

From: hsbt <ko1@a...>
Date: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 10:21:23 +0900 (JST)
Subject: [ruby-changes:35105] hsbt:r47187 (trunk): * lib/gserver.rb: removed unmaintained code.

hsbt	2014-08-15 10:21:18 +0900 (Fri, 15 Aug 2014)

  New Revision: 47187


    * lib/gserver.rb: removed unmaintained code.
      [ruby-core:40313][Feature #5480]
    * lib/xmlrpc/httpserver.rb: ditto.

  Removed files:
  Modified files:
Index: ChangeLog
--- ChangeLog	(revision 47186)
+++ ChangeLog	(revision 47187)
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@ https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/ChangeLog#L1
+Fri Aug 15 10:13:37 2014  SHIBATA Hiroshi  <shibata.hiroshi@g...>
+	* lib/gserver.rb: removed unmaintained code.
+	  [ruby-core:40313][Feature #5480]
+	* lib/xmlrpc/httpserver.rb: ditto.
 Fri Aug 15 09:22:12 2014  Eric Wong  <e@8...>
 	* vm_core.h (rb_thread_struct): reorder to pack
Index: lib/gserver.rb
--- lib/gserver.rb	(revision 47186)
+++ lib/gserver.rb	(revision 47187)
@@ -1,310 +0,0 @@ https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/lib/gserver.rb#L0
-# Copyright (C) 2001 John W. Small All Rights Reserved
-# Author::        John W. Small
-# Documentation:: Gavin Sinclair
-# Licence::       Ruby License
-require "socket"
-require "thread"
-# GServer implements a generic server, featuring thread pool management,
-# simple logging, and multi-server management.  See HttpServer in
-# <tt>xmlrpc/httpserver.rb</tt> in the Ruby standard library for an example of
-# GServer in action.
-# Any kind of application-level server can be implemented using this class.
-# It accepts multiple simultaneous connections from clients, up to an optional
-# maximum number.  Several _services_ (i.e. one service per TCP port) can be
-# run simultaneously, and stopped at any time through the class method
-# <tt>GServer.stop(port)</tt>.  All the threading issues are handled, saving
-# you the effort.  All events are optionally logged, but you can provide your
-# own event handlers if you wish.
-# == Example
-# Using GServer is simple.  Below we implement a simple time server, run it,
-# query it, and shut it down.  Try this code in +irb+:
-#   require 'gserver'
-#   #
-#   # A server that returns the time in seconds since 1970.
-#   #
-#   class TimeServer < GServer
-#     def initialize(port=10001, *args)
-#       super(port, *args)
-#     end
-#     def serve(io)
-#       io.puts(Time.now.to_i)
-#     end
-#   end
-#   # Run the server with logging enabled (it's a separate thread).
-#   server = TimeServer.new
-#   server.audit = true                  # Turn logging on.
-#   server.start
-#   # *** Now point your browser to http://localhost:10001 to see it working ***
-#   # See if it's still running.
-#   GServer.in_service?(10001)           # -> true
-#   server.stopped?                      # -> false
-#   # Shut the server down gracefully.
-#   server.shutdown
-#   # Alternatively, stop it immediately.
-#   GServer.stop(10001)
-#   # or, of course, "server.stop".
-# All the business of accepting connections and exception handling is taken
-# care of.  All we have to do is implement the method that actually serves the
-# client.
-# === Advanced
-# As the example above shows, the way to use GServer is to subclass it to
-# create a specific server, overriding the +serve+ method.  You can override
-# other methods as well if you wish, perhaps to collect statistics, or emit
-# more detailed logging.
-# * #connecting
-# * #disconnecting
-# * #starting
-# * #stopping
-# The above methods are only called if auditing is enabled, via #audit=.
-# You can also override #log and #error if, for example, you wish to use a
-# more sophisticated logging system.
-class GServer
-  def serve(io)
-  end
-  @@services = {}   # Hash of opened ports, i.e. services
-  @@servicesMutex = Mutex.new
-  # Stop the server running on the given port, bound to the given host
-  #
-  # +port+:: port, as a Fixnum, of the server to stop
-  # +host+:: host on which to find the server to stop
-  def GServer.stop(port, host = DEFAULT_HOST)
-    @@servicesMutex.synchronize {
-      @@services[host][port].stop
-    }
-  end
-  # Check if a server is running on the given port and host
-  #
-  # +port+:: port, as a Fixnum, of the server to check
-  # +host+:: host on which to find the server to check
-  #
-  # Returns true if a server is running on that port and host.
-  def GServer.in_service?(port, host = DEFAULT_HOST)
-    @@services.has_key?(host) and
-      @@services[host].has_key?(port)
-  end
-  # Stop the server
-  def stop
-    @connectionsMutex.synchronize  {
-      if @tcpServerThread
-        @tcpServerThread.raise "stop"
-      end
-    }
-  end
-  # Returns true if the server has stopped.
-  def stopped?
-    @tcpServerThread == nil
-  end
-  # Schedule a shutdown for the server
-  def shutdown
-    @shutdown = true
-  end
-  # Return the current number of connected clients
-  def connections
-    @connections.size
-  end
-  # Join with the server thread
-  def join
-    @tcpServerThread.join if @tcpServerThread
-  end
-  # Port on which to listen, as a Fixnum
-  attr_reader :port
-  # Host on which to bind, as a String
-  attr_reader :host
-  # Maximum number of connections to accept at a time, as a Fixnum
-  attr_reader :maxConnections
-  # IO Device on which log messages should be written
-  attr_accessor :stdlog
-  # Set to true to cause the callbacks #connecting, #disconnecting, #starting,
-  # and #stopping to be called during the server's lifecycle
-  attr_accessor :audit
-  # Set to true to show more detailed logging
-  attr_accessor :debug
-  # Called when a client connects, if auditing is enabled.
-  #
-  # +client+:: a TCPSocket instance representing the client that connected
-  #
-  # Return true to allow this client to connect, false to prevent it.
-  def connecting(client)
-    addr = client.peeraddr
-    log("#{self.class} #{@host}:#{@port} client:#{addr[1]} " +
-        "#{addr[2]}<#{addr[3]}> connect")
-    true
-  end
-  # Called when a client disconnects, if audition is enabled.
-  #
-  # +clientPort+:: the port of the client that is connecting
-  def disconnecting(clientPort)
-    log("#{self.class} #{@host}:#{@port} " +
-      "client:#{clientPort} disconnect")
-  end
-  protected :connecting, :disconnecting
-  # Called when the server is starting up, if auditing is enabled.
-  def starting()
-    log("#{self.class} #{@host}:#{@port} start")
-  end
-  # Called when the server is shutting down, if auditing is enabled.
-  def stopping()
-    log("#{self.class} #{@host}:#{@port} stop")
-  end
-  protected :starting, :stopping
-  # Called if #debug is true whenever an unhandled exception is raised.
-  # This implementation simply logs the backtrace.
-  #
-  # +detail+:: the Exception that was caught
-  def error(detail)
-    log(detail.backtrace.join("\n"))
-  end
-  # Log a message to #stdlog, if it's defined.  This implementation
-  # outputs the timestamp and message to the log.
-  #
-  # +msg+:: the message to log
-  def log(msg)
-    if @stdlog
-      @stdlog.puts("[#{Time.new.ctime}] %s" % msg)
-      @stdlog.flush
-    end
-  end
-  protected :error, :log
-  # Create a new server
-  #
-  # +port+:: the port, as a Fixnum, on which to listen
-  # +host+:: the host to bind to
-  # +maxConnections+:: the maximum number of simultaneous connections to
-  #                    accept
-  # +stdlog+:: IO device on which to log messages
-  # +audit+:: if true, lifecycle callbacks will be called.  See #audit
-  # +debug+:: if true, error messages are logged.  See #debug
-  def initialize(port, host = DEFAULT_HOST, maxConnections = 4,
-    stdlog = $stderr, audit = false, debug = false)
-    @tcpServerThread = nil
-    @port = port
-    @host = host
-    @maxConnections = maxConnections
-    @connections = []
-    @connectionsMutex = Mutex.new
-    @connectionsCV = ConditionVariable.new
-    @stdlog = stdlog
-    @audit = audit
-    @debug = debug
-  end
-  # Start the server if it isn't already running
-  #
-  # +maxConnections+::
-  #   override +maxConnections+ given to the constructor.  A negative
-  #   value indicates that the value from the constructor should be used.
-  def start(maxConnections = -1)
-    raise "server is already running" if !stopped?
-    @shutdown = false
-    @maxConnections = maxConnections if maxConnections > 0
-    @@servicesMutex.synchronize  {
-      if GServer.in_service?(@port,@host)
-        raise "Port already in use: #{host}:#{@port}!"
-      end
-      @tcpServer = TCPServer.new(@host,@port)
-      @port = @tcpServer.addr[1]
-      @@services[@host] = {} unless @@services.has_key?(@host)
-      @@services[@host][@port] = self;
-    }
-    @tcpServerThread = Thread.new {
-      begin
-        starting if @audit
-        while !@shutdown
-          @connectionsMutex.synchronize  {
-             while @connections.size >= @maxConnections
-               @connectionsCV.wait(@connectionsMutex)
-             end
-          }
-          client = @tcpServer.accept
-          Thread.new(client)  { |myClient|
-            @connections << Thread.current
-            begin
-              myPort = myClient.peeraddr[1]
-              serve(myClient) if !@audit or connecting(myClient)
-            rescue => detail
-              error(detail) if @debug
-            ensure
-              begin
-                myClient.close
-              rescue
-              end
-              @connectionsMutex.synchronize {
-                @connections.delete(Thread.current)
-                @connectionsCV.signal
-              }
-              disconnecting(myPort) if @audit
-            end
-          }
-        end
-      rescue => detail
-        error(detail) if @debug
-      ensure
-        begin
-          @tcpServer.close
-        rescue
-        end
-        if @shutdown
-          @connectionsMutex.synchronize  {
-             while @connections.size > 0
-               @connectionsCV.wait(@connectionsMutex)
-             end
-          }
-        else
-          @connections.each { |c| c.raise "stop" }
-        end
-        @tcpServerThread = nil
-        @@servicesMutex.synchronize  {
-          @@services[@host].delete(@port)
-        }
-        stopping if @audit
-      end
-    }
-    self
-  end
Index: lib/xmlrpc/httpserver.rb
--- lib/xmlrpc/httpserver.rb	(revision 47186)
+++ lib/xmlrpc/httpserver.rb	(revision 47187)
@@ -1,173 +0,0 @@ https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/lib/xmlrpc/httpserver.rb#L0
-# Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003 by Michael Neumann (mneumann@n...)
-# $Id$
-require "gserver"
-# Implements a simple HTTP-server by using John W. Small's (jsmall@l...)
-# ruby-generic-server: GServer.
-class HttpServer < GServer
-  ##
-  # +handle_obj+ specifies the object, that receives calls from +request_handler+
-  # and +ip_auth_handler+
-  def initialize(handle_obj, port = 8080, host = DEFAULT_HOST, maxConnections = 4,
-                 stdlog = $stdout, audit = true, debug = true)
-    @handler = handle_obj
-    super(port, host, maxConnections, stdlog, audit, debug)
-  end
-  CRLF        = "\r\n"
-  HTTP_PROTO  = "HTTP/1.0"
-  SERVER_NAME = "HttpServer (Ruby #{RUBY_VERSION})"
-  # Default header for the server name
-    "Server" => SERVER_NAME
-  }
-  # Mapping of status codes and error messages
-  StatusCodeMapping = {
-    200 => "OK",
-    400 => "Bad Request",
-    403 => "Forbidden",
-    405 => "Method Not Allowed",
-    411 => "Length Required",
-    500 => "Internal Server Error"
-  }
-  class Request
-    attr_reader :data, :header, :method, :path, :proto
-    def initialize(data, method=nil, path=nil, proto=nil)
-      @header, @data = Table.new, data
-      @method, @path, @proto = method, path, proto
-    end
-    def content_length
-      len = @header['Content-Length']
-      return nil if len.nil?
-      return len.to_i
-    end
-  end
-  class Response
-    attr_reader   :header
-    attr_accessor :body, :status, :status_message
-    def initialize(status=200)
-      @status = status
-      @status_message = nil
-      @header = Table.new
-    end
-  end
-  # A case-insensitive Hash class for HTTP header
-  class Table
-    include Enumerable
-    def initialize(hash={})
-      @hash = hash
-      update(hash)
-    end
-    def [](key)
-      @hash[key.to_s.capitalize]
-    end
-    def []=(key, value)
-      @hash[key.to_s.capitalize] = value
-    end
-    def update(hash)
-      hash.each {|k,v| self[k] = v}
-      self
-    end
-    def each
-      @hash.each {|k,v| yield k.capitalize, v }
-    end
-    # Output the Hash table for the HTTP header
-    def writeTo(port)
-      each { |k,v| port << "#{k}: #{v}" << CRLF }
-    end
-  end # class Table
-  # Generates a Hash with the HTTP headers
-  def http_header(header=nil) # :doc:
-    new_header = Table.new(DEFAULT_HEADER)
-    new_header.update(header) unless header.nil?
-    new_header["Connection"] = "close"
-    new_header["Date"]       = http_date(Time.now)
-    new_header
-  end
-  # Returns a string which represents the time as rfc1123-date of HTTP-date
-  def http_date( aTime ) # :doc:
-    aTime.gmtime.strftime( "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT" )
-  end
-  # Returns a string which includes the status code message as,
-  # http headers, and body for the response.
-  def http_resp(status_code, status_message=nil, header=nil, body=nil) # :doc:
-    status_message ||= StatusCodeMapping[status_code]
-    str = ""
-    str << "#{HTTP_PROTO} #{status_code} #{status_message}" << CRLF
-    http_header(header).writeTo(str)
-    str << CRLF
-    str << body unless body.nil?
-    str
-  end
-  # Handles the HTTP request and writes the response back to the client, +io+.
-  #
-  # If an Exception is raised while handling the request, the client will receive
-  # a 500 "Internal Server Error" message.
-  def serve(io) # :doc:
-    # perform IP authentication
-    unless @handler.ip_auth_handler(io)
-      io << http_resp(403, "Forbidden")
-      return
-    end
-    # parse first line
-    if io.gets =~ /^(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)/
-      request = Request.new(io, $1, $2, $3)
-    else
-      io << http_resp(400, "Bad Request")
-      return
-    end
-    # parse HTTP headers
-    while (line=io.gets) !~ /^(\n|\r)/
-      if line =~ /^([\w-]+):\s*(.*)$/
-        request.header[$1] = $2.strip
-      end
-    end
-    io.binmode
-    response = Response.new
-    # execute request handler
-    @handler.request_handler(request, response)
-    # write response back to the client
-    io << http_resp(response.status, response.status_message,
-                    response.header, response.body)
-  rescue Exception
-    io << http_resp(500, "Internal Server Error")
-  end
-end # class HttpServer
Index: NEWS
--- NEWS	(revision 47186)
+++ NEWS	(revision 47187)
@@ -144,6 +144,9 @@ with all sufficient information, see the https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/NEWS#L144
 * lib/uri
   * support RFC 3986. [Feature #2542]
+* GServer
+  * GServer is extracted to gserver gem. It's unmaintain code.
 * Logger
   * Logger::Application is extracted to logger-application gem. It's unmaintain code.

ML: ruby-changes@q...
Info: http://www.atdot.net/~ko1/quickml/
