b2-1 b2 main b3-1 b3 b4 e1 e1-1 e4 e4-2 e4-1 e4-1-1 e3 e2), result.split)
+    assert_in_out_err([target], '', %w(b1 b2-1 b2 main b3-1 b3 b4 e1 e1-1 e4 e4-2 e4-1 e4-1-1 e3 e2))
-    Tempfile.create(self.class.name) {|input|
-      inputpath = input.path
-      result = IO.popen([ruby, "-n", "-eBEGIN{p :begin}", "-eEND{p :end}", inputpath]){|io|io.read}
-      assert_equal(%w(:begin), result.split)
-      result = IO.popen([ruby, "-p", "-eBEGIN{p :begin}", "-eEND{p :end}", inputpath]){|io|io.read}
-      assert_equal(%w(:begin), result.split)
-      input.puts "foo\nbar"
-      input.close
-      result = IO.popen([ruby, "-n", "-eBEGIN{p :begin}", "-eEND{p :end}", inputpath]){|io|io.read}
-      assert_equal(%w(:begin :end), result.split)
-      result = IO.popen([ruby, "-p", "-eBEGIN{p :begin}", "-eEND{p :end}", inputpath]){|io|io.read}
-      assert_equal(%w(:begin foo bar :end), result.split)
-    }
+    assert_in_out_err(["-n", "-eBEGIN{p :begin}", "-eEND{p :end}"], '', %w(:begin))
+    assert_in_out_err(["-p", "-eBEGIN{p :begin}", "-eEND{p :end}"], '', %w(:begin))
+    assert_in_out_err(["-n", "-eBEGIN{p :begin}", "-eEND{p :end}"], "foo\nbar\n", %w(:begin :end))
+    assert_in_out_err(["-p", "-eBEGIN{p :begin}", "-eEND{p :end}"], "foo\nbar\n", %w(:begin foo bar :end))
   def test_begininmethod
@@ -47,56 +30,36 @@ class TestBeginEndBlock < Test::Unit::Te https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/test/ruby/test_beginendblock.rb#L30
   def test_endblockwarn
-    ruby = EnvUtil.rubybin
-    # Use Tempfile to create temporary file path.
-    Tempfile.create(self.class.name) {|launcher|
-      Tempfile.create(self.class.name) {|errout|
-        launcher << <<EOF
-# -*- coding: #{ruby.encoding.name} -*-
-errout = ARGV.shift
-STDERR.reopen(File.open(errout, "w"))
-STDERR.sync = true
-system("#{ruby}", File.join(#{q(DIR)}, "endblockwarn_rb"))
-        launcher.close
-        launcherpath = launcher.path
-        errout.close
-        erroutpath = errout.path
-        system(ruby, launcherpath, erroutpath)
-        path = File.join(DIR, 'endblockwarn_rb')
-        expected = <<EOW
-#{path}:2: warning: END in method; use at_exit
-(eval):2: warning: END in method; use at_exit
-        assert_equal(expected, File.read(erroutpath))
-      }
-    }
+    assert_in_out_err([], <<-'end;', [], ['-:2: warning: END in method; use at_exit'])
+      def end1
+        END {}
+      end
+    end;
+  end
+  def test_endblockwarn_in_eval
+    assert_in_out_err([], <<-'end;', [], ['(eval):2: warning: END in method; use at_exit'])
+      eval <<-EOE
+        def end2
+          END {}
+        end
+      EOE
+    end;
   def test_raise_in_at_exit
-    ruby = EnvUtil.rubybin
-    out = IO.popen([ruby, '-e', 'STDERR.reopen(STDOUT)',
-                     '-e', 'at_exit{raise %[SomethingBad]}',
-                     '-e', 'raise %[SomethingElse]']) {|f|
-      f.read
-    }
-    status = $?
-    assert_match(/SomethingBad/, out, "[ruby-core:9675]")
-    assert_match(/SomethingElse/, out, "[ruby-core:9675]")
+    args = ['-e', 'at_exit{raise %[SomethingBad]}',
+            '-e', 'raise %[SomethingElse]']
+    expected = [:*, /SomethingBad/, :*, /SomethingElse/, :*]
+    status = assert_in_out_err(args, '', [], expected, "[ruby-core:9675]")
     assert_not_predicate(status, :success?)
   def test_exitcode_in_at_exit
     bug8501 = '[ruby-core:55365] [Bug #8501]'
-    ruby = EnvUtil.rubybin
-    out = IO.popen([ruby, '-e', 'STDERR.reopen(STDOUT)',
-                    '-e', 'o = Object.new; def o.inspect; raise "[Bug #8501]"; end',
-                    '-e', 'at_exit{o.nope}']) {|f|
-      f.read
-    }
-    status = $?
-    assert_match(/undefined method `nope'/, out, bug8501)
+    args = ['-e', 'o = Object.new; def o.inspect; raise "[Bug #8501]"; end',
+            '-e', 'at_exit{o.nope}']
+    status = assert_in_out_err(args, '', [], /undefined method `nope'/, bug8501)
     assert_not_predicate(status, :success?, bug8501)
@@ -108,60 +71,39 @@ EOW https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/test/ruby/test_beginendblock.rb#L71
   def test_propagate_signaled
-    ruby = EnvUtil.rubybin
-    out = IO.popen(
-      [ruby,
-       '-e', 'trap(:INT, "DEFAULT")',
-       '-e', 'STDERR.reopen(STDOUT)',
-       '-e', 'at_exit{Process.kill(:INT, $$); sleep 5 }']) {|f|
-      timeout(10) {
-        f.read
-      }
-    }
-    assert_match(/Interrupt$/, out)
+    status = assert_in_out_err([], <<-'end;', [], /Interrupt$/)
+      trap(:INT, "DEFAULT")
+      at_exit{Process.kill(:INT, $$)}
+    end;
     Process.kill(0, 0) rescue return # check if signal works
-    assert_nil $?.exitstatus
-    assert_equal Signal.list["INT"], $?.termsig
+    assert_nil status.exitstatus
+    assert_equal Signal.list["INT"], status.termsig
   def test_endblock_raise
-    ruby = EnvUtil.rubybin
-    th = nil
-    out = IO.popen(
-      [ruby,
-       '-e', 'class C; def write(x); puts x; STDOUT.flush; sleep 0.01; end; end',
-       '-e', '$stderr = C.new',
-       '-e', 'END {raise "e1"}; END {puts "e2"}',
-       '-e', 'END {raise "e3"}; END {puts "e4"}',
-       '-e', 'END {raise "e5"}; END {puts "e6"}']) {|f|
-      th = Thread.new {sleep 5; Process.kill :KILL, f.pid}
-      f.read
-    }
-    assert_match(/e1/, out)
-    assert_match(/e6/, out)
-  ensure
-    th.kill.join if th.alive?
+    assert_in_out_err([], <<-'end;', %w(e6 e4 e2), [:*, /e5/, :*, /e3/, :*, /e1/, :*])
+      END {raise "e1"}; END {puts "e2"}
+      END {raise "e3"}; END {puts "e4"}
+      END {raise "e5"}; END {puts "e6"}
+    end;
   def test_nested_at_exit
-    Tempfile.create(["test_nested_at_exit_", ".rb"]) {|t|
-      t.puts "at_exit { puts :outer0 }"
-      t.puts "at_exit { puts :outer1_begin; at_exit { puts :inner1 }; puts :outer1_end }"
-      t.puts "at_exit { puts :outer2_begin; at_exit { puts :inner2 }; puts :outer2_end }"
-      t.puts "at_exit { puts :outer3 }"
-      t.flush
-      expected = [ "outer3",
-                   "outer2_begin",
-                   "outer2_end",
-                   "inner2",
-                   "outer1_begin",
-                   "outer1_end",
-                   "inner1",
-                   "outer0" ]
-      assert_in_out_err(t.path, "", expected, [], "[ruby-core:35237]")
-    }
+    expected = [ "outer3",
+                 "outer2_begin",
+                 "outer2_end",
+                 "inner2",
+                 "outer1_begin",
+                 "outer1_end",
+                 "inner1",
+                 "outer0" ]
+    assert_in_out_err([], <<-'end;', expected, [], "[ruby-core:35237]")
+      at_exit { puts :outer0 }
+      at_exit { puts :outer1_begin; at_exit { puts :inner1 }; puts :outer1_end }
+      at_exit { puts :outer2_begin; at_exit { puts :inner2 }; puts :outer2_end }
+      at_exit { puts :outer3 }
+    end;
   def test_rescue_at_exit

ML: ruby-changes@q...
Info: http://www.atdot.net/~ko1/quickml/
