

From: drbrain <ko1@a...>
Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2012 11:26:48 +0900 (JST)
Subject: [ruby-changes:26368] drbrain:r38419 (trunk): * doc/syntax.rdoc: Added syntax guide table of contents

drbrain	2012-12-17 11:26:15 +0900 (Mon, 17 Dec 2012)

  New Revision: 38419


    * doc/syntax.rdoc:  Added syntax guide table of contents
    * doc/syntax/exceptions.rdoc:  Syntax guide for exceptions
    * doc/syntax/literals.rdoc:  Syntax guide for literals
    * doc/syntax/methods.rdoc:  Syntax guide for methods

  Added directories:
  Added files:
  Modified files:

Index: doc/syntax/literals.rdoc
--- doc/syntax/literals.rdoc	(revision 0)
+++ doc/syntax/literals.rdoc	(revision 38419)
@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@ https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/doc/syntax/literals.rdoc#L1
+= Literals
+Literals create objects you can use in your program.  Literals include:
+* Booleans and nil
+* Numbers
+* Strings
+* Symbols
+* Arrays
+* Hashes
+* Ranges
+* Regular Expressions
+* Procs
+== Booleans and nil
++nil+ and +false+ are both false values.  +nil+ is sometimes used to indicate
+"no value" or "unknown" but evaluates to +false+ in conditional expressions.
++true+ is a true value.  All objects except +nil+ and +false+ evaluate to a
+true value in conditional expressions.
+(There are also the constants +TRUE+, +FALSE+ and +NIL+, but the lowercase
+literal forms are preferred.)
+== Numbers
+You can write integers of any size as follows:
+  1234
+  1_234
+These numbers have the same value, 1,234.  The underscore may be used to
+enhance readability for humans.  You may place an underscore anywhere in the
+Floating point numbers may be written as follows:
+  12.34
+  1234e-2
+  1.234E1
+These numbers have the same value, 12.34.  You may use underscores in floating
+point numbers as well.
+You can also write numbers in hexadecimal, octal or binary formats.  For
+hexadecimal numbers use a prefix of <tt>0x</tt>, for octal numbers use a
+prefix of <tt>0</tt>, for binary numbers use a prefix of <tt>0b</tt>.  The
+alphabetic component of the number is not case-sensitive.  Examples:
+  0xaa
+  0xAa
+  0xAA
+  0Xaa
+  0XAa
+  0XaA
+  0252
+  0b10101010
+  0B10101010
+All these numbers have the same decimal value, 170.  Like integers and floats
+you may use an underscore for readability.
+== Strings
+The most common way of writing strings is using <tt>"</tt>:
+  "This is a string".
+The string may be many lines long.
+Any internal <tt>"</tt> must be escaped:
+  "This string has a quote: \".  As you can see, it is escaped"
+Double-quote strings allow escaped characters such as <tt>\n</tt> for newline,
+<tt>\t</tt> for tab, etc.
+Double-quote strings allow interpolation of other values using
+  "One plus one is two: #{1 + 1}"
+Any expression may be placed inside the interpolated section, but it's best to
+keep the expression small for readability.
+Interpolation may be disabled by escaping the "#" character or using
+single-quote strings:
+  '#{1 + 1}' #=> "\#{1 + 1}"
+In addition to disabling interpolation, single-quoted strings also disable all
+escape sequences except for the single-quote (<tt>\'</tt>).
+You may also create strings using <tt>%</tt>:
+  %(1 + 1 is #{1 + 1}) #=> "1 + 1 is 2"
+There are two different types of <tt>%</tt> strings <tt>%q(...)</tt> behaves
+like a single-quote string (no interpolation or character escaping) while
+<tt>%Q</tt> behaves as a double-quote string.  See Percent Strings below for
+more discussion of the syntax of percent strings.
+=== Here Documents
+If you are writing a large block of text you may use a "here document" or
+  expected_result = <<HEREDOC
+  This would contain specially formatted text.
+  That might span many lines
+The heredoc starts on the line following <tt><<HEREDOC</tt> and ends with the
+next line that starts with <tt>HEREDOC</tt>.  The result includes the ending
+You may use any identifier with a heredoc, but all-uppercase identifiers are
+typically used.
+You may indent the ending identifier if you place a "-" after <tt><<</tt>:
+  def test_something
+    expected_result = <<-INDENTED_HEREDOC
+  This would contain specially formatted text.
+  That might span many lines
+    # ...
+  end
+Note that the while the closing identifier may be indented, the content is
+always treated as if it is flush left.  If you indent the content those spaces
+will appear in the output.
+A heredoc allows interpolation and escaped characters.  You may disable
+interpolation and escaping by surrounding the opening identifier with single
+  expected_result = <<-'EXPECTED'
+  One plus one is #{1 + 1}
+  p expected_result # prints: "One plus one is \#{1 + 1}\n"
+To call a method on a heredoc place it after the opening identifier:
+  expected_result = <<-EXPECTED.chomp
+  One plus one is #{1 + 1}
+You may open multiple heredocs on the same line, but this can be difficult to
+  puts(<<-ONE, <<-TWO)
+  content for heredoc one
+  ONE
+  content for heredoc two
+  TWO
+== Symbols
+A Symbol represents a name inside the ruby interpreter.  See Symbol for more
+details on what symbols are and when ruby creates them internally.
+You may reference a symbol using a colon: <tt>:my_symbol</tt>.
+You may also create symbols by interpolation:
+  :"my_symbol1"
+  :"my_symbol#{1 + 1}"
+Note that symbols are never garbage collected so be careful when referencing
+symbols using interpolation.
+Like strings, a single-quote may be used to disable interpolation:
+  :"my_symbol#{1 + 1}" #=> :"my_symbol\#{1 + 1}"
+When creating a Hash there is a special syntax for referencing a Symbol as
+== Arrays
+An array is created using the objects between <tt>[</tt> and <tt>]</tt>:
+  [1, 2, 3]
+You may place expressions inside the array:
+  [1, 1 + 1, 1 + 2]
+  [1, [1 + 1, [1 + 2]]]
+See Array for the methods you may use with an array.
+== Hashes
+A hash is created using key-value pairs between <tt>{</tt> and <tt>}</tt>:
+  { "a" => 1, "b" => 2 }
+Both the key and value may be any object.
+You can create a hash using symbol keys with the following syntax:
+  { a: 1, b: 2 }
+This same syntax is used for keyword arguments for a method.
+See Hash for the methods you may use with a hash.
+== Ranges
+A range represents an interval of values.  The range may include or exclude
+its ending value.
+  (1..2)  # includes its ending value
+  (1...2) # excludes its ending value
+You may create a range of any object.  See the Range documentation for details
+on the methods you need to implement.
+== Regular Expressions
+A regular expression is created using "/":
+  /my regular expression/
+The regular expression may be followed by flags which adjust the matching
+behavior of the regular expression.  The "i" flag makes the regular expression
+  /my regular expression/i
+Interpolation may be used inside regular expressions along with escaped
+characters.  Note that a regular expression may require additional escaped
+characters than a string.
+See Regexp for a description of the syntax of regular expressions.
+== Procs
+A proc can be created with <tt>-></tt>:
+  -> { 1 + 1 }
+Calling the above proc will give a result of <tt>2</tt>.
+You can require arguments for the proc as follows:
+  ->(v) { 1 + v }
+This proc will add one to its argument.
+== Percent Strings
+Besides <tt>%(...)</tt> which creates a String, The <tt>%</tt> may create
+other types of object.  As with strings, an uppercase letter allows
+interpolation and escaped characters while a lowercase letter disables them.
+These are the types of percent strings in ruby:
+<tt>%i</tt> :: Array of Symbols
+<tt>%q</tt> :: String
+<tt>%r</tt> :: Regular Expression
+<tt>%s</tt> :: Symbol
+<tt>%w</tt> :: Array of Strings
+<tt>%x</tt> :: Backtick (capture subshell result)
+For the two array forms of percent string, if you wish to include a space in
+one of the array entries you must escape it with a "\\" character:
+  %w[one one-hundred\ one]
+  #=> ["one", "one-hundred one"]
+If you are using "(", "[", "{", "<" you must close it with ")", "]", "}", ">"
+respectively.  You may use most other non-alphanumeric characters for percent
+string delimiters such as "%", "|", "^", etc.
Index: doc/syntax/exceptions.rdoc
--- doc/syntax/exceptions.rdoc	(revision 0)
+++ doc/syntax/exceptions.rdoc	(revision 38419)
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/doc/syntax/exceptions.rdoc#L1
+= Exception Handling
+Exceptions are rescued in a +begin+/+end+ block:
+  begin
+    # code that might raise
+  rescue
+    # handle exception
+  end
+If you are inside a method you do not need to use +begin+ or +end+ unless you
+wish to limit the scope of rescued exceptions:
+  def my_method
+    # ...
+  rescue
+    # ...
+  end
+The same is true for a +class+ or +module+.
+You can assign the exception to a local variable by using <tt>=>
+variable_name</tt> at the end of the +rescue+ line:
+  begin
+    # ...
+  rescue => exception
+    warn exception.message
+    raise # re-raise the current exception
+  end
+By default StandardError and its subclasses are rescued.  You can rescue a
+specific set of exception classes (and their subclasses) by listing them after
+  begin
+    # ...
+  rescue ArgumentError, NameError
+    # handle ArgumentError or NameError
+  end
+You may rescue different types of exceptions in different ways:
+  begin
+    # ...
+  rescue ArgumentError
+    # handle ArgumentError
+  rescue NameError
+    # handle NameError
+  rescue
+    # handle any StandardError
+  end
+The exception is matched to the rescue section starting at the top, and matches
+only once.  If an ArgumentError is raised in the begin section it will not be
+handled in the StandardError section.
+To always run some code whether an exception was raised or not, use +ensure+:
+  begin
+    # ...
+  rescue
+    # ...
+  ensure
+    # this always runs
+  end
+You may also run some code when an exception is not raised:
+  begin
+    # ...
+  rescue
+    # ...
+  else
+    # this runs only when no exception was raised
+  ensure
+    # ...
+  end
Index: doc/syntax/methods.rdoc
--- doc/syntax/methods.rdoc	(revision 0)
+++ doc/syntax/methods.rdoc	(revision 38419)
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@ https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/doc/syntax/methods.rdoc#L1
+= Methods
+Methods implement the functionality of your program.  Here is a simple method
+  def one_plus_one
+    1 + 1
+  end
+A method definition consists of the +def+ keyword, a method name, the body of
+the method, then the +end+ keyword.  When called the method will execute the
+body of the method.  This method returns <tt>2</tt>.
+== Arguments
+A method may accept arguments.  The argument list follows the method name:
+  def add_one(value)
+    value + 1
+  end
+When called, the user of the +add_one+ method must provide an argument.  The
+argument is a local variable in the method body.  The method will then add one
+to this argument and return the value.  If given <tt>1</tt> this method will
+return <tt>2</tt>.
+The parentheses around the arguments are optional:
+  def add_one value
+    value + 1
+  end
+Multiple arguments are separated by a comma:
+  def add_values(a, b)
+    a + b
+  end
+When called, the arguments must be provided in the exact order.  In other
+words, the arguments are positional.
+=== Default Values
+Arguments may have default values:
+  def add_values(a, b = 1)
+    a + b
+  end
+The default value does not need to appear first, but the must be grouped
+together.  This is ok:
+  def add_values(a = 1, b = 2, c)
+    a + b + c
+  end
+This will raise a SyntaxError:
+  def add_values(a = 1, b, c = 1)
+    a + b + c
+  end
+=== Keyword Arguments
+Keyword arguments are similar to positional arguments with default values:
+  def add_values first: 1, second: 2
+    first + second
+  end
+When calling a method with keyword arguments the arguments may appear in any
+order.  If an unknown keyword argument is sent by the caller an ArgumentError
+is raised.
+When mixing keyword arguments and positional arguments, all positional
+arguments must appear before any keyword arguments.
+=== Array/Hash Argument
+Prefixing an argument with "*" causes any remaining arguments to be converted
+to an Array:
+  def gather_arguments(*arguments)
+    p arguments
+  end
+  gather_arguments 1, 2, 3 # prints [1, 2, 3]
+The array argument must be the last positional argument, it must appear before
+any keyword arguments.
+The array argument will capture a Hash as the last entry if a hash was sent by
+the caller after all positional arguments.
+  gather_arguments 1, a: 2 # prints [1, {:a=>2}]
+However, this only occurs if the method does not declare any keyword arguments.
+  def gather_arguments_keyword(*positional, keyword: nil)
+   p positinal: positional, keyword: keyword
+  end
+  gather_arguments_keyword 1, 2, three: 3
+  #=> raises: unknown keyword: three (ArgumentError)
+== Exception Handling
+Methods have an implied exception handling block so you do not need to use
++begin+ or +end+ to handle exceptions.  This:
+  def my_method
+    begin
+      # code that may raise an exception
+    rescue
+      # handle exception
+    end
+  end
+May be written as:
+  def my_method
+    # code that may raise an exception
+  rescue
+    # handle exception
+  end
+If you wish to rescue an exception for only part of your method use +begin+ and
++end+.  For more details see the page on {Exception
Index: doc/syntax.rdoc
--- doc/syntax.rdoc	(revision 0)
+++ doc/syntax.rdoc	(revision 38419)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/doc/syntax.rdoc#L1
+= Ruby Syntax
+The Ruby syntax is large and is split up into the following sections:
+Literals[rdoc-ref:doc/syntax/literals.rdoc] ::
+  Numbers, Strings, Arrays, Hashes, etc.
+Methods[rdoc-ref:doc/syntax/methods.rdoc] ::
+  Method and method argument syntax
+Exceptions[rdoc-ref:doc/syntax/exceptions.rdoc] ::
+  Exception handling syntax
Index: ChangeLog
--- ChangeLog	(revision 38418)
+++ ChangeLog	(revision 38419)
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@ https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/ChangeLog#L1
+Mon Dec 17 11:25:32 2012  Eric Hodel  <drbrain@s...>
+	* doc/syntax.rdoc:  Added syntax guide table of contents
+	* doc/syntax/exceptions.rdoc:  Syntax guide for exceptions
+	* doc/syntax/literals.rdoc:  Syntax guide for literals
+	* doc/syntax/methods.rdoc:  Syntax guide for methods
 Mon Dec 17 07:59:40 2012  Eric Hodel  <drbrain@s...>
 	* lib/rubygems.rb:  Updated VERSION

ML: ruby-changes@q...
Info: http://www.atdot.net/~ko1/quickml/
