

From: naruse <ko1@a...>
Date: Fri, 21 Feb 2014 23:10:11 +0900 (JST)
Subject: [ruby-changes:33002] naruse:r45081 (trunk): * tool/redmine-backporter.rb: added to handle redmine tickets.

naruse	2014-02-21 23:10:06 +0900 (Fri, 21 Feb 2014)

  New Revision: 45081


    * tool/redmine-backporter.rb: added to handle redmine tickets.

  Added files:
  Modified files:
Index: ChangeLog
--- ChangeLog	(revision 45080)
+++ ChangeLog	(revision 45081)
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@ https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/ChangeLog#L1
+Fri Feb 21 23:03:39 2014  NARUSE, Yui  <naruse@r...>
+	* tool/redmine-backporter.rb: added to handle redmine tickets.
 Fri Feb 21 20:42:01 2014  Nobuyoshi Nakada  <nobu@r...>
 	* class.c (rb_mod_init_copy): do nothing if copying self.
Index: tool/redmine-backporter.rb
--- tool/redmine-backporter.rb	(revision 0)
+++ tool/redmine-backporter.rb	(revision 45081)
@@ -0,0 +1,347 @@ https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/tool/redmine-backporter.rb#L1
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+require 'open-uri'
+require 'net/http'
+require 'json'
+require 'io/console'
+require 'stringio'
+require 'strscan'
+require 'pp'
+REDMINE_BASE = 'https://bugs.ruby-lang.org'
+VERSION = '0.0.1'
+@query = {
+  'f[]' => BACKPORT_CF_KEY,
+  "op[#{BACKPORT_CF_KEY}]" => '~',
+  'limit' => 40,
+  'status_id' => STATUS_CLOSE,
+  'sort' => 'updated_on'
+  'Low' => [:white, :blue],
+  'Normal' => [],
+  'High' => [:red],
+  'Urgent' => [:red, :white],
+  'Immediate' => [:red, :white, {underscore: true}],
+  black: 30,
+  red: 31,
+  green: 32,
+  yellow: 33,
+  blue: 34,
+  magenta: 35,
+  cyan: 36,
+  white: 37,
+class String
+  def color(fore=nil, back=nil, bold: false, underscore: false)
+    seq = ""
+    if bold
+      seq << "\e[1m"
+    end
+    if underscore
+      seq << "\e[2m"
+    end
+    if fore
+      c = COLORS[fore]
+      raise "unknown foreground color #{fore}" unless c
+      seq << "\e[#{c}m"
+    end
+    if back
+      c = COLORS[back]
+      raise "unknown background color #{back}" unless c
+      seq << "\e[#{c}m"
+    end
+    if seq.empty?
+      self
+    else
+      seq << self << "\e[0m"
+    end
+  end
+def wcwidth(wc)
+  return 8 if wc == "\t"
+  n = wc.ord
+  if n < 0x20
+    0
+  elsif n < 0x80
+    1
+  else
+    2
+  end
+def fold(str, col)
+  i = 0
+  size = str.size
+  len = 0
+  while i < size
+    case c = str[i]
+    when "\r", "\n"
+      len = 0
+    else
+      d = wcwidth(c)
+      len += d
+      if len == col
+        str.insert(i+1, "\n")
+        len = 0
+        i += 2
+        next
+      elsif len > col
+        str.insert(i, "\n")
+        len = d
+        i += 2
+        next
+      end
+    end
+    i += 1
+  end
+  str
+class StringScanner
+  # lx: limit of x (colmns of screen)
+  # ly: limit of y (rows of screen)
+  def getrows(lx, ly)
+    cp1 = charpos
+    x = 0
+    y = 0
+    until eos?
+      case c = getch
+      when "\r"
+        x = 0
+      when "\n"
+        x = 0
+        y += 1
+      when "\t"
+        x += 8
+      when /[\x00-\x7f]/
+        # halfwidth
+        x += 1
+      else
+        # fullwidth
+        x += 2
+      end
+      if x > lx
+        x = 0
+        y += 1
+        unscan
+      end
+      if y >= ly
+        return string[cp1...charpos]
+      end
+    end
+    string[cp1..-1]
+  end
+def more(sio)
+  console = IO.console
+  ly, lx = console.winsize
+  ly -= 1
+  str = sio.string
+  cls = "\r" + (" " * lx) + "\r"
+  ss = StringScanner.new(str)
+  rows = ss.getrows(lx, ly)
+  puts rows
+  until ss.eos?
+    print ":"
+    case c = console.getch
+    when ' ', "\x04"
+      rows = ss.getrows(lx, ly)
+      puts cls + rows
+    when 'j', ""
+      rows = ss.getrows(lx, 1)
+      puts cls + rows
+    when "q"
+      print cls
+      break
+    else
+      print "\b"
+    end
+  end
+def mergeinfo
+  `svn propget svn:mergeinfo #{RUBY_REPO_PATH}`
+def show_last_journal(http, uri)
+  res = http.get("#{uri.path}?include=journals")
+  res.value
+  h = JSON(res.body)
+  x = h["issue"]
+  raise "no issue" unless x
+  x = x["journals"]
+  raise "no journals" unless x
+  x = x.last
+  puts "== #{x["user"]["name"]} (#{x["created_on"]})"
+  x["details"].each do |y|
+    puts JSON(y)
+  end
+  puts x["notes"]
+def backport_command_string
+  "backport --ticket=#{@issue} #{@changesets.join(',')}"
+console = IO.console
+row, col = console.winsize
+@query['limit'] = row - 2
+puts "Backporter #{VERSION}".color(bold: true) + " for #{TARGET_VERSION}"
+@issues = nil
+@issue = nil
+@changesets = nil
+while true
+  print '> '
+  begin
+    l = gets
+  rescue Interrupt
+    break
+  end
+  l.strip! if l
+  case l
+  when 'ls'
+    uri = URI(REDMINE_BASE+'/projects/ruby-trunk/issues.json?'+URI.encode_www_form(@query))
+    # puts uri
+    res = JSON(uri.read)
+    @issues = issues = res["issues"]
+    from = res["offset"] + 1
+    total = res["total_count"]
+    to = from + issues.size - 1
+    puts "#{from}-#{to} / #{total}"
+    issues.each_with_index do |x, i|
+      id = "##{x["id"]}".color(*PRIORITIES[x["priority"]["name"]])
+      puts "#{'%2d' % i} #{id} #{x["priority"]["name"][0]} #{x["status"]["name"][0]} #{x["subject"][0,80]}"
+    end
+  when /\A(?:show +)?(\d+)\z/
+    id = $1.to_i
+    id = @issues[id]["id"] if @issues && id < @issues.size
+    @issue = id
+    uri = "#{REDMINE_BASE}/issues/#{id}"
+    uri = URI(uri+".json?include=children,attachments,relations,changesets,journals")
+    res = JSON(uri.read)
+    i = res["issue"]
+    id = "##{i["id"]}".color(*PRIORITIES[i["priority"]["name"]])
+    sio = StringIO.new
+    sio.puts <<eom
+#{i["project"]["name"]} [#{i["tracker"]["name"]} #{id}] #{i["status"]["name"]} (#{i["created_on"]})
+author:   #{i["author"]["name"]}
+assigned: #{i["assigned_to"].to_h["name"]}
+    i["custom_fields"].each do |x|
+      sio.puts "%-10s: %s" % [x["name"], x["value"]]
+    end
+    #res["attachements"].each do |x|
+    #end
+    sio.puts i["description"]
+    sio.puts
+    sio.puts "= changesets"
+    @changesets = []
+    i["changesets"].each do |x|
+      @changesets << x["revision"]
+      sio.puts "== #{x["revision"]} #{x["committed_on"]} #{x["user"]["name"] rescue nil}"
+      sio.puts x["comments"]
+    end
+    sio.puts "= journals"
+    i["journals"].each do |x|
+      sio.puts "== #{x["user"]["name"]} (#{x["created_on"]})"
+      x["details"].each do |y|
+        sio.puts JSON(y)
+      end
+      sio.puts x["notes"]
+    end
+    more(sio)
+  when 's'
+    puts backport_command_string
+  when /\Adone(?: +(\d+))?(?: -- +(.*))?\z/
+    notes = $2
+    if $1
+      i = issue.to_i
+      i = @issues[i]["id"] if @issues && i < @issues.size
+      @issue = i
+    end
+    uri = URI("#{REDMINE_BASE}/issues/#{@issue}.json")
+    Net::HTTP.start(uri.host, uri.port, use_ssl: true) do |http|
+      res = http.get(uri.path)
+      data = JSON(res.body)
+      h = data["issue"]["custom_fields"].find{|x|x["id"]==5}
+      if h and val = h["value"]
+        case val[/(?:\A|, )#{Regexp.quote TARGET_VERSION}: ([^,]+)/, 1]
+        when 'REQUIRED', 'UNKNOWN', 'DONTNEED'
+          val[*$~.offset(1)] = 'DONE'
+        when 'DONE' # , /\A\d+\z/
+          puts 'already backport is done'
+          next # already done
+        when nil
+          val << ", #{TARGET_VERSION}: DONE"
+        else
+          raise "unknown status '#$1'"
+        end
+      else
+        val = '#{TARGET_VERSION}: DONE'
+      end
+      data = { "issue" => { "custom_fields" => [ {"id"=>5, "value" => val} ] } }
+      data['issue']['notes'] = notes if notes
+      res = http.put(uri.path, JSON(data),
+                     'X-Redmine-API-Key' => REDMINE_API_KEY,
+                     'Content-Type' => 'application/json')
+      res.value
+      show_last_journal(http, uri)
+    end
+  when /\Aclose(?: +(\d+))?\z/
+    if $1
+      i = $1.to_i
+      i = @issues[i]["id"] if @issues && i < @issues.size
+      @issue = i
+    end
+    uri = URI("#{REDMINE_BASE}/issues/#{@issue}.json")
+    Net::HTTP.start(uri.host, uri.port, use_ssl: true) do |http|
+      data = { "issue" => { "status_id" => STATUS_CLOSE } }
+      res = http.put(uri.path, JSON(data),
+                     'X-Redmine-API-Key' => REDMINE_API_KEY,
+                     'Content-Type' => 'application/json')
+      res.value
+      show_last_journal(http, uri)
+    end
+  when /\last(?: +(\d+))?\z/
+    if $1
+      i = $1.to_i
+      i = @issues[i]["id"] if @issues && i < @issues.size
+      @issue = i
+    end
+    uri = URI("#{REDMINE_BASE}/issues/#{@issue}.json")
+    Net::HTTP.start(uri.host, uri.port, use_ssl: true) do |http|
+      show_last_journal(http, uri)
+    end
+  when ''
+  when nil, 'quit', 'exit'
+    exit
+  else
+    puts "error #{l.inspect}"
+  end

Property changes on: tool/redmine-backporter.rb
Added: svn:executable
   + *

ML: ruby-changes@q...
Info: http://www.atdot.net/~ko1/quickml/
