

From: nobu <ko1@a...>
Date: Fri, 21 Feb 2014 16:04:31 +0900 (JST)
Subject: [ruby-changes:32991] nobu:r45070 (trunk): test/logger: split

nobu	2014-02-21 16:04:25 +0900 (Fri, 21 Feb 2014)

  New Revision: 45070


    test/logger: split
    * test/logger: split for each test cases.

  Added files:
  Modified files:
Index: test/logger/test_logger.rb
--- test/logger/test_logger.rb	(revision 45069)
+++ test/logger/test_logger.rb	(revision 45070)
@@ -2,22 +2,6 @@ https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/test/logger/test_logger.rb#L2
 require 'test/unit'
 require 'logger'
 require 'tempfile'
-require 'tmpdir'
-require_relative '../ruby/envutil'
-class TestLoggerSeverity < Test::Unit::TestCase
-  def test_enum
-    logger_levels = Logger.constants
-    levels = ["WARN", "UNKNOWN", "INFO", "FATAL", "DEBUG", "ERROR"]
-    Logger::Severity.constants.each do |level|
-      assert(levels.include?(level.to_s))
-      assert(logger_levels.include?(level))
-    end
-    assert_equal(levels.size, Logger::Severity.constants.size)
-  end
 class TestLogger < Test::Unit::TestCase
   include Logger::Severity
@@ -258,390 +242,3 @@ class TestLogger < Test::Unit::TestCase https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/test/logger/test_logger.rb#L242
     assert_equal("msg2\n\n", msg)
-class TestLogDevice < Test::Unit::TestCase
-  class LogExcnRaiser
-    def write(*arg)
-      raise 'disk is full'
-    end
-    def close
-    end
-    def stat
-      Object.new
-    end
-  end
-  def setup
-    @tempfile = Tempfile.new("logger")
-    @tempfile.close
-    @filename = @tempfile.path
-    File.unlink(@filename)
-  end
-  def teardown
-    @tempfile.close(true)
-  end
-  def d(log, opt = {})
-    Logger::LogDevice.new(log, opt)
-  end
-  def test_initialize
-    logdev = d(STDERR)
-    assert_equal(STDERR, logdev.dev)
-    assert_nil(logdev.filename)
-    assert_raises(TypeError) do
-      d(nil)
-    end
-    #
-    logdev = d(@filename)
-    begin
-      assert(File.exist?(@filename))
-      assert(logdev.dev.sync)
-      assert_equal(@filename, logdev.filename)
-      logdev.write('hello')
-    ensure
-      logdev.close
-    end
-    # create logfile whitch is already exist.
-    logdev = d(@filename)
-    begin
-      logdev.write('world')
-      logfile = File.read(@filename)
-      assert_equal(2, logfile.split(/\n/).size)
-      assert_match(/^helloworld$/, logfile)
-    ensure
-      logdev.close
-    end
-  end
-  def test_write
-    r, w = IO.pipe
-    logdev = d(w)
-    logdev.write("msg2\n\n")
-    IO.select([r], nil, nil, 0.1)
-    w.close
-    msg = r.read
-    r.close
-    assert_equal("msg2\n\n", msg)
-    #
-    logdev = d(LogExcnRaiser.new)
-    class << (stderr = '')
-      alias write <<
-    end
-    $stderr, stderr = stderr, $stderr
-    begin
-      assert_nothing_raised do
-        logdev.write('hello')
-      end
-    ensure
-      logdev.close
-      $stderr, stderr = stderr, $stderr
-    end
-    assert_equal "log writing failed. disk is full\n", stderr
-  end
-  def test_close
-    r, w = IO.pipe
-    logdev = d(w)
-    logdev.write("msg2\n\n")
-    IO.select([r], nil, nil, 0.1)
-    assert(!w.closed?)
-    logdev.close
-    assert(w.closed?)
-    r.close
-  end
-  def test_shifting_size
-    tmpfile = Tempfile.new([File.basename(__FILE__, '.*'), '_1.log'])
-    logfile = tmpfile.path
-    logfile0 = logfile + '.0'
-    logfile1 = logfile + '.1'
-    logfile2 = logfile + '.2'
-    logfile3 = logfile + '.3'
-    tmpfile.close(true)
-    File.unlink(logfile) if File.exist?(logfile)
-    File.unlink(logfile0) if File.exist?(logfile0)
-    File.unlink(logfile1) if File.exist?(logfile1)
-    File.unlink(logfile2) if File.exist?(logfile2)
-    logger = Logger.new(logfile, 4, 100)
-    logger.error("0" * 15)
-    assert(File.exist?(logfile))
-    assert(!File.exist?(logfile0))
-    logger.error("0" * 15)
-    assert(File.exist?(logfile0))
-    assert(!File.exist?(logfile1))
-    logger.error("0" * 15)
-    assert(File.exist?(logfile1))
-    assert(!File.exist?(logfile2))
-    logger.error("0" * 15)
-    assert(File.exist?(logfile2))
-    assert(!File.exist?(logfile3))
-    logger.error("0" * 15)
-    assert(!File.exist?(logfile3))
-    logger.error("0" * 15)
-    assert(!File.exist?(logfile3))
-    logger.close
-    File.unlink(logfile)
-    File.unlink(logfile0)
-    File.unlink(logfile1)
-    File.unlink(logfile2)
-    tmpfile = Tempfile.new([File.basename(__FILE__, '.*'), '_2.log'])
-    logfile = tmpfile.path
-    logfile0 = logfile + '.0'
-    logfile1 = logfile + '.1'
-    logfile2 = logfile + '.2'
-    logfile3 = logfile + '.3'
-    tmpfile.close(true)
-    logger = Logger.new(logfile, 4, 150)
-    logger.error("0" * 15)
-    assert(File.exist?(logfile))
-    assert(!File.exist?(logfile0))
-    logger.error("0" * 15)
-    assert(!File.exist?(logfile0))
-    logger.error("0" * 15)
-    assert(File.exist?(logfile0))
-    assert(!File.exist?(logfile1))
-    logger.error("0" * 15)
-    assert(!File.exist?(logfile1))
-    logger.error("0" * 15)
-    assert(File.exist?(logfile1))
-    assert(!File.exist?(logfile2))
-    logger.error("0" * 15)
-    assert(!File.exist?(logfile2))
-    logger.error("0" * 15)
-    assert(File.exist?(logfile2))
-    assert(!File.exist?(logfile3))
-    logger.error("0" * 15)
-    assert(!File.exist?(logfile3))
-    logger.error("0" * 15)
-    assert(!File.exist?(logfile3))
-    logger.error("0" * 15)
-    assert(!File.exist?(logfile3))
-    logger.close
-    File.unlink(logfile)
-    File.unlink(logfile0)
-    File.unlink(logfile1)
-    File.unlink(logfile2)
-  end
-  def test_shifting_age_variants
-    logger = Logger.new(@filename, 'daily')
-    logger.info('daily')
-    logger.close
-    logger = Logger.new(@filename, 'weekly')
-    logger.info('weekly')
-    logger.close
-    logger = Logger.new(@filename, 'monthly')
-    logger.info('monthly')
-    logger.close
-  end
-  def test_shifting_age
-    # shift_age other than 'daily', 'weekly', and 'monthly' means 'everytime'
-    yyyymmdd = Time.now.strftime("%Y%m%d")
-    filename1 = @filename + ".#{yyyymmdd}"
-    filename2 = @filename + ".#{yyyymmdd}.1"
-    filename3 = @filename + ".#{yyyymmdd}.2"
-    begin
-      logger = Logger.new(@filename, 'now')
-      assert(File.exist?(@filename))
-      assert(!File.exist?(filename1))
-      assert(!File.exist?(filename2))
-      assert(!File.exist?(filename3))
-      logger.info("0" * 15)
-      assert(File.exist?(@filename))
-      assert(File.exist?(filename1))
-      assert(!File.exist?(filename2))
-      assert(!File.exist?(filename3))
-      logger.warn("0" * 15)
-      assert(File.exist?(@filename))
-      assert(File.exist?(filename1))
-      assert(File.exist?(filename2))
-      assert(!File.exist?(filename3))
-      logger.error("0" * 15)
-      assert(File.exist?(@filename))
-      assert(File.exist?(filename1))
-      assert(File.exist?(filename2))
-      assert(File.exist?(filename3))
-    ensure
-      logger.close if logger
-      [filename1, filename2, filename3].each do |filename|
-        File.unlink(filename) if File.exist?(filename)
-      end
-    end
-  end
-  def test_shifting_size_in_multiprocess
-    tmpfile = Tempfile.new([File.basename(__FILE__, '.*'), '_1.log'])
-    logfile = tmpfile.path
-    logfile0 = logfile + '.0'
-    logfile1 = logfile + '.1'
-    logfile2 = logfile + '.2'
-    tmpfile.close(true)
-    File.unlink(logfile) if File.exist?(logfile)
-    File.unlink(logfile0) if File.exist?(logfile0)
-    File.unlink(logfile1) if File.exist?(logfile1)
-    File.unlink(logfile2) if File.exist?(logfile2)
-    begin
-      stderr = run_children(2, [logfile], <<-'END')
-        logger = Logger.new(ARGV[0], 4, 10)
-        10.times do
-          logger.info '0' * 15
-        end
-      END
-      assert_no_match(/log shifting failed/, stderr)
-      assert_no_match(/log writing failed/, stderr)
-      assert_no_match(/log rotation inter-process lock failed/, stderr)
-    ensure
-      File.unlink(logfile) if File.exist?(logfile)
-      File.unlink(logfile0) if File.exist?(logfile0)
-      File.unlink(logfile1) if File.exist?(logfile1)
-      File.unlink(logfile2) if File.exist?(logfile2)
-    end
-  end
-  def test_shifting_age_in_multiprocess
-    yyyymmdd = Time.now.strftime("%Y%m%d")
-    begin
-      stderr = run_children(2, [@filename], <<-'END')
-        logger = Logger.new(ARGV[0], 'now')
-        10.times do
-          logger.info '0' * 15
-        end
-      END
-      assert_no_match(/log shifting failed/, stderr)
-      assert_no_match(/log writing failed/, stderr)
-      assert_no_match(/log rotation inter-process lock failed/, stderr)
-    ensure
-      Dir.glob("#{@filename}.#{yyyymmdd}{,.[1-9]*}") do |filename|
-        File.unlink(filename) if File.exist?(filename)
-      end
-    end
-  end
-  def test_open_logfile_in_multiprocess
-    tmpfile = Tempfile.new([File.basename(__FILE__, '.*'), '_1.log'])
-    logfile = tmpfile.path
-    tmpfile.close(true)
-    begin
-      20.times do
-        run_children(2, [logfile], <<-'END')
-          logfile = ARGV[0]
-          logdev = Logger::LogDevice.new(logfile)
-          logdev.send(:open_logfile, logfile)
-        END
-        assert_equal(1, File.readlines(logfile).grep(/# Logfile created on/).size)
-        File.unlink(logfile)
-      end
-    ensure
-      File.unlink(logfile) if File.exist?(logfile)
-    end
-  end
-  def test_shifting_size_not_rotate_too_much
-    d(@filename).__send__(:add_log_header, @tempfile)
-    header_size = @tempfile.size
-    message = "*" * 99 + "\n"
-    shift_size = header_size + message.size * 3 - 1
-    opt = {shift_age: 1, shift_size: shift_size}
-    Dir.mktmpdir do |tmpdir|
-      begin
-        log = File.join(tmpdir, "log")
-        logdev1 = d(log, opt)
-        logdev2 = d(log, opt)
-        assert_file.identical?(log, logdev1.dev)
-        assert_file.identical?(log, logdev2.dev)
-        3.times{logdev1.write(message)}
-        assert_file.identical?(log, logdev1.dev)
-        assert_file.identical?(log, logdev2.dev)
-        logdev1.write(message)
-        assert_file.identical?(log, logdev1.dev)
-        assert_file.identical?(log + ".0", logdev2.dev)
-        logdev2.write(message)
-        assert_file.identical?(log, logdev1.dev)
-        assert_file.identical?(log, logdev2.dev)
-        logdev1.write(message)
-        assert_file.identical?(log, logdev1.dev)
-        assert_file.identical?(log, logdev2.dev)
-      ensure
-        logdev1.close if logdev1
-        logdev2.close if logdev2
-      end
-    end
-  end unless /mswin|mingw/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM
-  private
-  def run_children(n, args, src)
-    r, w = IO.pipe
-    [w, *(1..n).map do
-       f = IO.popen([EnvUtil.rubybin, *%w[--disable=gems -rlogger -], *args], "w", err: w)
-       f.puts(src)
-       f
-     end].each(&:close)
-    stderr = r.read
-    r.close
-    stderr
-  end
-class TestLoggerApplication < Test::Unit::TestCase
-  def setup
-    @app = Logger::Application.new('appname')
-    @tempfile = Tempfile.new("logger")
-    @tempfile.close
-    @filename = @tempfile.path
-    File.unlink(@filename)
-  end
-  def teardown
-    @tempfile.close(true)
-  end
-  def test_initialize
-    app = Logger::Application.new('appname')
-    assert_equal('appname', app.appname)
-  end
-  def test_start
-    @app.set_log(@filename)
-    begin
-      @app.level = Logger::UNKNOWN
-      @app.start # logs FATAL log
-      assert_equal(1, File.read(@filename).split(/\n/).size)
-    ensure
-      @app.logger.close
-    end
-  end
-  def test_logger
-    @app.level = Logger::WARN
-    @app.set_log(@filename)
-    begin
-      assert_equal(Logger::WARN, @app.logger.level)
-    ensure
-      @app.logger.close
-    end
-    @app.logger = logger = Logger.new(STDOUT)
-    assert_equal(logger, @app.logger)
-    assert_equal(Logger::WARN, @app.logger.level)
-    @app.log = @filename
-    begin
-      assert(logger != @app.logger)
-      assert_equal(Logger::WARN, @app.logger.level)
-    ensure
-      @app.logger.close
-    end
-  end
Index: test/logger/test_logdevice.rb
--- test/logger/test_logdevice.rb	(revision 0)
+++ test/logger/test_logdevice.rb	(revision 45070)
@@ -0,0 +1,342 @@ https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/test/logger/test_logdevice.rb#L1
+# coding: US-ASCII
+require 'test/unit'
+require 'logger'
+require 'tempfile'
+require 'tmpdir'
+require_relative '../ruby/envutil'
+class TestLogDevice < Test::Unit::TestCase
+  class LogExcnRaiser
+    def write(*arg)
+      raise 'disk is full'
+    end
+    def close
+    end
+    def stat
+      Object.new
+    end
+  end
+  def setup
+    @tempfile = Tempfile.new("logger")
+    @tempfile.close
+    @filename = @tempfile.path
+    File.unlink(@filename)
+  end
+  def teardown
+    @tempfile.close(true)
+  end
+  def d(log, opt = {})
+    Logger::LogDevice.new(log, opt)
+  end
+  def test_initialize
+    logdev = d(STDERR)
+    assert_equal(STDERR, logdev.dev)
+    assert_nil(logdev.filename)
+    assert_raises(TypeError) do
+      d(nil)
+    end
+    #
+    logdev = d(@filename)
+    begin
+      assert(File.exist?(@filename))
+      assert(logdev.dev.sync)
+      assert_equal(@filename, logdev.filename)
+      logdev.write('hello')
+    ensure
+      logdev.close
+    end
+    # create logfile whitch is already exist.
+    logdev = d(@filename)
+    begin
+      logdev.write('world')
+      logfile = File.read(@filename)
+      assert_equal(2, logfile.split(/\n/).size)
+      assert_match(/^helloworld$/, logfile)
+    ensure
+      logdev.close
+    end
+  end
+  def test_write
+    r, w = IO.pipe
+    logdev = d(w)
+    logdev.write("msg2\n\n")
+    IO.select([r], nil, nil, 0.1)
+    w.close
+    msg = r.read
+    r.close
+    assert_equal("msg2\n\n", msg)
+    #
+    logdev = d(LogExcnRaiser.new)
+    class << (stderr = '')
+      alias write <<
+    end
+    $stderr, stderr = stderr, $stderr
+    begin
+      assert_nothing_raised do
+        logdev.write('hello')
+      end
+    ensure
+      logdev.close
+      $stderr, stderr = stderr, $stderr
+    end
+    assert_equal "log writing failed. disk is full\n", stderr
+  end
+  def test_close
+    r, w = IO.pipe
+    logdev = d(w)
+    logdev.write("msg2\n\n")
+    IO.select([r], nil, nil, 0.1)
+    assert(!w.closed?)
+    logdev.close
+    assert(w.closed?)
+    r.close
+  end
+  def test_shifting_size
+    tmpfile = Tempfile.new([File.basename(__FILE__, '.*'), '_1.log'])
+    logfile = tmpfile.path
+    logfile0 = logfile + '.0'
+    logfile1 = logfile + '.1'
+    logfile2 = logfile + '.2'
+    logfile3 = logfile + '.3'
+    tmpfile.close(true)
+    File.unlink(logfile) if File.exist?(logfile)
+    File.unlink(logfile0) if File.exist?(logfile0)
+    File.unlink(logfile1) if File.exist?(logfile1)
+    File.unlink(logfile2) if File.exist?(logfile2)
+    logger = Logger.new(logfile, 4, 100)
+    logger.error("0" * 15)
+    assert(File.exist?(logfile))
+    assert(!File.exist?(logfile0))
+    logger.error("0" * 15)
+    assert(File.exist?(logfile0))
+    assert(!File.exist?(logfile1))
+    logger.error("0" * 15)
+    assert(File.exist?(logfile1))
+    assert(!File.exist?(logfile2))
+    logger.error("0" * 15)
+    assert(File.exist?(logfile2))
+    assert(!File.exist?(logfile3))
+    logger.error("0" * 15)
+    assert(!File.exist?(logfile3))
+    logger.error("0" * 15)
+    assert(!File.exist?(logfile3))
+    logger.close
+    File.unlink(logfile)
+    File.unlink(logfile0)
+    File.unlink(logfile1)
+    File.unlink(logfile2)
+    tmpfile = Tempfile.new([File.basename(__FILE__, '.*'), '_2.log'])
+    logfile = tmpfile.path
+    logfile0 = logfile + '.0'
+    logfile1 = logfile + '.1'
+    logfile2 = logfile + '.2'
+    logfile3 = logfile + '.3'
+    tmpfile.close(true)
+    logger = Logger.new(logfile, 4, 150)
+    logger.error("0" * 15)
+    assert(File.exist?(logfile))
+    assert(!File.exist?(logfile0))
+    logger.error("0" * 15)
+    assert(!File.exist?(logfile0))
+    logger.error("0" * 15)
+    assert(File.exist?(logfile0))
+    assert(!File.exist?(logfile1))
+    logger.error("0" * 15)
+    assert(!File.exist?(logfile1))
+    logger.error("0" * 15)
+    assert(File.exist?(logfile1))
+    assert(!File.exist?(logfile2))
+    logger.error("0" * 15)
+    assert(!File.exist?(logfile2))
+    logger.error("0" * 15)
+    assert(File.exist?(logfile2))
+    assert(!File.exist?(logfile3))
+    logger.error("0" * 15)
+    assert(!File.exist?(logfile3))
+    logger.error("0" * 15)
+    assert(!File.exist?(logfile3))
+    logger.error("0" * 15)
+    assert(!File.exist?(logfile3))
+    logger.close
+    File.unlink(logfile)
+    File.unlink(logfile0)
+    File.unlink(logfile1)
+    File.unlink(logfile2)
+  end
+  def test_shifting_age_variants
+    logger = Logger.new(@filename, 'daily')
+    logger.info('daily')
+    logger.close
+    logger = Logger.new(@filename, 'weekly')
+    logger.info('weekly')
+    logger.close
+    logger = Logger.new(@filename, 'monthly')
+    logger.info('monthly')
+    logger.close
+  end
+  def test_shifting_age
+    # shift_age other than 'daily', 'weekly', and 'monthly' means 'everytime'
+    yyyymmdd = Time.now.strftime("%Y%m%d")
+    filename1 = @filename + ".#{yyyymmdd}"
+    filename2 = @filename + ".#{yyyymmdd}.1"
+    filename3 = @filename + ".#{yyyymmdd}.2"
+    begin
+      logger = Logger.new(@filename, 'now')
+      assert(File.exist?(@filename))
+      assert(!File.exist?(filename1))
+      assert(!File.exist?(filename2))
+      assert(!File.exist?(filename3))
+      logger.info("0" * 15)
+      assert(File.exist?(@filename))
+      assert(File.exist?(filename1))
+      assert(!File.exist?(filename2))
+      assert(!File.exist?(filename3))
+      logger.warn("0" * 15)
+      assert(File.exist?(@filename))
+      assert(File.exist?(filename1))
+      assert(File.exist?(filename2))
+      assert(!File.exist?(filename3))
+      logger.error("0" * 15)
+      assert(File.exist?(@filename))
+      assert(File.exist?(filename1))
+      assert(File.exist?(filename2))
+      assert(File.exist?(filename3))
+    ensure
+      logger.close if logger
+      [filename1, filename2, filename3].each do |filename|
+        File.unlink(filename) if File.exist?(filename)
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  def test_shifting_size_in_multiprocess
+    tmpfile = Tempfile.new([File.basename(__FILE__, '.*'), '_1.log'])
+    logfile = tmpfile.path
+    logfile0 = logfile + '.0'
+    logfile1 = logfile + '.1'
+    logfile2 = logfile + '.2'
+    tmpfile.close(true)
+    File.unlink(logfile) if File.exist?(logfile)
+    File.unlink(logfile0) if File.exist?(logfile0)
+    File.unlink(logfile1) if File.exist?(logfile1)
+    File.unlink(logfile2) if File.exist?(logfile2)
+    begin
+      stderr = run_children(2, [logfile], <<-'END')
+        logger = Logger.new(ARGV[0], 4, 10)
+        10.times do
+          logger.info '0' * 15
+        end
+      END
+      assert_no_match(/log shifting failed/, stderr)
+      assert_no_match(/log writing failed/, stderr)
+      assert_no_match(/log rotation inter-process lock failed/, stderr)
+    ensure
+      File.unlink(logfile) if File.exist?(logfile)
+      File.unlink(logfile0) if File.exist?(logfile0)
+      File.unlink(logfile1) if File.exist?(logfile1)
+      File.unlink(logfile2) if File.exist?(logfile2)
+    end
+  end
+  def test_shifting_age_in_multiprocess
+    yyyymmdd = Time.now.strftime("%Y%m%d")
+    begin
+      stderr = run_children(2, [@filename], <<-'END')
+        logger = Logger.new(ARGV[0], 'now')
+        10.times do
+          logger.info '0' * 15
+        end
+      END
+      assert_no_match(/log shifting failed/, stderr)
+      assert_no_match(/log writing failed/, stderr)
+      assert_no_match(/log rotation inter-process lock failed/, stderr)
+    ensure
+      Dir.glob("#{@filename}.#{yyyymmdd}{,.[1-9]*}") do |filename|
+        File.unlink(filename) if File.exist?(filename)
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  def test_open_logfile_in_multiprocess
+    tmpfile = Tempfile.new([File.basename(__FILE__, '.* (... truncated)

ML: ruby-changes@q...
Info: http://www.atdot.net/~ko1/quickml/
