

From: naruse <ko1@a...>
Date: Sun, 22 Dec 2013 16:03:53 +0900 (JST)
Subject: [ruby-changes:32261] naruse:r44340: Release branch of Ruby 2.1

naruse	2013-12-22 16:00:55 +0900 (Sun, 22 Dec 2013)

  New Revision: 44340


    Release branch of Ruby 2.1

  Added directories:
Index: ruby_2_1/complex.c
--- ruby_2_1/complex.c	(revision 0)
+++ ruby_2_1/complex.c	(revision 44340)
@@ -0,0 +1,2256 @@ https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/ruby_2_1/complex.c#L1
+  complex.c: Coded by Tadayoshi Funaba 2008-2012
+  This implementation is based on Keiju Ishitsuka's Complex library
+  which is written in ruby.
+#include "ruby.h"
+#include "internal.h"
+#include <math.h>
+#define NDEBUG
+#include <assert.h>
+#define ZERO INT2FIX(0)
+#define ONE INT2FIX(1)
+#define TWO INT2FIX(2)
+VALUE rb_cComplex;
+static ID id_abs, id_abs2, id_arg, id_cmp, id_conj, id_convert,
+    id_denominator, id_divmod, id_eqeq_p, id_expt, id_fdiv,  id_floor,
+    id_idiv, id_imag, id_inspect, id_negate, id_numerator, id_quo,
+    id_real, id_real_p, id_to_f, id_to_i, id_to_r, id_to_s,
+    id_i_real, id_i_imag;
+#define f_boolcast(x) ((x) ? Qtrue : Qfalse)
+#define binop(n,op) \
+inline static VALUE \
+f_##n(VALUE x, VALUE y)\
+    return rb_funcall(x, (op), 1, y);\
+#define fun1(n) \
+inline static VALUE \
+f_##n(VALUE x)\
+    return rb_funcall(x, id_##n, 0);\
+#define fun2(n) \
+inline static VALUE \
+f_##n(VALUE x, VALUE y)\
+    return rb_funcall(x, id_##n, 1, y);\
+#define math1(n) \
+inline static VALUE \
+m_##n(VALUE x)\
+    return rb_funcall(rb_mMath, id_##n, 1, x);\
+#define math2(n) \
+inline static VALUE \
+m_##n(VALUE x, VALUE y)\
+    return rb_funcall(rb_mMath, id_##n, 2, x, y);\
+inline static VALUE
+f_add(VALUE x, VALUE y)
+    if (FIXNUM_P(y) && FIX2LONG(y) == 0)
+	return x;
+    else if (FIXNUM_P(x) && FIX2LONG(x) == 0)
+	return y;
+    return rb_funcall(x, '+', 1, y);
+inline static VALUE
+f_cmp(VALUE x, VALUE y)
+    if (FIXNUM_P(x) && FIXNUM_P(y)) {
+	long c = FIX2LONG(x) - FIX2LONG(y);
+	if (c > 0)
+	    c = 1;
+	else if (c < 0)
+	    c = -1;
+	return INT2FIX(c);
+    }
+    return rb_funcall(x, id_cmp, 1, y);
+inline static VALUE
+f_div(VALUE x, VALUE y)
+    if (FIXNUM_P(y) && FIX2LONG(y) == 1)
+	return x;
+    return rb_funcall(x, '/', 1, y);
+inline static VALUE
+f_gt_p(VALUE x, VALUE y)
+    if (FIXNUM_P(x) && FIXNUM_P(y))
+	return f_boolcast(FIX2LONG(x) > FIX2LONG(y));
+    return rb_funcall(x, '>', 1, y);
+inline static VALUE
+f_lt_p(VALUE x, VALUE y)
+    if (FIXNUM_P(x) && FIXNUM_P(y))
+	return f_boolcast(FIX2LONG(x) < FIX2LONG(y));
+    return rb_funcall(x, '<', 1, y);
+binop(mod, '%')
+inline static VALUE
+f_mul(VALUE x, VALUE y)
+    if (FIXNUM_P(y)) {
+	long iy = FIX2LONG(y);
+	if (iy == 0) {
+	    if (FIXNUM_P(x) || RB_TYPE_P(x, T_BIGNUM))
+		return ZERO;
+	}
+	else if (iy == 1)
+	    return x;
+    }
+    else if (FIXNUM_P(x)) {
+	long ix = FIX2LONG(x);
+	if (ix == 0) {
+	    if (FIXNUM_P(y) || RB_TYPE_P(y, T_BIGNUM))
+		return ZERO;
+	}
+	else if (ix == 1)
+	    return y;
+    }
+    return rb_funcall(x, '*', 1, y);
+inline static VALUE
+f_sub(VALUE x, VALUE y)
+    if (FIXNUM_P(y) && FIX2LONG(y) == 0)
+	return x;
+    return rb_funcall(x, '-', 1, y);
+inline static VALUE
+f_to_i(VALUE x)
+    if (RB_TYPE_P(x, T_STRING))
+	return rb_str_to_inum(x, 10, 0);
+    return rb_funcall(x, id_to_i, 0);
+inline static VALUE
+f_to_f(VALUE x)
+    if (RB_TYPE_P(x, T_STRING))
+	return DBL2NUM(rb_str_to_dbl(x, 0));
+    return rb_funcall(x, id_to_f, 0);
+inline static VALUE
+f_eqeq_p(VALUE x, VALUE y)
+    if (FIXNUM_P(x) && FIXNUM_P(y))
+	return f_boolcast(FIX2LONG(x) == FIX2LONG(y));
+    return rb_funcall(x, id_eqeq_p, 1, y);
+inline static VALUE
+f_negative_p(VALUE x)
+    if (FIXNUM_P(x))
+	return f_boolcast(FIX2LONG(x) < 0);
+    return rb_funcall(x, '<', 1, ZERO);
+#define f_positive_p(x) (!f_negative_p(x))
+inline static VALUE
+f_zero_p(VALUE x)
+    if (RB_TYPE_P(x, T_FIXNUM)) {
+	return f_boolcast(FIX2LONG(x) == 0);
+    }
+    else if (RB_TYPE_P(x, T_BIGNUM)) {
+	return Qfalse;
+    }
+    else if (RB_TYPE_P(x, T_RATIONAL)) {
+	VALUE num = RRATIONAL(x)->num;
+	return f_boolcast(FIXNUM_P(num) && FIX2LONG(num) == 0);
+    }
+    return rb_funcall(x, id_eqeq_p, 1, ZERO);
+#define f_nonzero_p(x) (!f_zero_p(x))
+inline static VALUE
+f_one_p(VALUE x)
+    if (RB_TYPE_P(x, T_FIXNUM)) {
+	return f_boolcast(FIX2LONG(x) == 1);
+    }
+    else if (RB_TYPE_P(x, T_BIGNUM)) {
+	return Qfalse;
+    }
+    else if (RB_TYPE_P(x, T_RATIONAL)) {
+	VALUE num = RRATIONAL(x)->num;
+	VALUE den = RRATIONAL(x)->den;
+	return f_boolcast(FIXNUM_P(num) && FIX2LONG(num) == 1 &&
+			  FIXNUM_P(den) && FIX2LONG(den) == 1);
+    }
+    return rb_funcall(x, id_eqeq_p, 1, ONE);
+inline static VALUE
+f_kind_of_p(VALUE x, VALUE c)
+    return rb_obj_is_kind_of(x, c);
+inline static VALUE
+k_numeric_p(VALUE x)
+    return f_kind_of_p(x, rb_cNumeric);
+inline static VALUE
+k_integer_p(VALUE x)
+    return f_kind_of_p(x, rb_cInteger);
+inline static VALUE
+k_fixnum_p(VALUE x)
+    return f_kind_of_p(x, rb_cFixnum);
+inline static VALUE
+k_bignum_p(VALUE x)
+    return f_kind_of_p(x, rb_cBignum);
+inline static VALUE
+k_float_p(VALUE x)
+    return f_kind_of_p(x, rb_cFloat);
+inline static VALUE
+k_rational_p(VALUE x)
+    return f_kind_of_p(x, rb_cRational);
+inline static VALUE
+k_complex_p(VALUE x)
+    return f_kind_of_p(x, rb_cComplex);
+#define k_exact_p(x) (!k_float_p(x))
+#define k_inexact_p(x) k_float_p(x)
+#define k_exact_zero_p(x) (k_exact_p(x) && f_zero_p(x))
+#define k_exact_one_p(x) (k_exact_p(x) && f_one_p(x))
+#define get_dat1(x) \
+    struct RComplex *dat;\
+    dat = ((struct RComplex *)(x))
+#define get_dat2(x,y) \
+    struct RComplex *adat, *bdat;\
+    adat = ((struct RComplex *)(x));\
+    bdat = ((struct RComplex *)(y))
+inline static VALUE
+nucomp_s_new_internal(VALUE klass, VALUE real, VALUE imag)
+    RCOMPLEX_SET_REAL(obj, real);
+    RCOMPLEX_SET_IMAG(obj, imag);
+    return (VALUE)obj;
+static VALUE
+nucomp_s_alloc(VALUE klass)
+    return nucomp_s_new_internal(klass, ZERO, ZERO);
+#if 0
+static VALUE
+nucomp_s_new_bang(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass)
+    VALUE real, imag;
+    switch (rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &real, &imag)) {
+      case 1:
+	if (!k_numeric_p(real))
+	    real = f_to_i(real);
+	imag = ZERO;
+	break;
+      default:
+	if (!k_numeric_p(real))
+	    real = f_to_i(real);
+	if (!k_numeric_p(imag))
+	    imag = f_to_i(imag);
+	break;
+    }
+    return nucomp_s_new_internal(klass, real, imag);
+inline static VALUE
+f_complex_new_bang1(VALUE klass, VALUE x)
+    assert(!k_complex_p(x));
+    return nucomp_s_new_internal(klass, x, ZERO);
+inline static VALUE
+f_complex_new_bang2(VALUE klass, VALUE x, VALUE y)
+    assert(!k_complex_p(x));
+    assert(!k_complex_p(y));
+    return nucomp_s_new_internal(klass, x, y);
+#define CANON
+#ifdef CANON
+static int canonicalization = 0;
+nucomp_canonicalization(int f)
+    canonicalization = f;
+inline static void
+nucomp_real_check(VALUE num)
+    if (!RB_TYPE_P(num, T_FIXNUM) &&
+	!RB_TYPE_P(num, T_BIGNUM) &&
+	!RB_TYPE_P(num, T_FLOAT) &&
+	!RB_TYPE_P(num, T_RATIONAL)) {
+	if (!k_numeric_p(num) || !f_real_p(num))
+	    rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "not a real");
+    }
+inline static VALUE
+nucomp_s_canonicalize_internal(VALUE klass, VALUE real, VALUE imag)
+#ifdef CANON
+#define CL_CANON
+#ifdef CL_CANON
+    if (k_exact_zero_p(imag) && canonicalization)
+	return real;
+    if (f_zero_p(imag) && canonicalization)
+	return real;
+    if (f_real_p(real) && f_real_p(imag))
+	return nucomp_s_new_internal(klass, real, imag);
+    else if (f_real_p(real)) {
+	get_dat1(imag);
+	return nucomp_s_new_internal(klass,
+				     f_sub(real, dat->imag),
+				     f_add(ZERO, dat->real));
+    }
+    else if (f_real_p(imag)) {
+	get_dat1(real);
+	return nucomp_s_new_internal(klass,
+				     dat->real,
+				     f_add(dat->imag, imag));
+    }
+    else {
+	get_dat2(real, imag);
+	return nucomp_s_new_internal(klass,
+				     f_sub(adat->real, bdat->imag),
+				     f_add(adat->imag, bdat->real));
+    }
+ * call-seq:
+ *    Complex.rect(real[, imag])         ->  complex
+ *    Complex.rectangular(real[, imag])  ->  complex
+ *
+ * Returns a complex object which denotes the given rectangular form.
+ *
+ *    Complex.rectangular(1, 2)  #=> (1+2i)
+ */
+static VALUE
+nucomp_s_new(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass)
+    VALUE real, imag;
+    switch (rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &real, &imag)) {
+      case 1:
+	nucomp_real_check(real);
+	imag = ZERO;
+	break;
+      default:
+	nucomp_real_check(real);
+	nucomp_real_check(imag);
+	break;
+    }
+    return nucomp_s_canonicalize_internal(klass, real, imag);
+inline static VALUE
+f_complex_new1(VALUE klass, VALUE x)
+    assert(!k_complex_p(x));
+    return nucomp_s_canonicalize_internal(klass, x, ZERO);
+inline static VALUE
+f_complex_new2(VALUE klass, VALUE x, VALUE y)
+    assert(!k_complex_p(x));
+    return nucomp_s_canonicalize_internal(klass, x, y);
+ * call-seq:
+ *    Complex(x[, y])  ->  numeric
+ *
+ * Returns x+i*y;
+ *
+ *    Complex(1, 2)    #=> (1+2i)
+ *    Complex('1+2i')  #=> (1+2i)
+ *
+ * Syntax of string form:
+ *
+ *   string form = extra spaces , complex , extra spaces ;
+ *   complex = real part | [ sign ] , imaginary part
+ *           | real part , sign , imaginary part
+ *           | rational , "@" , rational ;
+ *   real part = rational ;
+ *   imaginary part = imaginary unit | unsigned rational , imaginary unit ;
+ *   rational = [ sign ] , unsigned rational ;
+ *   unsigned rational = numerator | numerator , "/" , denominator ;
+ *   numerator = integer part | fractional part | integer part , fractional part ;
+ *   denominator = digits ;
+ *   integer part = digits ;
+ *   fractional part = "." , digits , [ ( "e" | "E" ) , [ sign ] , digits ] ;
+ *   imaginary unit = "i" | "I" | "j" | "J" ;
+ *   sign = "-" | "+" ;
+ *   digits = digit , { digit | "_" , digit };
+ *   digit = "0" | "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" | "9" ;
+ *   extra spaces = ? \s* ? ;
+ *
+ * See String#to_c.
+ */
+static VALUE
+nucomp_f_complex(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass)
+    return rb_funcall2(rb_cComplex, id_convert, argc, argv);
+#define imp1(n) \
+inline static VALUE \
+m_##n##_bang(VALUE x)\
+    return rb_math_##n(x);\
+#define imp2(n) \
+inline static VALUE \
+m_##n##_bang(VALUE x, VALUE y)\
+    return rb_math_##n(x, y);\
+#define m_hypot(x,y) m_hypot_bang((x),(y))
+static VALUE
+m_log_bang(VALUE x)
+    return rb_math_log(1, &x);
+static VALUE
+m_cos(VALUE x)
+    if (f_real_p(x))
+	return m_cos_bang(x);
+    {
+	get_dat1(x);
+	return f_complex_new2(rb_cComplex,
+			      f_mul(m_cos_bang(dat->real),
+				    m_cosh_bang(dat->imag)),
+			      f_mul(f_negate(m_sin_bang(dat->real)),
+				    m_sinh_bang(dat->imag)));
+    }
+static VALUE
+m_sin(VALUE x)
+    if (f_real_p(x))
+	return m_sin_bang(x);
+    {
+	get_dat1(x);
+	return f_complex_new2(rb_cComplex,
+			      f_mul(m_sin_bang(dat->real),
+				    m_cosh_bang(dat->imag)),
+			      f_mul(m_cos_bang(dat->real),
+				    m_sinh_bang(dat->imag)));
+    }
+#if 0
+static VALUE
+m_sqrt(VALUE x)
+    if (f_real_p(x)) {
+	if (f_positive_p(x))
+	    return m_sqrt_bang(x);
+	return f_complex_new2(rb_cComplex, ZERO, m_sqrt_bang(f_negate(x)));
+    }
+    else {
+	get_dat1(x);
+	if (f_negative_p(dat->imag))
+	    return f_conj(m_sqrt(f_conj(x)));
+	else {
+	    VALUE a = f_abs(x);
+	    return f_complex_new2(rb_cComplex,
+				  m_sqrt_bang(f_div(f_add(a, dat->real), TWO)),
+				  m_sqrt_bang(f_div(f_sub(a, dat->real), TWO)));
+	}
+    }
+inline static VALUE
+f_complex_polar(VALUE klass, VALUE x, VALUE y)
+    assert(!k_complex_p(x));
+    assert(!k_complex_p(y));
+    return nucomp_s_canonicalize_internal(klass,
+					  f_mul(x, m_cos(y)),
+					  f_mul(x, m_sin(y)));
+ * call-seq:
+ *    Complex.polar(abs[, arg])  ->  complex
+ *
+ * Returns a complex object which denotes the given polar form.
+ *
+ *    Complex.polar(3, 0)            #=> (3.0+0.0i)
+ *    Complex.polar(3, Math::PI/2)   #=> (1.836909530733566e-16+3.0i)
+ *    Complex.polar(3, Math::PI)     #=> (-3.0+3.673819061467132e-16i)
+ *    Complex.polar(3, -Math::PI/2)  #=> (1.836909530733566e-16-3.0i)
+ */
+static VALUE
+nucomp_s_polar(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass)
+    VALUE abs, arg;
+    switch (rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &abs, &arg)) {
+      case 1:
+	nucomp_real_check(abs);
+	arg = ZERO;
+	break;
+      default:
+	nucomp_real_check(abs);
+	nucomp_real_check(arg);
+	break;
+    }
+    return f_complex_polar(klass, abs, arg);
+ * call-seq:
+ *    cmp.real  ->  real
+ *
+ * Returns the real part.
+ *
+ *    Complex(7).real      #=> 7
+ *    Complex(9, -4).real  #=> 9
+ */
+static VALUE
+nucomp_real(VALUE self)
+    get_dat1(self);
+    return dat->real;
+ * call-seq:
+ *    cmp.imag       ->  real
+ *    cmp.imaginary  ->  real
+ *
+ * Returns the imaginary part.
+ *
+ *    Complex(7).imaginary      #=> 0
+ *    Complex(9, -4).imaginary  #=> -4
+ */
+static VALUE
+nucomp_imag(VALUE self)
+    get_dat1(self);
+    return dat->imag;
+ * call-seq:
+ *    -cmp  ->  complex
+ *
+ * Returns negation of the value.
+ *
+ *    -Complex(1, 2)  #=> (-1-2i)
+ */
+static VALUE
+nucomp_negate(VALUE self)
+  get_dat1(self);
+  return f_complex_new2(CLASS_OF(self),
+			f_negate(dat->real), f_negate(dat->imag));
+inline static VALUE
+f_addsub(VALUE self, VALUE other,
+	 VALUE (*func)(VALUE, VALUE), ID id)
+    if (k_complex_p(other)) {
+	VALUE real, imag;
+	get_dat2(self, other);
+	real = (*func)(adat->real, bdat->real);
+	imag = (*func)(adat->imag, bdat->imag);
+	return f_complex_new2(CLASS_OF(self), real, imag);
+    }
+    if (k_numeric_p(other) && f_real_p(other)) {
+	get_dat1(self);
+	return f_complex_new2(CLASS_OF(self),
+			      (*func)(dat->real, other), dat->imag);
+    }
+    return rb_num_coerce_bin(self, other, id);
+ * call-seq:
+ *    cmp + numeric  ->  complex
+ *
+ * Performs addition.
+ *
+ *    Complex(2, 3)  + Complex(2, 3)   #=> (4+6i)
+ *    Complex(900)   + Complex(1)      #=> (901+0i)
+ *    Complex(-2, 9) + Complex(-9, 2)  #=> (-11+11i)
+ *    Complex(9, 8)  + 4               #=> (13+8i)
+ *    Complex(20, 9) + 9.8             #=> (29.8+9i)
+ */
+static VALUE
+nucomp_add(VALUE self, VALUE other)
+    return f_addsub(self, other, f_add, '+');
+ * call-seq:
+ *    cmp - numeric  ->  complex
+ *
+ * Performs subtraction.
+ *
+ *    Complex(2, 3)  - Complex(2, 3)   #=> (0+0i)
+ *    Complex(900)   - Complex(1)      #=> (899+0i)
+ *    Complex(-2, 9) - Complex(-9, 2)  #=> (7+7i)
+ *    Complex(9, 8)  - 4               #=> (5+8i)
+ *    Complex(20, 9) - 9.8             #=> (10.2+9i)
+ */
+static VALUE
+nucomp_sub(VALUE self, VALUE other)
+    return f_addsub(self, other, f_sub, '-');
+ * call-seq:
+ *    cmp * numeric  ->  complex
+ *
+ * Performs multiplication.
+ *
+ *    Complex(2, 3)  * Complex(2, 3)   #=> (-5+12i)
+ *    Complex(900)   * Complex(1)      #=> (900+0i)
+ *    Complex(-2, 9) * Complex(-9, 2)  #=> (0-85i)
+ *    Complex(9, 8)  * 4               #=> (36+32i)
+ *    Complex(20, 9) * 9.8             #=> (196.0+88.2i)
+ */
+static VALUE
+nucomp_mul(VALUE self, VALUE other)
+    if (k_complex_p(other)) {
+	VALUE real, imag;
+	get_dat2(self, other);
+	real = f_sub(f_mul(adat->real, bdat->real),
+		     f_mul(adat->imag, bdat->imag));
+	imag = f_add(f_mul(adat->real, bdat->imag),
+		     f_mul(adat->imag, bdat->real));
+	return f_complex_new2(CLASS_OF(self), real, imag);
+    }
+    if (k_numeric_p(other) && f_real_p(other)) {
+	get_dat1(self);
+	return f_complex_new2(CLASS_OF(self),
+			      f_mul(dat->real, other),
+			      f_mul(dat->imag, other));
+    }
+    return rb_num_coerce_bin(self, other, '*');
+inline static VALUE
+f_divide(VALUE self, VALUE other,
+	 VALUE (*func)(VALUE, VALUE), ID id)
+    if (k_complex_p(other)) {
+	int flo;
+	get_dat2(self, other);
+	flo = (k_float_p(adat->real) || k_float_p(adat->imag) ||
+	       k_float_p(bdat->real) || k_float_p(bdat->imag));
+	if (f_gt_p(f_abs(bdat->real), f_abs(bdat->imag))) {
+	    VALUE r, n;
+	    r = (*func)(bdat->imag, bdat->real);
+	    n = f_mul(bdat->real, f_add(ONE, f_mul(r, r)));
+	    if (flo)
+		return f_complex_new2(CLASS_OF(self),
+				      (*func)(self, n),
+				      (*func)(f_negate(f_mul(self, r)), n));
+	    return f_complex_new2(CLASS_OF(self),
+				  (*func)(f_add(adat->real,
+						f_mul(adat->imag, r)), n),
+				  (*func)(f_sub(adat->imag,
+						f_mul(adat->real, r)), n));
+	}
+	else {
+	    VALUE r, n;
+	    r = (*func)(bdat->real, bdat->imag);
+	    n = f_mul(bdat->imag, f_add(ONE, f_mul(r, r)));
+	    if (flo)
+		return f_complex_new2(CLASS_OF(self),
+				      (*func)(f_mul(self, r), n),
+				      (*func)(f_negate(self), n));
+	    return f_complex_new2(CLASS_OF(self),
+				  (*func)(f_add(f_mul(adat->real, r),
+						adat->imag), n),
+				  (*func)(f_sub(f_mul(adat->imag, r),
+						adat->real), n));
+	}
+    }
+    if (k_numeric_p(other) && f_real_p(other)) {
+	get_dat1(self);
+	return f_complex_new2(CLASS_OF(self),
+			      (*func)(dat->real, other),
+			      (*func)(dat->imag, other));
+    }
+    return rb_num_coerce_bin(self, other, id);
+#define rb_raise_zerodiv() rb_raise(rb_eZeroDivError, "divided by 0")
+ * call-seq:
+ *    cmp / numeric     ->  complex
+ *    cmp.quo(numeric)  ->  complex
+ *
+ * Performs division.
+ *
+ *    Complex(2, 3)  / Complex(2, 3)   #=> ((1/1)+(0/1)*i)
+ *    Complex(900)   / Complex(1)      #=> ((900/1)+(0/1)*i)
+ *    Complex(-2, 9) / Complex(-9, 2)  #=> ((36/85)-(77/85)*i)
+ *    Complex(9, 8)  / 4               #=> ((9/4)+(2/1)*i)
+ *    Complex(20, 9) / 9.8             #=> (2.0408163265306123+0.9183673469387754i)
+ */
+static VALUE
+nucomp_div(VALUE self, VALUE other)
+    return f_divide(self, other, f_quo, id_quo);
+#define nucomp_quo nucomp_div
+ * call-seq:
+ *    cmp.fdiv(numeric)  ->  complex
+ *
+ * Performs division as each part is a float, never returns a float.
+ *
+ *    Complex(11, 22).fdiv(3)  #=> (3.6666666666666665+7.333333333333333i)
+ */
+static VALUE
+nucomp_fdiv(VALUE self, VALUE other)
+    return f_divide(self, other, f_fdiv, id_fdiv);
+inline static VALUE
+f_reciprocal(VALUE x)
+    return f_quo(ONE, x);
+ * call-seq:
+ *    cmp ** numeric  ->  complex
+ *
+ * Performs exponentiation.
+ *
+ *    Complex('i') ** 2              #=> (-1+0i)
+ *    Complex(-8) ** Rational(1, 3)  #=> (1.0000000000000002+1.7320508075688772i)
+ */
+static VALUE
+nucomp_expt(VALUE self, VALUE other)
+    if (k_numeric_p(other) && k_exact_zero_p(other))
+	return f_complex_new_bang1(CLASS_OF(self), ONE);
+    if (k_rational_p(other) && f_one_p(f_denominator(other)))
+	other = f_numerator(other); /* c14n */
+    if (k_complex_p(other)) {
+	get_dat1(other);
+	if (k_exact_zero_p(dat->imag))
+	    other = dat->real; /* c14n */
+    }
+    i (... truncated)

ML: ruby-changes@q...
Info: http://www.atdot.net/~ko1/quickml/
