

From: ko1@a...
Date: 7 Jan 2008 10:36:53 +0900
Subject: [ruby-changes:3427] drbrain - Ruby:r14920 (trunk): Collapse namespaces and refactor requires in RDoc

drbrain	2008-01-07 10:36:33 +0900 (Mon, 07 Jan 2008)

  New Revision: 14920

  Added files:
  Modified files:

    Collapse namespaces and refactor requires in RDoc


Index: lib/rdoc/generators/chm_generator.rb
--- lib/rdoc/generators/chm_generator.rb	(revision 14919)
+++ lib/rdoc/generators/chm_generator.rb	(revision 14920)
@@ -1,118 +1,114 @@
 require 'rdoc/generators/html_generator'
-module Generators
+class Generators::CHMGenerator < Generators::HTMLGenerator
-  class CHMGenerator < HTMLGenerator
+  HHC_PATH = "c:/Program Files/HTML Help Workshop/hhc.exe"
-    HHC_PATH = "c:/Program Files/HTML Help Workshop/hhc.exe"
+  ##
+  # Standard generator factory
-    ##
-    # Standard generator factory
+  def self.for(options)
+    new(options)
+  end
-    def CHMGenerator.for(options)
-      CHMGenerator.new(options)
-    end
+  def initialize(*args)
+    super
+    @op_name = @options.op_name || "rdoc"
+    check_for_html_help_workshop
+  end
-    def initialize(*args)
-      super
-      @op_name = @options.op_name || "rdoc"
-      check_for_html_help_workshop
-    end
+  def check_for_html_help_workshop
+    stat = File.stat(HHC_PATH)
+  rescue
+    $stderr <<
+      "\n.chm output generation requires that Microsoft's Html Help\n" <<
+      "Workshop is installed. RDoc looks for it in:\n\n    " <<
+      HHC_PATH <<
+      "\n\nYou can download a copy for free from:\n\n" <<
+      "    http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?" <<
+      "url=/library/en-us/htmlhelp/html/hwMicrosoftHTMLHelpDownloads.asp\n\n"
-    def check_for_html_help_workshop
-      stat = File.stat(HHC_PATH)
-    rescue
-      $stderr <<
-        "\n.chm output generation requires that Microsoft's Html Help\n" <<
-        "Workshop is installed. RDoc looks for it in:\n\n    " <<
-        HHC_PATH <<
-        "\n\nYou can download a copy for free from:\n\n" <<
-        "    http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?" <<
-        "url=/library/en-us/htmlhelp/html/hwMicrosoftHTMLHelpDownloads.asp\n\n"
+    exit 99
+  end
-      exit 99
-    end
+  ##
+  # Generate the html as normal, then wrap it in a help project
-    ##
-    # Generate the html as normal, then wrap it in a help project
+  def generate(info)
+    super
+    @project_name = @op_name + ".hhp"
+    create_help_project
+  end
-    def generate(info)
-      super
-      @project_name = @op_name + ".hhp"
-      create_help_project
-    end
+  ##
+  # The project contains the project file, a table of contents and an index
-    ##
-    # The project contains the project file, a table of contents and an index
+  def create_help_project
+    create_project_file
+    create_contents_and_index
+    compile_project
+  end
-    def create_help_project
-      create_project_file
-      create_contents_and_index
-      compile_project
+  ##
+  # The project file links together all the various
+  # files that go to make up the help.
+  def create_project_file
+    template = TemplatePage.new(RDoc::Page::HPP_FILE)
+    values = { "title" => @options.title, "opname" => @op_name }
+    files = []
+    @files.each do |f|
+      files << { "html_file_name" => f.path }
-    ##
-    # The project file links together all the various
-    # files that go to make up the help.
+    values['all_html_files'] = files
-    def create_project_file
-      template = TemplatePage.new(RDoc::Page::HPP_FILE)
-      values = { "title" => @options.title, "opname" => @op_name }
-      files = []
-      @files.each do |f|
-        files << { "html_file_name" => f.path }
-      end
-      values['all_html_files'] = files
-      File.open(@project_name, "w") do |f|
-        template.write_html_on(f, values)
-      end
+    File.open(@project_name, "w") do |f|
+      template.write_html_on(f, values)
+  end
-    ##
-    # The contents is a list of all files and modules.
-    # For each we include  as sub-entries the list
-    # of methods they contain. As we build the contents
-    # we also build an index file
+  ##
+  # The contents is a list of all files and modules.
+  # For each we include  as sub-entries the list
+  # of methods they contain. As we build the contents
+  # we also build an index file
-    def create_contents_and_index
-      contents = []
-      index    = []
+  def create_contents_and_index
+    contents = []
+    index    = []
-      (@files+@classes).sort.each do |entry|
-        content_entry = { "c_name" => entry.name, "ref" => entry.path }
-        index << { "name" => entry.name, "aref" => entry.path }
+    (@files+@classes).sort.each do |entry|
+      content_entry = { "c_name" => entry.name, "ref" => entry.path }
+      index << { "name" => entry.name, "aref" => entry.path }
-        internals = []
+      internals = []
-        methods = entry.build_method_summary_list(entry.path)
+      methods = entry.build_method_summary_list(entry.path)
-        content_entry["methods"] = methods unless methods.empty?
-        contents << content_entry
-        index.concat methods
-      end
+      content_entry["methods"] = methods unless methods.empty?
+      contents << content_entry
+      index.concat methods
+    end
-      values = { "contents" => contents }
-      template = TemplatePage.new(RDoc::Page::CONTENTS)
-      File.open("contents.hhc", "w") do |f|
-        template.write_html_on(f, values)
-      end
-      values = { "index" => index }
-      template = TemplatePage.new(RDoc::Page::CHM_INDEX)
-      File.open("index.hhk", "w") do |f|
-        template.write_html_on(f, values)
-      end
+    values = { "contents" => contents }
+    template = TemplatePage.new(RDoc::Page::CONTENTS)
+    File.open("contents.hhc", "w") do |f|
+      template.write_html_on(f, values)
-    ##
-    # Invoke the windows help compiler to compiler the project
-    def compile_project
-      system(HHC_PATH, @project_name)
+    values = { "index" => index }
+    template = TemplatePage.new(RDoc::Page::CHM_INDEX)
+    File.open("index.hhk", "w") do |f|
+      template.write_html_on(f, values)
+  end
+  ##
+  # Invoke the windows help compiler to compiler the project
+  def compile_project
+    system(HHC_PATH, @project_name)
Index: lib/rdoc/generators/ri_generator.rb
--- lib/rdoc/generators/ri_generator.rb	(revision 14919)
+++ lib/rdoc/generators/ri_generator.rb	(revision 14920)
@@ -1,229 +1,221 @@
-require 'rdoc/options'
-require 'rdoc/template'
-require 'rdoc/markup/simple_markup'
+require 'rdoc/generators'
 require 'rdoc/markup/simple_markup/to_flow'
-require 'cgi'
 require 'rdoc/ri/ri_cache'
 require 'rdoc/ri/ri_reader'
 require 'rdoc/ri/ri_writer'
 require 'rdoc/ri/ri_descriptions'
-module Generators
+class Generators::RIGenerator
-  class RIGenerator
+  ##
+  # Generators may need to return specific subclasses depending on the
+  # options they are passed. Because of this we create them using a factory
-    ##
-    # Generators may need to return specific subclasses depending on the
-    # options they are passed. Because of this we create them using a factory
+  def self.for(options)
+    new(options)
+  end
-    def RIGenerator.for(options)
-      new(options)
-    end
+  class << self
+    protected :new
+  end
-    class <<self
-      protected :new
-    end
+  ##
+  # Set up a new RIGenerator.
-    ##
-    # Set up a new HTML generator. Basically all we do here is load up the
-    # correct output temlate
+  def initialize(options) #:not-new:
+    @options   = options
+    @ri_writer = RI::RiWriter.new(".")
+    @markup    = SM::SimpleMarkup.new
+    @to_flow   = SM::ToFlow.new
+  end
-    def initialize(options) #:not-new:
-      @options   = options
-      @ri_writer = RI::RiWriter.new(".")
-      @markup    = SM::SimpleMarkup.new
-      @to_flow   = SM::ToFlow.new
+  ##
+  # Build the initial indices and output objects based on an array of
+  # TopLevel objects containing the extracted information.
+  def generate(toplevels)
+    RDoc::TopLevel.all_classes_and_modules.each do |cls|
+      process_class(cls)
+  end
-    ##
-    # Build the initial indices and output objects based on an array of
-    # TopLevel objects containing the extracted information.
+  def process_class(from_class)
+    generate_class_info(from_class)
-    def generate(toplevels)
-      RDoc::TopLevel.all_classes_and_modules.each do |cls|
-        process_class(cls)
-      end
+    # now recure into this classes constituent classess
+    from_class.each_classmodule do |mod|
+      process_class(mod)
+  end
-    def process_class(from_class)
-      generate_class_info(from_class)
+  def generate_class_info(cls)
+    if cls === RDoc::NormalModule
+      cls_desc = RI::ModuleDescription.new
+    else
+      cls_desc = RI::ClassDescription.new
+      cls_desc.superclass  = cls.superclass
+    end
+    cls_desc.name        = cls.name
+    cls_desc.full_name   = cls.full_name
+    cls_desc.comment     = markup(cls.comment)
-      # now recure into this classes constituent classess
-      from_class.each_classmodule do |mod|
-        process_class(mod)
-      end
+    cls_desc.attributes =cls.attributes.sort.map do |a|
+      RI::Attribute.new(a.name, a.rw, markup(a.comment))
-    def generate_class_info(cls)
-      if cls === RDoc::NormalModule
-        cls_desc = RI::ModuleDescription.new
-      else
-        cls_desc = RI::ClassDescription.new
-        cls_desc.superclass  = cls.superclass
-      end
-      cls_desc.name        = cls.name
-      cls_desc.full_name   = cls.full_name
-      cls_desc.comment     = markup(cls.comment)
+    cls_desc.constants = cls.constants.map do |c|
+      RI::Constant.new(c.name, c.value, markup(c.comment))
+    end
-      cls_desc.attributes =cls.attributes.sort.map do |a|
-        RI::Attribute.new(a.name, a.rw, markup(a.comment))
-      end
+    cls_desc.includes = cls.includes.map do |i|
+      RI::IncludedModule.new(i.name)
+    end
-      cls_desc.constants = cls.constants.map do |c|
-        RI::Constant.new(c.name, c.value, markup(c.comment))
-      end
+    class_methods, instance_methods = method_list(cls)
-      cls_desc.includes = cls.includes.map do |i|
-        RI::IncludedModule.new(i.name)
-      end
+    cls_desc.class_methods = class_methods.map do |m|
+      RI::MethodSummary.new(m.name)
+    end
+    cls_desc.instance_methods = instance_methods.map do |m|
+      RI::MethodSummary.new(m.name)
+    end
-      class_methods, instance_methods = method_list(cls)
+    update_or_replace(cls_desc)
-      cls_desc.class_methods = class_methods.map do |m|
-        RI::MethodSummary.new(m.name)
-      end
-      cls_desc.instance_methods = instance_methods.map do |m|
-        RI::MethodSummary.new(m.name)
-      end
+    class_methods.each do |m|
+      generate_method_info(cls_desc, m)
+    end
-      update_or_replace(cls_desc)
+    instance_methods.each do |m|
+      generate_method_info(cls_desc, m)
+    end
+  end
-      class_methods.each do |m|
-        generate_method_info(cls_desc, m)
-      end
-      instance_methods.each do |m|
-        generate_method_info(cls_desc, m)
-      end
+  def generate_method_info(cls_desc, method)
+    meth_desc = RI::MethodDescription.new
+    meth_desc.name = method.name
+    meth_desc.full_name = cls_desc.full_name
+    if method.singleton
+      meth_desc.full_name += "::"
+    else
+      meth_desc.full_name += "#"
+    meth_desc.full_name << method.name
+    meth_desc.comment = markup(method.comment)
+    meth_desc.params = params_of(method)
+    meth_desc.visibility = method.visibility.to_s
+    meth_desc.is_singleton = method.singleton
+    meth_desc.block_params = method.block_params
-    def generate_method_info(cls_desc, method)
-      meth_desc = RI::MethodDescription.new
-      meth_desc.name = method.name
-      meth_desc.full_name = cls_desc.full_name
-      if method.singleton
-        meth_desc.full_name += "::"
-      else
-        meth_desc.full_name += "#"
-      end
-      meth_desc.full_name << method.name
-      meth_desc.comment = markup(method.comment)
-      meth_desc.params = params_of(method)
-      meth_desc.visibility = method.visibility.to_s
-      meth_desc.is_singleton = method.singleton
-      meth_desc.block_params = method.block_params
-      meth_desc.aliases = method.aliases.map do |a|
-        RI::AliasName.new(a.name)
-      end
-      @ri_writer.add_method(cls_desc, meth_desc)
+    meth_desc.aliases = method.aliases.map do |a|
+      RI::AliasName.new(a.name)
-    private
+    @ri_writer.add_method(cls_desc, meth_desc)
+  end
-    ##
-    # Returns a list of class and instance methods that we'll be documenting
+  private
-    def method_list(cls)
-      list = cls.method_list
-      unless @options.show_all
-        list = list.find_all do |m|
-          m.visibility == :public || m.visibility == :protected || m.force_documentation
-        end
-      end
+  ##
+  # Returns a list of class and instance methods that we'll be documenting
-      c = []
-      i = []
-      list.sort.each do |m|
-        if m.singleton
-          c << m
-        else
-          i << m
-        end
+  def method_list(cls)
+    list = cls.method_list
+    unless @options.show_all
+      list = list.find_all do |m|
+        m.visibility == :public || m.visibility == :protected || m.force_documentation
-      return c,i
-    def params_of(method)
-      if method.call_seq
-        method.call_seq
+    c = []
+    i = []
+    list.sort.each do |m|
+      if m.singleton
+        c << m
-        params = method.params || ""
+        i << m
+      end
+    end
+    return c,i
+  end
-        p = params.gsub(/\s*\#.*/, '')
-        p = p.tr("\n", " ").squeeze(" ")
-        p = "(" + p + ")" unless p[0] == ?(
+  def params_of(method)
+    if method.call_seq
+      method.call_seq
+    else
+      params = method.params || ""
-        if (block = method.block_params)
-          block.gsub!(/\s*\#.*/, '')
-          block = block.tr("\n", " ").squeeze(" ")
-          if block[0] == ?(
-            block.sub!(/^\(/, '').sub!(/\)/, '')
-          end
-          p << " {|#{block.strip}| ...}"
+      p = params.gsub(/\s*\#.*/, '')
+      p = p.tr("\n", " ").squeeze(" ")
+      p = "(" + p + ")" unless p[0] == ?(
+      if (block = method.block_params)
+        block.gsub!(/\s*\#.*/, '')
+        block = block.tr("\n", " ").squeeze(" ")
+        if block[0] == ?(
+          block.sub!(/^\(/, '').sub!(/\)/, '')
-        p
+        p << " {|#{block.strip}| ...}"
+      p
+  end
-    def markup(comment)
-      return nil if !comment || comment.empty?
+  def markup(comment)
+    return nil if !comment || comment.empty?
-      # Convert leading comment markers to spaces, but only
-      # if all non-blank lines have them
+    # Convert leading comment markers to spaces, but only
+    # if all non-blank lines have them
-      if comment =~ /^(?>\s*)[^\#]/
-        content = comment
-      else
-        content = comment.gsub(/^\s*(#+)/)  { $1.tr('#',' ') }
-      end
-      @markup.convert(content, @to_flow)
+    if comment =~ /^(?>\s*)[^\#]/
+      content = comment
+    else
+      content = comment.gsub(/^\s*(#+)/)  { $1.tr('#',' ') }
+    @markup.convert(content, @to_flow)
+  end
-    ##
-    # By default we replace existing classes with the same name. If the
-    # --merge option was given, we instead merge this definition into an
-    # existing class. We add our methods, aliases, etc to that class, but do
-    # not change the class's description.
+  ##
+  # By default we replace existing classes with the same name. If the
+  # --merge option was given, we instead merge this definition into an
+  # existing class. We add our methods, aliases, etc to that class, but do
+  # not change the class's description.
-    def update_or_replace(cls_desc)
-      old_cls = nil
+  def update_or_replace(cls_desc)
+    old_cls = nil
-      if @options.merge
-        rdr = RI::RiReader.new(RI::RiCache.new(@options.op_dir))
+    if @options.merge
+      rdr = RI::RiReader.new(RI::RiCache.new(@options.op_dir))
-        namespace = rdr.top_level_namespace
-        namespace = rdr.lookup_namespace_in(cls_desc.name, namespace)
-        if namespace.empty?
-          $stderr.puts "You asked me to merge this source into existing "
-          $stderr.puts "documentation. This file references a class or "
-          $stderr.puts "module called #{cls_desc.name} which I don't"
-          $stderr.puts "have existing documentation for."
-          $stderr.puts
-          $stderr.puts "Perhaps you need to generate its documentation first"
-          exit 1
-        else
-          old_cls = namespace[0]
-        end
-      end
-      if old_cls.nil?
-        # no merge: simply overwrite
-        @ri_writer.remove_class(cls_desc)
-        @ri_writer.add_class(cls_desc)
+      namespace = rdr.top_level_namespace
+      namespace = rdr.lookup_namespace_in(cls_desc.name, namespace)
+      if namespace.empty?
+        $stderr.puts "You asked me to merge this source into existing "
+        $stderr.puts "documentation. This file references a class or "
+        $stderr.puts "module called #{cls_desc.name} which I don't"
+        $stderr.puts "have existing documentation for."
+        $stderr.puts
+        $stderr.puts "Perhaps you need to generate its documentation first"
+        exit 1
-        # existing class: merge in
-        old_desc = rdr.get_class(old_cls)
-        old_desc.merge_in(cls_desc)
-        @ri_writer.add_class(old_desc)
+        old_cls = namespace[0]
+    if old_cls.nil?
+      # no merge: simply overwrite
+      @ri_writer.remove_class(cls_desc)
+      @ri_writer.add_class(cls_desc)
+    else
+      # existing class: merge in
+      old_desc = rdr.get_class(old_cls)
+      old_desc.merge_in(cls_desc)
+      @ri_writer.add_class(old_desc)
+    end
Index: lib/rdoc/generators/xml_generator.rb
--- lib/rdoc/generators/xml_generator.rb	(revision 14919)
+++ lib/rdoc/generators/xml_generator.rb	(revision 14920)
@@ -1,127 +1,119 @@
-require 'rdoc/options'
-require 'rdoc/markup/simple_markup'
-require 'rdoc/markup/simple_markup/to_html'
 require 'rdoc/generators/html_generator'
-module Generators
+# Generate XML output as one big file
+class Generators::XMLGenerator < Generators::HTMLGenerator
-  # Generate XML output as one big file
+  # Standard generator factory
-  class XMLGenerator < HTMLGenerator
+  def self.for(options)
+    new(options)
+  end
-    ##
-    # Standard generator factory
+  def initialize(*args)
+    super
+  end
-    def XMLGenerator.for(options)
-      XMLGenerator.new(options)
-    end
+  ##
+  # Build the initial indices and output objects
+  # based on an array of TopLevel objects containing
+  # the extracted information.
-    def initialize(*args)
-      super
-    end
+  def generate(info)
+    @info       = info
+    @files      = []
+    @classes    = []
+    @hyperlinks = {}
-    ##
-    # Build the initial indices and output objects
-    # based on an array of TopLevel objects containing
-    # the extracted information.
+    build_indices
+    generate_xml
+  end
-    def generate(info)
-      @info       = info
-      @files      = []
-      @classes    = []
-      @hyperlinks = {}
+  ##
+  # Generate:
+  #
+  # * a list of HtmlFile objects for each TopLevel object.
+  # * a list of HtmlClass objects for each first level
+  #   class or module in the TopLevel objects
+  # * a complete list of all hyperlinkable terms (file,
+  #   class, module, and method names)
-      build_indices
-      generate_xml
+  def build_indices
+    @info.each do |toplevel|
+      @files << Generators::HtmlFile.new(toplevel, @options, Generators::FILE_DIR)
-    ##
-    # Generate:
-    #
-    # * a list of HtmlFile objects for each TopLevel object.
-    # * a list of HtmlClass objects for each first level
-    #   class or module in the TopLevel objects
-    # * a complete list of all hyperlinkable terms (file,
-    #   class, module, and method names)
-    def build_indices
-      @info.each do |toplevel|
-        @files << HtmlFile.new(toplevel, @options, FILE_DIR)
-      end
-      RDoc::TopLevel.all_classes_and_modules.each do |cls|
-        build_class_list(cls, @files[0], CLASS_DIR)
-      end
+    RDoc::TopLevel.all_classes_and_modules.each do |cls|
+      build_class_list(cls, @files[0], Generators::CLASS_DIR)
+  end
-    def build_class_list(from, html_file, class_dir)
-      @classes << HtmlClass.new(from, html_file, class_dir, @options)
-      from.each_classmodule do |mod|
-        build_class_list(mod, html_file, class_dir)
-      end
+  def build_class_list(from, html_file, class_dir)
+    @classes << Generators::HtmlClass.new(from, html_file, class_dir, @options)
+    from.each_classmodule do |mod|
+      build_class_list(mod, html_file, class_dir)
+  end
-    ##
-    # Generate all the HTML. For the one-file case, we generate
-    # all the information in to one big hash
+  ##
+  # Generate all the HTML. For the one-file case, we generate
+  # all the information in to one big hash
-    def generate_xml
-      values = {
-        'charset' => @options.charset,
-        'files'   => gen_into(@files),
-        'classes' => gen_into(@classes)
-      }
+  def generate_xml
+    values = {
+      'charset' => @options.charset,
+      'files'   => gen_into(@files),
+      'classes' => gen_into(@classes)
+    }
-      # this method is defined in the template file
-      write_extra_pages if defined? write_extra_pages
+    # this method is defined in the template file
+    write_extra_pages if defined? write_extra_pages
-      template = TemplatePage.new(RDoc::Page::ONE_PAGE)
+    template = TemplatePage.new(RDoc::Page::ONE_PAGE)
-      if @options.op_name
-        opfile = File.open(@options.op_name, "w")
-      else
-        opfile = $stdout
-      end
-      template.write_html_on(opfile, values)
+    if @options.op_name
+      opfile = File.open(@options.op_name, "w")
+    else
+      opfile = $stdout
+    template.write_html_on(opfile, values)
+  end
-    def gen_into(list)
-      res = []
-      list.each do |item|
-        res << item.value_hash
-      end
-      res
+  def gen_into(list)
+    res = []
+    list.each do |item|
+      res << item.value_hash
+    res
+  end
-    def gen_file_index
-      gen_an_index(@files, 'Files')
-    end
+  def gen_file_index
+    gen_an_index(@files, 'Files')
+  end
-    def gen_class_index
-      gen_an_index(@classes, 'Classes')
-    end
+  def gen_class_index
+    gen_an_index(@classes, 'Classes')
+  end
-    def gen_method_index
-      gen_an_index(HtmlMethod.all_methods, 'Methods')
-    end
+  def gen_method_index
+    gen_an_index(Generators::HtmlMethod.all_methods, 'Methods')
+  end
-    def gen_an_index(collection, title)
-      res = []
-      collection.sort.each do |f|
-        if f.document_self
-          res << { "href" => f.path, "name" => f.index_name }
-        end
+  def gen_an_index(collection, title)
+    res = []
+    collection.sort.each do |f|
+      if f.document_self
+        res << { "href" => f.path, "name" => f.index_name }
-      return {
-        "entries" => res,
-        'list_title' => title,
-        'index_url'  => main_url,
-      }
+    return {
+      "entries" => res,
+      'list_title' => title,
+      'index_url'  => main_url,
+    }
Index: lib/rdoc/generators/html_generator.rb
--- lib/rdoc/generators/html_generator.rb	(revision 14919)
+++ lib/rdoc/generators/html_generator.rb	(revision 14920)
@@ -1,10 +1,7 @@
 require 'fileutils'
-require 'rdoc/options'
-require 'rdoc/template'
-require 'rdoc/markup/simple_markup'
+require 'rdoc/generators'
 require 'rdoc/markup/simple_markup/to_html'
-require 'cgi'
 module Generators
@@ -780,7 +777,9 @@
     def filename_to_label
-      @context.file_relative_name.gsub(/%|\/|\?|\#/) {|s| '%' + ("%x" % s[0]) }
+      @context.file_relative_name.gsub(/%|\/|\?|\#/) do |s|
+        '%%%x' % s[0].unpack('C')
+      end
     def index_name
@@ -1177,7 +1176,7 @@
     # Generators may need to return specific subclasses depending on the
     # options they are passed. Because of this we create them using a factory
-    def HTMLGenerator.for(options)
+    def self.for(options)
Index: lib/rdoc/rdoc.rb
--- lib/rdoc/rdoc.rb	(revision 14919)
+++ lib/rdoc/rdoc.rb	(revision 14920)
@@ -18,8 +18,7 @@
 require 'fileutils'
 require 'time'
-# We put rdoc stuff in the RDoc module to avoid namespace
-# clutter.
+# We put rdoc stuff in the RDoc module to avoid namespace clutter.
 # ToDo: This isn't universally true.
Index: lib/rdoc/generators.rb
--- lib/rdoc/generators.rb	(revision 0)
+++ lib/rdoc/generators.rb	(revision 14920)
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+require 'cgi'
+require 'rdoc/options'
+require 'rdoc/markup/simple_markup'
+require 'rdoc/template'
+module Generators

ML: ruby-changes@q...
Info: http://www.atdot.net/~ko1/quickml
