

From: ko1@a...
Date: 25 Dec 2007 08:41:47 +0900
Subject: [ruby-changes:3147] jeg2 - Ruby:r14639 (trunk): * lib/csv.rb, test/csv/test_csv.rb: Removed in preparation for FasterCSV

jeg2	2007-12-25 08:41:06 +0900 (Tue, 25 Dec 2007)

  New Revision: 14639

  Removed files:
  Modified files:

    * lib/csv.rb, test/csv/test_csv.rb:  Removed in preparation for FasterCSV
      code import.


Index: ChangeLog
--- ChangeLog	(revision 14638)
+++ ChangeLog	(revision 14639)
@@ -1,8 +1,13 @@
+Tue Dec 25 08:37:43 2007  James Edward Gray II  <jeg2@r...>
+  * lib/csv.rb, test/csv/test_csv.rb:  Removed in preparation for FasterCSV
+    code import.
 Tue Dec 25 08:27:43 2007  Eric Hodel  <drbrain@s...>
-	* lib/rubygems.rb:  Fix test failures.
+  * lib/rubygems.rb:  Fix test failures.
-	* test/rubygems/test_gem.rb:  Fix test failure.
+  * test/rubygems/test_gem.rb:  Fix test failure.
 Tue Dec 25 06:23:40 2007  Koichi Sasada  <ko1@a...>
Index: lib/csv.rb
--- lib/csv.rb	(revision 14638)
+++ lib/csv.rb	(revision 14639)
@@ -1,972 +0,0 @@
-# CSV -- module for generating/parsing CSV data.
-# Copyright (C) 2000-2004  NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <nakahiro@s...>.
-# $Id$
-# This program is copyrighted free software by NAKAMURA, Hiroshi.  You can
-# redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms of Ruby's license;
-# either the dual license version in 2003, or any later version.
-class CSV
-  class IllegalFormatError < RuntimeError; end
-  # Open a CSV formatted file for reading or writing.
-  #
-  # For reading.
-  #
-  # EXAMPLE 1
-  #   CSV.open('csvfile.csv', 'r') do |row|
-  #     p row
-  #   end
-  #
-  # EXAMPLE 2
-  #   reader = CSV.open('csvfile.csv', 'r')
-  #   row1 = reader.shift
-  #   row2 = reader.shift
-  #   if row2.empty?
-  #     p 'row2 not find.'
-  #   end
-  #   reader.close
-  #
-  # ARGS
-  #   filename: filename to parse.
-  #   col_sep: Column separator.  ?, by default.  If you want to separate
-  #     fields with semicolon, give ?; here.
-  #   row_sep: Row separator.  nil by default.  nil means "\r\n or \n".  If you
-  #     want to separate records with \r, give ?\r here.
-  #
-  #   reader instance.  To get parse result, see CSV::Reader#each.
-  #
-  #
-  # For writing.
-  #
-  # EXAMPLE 1
-  #   CSV.open('csvfile.csv', 'w') do |writer|
-  #     writer << ['r1c1', 'r1c2']
-  #     writer << ['r2c1', 'r2c2']
-  #     writer << [nil, nil]
-  #   end
-  #
-  # EXAMPLE 2
-  #   writer = CSV.open('csvfile.csv', 'w')
-  #   writer << ['r1c1', 'r1c2'] << ['r2c1', 'r2c2'] << [nil, nil]
-  #   writer.close
-  #
-  # ARGS
-  #   filename: filename to generate.
-  #   col_sep: Column separator.  ?, by default.  If you want to separate
-  #     fields with semicolon, give ?; here.
-  #   row_sep: Row separator.  nil by default.  nil means "\r\n or \n".  If you
-  #     want to separate records with \r, give ?\r here.
-  #
-  #   writer instance.  See CSV::Writer#<< and CSV::Writer#add_row to know how
-  #   to generate CSV string.
-  #
-  def CSV.open(path, mode, fs = nil, rs = nil, &block)
-    if mode == 'r' or mode == 'rb'
-      open_reader(path, mode, fs, rs, &block)
-    elsif mode == 'w' or mode == 'wb'
-      open_writer(path, mode, fs, rs, &block)
-    else
-      raise ArgumentError.new("'mode' must be 'r', 'rb', 'w', or 'wb'")
-    end
-  end
-  def CSV.foreach(path, rs = nil, &block)
-    open_reader(path, 'r', ',', rs, &block)
-  end
-  def CSV.read(path, length = nil, offset = nil)
-    CSV.parse(IO.read(path, length, offset))
-  end
-  def CSV.readlines(path, rs = nil)
-    reader = open_reader(path, 'r', ',', rs)
-    begin
-      reader.collect { |row| row }
-    ensure
-      reader.close
-    end
-  end
-  def CSV.generate(path, fs = nil, rs = nil, &block)
-    open_writer(path, 'w', fs, rs, &block)
-  end
-  # Parse lines from given string or stream.  Return rows as an Array of Arrays.
-  def CSV.parse(str_or_readable, fs = nil, rs = nil, &block)
-    if block
-      CSV::Reader.parse(str_or_readable, fs, rs) do |row|
-        yield(row)
-      end
-      nil
-    else
-      CSV::Reader.create(str_or_readable, fs, rs).collect { |row| row }
-    end
-  end
-  # Parse a line from given string.  Bear in mind it parses ONE LINE.  Rest of
-  # the string is ignored for example "a,b\r\nc,d" => ['a', 'b'] and the
-  # second line 'c,d' is ignored.
-  #
-  # If you don't know whether a target string to parse is exactly 1 line or
-  # not, use CSV.parse_row instead of this method.
-  def CSV.parse_line(src, fs = nil, rs = nil)
-    fs ||= ','
-    if fs.is_a?(Fixnum)
-      fs = fs.chr
-    end
-    if !rs.nil? and rs.is_a?(Fixnum)
-      rs = rs.chr
-    end
-    idx = 0
-    res_type = :DT_COLSEP
-    row = []
-    begin
-      while res_type == :DT_COLSEP
-        res_type, idx, cell = parse_body(src, idx, fs, rs)
-        row << cell
-      end
-    rescue IllegalFormatError
-      return []
-    end
-    row
-  end
-  # Create a line from cells.  each cell is stringified by to_s.
-  def CSV.generate_line(row, fs = nil, rs = nil)
-    if row.size == 0
-      return ''
-    end
-    fs ||= ','
-    if fs.is_a?(Fixnum)
-      fs = fs.chr
-    end
-    if !rs.nil? and rs.is_a?(Fixnum)
-      rs = rs.chr
-    end
-    res_type = :DT_COLSEP
-    result_str = ''
-    idx = 0
-    while true
-      generate_body(row[idx], result_str, fs, rs)
-      idx += 1
-      if (idx == row.size)
-        break
-      end
-      generate_separator(:DT_COLSEP, result_str, fs, rs)
-    end
-    result_str
-  end
-  # Parse a line from string.  Consider using CSV.parse_line instead.
-  # To parse lines in CSV string, see EXAMPLE below.
-  #
-  #   src = "a,b\r\nc,d\r\ne,f"
-  #   idx = 0
-  #   begin
-  #     parsed = []
-  #     parsed_cells, idx = CSV.parse_row(src, idx, parsed)
-  #     puts "Parsed #{ parsed_cells } cells."
-  #     p parsed
-  #   end while parsed_cells > 0
-  #
-  # ARGS
-  #   src: a CSV data to be parsed.  Must respond '[](idx)'.
-  #     src[](idx) must return a char. (Not a string such as 'a', but 97).
-  #     src[](idx_out_of_bounds) must return nil.  A String satisfies this
-  #     requirement.
-  #   idx: index of parsing location of 'src'.  0 origin.
-  #   out_dev: buffer for parsed cells.  Must respond '<<(aString)'.
-  #   col_sep: Column separator.  ?, by default.  If you want to separate
-  #     fields with semicolon, give ?; here.
-  #   row_sep: Row separator.  nil by default.  nil means "\r\n or \n".  If you
-  #     want to separate records with \r, give ?\r here.
-  #
-  #   parsed_cells: num of parsed cells.
-  #   idx: index of next parsing location of 'src'.
-  #
-  def CSV.parse_row(src, idx, out_dev, fs = nil, rs = nil)
-    fs ||= ','
-    if fs.is_a?(Fixnum)
-      fs = fs.chr
-    end
-    if !rs.nil? and rs.is_a?(Fixnum)
-      rs = rs.chr
-    end
-    idx_backup = idx
-    parsed_cells = 0
-    res_type = :DT_COLSEP
-    begin
-      while res_type != :DT_ROWSEP
-        res_type, idx, cell = parse_body(src, idx, fs, rs)
-        if res_type == :DT_EOS
-          if idx == idx_backup #((parsed_cells == 0) and cell.nil?)
-            return 0, 0
-          end
-          res_type = :DT_ROWSEP
-        end
-        parsed_cells += 1
-        out_dev << cell
-      end
-    rescue IllegalFormatError
-      return 0, 0
-    end
-    return parsed_cells, idx
-  end
-  # Convert a line from cells data to string.  Consider using CSV.generate_line
-  # instead.  To generate multi-row CSV string, see EXAMPLE below.
-  #
-  #   row1 = ['a', 'b']
-  #   row2 = ['c', 'd']
-  #   row3 = ['e', 'f']
-  #   src = [row1, row2, row3]
-  #   buf = ''
-  #   src.each do |row|
-  #     parsed_cells = CSV.generate_row(row, 2, buf)
-  #     puts "Created #{ parsed_cells } cells."
-  #   end
-  #   p buf
-  #
-  # ARGS
-  #   src: an Array of String to be converted to CSV string.  Must respond to
-  #     'size' and '[](idx)'.  src[idx] must return String.
-  #   cells: num of cells in a line.
-  #   out_dev: buffer for generated CSV string.  Must respond to '<<(string)'.
-  #   col_sep: Column separator.  ?, by default.  If you want to separate
-  #     fields with semicolon, give ?; here.
-  #   row_sep: Row separator.  nil by default.  nil means "\r\n or \n".  If you
-  #     want to separate records with \r, give ?\r here.
-  #
-  #   parsed_cells: num of converted cells.
-  #
-  def CSV.generate_row(src, cells, out_dev, fs = nil, rs = nil)
-    fs ||= ','
-    if fs.is_a?(Fixnum)
-      fs = fs.chr
-    end
-    if !rs.nil? and rs.is_a?(Fixnum)
-      rs = rs.chr
-    end
-    src_size = src.size
-    if (src_size == 0)
-      if cells == 0
-        generate_separator(:DT_ROWSEP, out_dev, fs, rs)
-      end
-      return 0
-    end
-    res_type = :DT_COLSEP
-    parsed_cells = 0
-    generate_body(src[parsed_cells], out_dev, fs, rs)
-    parsed_cells += 1
-    while ((parsed_cells < cells) and (parsed_cells != src_size))
-      generate_separator(:DT_COLSEP, out_dev, fs, rs)
-      generate_body(src[parsed_cells], out_dev, fs, rs)
-      parsed_cells += 1
-    end
-    if (parsed_cells == cells)
-      generate_separator(:DT_ROWSEP, out_dev, fs, rs)
-    else
-      generate_separator(:DT_COLSEP, out_dev, fs, rs)
-    end
-    parsed_cells
-  end
-  # Private class methods.
-  class << self
-  private
-    def open_reader(path, mode, fs, rs, &block)
-      file = File.open(path, mode)
-      if block
-        begin
-          CSV::Reader.parse(file, fs, rs) do |row|
-            yield(row)
-          end
-        ensure
-          file.close
-        end
-        nil
-      else
-        reader = CSV::Reader.create(file, fs, rs)
-        reader.close_on_terminate
-        reader
-      end
-    end
-    def open_writer(path, mode, fs, rs, &block)
-      file = File.open(path, mode)
-      if block
-        begin
-          CSV::Writer.generate(file, fs, rs) do |writer|
-            yield(writer)
-          end
-        ensure
-          file.close
-        end
-        nil
-      else
-        writer = CSV::Writer.create(file, fs, rs) 
-        writer.close_on_terminate
-        writer
-      end
-    end
-    def parse_body(src, idx, fs, rs)
-      fs_str = fs
-      fs_size = fs_str.size
-      rs_str = rs || "\n"
-      rs_size = rs_str.size
-      fs_idx = rs_idx = 0
-      cell = ''
-      state = :ST_START
-      quoted = cr = false
-      c = nil
-      last_idx = idx
-      while c = src[idx]
-        unless quoted
-          fschar = (c == fs_str[fs_idx])
-          rschar = (c == rs_str[rs_idx])
-          # simple 1 char backtrack
-          if !fschar and c == fs_str[0]
-            fs_idx = 0
-            fschar = true
-            if state == :ST_START
-              state = :ST_DATA
-            elsif state == :ST_QUOTE
-              raise IllegalFormatError
-            end
-          end
-          if !rschar and c == rs_str[0]
-            rs_idx = 0
-            rschar = true
-            if state == :ST_START
-              state = :ST_DATA
-            elsif state == :ST_QUOTE
-              raise IllegalFormatError
-            end
-          end
-        end
-        if c == ?"
-          fs_idx = rs_idx = 0
-          if cr
-            raise IllegalFormatError
-          end
-          cell << src[last_idx, (idx - last_idx)]
-          last_idx = idx
-          if state == :ST_DATA
-            if quoted
-              last_idx += 1
-              quoted = false
-              state = :ST_QUOTE
-            else
-              raise IllegalFormatError
-            end
-          elsif state == :ST_QUOTE
-            cell << c.chr
-            last_idx += 1
-            quoted = true
-            state = :ST_DATA
-          else  # :ST_START
-            quoted = true
-            last_idx += 1
-            state = :ST_DATA
-          end
-        elsif fschar or rschar
-          if fschar
-            fs_idx += 1
-          end
-          if rschar
-            rs_idx += 1
-          end
-          sep = nil
-          if fs_idx == fs_size
-            if state == :ST_START and rs_idx > 0 and fs_idx < rs_idx
-              state = :ST_DATA
-            end
-            cell << src[last_idx, (idx - last_idx - (fs_size - 1))]
-            last_idx = idx
-            fs_idx = rs_idx = 0
-            if cr
-              raise IllegalFormatError
-            end
-            sep = :DT_COLSEP
-          elsif rs_idx == rs_size
-            if state == :ST_START and fs_idx > 0 and rs_idx < fs_idx
-              state = :ST_DATA
-            end
-            if !(rs.nil? and cr)
-              cell << src[last_idx, (idx - last_idx - (rs_size - 1))]
-              last_idx = idx
-            end
-            fs_idx = rs_idx = 0
-            sep = :DT_ROWSEP
-          end
-          if sep
-            if state == :ST_DATA
-              return sep, idx + 1, cell;
-            elsif state == :ST_QUOTE
-              return sep, idx + 1, cell;
-            else  # :ST_START
-              return sep, idx + 1, nil
-            end
-          end
-        elsif rs.nil? and c == ?\r
-          # special \r treatment for backward compatibility
-          fs_idx = rs_idx = 0
-          if cr
-            raise IllegalFormatError
-          end
-          cell << src[last_idx, (idx - last_idx)]
-          last_idx = idx
-          if quoted
-            state = :ST_DATA
-          else
-            cr = true
-          end
-        else
-          fs_idx = rs_idx = 0
-          if state == :ST_DATA or state == :ST_START
-            if cr
-              raise IllegalFormatError
-            end
-            state = :ST_DATA
-          else  # :ST_QUOTE
-            raise IllegalFormatError
-          end
-        end
-        idx += 1
-      end
-      if state == :ST_START
-        if fs_idx > 0 or rs_idx > 0
-          state = :ST_DATA
-        else
-          return :DT_EOS, idx, nil
-        end
-      elsif quoted
-        raise IllegalFormatError
-      elsif cr
-        raise IllegalFormatError
-      end
-      cell << src[last_idx, (idx - last_idx)]
-      last_idx = idx
-      return :DT_EOS, idx, cell
-    end
-    def generate_body(cell, out_dev, fs, rs)
-      if cell.nil?
-        # empty
-      else
-        cell = cell.to_s
-        row_data = cell.dup
-        if (row_data.gsub!('"', '""') or
-            row_data.index(fs) or
-            (rs and row_data.index(rs)) or
-            (/[\r\n]/ =~ row_data) or
-            (cell.empty?))
-          out_dev << '"' << row_data << '"'
-        else
-          out_dev << row_data
-        end
-      end
-    end
-    def generate_separator(type, out_dev, fs, rs)
-      case type
-      when :DT_COLSEP
-        out_dev << fs
-      when :DT_ROWSEP
-        out_dev << (rs || "\n")
-      end
-    end
-  end
-  # CSV formatted string/stream reader.
-  #
-  #   read CSV lines untill the first column is 'stop'.
-  #
-  #   CSV::Reader.parse(File.open('bigdata', 'rb')) do |row|
-  #     p row
-  #     break if !row[0].is_null && row[0].data == 'stop'
-  #   end
-  #
-  class Reader
-    include Enumerable
-    # Parse CSV data and get lines.  Given block is called for each parsed row.
-    # Block value is always nil.  Rows are not cached for performance reason.
-    def Reader.parse(str_or_readable, fs = ',', rs = nil, &block)
-      reader = Reader.create(str_or_readable, fs, rs)
-      if block
-        reader.each do |row|
-          yield(row)
-        end
-        reader.close
-        nil
-      else
-        reader
-      end
-    end
-    # Returns reader instance.
-    def Reader.create(str_or_readable, fs = ',', rs = nil)
-      case str_or_readable
-      when IO
-        IOReader.new(str_or_readable, fs, rs)
-      when String
-        StringReader.new(str_or_readable, fs, rs)
-      else
-        IOReader.new(str_or_readable, fs, rs)
-      end
-    end
-    def each
-      while true
-        row = []
-        parsed_cells = get_row(row)
-        if parsed_cells == 0
-          break
-        end
-        yield(row)
-      end
-      nil
-    end
-    def shift
-      row = []
-      parsed_cells = get_row(row)
-      row
-    end
-    def close
-      terminate
-    end
-  private
-    def initialize(dev)
-      raise RuntimeError.new('Do not instanciate this class directly.')
-    end
-    def get_row(row)
-      raise NotImplementedError.new('Method get_row must be defined in a derived class.')
-    end
-    def terminate
-      # Define if needed.
-    end
-  end
-  class StringReader < Reader
-    def initialize(string, fs = ',', rs = nil)
-      @fs = fs
-      @rs = rs
-      @dev = string
-      @idx = 0
-      if @dev[0, 3] == "\xef\xbb\xbf"
-        @idx += 3
-      end
-    end
-  private
-    def get_row(row)
-      parsed_cells, next_idx = CSV.parse_row(@dev, @idx, row, @fs, @rs)
-      if parsed_cells == 0 and next_idx == 0 and @idx != @dev.size
-        raise IllegalFormatError.new
-      end
-      @idx = next_idx
-      parsed_cells
-    end
-  end
-  class IOReader < Reader
-    def initialize(io, fs = ',', rs = nil)
-      @io = io
-      @fs = fs
-      @rs = rs
-      @dev = CSV::IOBuf.new(@io)
-      @idx = 0
-      if @dev[0, 3] == "\xef\xbb\xbf"
-        @idx += 3
-      end
-      @close_on_terminate = false
-    end
-    # Tell this reader to close the IO when terminated (Triggered by invoking
-    # CSV::IOReader#close).
-    def close_on_terminate
-      @close_on_terminate = true
-    end
-  private
-    def get_row(row)
-      parsed_cells, next_idx = CSV.parse_row(@dev, @idx, row, @fs, @rs)
-      if parsed_cells == 0 and next_idx == 0 and !@dev.is_eos?
-        raise IllegalFormatError.new
-      end
-      dropped = @dev.drop(next_idx)
-      @idx = next_idx - dropped
-      parsed_cells
-    end
-    def terminate
-      if @close_on_terminate
-        @io.close
-      end
-      if @dev
-        @dev.close
-      end
-    end
-  end
-  # CSV formatted string/stream writer.
-  #
-  #   Write rows to 'csvout' file.
-  #
-  #   outfile = File.open('csvout', 'wb')
-  #   CSV::Writer.generate(outfile) do |csv|
-  #     csv << ['c1', nil, '', '"', "\r\n", 'c2']
-  #     ...
-  #   end
-  #
-  #   outfile.close
-  #
-  class Writer
-    # Given block is called with the writer instance.  str_or_writable must
-    # handle '<<(string)'.
-    def Writer.generate(str_or_writable, fs = ',', rs = nil, &block)
-      writer = Writer.create(str_or_writable, fs, rs)
-      if block
-        yield(writer)
-        writer.close
-        nil
-      else
-        writer
-      end
-    end
-    # str_or_writable must handle '<<(string)'.
-    def Writer.create(str_or_writable, fs = ',', rs = nil)
-      BasicWriter.new(str_or_writable, fs, rs)
-    end
-    # dump CSV stream to the device.  argument must be an Array of String.
-    def <<(row)
-      CSV.generate_row(row, row.size, @dev, @fs, @rs)
-      self
-    end
-    alias add_row <<
-    def close
-      terminate
-    end
-  private
-    def initialize(dev)
-      raise RuntimeError.new('Do not instanciate this class directly.')
-    end
-    def terminate
-      # Define if needed.
-    end
-  end
-  class BasicWriter < Writer
-    def initialize(str_or_writable, fs = ',', rs = nil)
-      @fs = fs
-      @rs = rs
-      @dev = str_or_writable
-      @close_on_terminate = false
-    end
-    # Tell this writer to close the IO when terminated (Triggered by invoking
-    # CSV::BasicWriter#close).
-    def close_on_terminate
-      @close_on_terminate = true
-    end
-  private
-    def terminate
-      if @close_on_terminate
-        @dev.close
-      end
-    end
-  end
-  # Buffered stream.
-  #
-  # EXAMPLE 1 -- an IO.
-  #   class MyBuf < StreamBuf
-  #     # Do initialize myself before a super class.  Super class might call my
-  #     # method 'read'. (Could be awful for C++ user. :-)
-  #     def initialize(s)
-  #       @s = s
-  #       super()
-  #     end
-  #
-  #     # define my own 'read' method.
-  #     # CAUTION: Returning nil means EnfOfStream.
-  #     def read(size)
-  #       @s.read(size)
-  #     end
-  #
-  #     # release buffers. in Ruby which has GC, you do not have to call this...
-  #     def terminate
-  #       @s = nil
-  #       super()
-  #     end
-  #   end
-  #
-  #   buf = MyBuf.new(STDIN)
-  #   my_str = ''
-  #   p buf[0, 0]               # => '' (null string)
-  #   p buf[0]                  # => 97 (char code of 'a')
-  #   p buf[0, 1]               # => 'a'
-  #   my_str = buf[0, 5]
-  #   p my_str                  # => 'abcde' (5 chars)
-  #   p buf[0, 6]               # => "abcde\n" (6 chars)
-  #   p buf[0, 7]               # => "abcde\n" (6 chars)
-  #   p buf.drop(3)             # => 3 (dropped chars)
-  #   p buf.get(0, 2)           # => 'de' (2 chars)
-  #   p buf.is_eos?             # => false (is not EOS here)
-  #   p buf.drop(5)             # => 3 (dropped chars)
-  #   p buf.is_eos?             # => true (is EOS here)
-  #   p buf[0]                  # => nil (is EOS here)
-  #
-  # EXAMPLE 2 -- String.
-  #   This is a conceptual example.  No pros with this.
-  #
-  #   class StrBuf < StreamBuf
-  #     def initialize(s)
-  #       @str = s
-  #       @idx = 0
-  #       super()
-  #     end
-  #
-  #     def read(size)
-  #       str = @str[@idx, size]
-  #       @idx += str.size
-  #       str
-  #     end
-  #   end
-  #
-  class StreamBuf
-    # get a char or a partial string from the stream.
-    # idx: index of a string to specify a start point of a string to get.
-    # unlike String instance, idx < 0 returns nil.
-    # n: size of a string to get.
-    # returns char at idx if n == nil.
-    # returns a partial string, from idx to (idx + n) if n != nil.  at EOF,
-    # the string size could not equal to arg n.
-    def [](idx, n = nil) 
-      if idx < 0
-        return nil
-      end
-      if (idx_is_eos?(idx))
-        if n and (@offset + idx == buf_size(@cur_buf))
-          # Like a String, 'abc'[4, 1] returns nil and
-          # 'abc'[3, 1] returns '' not nil.
-          return ''
-        else
-          return nil
-        end
-      end
-      my_buf = @cur_buf
-      my_offset = @offset
-      next_idx = idx
-      while (my_offset + next_idx >= buf_size(my_buf))
-        if (my_buf == @buf_tail_idx)
-          unless add_buf
-            break
-          end
-        end
-        next_idx = my_offset + next_idx - buf_size(my_buf)
-        my_buf += 1
-        my_offset = 0
-      end
-      loc = my_offset + next_idx
-      if !n
-        return @buf_list[my_buf][loc]           # Fixnum of char code.
-      elsif (loc + n - 1 < buf_size(my_buf))
-        return @buf_list[my_buf][loc, n]        # String.
-      else # should do loop insted of (tail) recursive call...
-        res = @buf_list[my_buf][loc, BufSize]
-        size_added = buf_size(my_buf) - loc
-        if size_added > 0
-          idx += size_added
-          n -= size_added
-          ret = self[idx, n]
-          if ret
-            res << ret
-          end
-        end
-        return res
-      end
-    end
-    alias get []
-    # drop a string from the stream.
-    # returns dropped size.  at EOF, dropped size might not equals to arg n.
-    # Once you drop the head of the stream, access to the dropped part via []
-    # or get returns nil.
-    def drop(n)
-      if is_eos?
-        return 0
-      end
-      size_dropped = 0
-      while (n > 0)
-        if !@is_eos or (@cur_buf != @buf_tail_idx)
-          if (@offset + n < buf_size(@cur_buf))
-            size_dropped += n
-            @offset += n
-            n = 0
-          else
-            size = buf_size(@cur_buf) - @offset
-            size_dropped += size
-            n -= size
-            @offset = 0
-            unless rel_buf
-              unless add_buf
-                break
-              end
-              @cur_buf = @buf_tail_idx
-            end
-          end
-        end
-      end
-      size_dropped
-    end
-    def is_eos?
-      return idx_is_eos?(0)
-    end
-    # WARN: Do not instantiate this class directly.  Define your own class
-    # which derives this class and define 'read' instance method.
-    def initialize
-      @buf_list = []
-      @cur_buf = @buf_tail_idx = -1
-      @offset = 0
-      @is_eos = false
-      add_buf
-      @cur_buf = @buf_tail_idx
-    end
-  protected
-    def terminate
-      while (rel_buf); end
-    end
-    # protected method 'read' must be defined in derived classes.
-    # CAUTION: Returning a string which size is not equal to 'size' means
-    # EnfOfStream.  When it is not at EOS, you must block the callee, try to
-    # read and return the sized string.
-    def read(size) # raise EOFError
-      raise NotImplementedError.new('Method read must be defined in a derived class.')
-    end
-  private
-    def buf_size(idx)
-      @buf_list[idx].size
-    end
-    def add_buf
-      if @is_eos
-        return false
-      end
-      begin
-        str_read = read(BufSize)
-      rescue EOFError
-        str_read = nil
-      rescue
-        terminate
-        raise
-      end
-      if str_read.nil?
-        @is_eos = true
-        @buf_list.push('')
-        @buf_tail_idx += 1
-        false
-      else
-        @buf_list.push(str_read)
-        @buf_tail_idx += 1
-        true
-      end
-    end
-    def rel_buf
-      if (@cur_buf < 0)
-        return false
-      end
-      @buf_list[@cur_buf] = nil
-      if (@cur_buf == @buf_tail_idx)
-        @cur_buf = -1
-        return false
-      else
-        @cur_buf += 1
-        return true
-      end
-    end
-    def idx_is_eos?(idx)
-      (@is_eos and ((@cur_buf < 0) or (@cur_buf == @buf_tail_idx)))
-    end
-    BufSize = 1024 * 8
-  end
-  # Buffered IO.
-  #
-  #   # File 'bigdata' could be a giga-byte size one!
-  #   buf = CSV::IOBuf.new(File.open('bigdata', 'rb'))
-  #   CSV::Reader.new(buf).each do |row|
-  #     p row
-  #     break if row[0].data == 'admin'
-  #   end
-  #
-  class IOBuf < StreamBuf
-    def initialize(s)
-      @s = s
-      super()
-    end
-    def close
-      terminate
-    end
-  private
-    def read(size)
-      @s.read(size)
-    end
-    def terminate
-      super()
-    end
-  end
Index: test/csv/test_csv.rb
--- test/csv/test_csv.rb	(revision 14638)
+++ test/csv/test_csv.rb	(revision 14639)
@@ -1,1753 +0,0 @@
-require 'test/unit'
-require 'tempfile'
-require 'fileutils'
-require 'csv'
-class CSV
-  class StreamBuf
-    # Let buffer work hard.
-    remove_const("BufSize")
-    BufSize = 2
-  end
-module CSVTestSupport
-  def d(data)
-    data
-  end
-class TestCSV < Test::Unit::TestCase
-  file = Tempfile.new("crlf")
-  file << "\n"
-  file.open
-  file.binmode
-  RSEP = file.read
-  file.close
-  include CSVTestSupport
-  class << self
-    include CSVTestSupport
-  end
-  @@simpleCSVData = {
-    [nil] => '',
-    [''] => '""',
-    [nil, nil] => ',',
-    [nil, nil, nil] => ',,',
-    ['foo'] => 'foo',
-    [','] => '","',
-    [',', ','] => '",",","',
-    [';'] => ';',
-    [';', ';'] => ';,;',
-    ["\"\r", "\"\r"] => "\"\"\"\r\",\"\"\"\r\"",
-    ["\"\n", "\"\n"] => "\"\"\"\n\",\"\"\"\n\"",
-    ["\t"] => "\t",
-    ["\t", "\t"] => "\t,\t",
-    ['foo', 'bar'] => 'foo,bar',
-    ['foo', '"bar"', 'baz'] => 'foo,"""bar""",baz',
-    ['foo', 'foo,bar', 'baz'] => 'foo,"foo,bar",baz',
-    ['foo', '""', 'baz'] => 'foo,"""""",baz',
-    ['foo', '', 'baz'] => 'foo,"",baz',
-    ['foo', nil, 'baz'] => 'foo,,baz',
-    [nil, 'foo', 'bar'] => ',foo,bar',
-    ['foo', 'bar', nil] => 'foo,bar,',
-    ['foo', "\r", 'baz'] => "foo,\"\r\",baz",
-    ['foo', "\n", 'baz'] => "foo,\"\n\",baz",
-    ['foo', "\r\n\r", 'baz'] => "foo,\"\r\n\r\",baz",
-    ['foo', "\r\n", 'baz'] => "foo,\"\r\n\",baz",
-    ['foo', "\r.\n", 'baz'] => "foo,\"\r.\n\",baz",
-    ['foo', "\r\n\n", 'baz'] => "foo,\"\r\n\n\",baz",
-    ['foo', '"', 'baz'] => 'foo,"""",baz',
-  }
-  @@fullCSVData = {
-    [d(nil)] => '',
-    [d('')] => '""',
-    [d(nil), d(nil)] => ',',
-    [d(nil), d(nil), d(nil)] => ',,',
-    [d('foo')] => 'foo',
-    [d('foo'), d('bar')] => 'foo,bar',
-    [d('foo'), d('"bar"'), d('baz')] => 'foo,"""bar""",baz',
-    [d('foo'), d('foo,bar'), d('baz')] => 'foo,"foo,bar",baz',
-    [d('foo'), d('""'), d('baz')] => 'foo,"""""",baz',
-    [d('foo'), d(''), d('baz')] => 'foo,"",baz',
-    [d('foo'), d(nil), d('baz')] => 'foo,,baz',
-    [d('foo'), d("\r"), d('baz')] => "foo,\"\r\",baz",
-    [d('foo'), d("\n"), d('baz')] => "foo,\"\n\",baz",
-    [d('foo'), d("\r\n"), d('baz')] => "foo,\"\r\n\",baz",
-    [d('foo'), d("\r.\n"), d('baz')] => "foo,\"\r.\n\",baz",
-    [d('foo'), d("\r\n\n"), d('baz')] => "foo,\"\r\n\n\",baz",
-    [d('foo'), d('"'), d('baz')] => 'foo,"""",baz',
-  }
-  @@fullCSVDataArray = @@fullCSVData.collect { |key, value| key }
-  def ssv2csv(ssvStr, row_sep = nil)
-    sepConv(ssvStr, ?;, ?,, row_sep)
-  end
-  def csv2ssv(csvStr, row_sep = nil)
-    sepConv(csvStr, ?,, ?;, row_sep)
-  end
-  def tsv2csv(tsvStr, row_sep = nil)
-    sepConv(tsvStr, ?\t, ?,, row_sep)
-  end
-  def csv2tsv(csvStr, row_sep = nil)
-    sepConv(csvStr, ?,, ?\t, row_sep)
-  end
-  def sepConv(srcStr, srcSep, destSep, row_sep = nil)
-    rows = []
-    cols, idx = CSV.parse_row(srcStr, 0, rows, srcSep, row_sep)
-    destStr = ''
-    cols = CSV.generate_row(rows, rows.size, destStr, destSep, row_sep)
-    destStr
-  end
-  def setup
-    @tmpdir = File.join(Dir.tmpdir, "ruby_test_csv_tmp_#{$$}")
-    Dir.mkdir(@tmpdir)
-    @infile = File.join(@tmpdir, 'in.csv')
-    @infiletsv = File.join(@tmpdir, 'in.tsv')
-    @emptyfile = File.join(@tmpdir, 'empty.csv')
-    @outfile = File.join(@tmpdir, 'out.csv')
-    @bomfile = File.join(@tmpdir, "bom.csv")
-    @macfile = File.join(@tmpdir, "mac.csv")
-    CSV.open(@infile, "wb") do |writer|
-      @@fullCSVDataArray.each do |row|
-	writer.add_row(row)
-      end
-    end
-    CSV.open(@infiletsv, "wb", ?\t) do |writer|
-      @@fullCSVDataArray.each do |row|
-	writer.add_row(row)
-      end
-    end
-    CSV.generate(@emptyfile) do |writer|
-      # Create empty file.
-    end
-    File.open(@bomfile, "wb") do |f|
-      f.write("\357\273\277\"foo\"\r\n\"bar\"\r\n")
-    end
-    File.open(@macfile, "wb") do |f|
-      f.write("\"Avenches\",\"aus Umgebung\"\r\"Bad Hersfeld\",\"Ausgrabung\"")
-    end
-  end
-  def teardown
-    FileUtils.rm_rf(@tmpdir)
-  end
-  #### CSV::Reader unit test
-  def test_Reader_each
-    file = File.open(@infile, "rb")
-    begin
-      reader = CSV::Reader.create(file)
-      expectedArray = @@fullCSVDataArray.dup
-      first = true
-      ret = reader.each { |row|
-	if first
-	  assert_instance_of(Array, row)
-	  first = false
-	end
-	expected = expectedArray.shift
-	assert_equal(expected, row)
-      }
-      assert_nil(ret, "Return is nil")
-      assert(expectedArray.empty?)
-    ensure
-      file.close
-    end
-    # Illegal format.
-    reader = CSV::Reader.create("a,b\r\na,b,\"c\"\ra")
-    assert_raises(CSV::IllegalFormatError) do
-      reader.each do |row|
-      end
-    end
-    reader = CSV::Reader.create("a,b\r\n\"")
-    assert_raises(CSV::IllegalFormatError) do
-      reader.each do |row|
-      end
-    end
-  end
-  def test_Reader_shift
-    file = File.open(@infile, "rb")
-    begin
-      reader = CSV::Reader.create(file)
-      first = true
-      checked = 0
-      @@fullCSVDataArray.each do |expected|
-	actual = reader.shift
-	if first
-	  assert_instance_of(Array, actual)
-	  first = false
-	end
-	assert_equal(expected, actual)
-	checked += 1
-      end
-      assert(checked == @@fullCSVDataArray.size)
-    ensure
-      file.close
-    end
-    # Illegal format.
-    reader = CSV::Reader.create("a,b\r\na,b,\"c\"\ra")
-    assert_raises(CSV::IllegalFormatError) do
-      reader.shift
-      reader.shift
-    end
-    reader = CSV::Reader.create("a,b\r\na,b,\"c\"\ra")
-    assert_raises(CSV::IllegalFormatError) do
-      reader.shift
-      reader.shift
-    end
-  end
-  def test_Reader_getRow
-    if CSV::Reader.respond_to?(:allocate)
-      obj = CSV::Reader.allocate
-      assert_raises(NotImplementedError) do
-	row = []
-	obj.shift
-      end
-    end
-  end
-  def test_IOReader_close_on_terminate
-    f = File.open(@infile, "r")
-    reader = CSV::IOReader.create(f)
-    reader.close
-    assert(!f.closed?)
-    f.close
-    f = File.open(@infile, "r")
-    writer = CSV::IOReader.create(f)
-    writer.close_on_terminate
-    writer.close
-    assert(f.closed?)
-  end
-  def test_Reader_close
-    f = File.open(@infile, "r")
-    reader = CSV::IOReader.create(f)
-    reader.close_on_terminate
-    reader.close
-    assert(f.closed?)
-  end
-  def test_Reader_s_new
-    assert_raises(RuntimeError) do
-      CSV::Reader.new(nil)
-    end
-  end
-  def test_Reader_s_create
-    reader = CSV::Reader.create("abc")
-    assert_instance_of(CSV::StringReader, reader, "With a String")
-    file = File.open(@infile, "rb")
-    reader = CSV::Reader.create(file)
-    assert_instance_of(CSV::IOReader, reader, 'With an IO')
-    obj = Object.new
-    def obj.sysread(size)
-      "abc"
-    end
-    def obj.read(size)
-      "abc"
-    end
-    reader = CSV::Reader.create(obj)
-    assert_instance_of(CSV::IOReader, reader, "With not an IO or String")
-    # No need to test Tempfile because it's a pseudo IO.  I test this here
-    # fors other tests.
-    reader = CSV::Reader.create(Tempfile.new("in.csv"))
-    assert_instance_of(CSV::IOReader, reader, "With an pseudo IO.")
-    file.close
-  end
-  def test_IOReader_s_create_binmode
-    file = File.open(@outfile, "wb")
-    file << "\"\r\n\",\"\r\",\"\n\"\r1,2,3"
-    file.close
-    file = File.open(@outfile, "rb")
-    begin
-      reader = CSV::IOReader.new(file, ?,, ?\r)
-      assert_equal(["\r\n", "\r", "\n"], reader.shift.to_a)
-      assert_equal(["1", "2", "3"], reader.shift.to_a)
-      reader.close
-    ensure
-      file.close
-    end
-    file = File.open(@outfile, "r")	# not "rb"
-    begin
-      lfincell = (RSEP == "\n" ? "\r\n" : "\n")
-      reader = CSV::IOReader.new(file, ?,, ?\r)
-      assert_equal([lfincell, "\r", "\n"], reader.shift.to_a)
-      assert_equal(["1", "2", "3"], reader.shift.to_a)
-      reader.close
-    ensure
-      file.close
-    end
-  end
-  def test_Reader_s_parse
-    ret = CSV::Reader.parse("a,b,c") { |row|
-      assert_instance_of(Array, row, "Block parameter")
-    }
-    assert_nil(ret, "Return is nil")
-    ret = CSV::Reader.parse("a;b;c", ?;) { |row|
-      assert_instance_of(Array, row, "Block parameter")
-    }
-    file = Tempfile.new("in.csv")
-    file << "a,b,c"
-    file.open
-    ret = CSV::Reader.parse(file) { |row|
-      assert_instance_of(Array, row, "Block parameter")
-    }
-    assert_nil(ret, "Return is nil")
-    file = Tempfile.new("in.csv")
-    file << "a,b,c"
-    file.open
-    ret = CSV::Reader.parse(file, ?,) { |row|
-      assert_instance_of(Array, row, "Block parameter")
-    }
-    # Illegal format.
-    assert_raises(CSV::IllegalFormatError) do
-      CSV::Reader.parse("a,b\r\na,b,\"c\"\ra") do |row|
-      end
-    end
-    assert_raises(CSV::IllegalFormatError) do
-      CSV::Reader.parse("a,b\r\na,b\"") do |row|
-      end
-    end
-  end
-  #### CSV::Writer unit test
-  def test_Writer_s_new
-    assert_raises(RuntimeError) do
-      CSV::Writer.new(nil)
-    end
-  end
-  def test_Writer_s_generate
-    ret = CSV::Writer.generate(STDOUT) { |writer|
-      assert_instance_of(CSV::BasicWriter, writer, "Block parameter")
-    }
-    ret = CSV::Writer.generate(STDOUT, ?;) { |writer|
-      assert_instance_of(CSV::BasicWriter, writer, "Block parameter")
-    }
-    assert_nil(ret, "Return is nil")
-  end
-  def test_Writer_s_create
-    writer = CSV::Writer.create(STDERR)
-    assert_instance_of(CSV::BasicWriter, writer, "String")
-    writer = CSV::Writer.create(STDERR, ?;)
-    assert_instance_of(CSV::BasicWriter, writer, "String")
-    writer = CSV::Writer.create(Tempfile.new("out.csv"))
-    assert_instance_of(CSV::BasicWriter, writer, "IO")
-  end
-  def test_Writer_LSHIFT # '<<'
-    file = Tempfile.new("out.csv")
-    CSV::Writer.generate(file) do |writer|
-      ret = writer << ['a', 'b', 'c']
-      assert_instance_of(CSV::BasicWriter, ret, 'Return is self')
-      writer << [nil, 'e', 'f'] << [nil, nil, '']
-    end
-    file.open
-    file.binmode
-    str = file.read
-    assert_equal("a,b,c#{RSEP},e,f#{RSEP},,\"\"#{RSEP}", str, 'Normal')
-    file = Tempfile.new("out2.csv")
-    CSV::Writer.generate(file) do |writer|
-      ret = writer << [d('a'), d('b'), d('c')]
-      assert_instance_of(CSV::BasicWriter, ret, 'Return is self')
-      writer << [d(nil), d('e'), d('f')] << [d(nil), d(nil), d('')]
-    end
-    file.open
-    file.binmode
-    str = file.read
-    assert_equal("a,b,c#{RSEP},e,f#{RSEP},,\"\"#{RSEP}", str, 'Normal')
-  end
-  def test_Writer_add_row
-    file = Tempfile.new("out.csv")
-    CSV::Writer.generate(file) do |writer|
-      ret = writer.add_row(
-	[d('a'), d('b'), d('c')])
-      assert_instance_of(CSV::BasicWriter, ret, 'Return is self')
-      writer.add_row(
-	[d(nil), d('e'), d('f')]
-     ).add_row(
-	[d(nil), d(nil), d('')]
-     )
-    end
-    file.open
-    file.binmode
-    str = file.read
-    assert_equal("a,b,c#{RSEP},e,f#{RSEP},,\"\"#{RSEP}", str, 'Normal')
-  end
-  def test_Writer_close
-    f = File.open(@outfile, "w")
-    writer = CSV::BasicWriter.create(f)
-    writer.close_on_terminate
-    writer.close
-    assert(f.closed?)
-  end
-  def test_BasicWriter_close_on_terminate
-    f = File.open(@outfile, "w")
-    writer = CSV::BasicWriter.create(f)
-    writer.close
-    assert(!f.closed?)
-    f.close
-    f = File.open(@outfile, "w")
-    writer = CSV::BasicWriter.new(f)
-    writer.close_on_terminate
-    writer.close
-    assert(f.closed?)
-  end
-  def test_BasicWriter_s_create_binmode
-    file = File.open(@outfile, "w")	# not "wb"
-    begin
-      writer = CSV::BasicWriter.new(file, ?,, ?\r)
-      writer << ["\r\n", "\r", "\n"]
-      writer << ["1", "2", "3"]
-      writer.close
-    ensure
-      file.close
-    end
-    file = File.open(@outfile, "rb")
-    str = file.read
-    file.close
-    assert_equal("\"\r#{RSEP}\",\"\r\",\"#{RSEP}\"\r1,2,3\r", str)
-  end
-  #### CSV unit test
-  def test_s_open_reader
-    assert_raises(ArgumentError, 'Illegal mode') do
-      CSV.open("temp", "a")
-    end
-    assert_raises(ArgumentError, 'Illegal mode') do
-      CSV.open("temp", "a", ?;)
-    end
-    reader = CSV.open(@infile, "r")
-    assert_instance_of(CSV::IOReader, reader)
-    reader.close
-    reader = CSV.open(@infile, "rb")
-    assert_instance_of(CSV::IOReader, reader)
-    reader.close
-    reader = CSV.open(@infile, "r", ?;)
-    assert_instance_of(CSV::IOReader, reader)
-    reader.close
-    CSV.open(@infile, "r") do |row|
-      assert_instance_of(Array, row)
-      break
-    end
-    CSV.open(@infiletsv, "r", ?\t) do |row|
-      assert_instance_of(Array, row)
-      break
-    end
-    assert_raises(Errno::ENOENT) do
-      CSV.open("NoSuchFileOrDirectory", "r")
-    end
-    assert_raises(Errno::ENOENT) do
-      CSV.open("NoSuchFileOrDirectory", "r", ?;)
-    end
-    # Illegal format.
-    File.open(@outfile, "wb") do |f|
-      f << "a,b\r\na,b,\"c\"\ra"
-    end
-    assert_raises(CSV::IllegalFormatError) do
-      CSV.open(@outfile, "r") do |row|
-      end
-    end
-    File.open(@outfile, "wb") do |f|
-      f << "a,b\r\na,b\""
-    end
-    assert_raises(CSV::IllegalFormatError) do
-      CSV.open(@outfile, "r") do |row|
-      end
-    end
-    CSV.open(@emptyfile, "r") do |row|
-      assert_fail("Must not reach here")
-    end
-  end
-  def test_s_parse
-    result = CSV.parse(File.read(@infile))
-    assert_instance_of(Array, result)
-    assert_instance_of(Array, result[0])
-    result = CSV.parse(File.read(@infile))
-    assert_instance_of(Array, result)
-    assert_instance_of(Array, result[0])
-    assert_equal([], CSV.parse(""))
-    assert_equal([[nil]], CSV.parse("\n"))
-    CSV.parse(File.read(@infile)) do |row|
-      assert_instance_of(Array, row)
-      break
-    end
-    CSV.parse(File.read(@infiletsv), ?\t) do |row|
-      assert_instance_of(Array, row)
-      break
-    end
-    CSV.parse("") do |row|
-      assert(false)
-    end
-    count = 0
-    CSV.parse("\n") do |row|
-      assert_equal([nil], row)
-      count += 1
-    end
-    assert_equal(1, count)
-    assert_equal([["a|b-c|d"]], CSV.parse("a|b-c|d"))
-    assert_equal([["a", "b"], ["c", "d"]], CSV.parse("a|b-c|d", "|", "-"))
-  end
-  def test_s_open_writer
-    writer = CSV.open(@outfile, "w")
-    assert_instance_of(CSV::BasicWriter, writer)
-    writer.close
-    writer = CSV.open(@outfile, "wb")
-    assert_instance_of(CSV::BasicWriter, writer)
-    writer.close
-    writer = CSV.open(@outfile, "wb", ?;)
-    assert_instance_of(CSV::BasicWriter, writer)
-    writer.close
-    CSV.open(@outfile, "w") do |writer|
-      assert_instance_of(CSV::BasicWriter, writer)
-    end
-    CSV.open(@outfile, "w", ?;) do |writer|
-      assert_instance_of(CSV::BasicWriter, writer)
-    end
-    begin
-      CSV.open(@tmpdir, "w")
-      assert(false)
-    rescue Exception => ex
-      assert(ex.is_a?(Errno::EEXIST) || ex.is_a?(Errno::EISDIR) || ex.is_a?(Errno::EACCES))
-    end
-  end
-  def test_s_generate
-    writer = CSV.generate(@outfile)
-    assert_instance_of(CSV::BasicWriter, writer)
-    writer.close
-    writer = CSV.generate(@outfile, ?;)
-    assert_instance_of(CSV::BasicWriter, writer)
-    writer.close
-    CSV.generate(@outfile) do |writer|
-      assert_instance_of(CSV::BasicWriter, writer)
-    end
-    CSV.generate(@outfile, ?;) do |writer|
-      assert_instance_of(CSV::BasicWriter, writer)
-    end
-    begin
-      CSV.generate(@tmpdir)
-      assert(false)
-    rescue Exception => ex
-      assert(ex.is_a?(Errno::EEXIST) || ex.is_a?(Errno::EISDIR) || ex.is_a?(Errno::EACCES))
-    end
-  end
-  def test_s_generate_line
-    str = CSV.generate_line([])
-    assert_equal('', str, "Extra boundary check.")
-    str = CSV.generate_line([], ?;)
-    assert_equal('', str, "Extra boundary check.")
-    @@simpleCSVData.each do |col, str|
-      buf = CSV.generate_line(col)
-      assert_equal(str, buf)
-    end
-    @@simpleCSVData.each do |col, str|
-      buf = CSV.generate_line(col, ?;)
-      assert_equal(str + "\n", ssv2csv(buf))
-    end
-    @@simpleCSVData.each do |col, str|
-      buf = CSV.generate_line(col, ?\t)
-      assert_equal(str + "\n", tsv2csv(buf))
-    end
-    str = CSV.generate_line(['a', 'b'], nil, ?|)
-    assert_equal('a,b', str)
-    str = CSV.generate_line(['a', 'b'], nil, "a")
-    assert_equal('"a",b', str)
-  end
-  def test_s_generate_row
-    buf = ''
-    cols = CSV.generate_row([], 0, buf)
-    assert_equal(0, cols)
-    assert_equal("\n", buf, "Extra boundary check.")
-    buf = ''
-    cols = CSV.generate_row([], 0, buf, ?;)
-    assert_equal(0, cols)
-    assert_equal("\n", buf, "Extra boundary check.")
-    buf = ''
-    cols = CSV.generate_row([], 0, buf, ?\t)
-    assert_equal(0, cols)
-    assert_equal("\n", buf, "Extra boundary check.")
-    buf = ''
-    cols = CSV.generate_row([], 0, buf, ?\t, ?|)
-    assert_equal(0, cols)
-    assert_equal("|", buf, "Extra boundary check.")
-    buf = ''
-    cols = CSV.generate_row([d('1')], 2, buf)
-    assert_equal('1,', buf)
-    buf = ''
-    cols = CSV.generate_row([d('1')], 2, buf, ?;)
-    assert_equal('1;', buf)
-    buf = ''
-    cols = CSV.generate_row([d('1')], 2, buf, ?\t)
-    assert_equal("1\t", buf)
-    buf = ''
-    cols = CSV.generate_row([d('1')], 2, buf, ?\t, ?|)
-    assert_equal("1\t", buf)
-    buf = ''
-    cols = CSV.generate_row([d('1'), d('2')], 1, buf)
-    assert_equal("1\n", buf)
-    buf = ''
-    cols = CSV.generate_row([d('1'), d('2')], 1, buf, ?;)
-    assert_equal("1\n", buf)
-    buf = ''
-    cols = CSV.generate_row([d('1'), d('2')], 1, buf, ?\t)
-    assert_equal("1\n", buf)
-    buf = ''
-    cols = CSV.generate_row([d('1'), d('2')], 1, buf, ?\t, ?\n)
-    assert_equal("1\n", buf)
-    buf = ''
-    cols = CSV.generate_row([d('1'), d('2')], 1, buf, ?\t, ?\r)
-    assert_equal("1\r", buf)
-    buf = ''
-    cols = CSV.generate_row([d('1'), d('2')], 1, buf, ?\t, ?|)
-    assert_equal("1|", buf)
-    @@fullCSVData.each do |col, str|
-      buf = ''
-      cols = CSV.generate_row(col, col.size, buf)
-      assert_equal(col.size, cols)
-      assert_equal(str + "\n", buf)
-    end
-    @@fullCSVData.each do |col, str|
-      buf = ''
-      cols = CSV.generate_row(col, col.size, buf, ?;)
-      assert_equal(col.size, cols)
-      assert_equal(str + "\n", ssv2csv(buf))
-    end
-    @@fullCSVData.each do |col, str|
-      buf = ''
-      cols = CSV.generate_row(col, col.size, buf, ?\t)
-      assert_equal(col.size, cols)
-      assert_equal(str + "\n", tsv2csv(buf))
-    end
-    # row separator
-    @@fullCSVData.each do |col, str|
-      buf = ''
-      cols = CSV.generate_row(col, col.size, buf, ?,, ?|)
-      assert_equal(col.size, cols)
-      assert_equal(str + "|", buf)
-    end
-    # col and row separator
-    @@fullCSVData.each do |col, str|
-      buf = ''
-      cols = CSV.generate_row(col, col.size, buf, ?\t, ?|)
-      assert_equal(col.size, cols)
-      assert_equal(str + "|", tsv2csv(buf, ?|))
-    end
-    buf = ''
-    toBe = ''
-    cols = 0
-    colsToBe = 0
-    @@fullCSVData.each do |col, str|
-      cols += CSV.generate_row(col, col.size, buf)
-      toBe << str << "\n"
-      colsToBe += col.size
-    end
-    assert_equal(colsToBe, cols)
-    assert_equal(toBe, buf)
-    buf = ''
-    toBe = ''
-    cols = 0
-    colsToBe = 0
-    @@fullCSVData.each do |col, str|
-      lineBuf = ''
-      cols += CSV.generate_row(col, col.size, lineBuf, ?;)
-      buf << ssv2csv(lineBuf) << "\n"
-      toBe << ssv2csv(lineBuf) << "\n"
-      colsToBe += col.size
-    end
-    assert_equal(colsToBe, cols)
-    assert_equal(toBe, buf)
-    buf = ''
-    toBe = ''
-    cols = 0
-    colsToBe = 0
-    @@fullCSVData.each do |col, str|
-      lineBuf = ''
-      cols += CSV.generate_row(col, col.size, lineBuf, ?\t)
-      buf << tsv2csv(lineBuf) << "\n"
-      toBe << tsv2csv(lineBuf) << "\n"
-      colsToBe += col.size
-    end
-    assert_equal(colsToBe, cols)
-    assert_equal(toBe, buf)
-    buf = ''
-    toBe = ''
-    cols = 0
-    colsToBe = 0
-    @@fullCSVData.each do |col, str|
-      lineBuf = ''
-      cols += CSV.generate_row(col, col.size, lineBuf, ?|)
-      buf << tsv2csv(lineBuf, ?|)
-      toBe << tsv2csv(lineBuf, ?|)
-      colsToBe += col.size
-    end
-    assert_equal(colsToBe, cols)
-    assert_equal(toBe, buf)
-  end
-  def test_s_parse_line
-    @@simpleCSVData.each do |col, str|
-      row = CSV.parse_line(str)
-      assert_instance_of(Array, row)
-      assert_equal(col.size, row.size)
-      assert_equal(col, row)
-    end
-    @@simpleCSVData.each do |col, str|
-      str = csv2ssv(str)
-      row = CSV.parse_line(str, ?;)
-      assert_instance_of(Array, row)
-      assert_equal(col.size, row.size, str.inspect)
-      assert_equal(col, row, str.inspect)
-    end
-    @@simpleCSVData.each do |col, str|
-      str = csv2tsv(str)
-      row = CSV.parse_line(str, ?\t)
-      assert_instance_of(Array, row)
-      assert_equal(col.size, row.size)
-      assert_equal(col, row)
-    end
-    assert_equal(['a', 'b', 'c'], CSV.parse_line("a,b,c", nil, nil))
-    assert_equal(['a', nil], CSV.parse_line("a,b,c", nil, ?b))
-    assert_equal(['a', 'b', nil], CSV.parse_line("a,b,c", nil, "c"))
-    assert_equal([nil], CSV.parse_line(""))
-    assert_equal([nil], CSV.parse_line("\n"))
-    assert_equal([""], CSV.parse_line("\"\"\n"))
-    # Illegal format.
-    buf = []
-    row = CSV.parse_line("a,b,\"c\"\ra")
-    assert_instance_of(Array, row)
-    assert_equal(0, row.size)
-    buf = Array.new
-    row = CSV.parse_line("a;b;\"c\"\ra", ?;)
-    assert_instance_of(Array, row)
-    assert_equal(0, row.size)
-    buf = Array.new
-    row = CSV.parse_line("a\tb\t\"c\"\ra", ?\t)
-    assert_instance_of(Array, row)
-    assert_equal(0, row.size)
-    row = CSV.parse_line("a,b\"")
-    assert_instance_of(Array, row)
-    assert_equal(0, row.size)
-    row = CSV.parse_line("a;b\"", ?;)
-    assert_instance_of(Array, row)
-    assert_equal(0, row.size)
-    row = CSV.parse_line("a\tb\"", ?\t)
-    assert_instance_of(Array, row)
-    assert_equal(0, row.size)
-    row = CSV.parse_line("\"a,b\"\r,")
-    assert_instance_of(Array, row)
-    assert_equal(0, row.size)
-    row = CSV.parse_line("\"a;b\"\r;", ?;)
-    assert_instance_of(Array, row)
-    assert_equal(0, row.size)
-    row = CSV.parse_line("\"a\tb\"\r\t", ?\t)
-    assert_instance_of(Array, row)
-    assert_equal(0, row.size)
-    row = CSV.parse_line("\"a,b\"\r\"")
-    assert_instance_of(Array, row)
-    assert_equal(0, row.size)
-    row = CSV.parse_line("\"a;b\"\r\"", ?;)
-    assert_instance_of(Array, row)
-    assert_equal(0, row.size)
-    row = CSV.parse_line("\"a\tb\"\r\"", ?\t)
-    assert_instance_of(Array, row)
-    assert_equal(0, row.size)
-  end
-  def test_s_parse_row
-    @@fullCSVData.each do |col, str|
-      buf = Array.new
-      cols, idx = CSV.parse_row(str + "\r\n", 0, buf)
-      assert_equal(cols, buf.size, "Reported size.")
-      assert_equal(col.size, buf.size, "Size.")
-      assert_equal(col, buf, str.inspect)
-      buf = Array.new
-      cols, idx = CSV.parse_row(str + "\n", 0, buf, ?,, ?\n)
-      assert_equal(cols, buf.size, "Reported size.")
-      assert_equal(col.size, buf.size, "Size.")
-      assert_equal(col, buf, str.inspect)
-      # separator: |
-      buf = Array.new
-      cols, idx = CSV.parse_row(str + "|", 0, buf, ?,)
-      assert_not_equal(col, buf)
-      buf = Array.new
-      cols, idx = CSV.parse_row(str + "|", 0, buf, ?,, ?|)
-      assert_equal(cols, buf.size, "Reported size.")
-      assert_equal(col.size, buf.size, "Size.")
-      assert_equal(col, buf, str.inspect)
-    end
-    @@fullCSVData.each do |col, str|
-      str = csv2ssv(str)
-      buf = Array.new
-      cols, idx = CSV.parse_row(str + "\r\n", 0, buf, ?;)
-      assert_equal(cols, buf.size, "Reported size.")
-      assert_equal(col.size, buf.size, "Size.")
-      assert_equal(col, buf, str)
-    end
-    @@fullCSVData.each do |col, str|
-      str = csv2tsv(str)
-      buf = Array.new
-      cols, idx = CSV.parse_row(str + "\r\n", 0, buf, ?\t)
-      assert_equal(cols, buf.size, "Reported size.")
-      assert_equal(col.size, buf.size, "Size.")
-      assert_equal(col, buf, str)
-    end
-    @@fullCSVData.each do |col, str|
-      str = csv2tsv(str, ?|)
-      buf = Array.new
-      cols, idx = CSV.parse_row(str + "|", 0, buf, ?\t, ?|)
-      assert_equal(cols, buf.size, "Reported size.")
-      assert_equal(col.size, buf.size, "Size.")
-      assert_equal(col, buf, str)
-    end
-    buf = []
-    CSV.parse_row("a,b,c", 0, buf, nil, nil)
-    assert_equal(['a', 'b', 'c'], buf)
-    buf = []
-    CSV.parse_row("a,b,c", 0, buf, nil, ?b)
-    assert_equal(['a', nil], buf)
-    buf = []
-    CSV.parse_row("a,b,c", 0, buf, nil, "c")
-    assert_equal(['a', 'b', nil], buf)
-    buf = Array.new
-    cols, idx = CSV.parse_row("a,b,\"c\r\"", 0, buf)
-    assert_equal(["a", "b", "c\r"], buf.to_a)
-    buf = Array.new
-    cols, idx = CSV.parse_row("a;b;\"c\r\"", 0, buf, ?;)
-    assert_equal(["a", "b", "c\r"], buf.to_a)
-    buf = Array.new
-    cols, idx = CSV.parse_row("a\tb\t\"c\r\"", 0, buf, ?\t)
-    assert_equal(["a", "b", "c\r"], buf.to_a)
-    buf = Array.new
-    cols, idx = CSV.parse_row("a,b,c\n", 0, buf, ?,, ?\n)
-    assert_equal(["a", "b", "c"], buf.to_a)
-    buf = Array.new
-    cols, idx = CSV.parse_row("a\tb\tc\n", 0, buf, ?\t, ?\n)
-    assert_equal(["a", "b", "c"], buf.to_a)
-    # Illegal format.
-    buf = Array.new
-    cols, idx = CSV.parse_row("a,b,c\"", 0, buf)
-    assert_equal(0, cols, "Illegal format; unbalanced double-quote.")
-    buf = Array.new
-    cols, idx = CSV.parse_row("a;b;c\"", 0, buf, ?;)
-    assert_equal(0, cols, "Illegal format; unbalanced double-quote.")
-    buf = Array.new
-    cols, idx = CSV.parse_row("a,b,\"c\"\ra", 0, buf)
-    assert_equal(0, cols)
-    assert_equal(0, idx)
-    buf = Array.new
-    cols, idx = CSV.parse_row("a,b,\"c\"\ra", 0, buf, ?;)
-    assert_equal(0, cols)
-    assert_equal(0, idx)
-    buf = Array.new
-    cols, idx = CSV.parse_row("a,b\"", 0, buf)
-    assert_equal(0, cols)
-    assert_equal(0, idx)
-    buf = Array.new
-    cols, idx = CSV.parse_row("a;b\"", 0, buf, ?;)
-    assert_equal(0, cols)
-    assert_equal(0, idx)
-    buf = Array.new
-    cols, idx = CSV.parse_row("\"a,b\"\r,", 0, buf)
-    assert_equal(0, cols)
-    assert_equal(0, idx)
-    buf = Array.new
-    cols, idx = CSV.parse_row("a\r,", 0, buf)
-    assert_equal(0, cols)
-    assert_equal(0, idx)
-    buf = Array.new
-    cols, idx = CSV.parse_row("a\r", 0, buf)
-    assert_equal(0, cols)
-    assert_equal(0, idx)
-    buf = Array.new
-    cols, idx = CSV.parse_row("a\rbc", 0, buf)
-    assert_equal(0, cols)
-    assert_equal(0, idx)
-    buf = Array.new
-    cols, idx = CSV.parse_row("a\r\"\"", 0, buf)
-    assert_equal(0, cols)
-    assert_equal(0, idx)
-    buf = Array.new
-    cols, idx = CSV.parse_row("a\r\rabc,", 0, buf)
-    assert_equal(0, cols)
-    assert_equal(0, idx)
-    buf = Array.new
-    cols, idx = CSV.parse_row("\"a;b\"\r;", 0, buf, ?;)
-    assert_equal(0, cols)
-    assert_equal(0, idx)
-    buf = Array.new
-    cols, idx = CSV.parse_row("\"a,b\"\r\"", 0, buf)
-    assert_equal(0, cols)
-    assert_equal(0, idx)
-    buf = Array.new
-    cols, idx = CSV.parse_row("\"a;b\"\r\"", 0, buf, ?;)
-    assert_equal(0, cols)
-    assert_equal(0, idx)
-  end
-  def test_s_parse_rowEOF
-    @@fullCSVData.each do |col, str|
-      if str == ''
-	# String "" is not allowed.
-	next
-      end
-      buf = Array.new
-      cols, idx = CSV.parse_row(str, 0, buf)
-      assert_equal(col.size, cols, "Reported size.")
-      assert_equal(col.size, buf.size, "Size.")
-      assert_equal(col, buf)
-    end
-  end
-  def test_s_parse_rowConcat
-    buf = ''
-    toBe = []
-    @@fullCSVData.each do |col, str|
-      buf  << str << "\r\n"
-      toBe.concat(col)
-    end
-    idx = 0
-    cols = 0
-    parsed = Array.new
-    parsedCols = 0
-    begin
-      cols, idx = CSV.parse_row(buf, idx, parsed)
-      parsedCols += cols
-    end while cols > 0
-    assert_equal(toBe.size, parsedCols)
-    assert_equal(toBe.size, parsed.size)
-    assert_equal(toBe, parsed)
-    buf = ''
-    toBe = []
-    @@fullCSVData.each do |col, str|
-      buf  << str << "\n"
-      toBe.concat(col)
-    end
-    idx = 0
-    cols = 0
-    parsed = Array.new
-    parsedCols = 0
-    begin
-      cols, idx = CSV.parse_row(buf, idx, parsed, ?,, ?\n)
-      parsedCols += cols
-    end while cols > 0
-    assert_equal(toBe.size, parsedCols)
-    assert_equal(toBe.size, parsed.size)
-    assert_equal(toBe, parsed)
-    buf = ''
-    toBe = []
-    @@fullCSVData.sort { |a, b|
-      a[0].length <=> b[0].length
-    }.each do |col, str|
-      buf  << str << "\n"
-      toBe.concat(col)
-    end
-    idx = 0
-    cols = 0
-    parsed = Array.new
-    parsedCols = 0
-    begin
-      cols, idx = CSV.parse_row(buf, idx, parsed, ?,, ?\n)
-      parsedCols += cols
-    end while cols > 0
-    assert_equal(toBe.size, parsedCols)
-    assert_equal(toBe.size, parsed.size)
-    assert_equal(toBe, parsed)
-    buf = ''
-    toBe = []
-    @@fullCSVData.each do |col, str|
-      buf  << str << "|"
-      toBe.concat(col)
-    end
-    idx = 0
-    cols = 0
-    parsed = []
-    parsedCols = 0
-    begin
-      cols, idx = CSV.parse_row(buf, idx, parsed, ?,, ?|)
-      parsedCols += cols
-    end while cols > 0
-    assert_equal(toBe.size, parsedCols)
-    assert_equal(toBe.size, parsed.size)
-    assert_equal(toBe, parsed)
-  end
-  def test_utf8
-    rows = []
-    CSV.open(@bomfile, "r") do |row|
-      rows << row.to_a
-    end
-    assert_equal([["foo"], ["bar"]], rows)
-    rows = []
-    file = File.open(@bomfile)
-    CSV::Reader.parse(file) do |row|
-      rows << row.to_a
-    end
-    assert_equal([["foo"], ["bar"]], rows)
-    file.close
-  end
-  def test_macCR
-    rows = []
-    CSV.open(@macfile, "r", ?,, ?\r) do |row|
-      rows << row.to_a
-    end
-    assert_equal([["Avenches", "aus Umgebung"], ["Bad Hersfeld", "Ausgrabung"]], rows)
-    rows = []
-    assert_raises(CSV::IllegalFormatError) do
-      CSV.open(@macfile, "r") do |row|
-        rows << row.to_a
-      end
-      assert_equal([["Avenches", "aus Umgebung\r\"Bad Hersfeld", "Ausgrabung"]], rows)
-    end
-    rows = []
-    file = File.open(@macfile)
-    begin
-      CSV::Reader.parse(file, ?,, ?\r) do |row|
-        rows << row.to_a
-      end
-      assert_equal([["Avenches", "aus Umgebung"], ["Bad Hersfeld", "Ausgrabung"]], rows)
-    ensure
-      file.close
-    end
-    rows = []
-    file = File.open(@macfile)
-    begin
-      assert_raises(CSV::IllegalFormatError) do
-        CSV::Reader.parse(file, ?,) do |row|
-          rows << row.to_a
-        end
-        assert_equal([["Avenches", "aus Umgebung\r\"Bad Hersfeld", "Ausgrabung"]], rows)
-      end
-    ensure
-      file.close
-    end
-  end
-  #### CSV unit test
-  InputStreamPattern = '0123456789'
-  InputStreamPatternSize = InputStreamPattern.size
-  def expChar(idx)
-    InputStreamPattern[idx % InputStreamPatternSize]
-  end
-  def expStr(idx, n)
-    if n > InputStreamPatternSize
-      InputStreamPattern + expStr(0, n - InputStreamPatternSize)
-    else
-      InputStreamPattern[idx % InputStreamPatternSize, n]
-    end
-  end
-  def setupInputStream(size, bufSize = nil)
-    setBufSize(bufSize) if bufSize
-    m = ((size / InputStreamPatternSize) + 1).to_i
-    File.open(@outfile, "wb") do |f|
-      f << (InputStreamPattern * m)[0, size]
-    end
-    file = File.open(@outfile, "rb")
-    buf = CSV::IOBuf.new(file)
-    if block_given?
-      yield(buf)
-      file.close
-      nil
-    else
-      buf
-    end
-  end
-  def setBufSize(size)
-    CSV::StreamBuf.module_eval('remove_const("BufSize")')
-    CSV::StreamBuf.module_eval("BufSize = #{ size }")
-  end
-  class StrBuf < CSV::StreamBuf
-  private
-    def initialize(string)
-      @str = string
-      @idx = 0
-      super()
-    end
-    def read(size)
-      str = @str[@idx, size]
-      if str.empty?
-        nil
-      else
-        @idx += str.size
-        str
-      end
-    end
-  end
-  class ErrBuf < CSV::StreamBuf
-    class Error < RuntimeError; end
-  private
-    def initialize
-      @first = true
-      super()
-    end
-    def read(size)
-      if @first
-	@first = false
-	"a" * size
-      else
-	raise ErrBuf::Error.new
-      end
-    end
-  end
-  def test_StreamBuf_MyBuf
-    # At first, check ruby's behaviour.
-    s = "abc"
-    assert_equal(?a, s[0])
-    assert_equal(?b, s[1])
-    assert_equal(?c, s[2])
-    assert_equal(nil, s[3])
-    assert_equal("a", s[0, 1])
-    assert_equal("b", s[1, 1])
-    assert_equal("c", s[2, 1])
-    assert_equal("", s[3, 1])
-    assert_equal(nil, s[4, 1])
-    s = StrBuf.new("abc")
-    assert_equal(?a, s[0])
-    assert_equal(?b, s.get(1))
-    assert_equal(?c, s[2])
-    assert_equal(nil, s.get(3))
-    assert_equal("a", s[0, 1])
-    assert_equal("b", s.get(1, 1))
-    assert_equal("c", s[2, 1])
-    assert_equal("", s.get(3, 1))
-    assert_equal(nil, s[4, 1])
-    dropped = s.drop(1)
-    assert_equal(1, dropped)
-    assert_equal(?b, s[0])
-    assert(!s.is_eos?)
-    dropped = s.drop(1)
-    assert_equal(1, dropped)
-    assert_equal(?c, s[0])
-    assert(!s.is_eos?)
-    dropped = s.drop(1)
-    assert_equal(1, dropped)
-    assert_equal(nil, s[0])
-    assert(s.is_eos?)
-    dropped = s.drop(1)
-    assert_equal(0, dropped)
-    assert_equal(nil, s[0])
-    assert(s.is_eos?)
-    s = StrBuf.new("")
-    assert_equal(nil, s[0])
-    s = StrBuf.new("")
-    dropped = s.drop(1)
-    assert_equal(0, dropped)
-    assert_raises(TestCSV::ErrBuf::Error) do
-      s = ErrBuf.new
-      s[1024]
-    end
-    assert_raises(TestCSV::ErrBuf::Error) do
-      s = ErrBuf.new
-      s.drop(1024)
-    end
-  end
-  def test_StreamBuf_AREF # '[idx]'
-    setupInputStream(22, 1024) do |s|
-      [0, 1, 9, 10, 19, 20, 21].each do |idx|
-	assert_equal(expChar(idx), s[idx], idx.to_s)
-      end
-      [22, 23].each do |idx|
-	assert_equal(nil, s[idx], idx.to_s)
-      end
-      assert_equal(nil, s[-1])
-    end
-    setupInputStream(22, 1) do |s|
-      [0, 1, 9, 10, 19, 20, 21].each do |idx|
-	assert_equal(expChar(idx), s[idx], idx.to_s)
-      end
-      [22, 23].each do |idx|
-	assert_equal(nil, s[idx], idx.to_s)
-      end
-    end
-    setupInputStream(1024, 1) do |s|
-      [1023, 0].each do |idx|
-	assert_equal(expChar(idx), s[idx], idx.to_s)
-      end
-      [1024, 1025].each do |idx|
-	assert_equal(nil, s[idx], idx.to_s)
-      end
-    end
-    setupInputStream(1, 1) do |s|
-      [0].each do |idx|
-	assert_equal(expChar(idx), s[idx], idx.to_s)
-      end
-      [1, 2].each do |idx|
-	assert_equal(nil, s[idx], idx.to_s)
-      end
-    end
-  end
-  def test_StreamBuf_AREF_n # '[idx, n]'
-    # At first, check ruby's behaviour.
-    assert_equal("", "abc"[3, 1])
-    assert_equal(nil, "abc"[4, 1])
-    setupInputStream(22, 1024) do |s|
-      [0, 1, 9, 10, 19, 20, 21].each do |idx|
-	assert_equal(expStr(idx, 1), s[idx, 1], idx.to_s)
-      end
-      assert_equal("", s[22, 1])
-      assert_equal(nil, s[23, 1])
-    end
-    setupInputStream(22, 1) do |s|
-      [0, 1, 9, 10, 19, 20, 21].each do |idx|
-	assert_equal(expStr(idx, 1), s[idx, 1], idx.to_s)
-      end
-      assert_equal("", s[22, 1])
-      assert_equal(nil, s[23, 1])
-    end
-    setupInputStream(1024, 1) do |s|
-      [1023, 0].each do |idx|
-	assert_equal(expStr(idx, 1), s[idx, 1], idx.to_s)
-      end
-      assert_equal("", s[1024, 1])
-      assert_equal(nil, s[1025, 1])
-    end
-    setupInputStream(1, 1) do |s|
-      [0].each do |idx|
-	assert_equal(expStr(idx, 1), s[idx, 1], idx.to_s)
-      end
-      assert_equal("", s[1, 1])
-      assert_equal(nil, s[2, 1])
-    end
-    setupInputStream(22, 11) do |s|
-      [0, 1, 10, 11, 20].each do  |idx|
-	assert_equal(expStr(idx, 2), s[idx, 2], idx.to_s)
-      end
-      assert_equal(expStr(21, 1), s[21, 2])
-      assert_equal(expStr(0, 12), s[0, 12])
-      assert_equal(expStr(10, 12), s[10, 12])
-      assert_equal(expStr(10, 12), s[10, 13])
-      assert_equal(expStr(10, 12), s[10, 14])
-      assert_equal(expStr(10, 12), s[10, 1024])
-      assert_equal(nil, s[0, -1])
-      assert_equal(nil, s[21, -1])
-      assert_equal(nil, s[-1, 10])
-      assert_equal(nil, s[-1, -1])
-    end
-  end
-  def test_StreamBuf_get
-    setupInputStream(22, 1024) do |s|
-      [0, 1, 9, 10, 19, 20, 21].each do |idx|
-	assert_equal(expChar(idx), s.get(idx), idx.to_s)
-      end
-      [22, 23].each do |idx|
-	assert_equal(nil, s.get(idx), idx.to_s)
-      end
-      assert_equal(nil, s.get(-1))
-    end
-  end
-  def test_StreamBuf_get_n
-    setupInputStream(22, 1024) do |s|
-      [0, 1, 9, 10, 19, 20, 21].each do |idx|
-	assert_equal(expStr(idx, 1), s.get(idx, 1), idx.to_s)
-      end
-      assert_equal("", s.get(22, 1))
-      assert_equal(nil, s.get(23, 1))
-      assert_equal(nil, s.get(-1, 1))
-      assert_equal(nil, s.get(-1, -1))
-    end
-  end
-  def test_StreamBuf_drop
-    setupInputStream(22, 1024) do |s|
-      assert_equal(expChar(0), s[0])
-      assert_equal(expChar(21), s[21])
-      assert_equal(nil, s[22])
-      dropped = s.drop(-1)
-      assert_equal(0, dropped)
-      assert_equal(expChar(0), s[0])
-      dropped = s.drop(0)
-      assert_equal(0, dropped)
-      assert_equal(expChar(0), s[0])
-      dropped = s.drop(1)
-      assert_equal(1, dropped)
-      assert_equal(expChar(1), s[0])
-      assert_equal(expChar(2), s[1])
-      dropped = s.drop(1)
-      assert_equal(1, dropped)
-      assert_equal(expChar(2), s[0])
-      assert_equal(expChar(3), s[1])
-    end
-    setupInputStream(4, 2) do |s|
-      dropped = s.drop(2)
-      assert_equal(2, dropped)
-      assert_equal(expChar(2), s[0])
-      assert_equal(expChar(3), s[1])
-      dropped = s.drop(1)
-      assert_equal(1, dropped)
-      assert_equal(expChar(3), s[0])
-      assert_equal(nil, s[1])
-      dropped = s.drop(1)
-      assert_equal(1, dropped)
-      assert_equal(nil, s[0])
-      assert_equal(nil, s[1])
-      dropped = s.drop(0)
-      assert_equal(0, dropped)
-      assert_equal(nil, s[0])
-      assert_equal(nil, s[1])
-    end
-    setupInputStream(6, 3) do |s|
-      dropped = s.drop(2)
-      assert_equal(2, dropped)
-      dropped = s.drop(2)
-      assert_equal(2, dropped)
-      assert_equal(expChar(4), s[0])
-      assert_equal(expChar(5), s[1])
-      dropped = s.drop(3)
-      assert_equal(2, dropped)
-      assert_equal(nil, s[0])
-      assert_equal(nil, s[1])
-    end
-  end
-  def test_StreamBuf_is_eos?
-    setupInputStream(3, 1024) do |s|
-      assert(!s.is_eos?)
-      s.drop(1)
-      assert(!s.is_eos?)
-      s.drop(1)
-      assert(!s.is_eos?)
-      s.drop(1)
-      assert(s.is_eos?)
-      s.drop(1)
-      assert(s.is_eos?)
-    end
-    setupInputStream(3, 2) do |s|
-      assert(!s.is_eos?)
-      s.drop(1)
-      assert(!s.is_eos?)
-      s.drop(1)
-      assert(!s.is_eos?)
-      s.drop(1)
-      assert(s.is_eos?)
-      s.drop(1)
-      assert(s.is_eos?)
-    end
-  end
-  def test_StreamBuf_s_new
-    # NotImplementedError should be raised from StreamBuf#read.
-    assert_raises(NotImplementedError) do
-      CSV::StreamBuf.new
-    end
-  end
-  def test_IOBuf_close
-    f = File.open(@outfile, "wb")
-    f << "tst"
-    f.close
-    f = File.open(@outfile, "rb")
-    iobuf = CSV::IOBuf.new(f)
-    iobuf.close
-    assert(true)	# iobuf.close does not raise any exception.
-    f.close
-  end
-  def test_IOBuf_s_new
-    iobuf = CSV::IOBuf.new(Tempfile.new("in.csv"))
-    assert_instance_of(CSV::IOBuf, iobuf)
-  end
-  #### CSV functional test
-  # sample data
-  #
-  #  1      2       3         4       5        6      7    8
-  # +------+-------+---------+-------+--------+------+----+------+
-  # | foo  | "foo" | foo,bar | ""    |(empty) |(null)| \r | \r\n |
-  # +------+-------+---------+-------+--------+------+----+------+
-  # | NaHi | "Na"  | Na,Hi   | \r.\n | \r\n\n | "    | \n | \r\n |
-  # +------+-------+---------+-------+--------+------+----+------+
-  #
-  def test_s_parseAndCreate
-    colSize = 8
-    csvStr = "foo,!!!foo!!!,!foo,bar!,!!!!!!,!!,,!\r!,!\r\n!\nNaHi,!!!Na!!!,!Na,Hi!,!\r.\n!,!\r\n\n!,!!!!,!\n!,!\r\n!".gsub!('!', '"')
-    csvStrTerminated = csvStr + "\n"
-    myStr = csvStr.dup
-    res1 = []; res2 = []
-    idx = 0
-    col, idx = CSV::parse_row(myStr, 0, res1)
-    col, idx = CSV::parse_row(myStr, idx, res2)
-    buf = ''
-    col = CSV::generate_row(res1, colSize, buf)
-    col = CSV::generate_row(res2, colSize, buf)
-    assert_equal(csvStrTerminated, buf)
-    parsed = []
-    CSV::Reader.parse(csvStrTerminated) do |row|
-      parsed << row
-    end
-    buf = ''
-    CSV::Writer.generate(buf) do |writer|
-      parsed.each do |row|
-	writer.add_row(row)
-      end
-    end
-    assert_equal(csvStrTerminated, buf)
-    buf = ''
-    CSV::Writer.generate(buf) do |writer|
-      parsed.each do |row|
-	writer << row
-      end
-    end
-    assert_equal(csvStrTerminated, buf)
-  end
-  def test_writer_fs_rs_generate
-    buf = ''
-    CSV::Writer.generate(buf, ",,") do |writer|
-      writer << []
-    end
-    assert_equal("\n", buf)
-    buf = ''
-    CSV::Writer.generate(buf, ",,") do |writer|
-      writer << [] << []
-    end
-    assert_equal("\n\n", buf)
-    buf = ''
-    CSV::Writer.generate(buf, ",,") do |writer|
-      writer << [1]
-    end
-    assert_equal("1\n", buf)
-    buf = ''
-    CSV::Writer.generate(buf, ",,") do |writer|
-      writer << [1, 2, 3]
-      writer << [4, ",,", 5]
-    end
-    assert_equal("1,,2,,3\n4,,\",,\",,5\n", buf)
-    buf = ''
-    CSV::Writer.generate(buf, ",,:", ",,;") do |writer|
-      writer << [nil, nil, nil]
-      writer << [nil, ",,", nil]
-    end
-    assert_equal(",,:,,:,,;,,:,,,,:,,;", buf)
-    buf = ''
-    CSV::Writer.generate(buf, "---") do |writer|
-      writer << [1, 2, 3]
-      writer << [4, "---\"---", 5]
-    end
-    assert_equal("1---2---3\n4---\"---\"\"---\"---5\n", buf)
-    buf = ''
-    CSV::Writer.generate(buf, nil) do |writer|
-      writer << [1, 2, 3]
-      writer << [4, ",\",", 5]
-    end
-    assert_equal("1,2,3\n4,\",\"\",\",5\n", buf)
-  end
-  def test_writer_fs_rs_parse
-    reader = CSV::Reader.create('a||b--c||d', '||', '--')
-    assert_equal(['a', 'b'], reader.shift)
-    assert_equal(['c', 'd'], reader.shift)
-    reader = CSV::Reader.create("a@|b@-c@|d", "@|", "@-")
-    assert_equal(['a', 'b'], reader.shift)
-    assert_equal(['c', 'd'], reader.shift)
-    reader = CSV::Reader.create("ababfsababrs", "abfs", "abrs")
-    assert_equal(['ab', 'ab'], reader.shift)
-    reader = CSV::Reader.create('"ab"abfsababrs', "abfs", "abrs")
-    assert_equal(['ab', 'ab'], reader.shift)
-    reader = CSV::Reader.create('"ab"aabfsababrs', "abfs", "abrs")
-    assert_raises(CSV::IllegalFormatError) do
-      reader.shift
-    end
-    # fs match while matching rs progress
-    reader = CSV::Reader.create("ab,ababrs", nil, "abrs")
-    assert_equal(['ab', 'ab'], reader.shift)
-    reader = CSV::Reader.create(',ababrs', nil, "abrs")
-    assert_equal([nil, 'ab'], reader.shift)
-    reader = CSV::Reader.create('"",ababrs', nil, "abrs")
-    assert_equal(['', 'ab'], reader.shift)
-    reader = CSV::Reader.create('ab,"ab"abrs', nil, "abrs")
-    assert_equal(['ab', 'ab'], reader.shift)
-    reader = CSV::Reader.create('ab,"ab"aabrs', nil, "abrs")
-    assert_raises(CSV::IllegalFormatError) do
-      reader.shift
-    end
-    # rs match while matching fs progress
-    reader = CSV::Reader.create("ab|abc", 'ab-', "ab|")
-    assert_equal([nil], reader.shift)
-    assert_equal(['abc'], reader.shift)
-    reader = CSV::Reader.create("ab\ncdabcef", "abc", "\n")
-    assert_equal(['ab'], reader.shift)
-    assert_equal(['cd', "ef"], reader.shift)
-    # EOF while fs/rs matching
-    reader = CSV::Reader.create("ab", 'ab-', "xyz")
-    assert_equal(['ab'], reader.shift)
-    reader = CSV::Reader.create("ab", 'xyz', "ab|")
-    assert_equal(['ab'], reader.shift)
-    reader = CSV::Reader.create("ab", 'ab-', "ab|")
-    assert_equal(['ab'], reader.shift)
-    reader = CSV::Reader.create(",,:,,:,,;,,:,,,,:,,;", ",,:", ",,;")
-    assert_equal([nil, nil, nil], reader.shift)
-    assert_equal([nil, ",,", nil], reader.shift)
-  end
-  def test_s_foreach
-    File.open(@outfile, "w") do |f|
-      f << "1,2,3\n4,5,6"
-    end
-    row = []
-    CSV.foreach(@outfile) { |line|
-      row << line
-    }
-    assert_equal([['1', '2', '3'], ['4', '5', '6']], row)
-    File.open(@outfile, "w") do |f|
-      f << "1,2,3\r4,5,6"
-    end
-    row = []
-    CSV.foreach(@outfile, "\r") { |line|
-      row << line
-    }
-    assert_equal([['1', '2', '3'], ['4', '5', '6']], row)
-  end
-  def test_s_readlines
-    File.open(@outfile, "w") do |f|
-      f << "1,2,3\n4,5,6"
-    end
-    assert_equal([["1", "2", "3"], ["4", "5", "6"]], CSV.readlines(@outfile))
-    assert_equal([["1", "2", nil], [nil, "5", "6"]], CSV.readlines(@outfile, "3\n4"))
-  end
-  def test_s_read
-    File.open(@outfile, "w") do |f|
-      f << "1,2,3\n4,5,6"
-    end
-    assert_equal([["1", "2", "3"], ["4", "5", "6"]], CSV.read(@outfile))
-    assert_equal([["1", "2"]], CSV.read(@outfile, 3))
-    assert_equal([[nil], ["4", nil]], CSV.read(@outfile, 3, 5))
-  end

ML: ruby-changes@q...
Info: http://www.atdot.net/~ko1/quickml
