

From: drbrain <ko1@a...>
Date: Tue, 2 Aug 2011 04:00:49 +0900 (JST)
Subject: [ruby-changes:20755] drbrain:r32803 (ruby_1_9_3): * lib/rdoc: Update to 3.9.1. Fixes === lines in verbatim sections.

drbrain	2011-08-02 03:57:36 +0900 (Tue, 02 Aug 2011)

  New Revision: 32803


    * lib/rdoc:  Update to 3.9.1.  Fixes === lines in verbatim sections.
      Fixes :nodoc: on class aliases.  Fixes :stopdoc: creating references
      to Object.  Fixes spacing when class comments are merged in ri.
      Fixes `ri []` crash.  Fixes bug report URL when rdoc crashes.  Adds
      :doc: and :nodoc: to allow hiding of implementation details in ruby.
      Makes `rdoc` and `ri` gem-aware.

  Modified files:

Index: ruby_1_9_3/ChangeLog
--- ruby_1_9_3/ChangeLog	(revision 32802)
+++ ruby_1_9_3/ChangeLog	(revision 32803)
@@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
+Tue Aug  2 03:55:41 2011  Eric Hodel  <drbrain@s...>
+	* lib/rdoc:  Update to 3.9.1.  Fixes === lines in verbatim sections.
+	  Fixes :nodoc: on class aliases.  Fixes :stopdoc: creating references
+	  to Object.  Fixes spacing when class comments are merged in ri.
+	  Fixes `ri []` crash.  Fixes bug report URL when rdoc crashes.  Adds
+	  :doc: and :nodoc: to allow hiding of implementation details in ruby.
+	  Makes `rdoc` and `ri` gem-aware.
 Tue Aug  2 03:26:02 2011  NAKAMURA Usaku  <usa@r...>
 	* test/rake/test_rake_directory_task.rb (TestRakeDirectoryTask#
Index: ruby_1_9_3/lib/rdoc.rb
--- ruby_1_9_3/lib/rdoc.rb	(revision 32802)
+++ ruby_1_9_3/lib/rdoc.rb	(revision 32803)
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@
   # RDoc version you are using
-  VERSION = '3.8'
+  VERSION = '3.9.1'
   # Method visibilities
Index: ruby_1_9_3/lib/rdoc/context.rb
--- ruby_1_9_3/lib/rdoc/context.rb	(revision 32802)
+++ ruby_1_9_3/lib/rdoc/context.rb	(revision 32803)
@@ -423,6 +423,7 @@
     if klass then
       # if TopLevel, it may not be registered in the classes:
       enclosing.classes_hash[name] = klass
       # update the superclass if needed
       if superclass then
         existing = klass.superclass
@@ -623,8 +624,10 @@
   # Is there any content?
-  # This means any of: comment, aliases, methods, attributes,
-  # external aliases, require, constant.
+  #
+  # This means any of: comment, aliases, methods, attributes, external
+  # aliases, require, constant.
+  #
   # Includes are also checked unless <tt>includes == false</tt>.
   def any_content(includes = true)
Index: ruby_1_9_3/lib/rdoc/generator/template/darkfish/classpage.rhtml
--- ruby_1_9_3/lib/rdoc/generator/template/darkfish/classpage.rhtml	(revision 32802)
+++ ruby_1_9_3/lib/rdoc/generator/template/darkfish/classpage.rhtml	(revision 32803)
@@ -176,6 +176,8 @@
     </div><!-- description -->
     <% klass.each_section do |section, constants, attributes| %>
+    <% constants = constants.select { |const| const.display? } %>
+    <% attributes = attributes.select { |attr| attr.display? } %>
     <div id="<%= section.aref %>" class="documentation-section">
       <% if section.title then %>
       <h2 class="section-header">
Index: ruby_1_9_3/lib/rdoc/generator/darkfish.rb
--- ruby_1_9_3/lib/rdoc/generator/darkfish.rb	(revision 32802)
+++ ruby_1_9_3/lib/rdoc/generator/darkfish.rb	(revision 32803)
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@
       top_level = klass.full_name.gsub( /::.*/, '' )
       [nscounts[top_level] * -1, klass.full_name]
     end.select do |klass|
-      klass.document_self
+      klass.display?
Index: ruby_1_9_3/lib/rdoc/parser.rb
--- ruby_1_9_3/lib/rdoc/parser.rb	(revision 32802)
+++ ruby_1_9_3/lib/rdoc/parser.rb	(revision 32803)
@@ -106,6 +106,8 @@
   # Applies +directive+'s +value+ to +code_object+, if appropriate
   def self.process_directive code_object, directive, value
+    warn "RDoc::Parser::process_directive is deprecated and wil be removed in RDoc 4.  Use RDoc::Markup::PreProcess#handle_directive instead" if $-w
     case directive
     when 'nodoc' then
       code_object.document_self = nil # notify nodoc
@@ -196,6 +198,9 @@
     @content = content
     @options = options
     @stats = stats
+    @preprocess = RDoc::Markup::PreProcess.new @file_name, @options.rdoc_include
+    @preprocess.options = @options
Index: ruby_1_9_3/lib/rdoc/markup/document.rb
--- ruby_1_9_3/lib/rdoc/markup/document.rb	(revision 32802)
+++ ruby_1_9_3/lib/rdoc/markup/document.rb	(revision 32803)
@@ -71,9 +71,7 @@
   # Does this document have no parts?
   def empty?
-    @parts.empty? or
-      (@parts.length == 1 and RDoc::Markup::Document === @parts.first and
-       @parts.first.empty?)
+    @parts.empty? or (@parts.length == 1 and merged? and @parts.first.empty?)
@@ -85,6 +83,11 @@
   # The information in +other+ is preferred over the receiver
   def merge other
+    if empty? then
+      @parts = other.parts
+      return self
+    end
     other.parts.each do |other_part|
       self.parts.delete_if do |self_part|
         self_part.file and self_part.file == other_part.file
@@ -96,6 +99,13 @@
+  ##
+  # Does this Document contain other Documents?
+  def merged?
+    RDoc::Markup::Document === @parts.first
+  end
   def pretty_print q # :nodoc:
     start = @file ? "[doc (#{@file}): " : '[doc: '
Index: ruby_1_9_3/lib/rdoc/markup/pre_process.rb
--- ruby_1_9_3/lib/rdoc/markup/pre_process.rb	(revision 32802)
+++ ruby_1_9_3/lib/rdoc/markup/pre_process.rb	(revision 32803)
@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@
 class RDoc::Markup::PreProcess
+  attr_accessor :options
   @registered = {}
@@ -38,6 +40,7 @@
   def initialize(input_file_name, include_path)
     @input_file_name = input_file_name
     @include_path = include_path
+    @options = nil
@@ -54,54 +57,120 @@
   # If +code_object+ is given and the param is set as metadata on the
   # +code_object+.  See RDoc::CodeObject#metadata
-  def handle text, code_object = nil
+  def handle text, code_object = nil, &block
+    encoding = if defined?(Encoding) then text.encoding else nil end
     # regexp helper (square brackets for optional)
     # $1      $2  $3        $4      $5
     # [prefix][\]:directive:[spaces][param]newline
-    text.gsub!(/^([ \t]*#?[ \t]*)(\\?):(\w+):([ \t]*)(.+)?\n/) do
+    text.gsub!(/^([ \t]*(?:#|\/?\*)?[ \t]*)(\\?):(\w+):([ \t]*)(.+)?\n/) do
       # skip something like ':toto::'
       next $& if $4.empty? and $5 and $5[0, 1] == ':'
       # skip if escaped
       next "#$1:#$3:#$4#$5\n" unless $2.empty?
-      prefix    = $1
-      directive = $3.downcase
-      param     = $5
+      handle_directive $1, $3, $5, code_object, encoding, &block
+    end
-      case directive
-      when 'include' then
-        filename = param.split[0]
-        encoding = if defined?(Encoding) then text.encoding else nil end
-        include_file filename, prefix, encoding
-      when 'category' then
-        if RDoc::Context === code_object then
-          section = code_object.add_section param, ''
-          code_object.temporary_section = section
-        end
+    text
+  end
-        '' # ignore category if we're not on an RDoc::Context
-      else
-        result = yield directive, param if block_given?
+  #--
+  # When 1.8.7 support is ditched prefix can be defaulted to ''
-        case result
-        when nil then
-          code_object.metadata[directive] = param if code_object
-          if RDoc::Markup::PreProcess.registered.include? directive then
-            handler = RDoc::Markup::PreProcess.registered[directive]
-            result = handler.call directive, param if handler
-          else
-            result = "#{prefix}:#{directive}: #{param}\n"
-          end
-        when false then
+  def handle_directive prefix, directive, param, code_object = nil,
+                       encoding = nil
+    blankline = "#{prefix.strip}\n"
+    directive = directive.downcase
+    case directive
+    when 'arg', 'args' then
+      return blankline unless code_object
+      code_object.params = param
+      blankline
+    when 'category' then
+      if RDoc::Context === code_object then
+        section = code_object.add_section param, ''
+        code_object.temporary_section = section
+      end
+      blankline # ignore category if we're not on an RDoc::Context
+    when 'doc' then
+      return blankline unless code_object
+      code_object.document_self = true
+      code_object.force_documentation = true
+      blankline
+    when 'enddoc' then
+      return blankline unless code_object
+      code_object.done_documenting = true
+      blankline
+    when 'include' then
+      filename = param.split.first
+      include_file filename, prefix, encoding
+    when 'main' then
+      @options.main_page = param if @options.respond_to? :main_page
+      blankline
+    when 'nodoc' then
+      return blankline unless code_object
+      code_object.document_self = nil # notify nodoc
+      code_object.document_children = param !~ /all/i
+      blankline
+    when 'notnew', 'not_new', 'not-new' then
+      return blankline unless RDoc::AnyMethod === code_object
+      code_object.dont_rename_initialize = true
+      blankline
+    when 'startdoc' then
+      return blankline unless code_object
+      code_object.start_doc
+      code_object.force_documentation = true
+      blankline
+    when 'stopdoc' then
+      return blankline unless code_object
+      code_object.stop_doc
+      blankline
+    when 'title' then
+      @options.default_title = param if @options.respond_to? :default_title=
+      blankline
+    when 'yield', 'yields' then
+      return blankline unless code_object
+      # remove parameter &block
+      code_object.params.sub!(/,?\s*&\w+/, '') if code_object.params
+      code_object.block_params = param
+      blankline
+    else
+      result = yield directive, param if block_given?
+      case result
+      when nil then
+        code_object.metadata[directive] = param if code_object
+        if RDoc::Markup::PreProcess.registered.include? directive then
+          handler = RDoc::Markup::PreProcess.registered[directive]
+          result = handler.call directive, param if handler
+        else
           result = "#{prefix}:#{directive}: #{param}\n"
+      when false then
+        result = "#{prefix}:#{directive}: #{param}\n"
+      end
-        result
-      end
+      result
-    text
Index: ruby_1_9_3/lib/rdoc/markup/parser.rb
--- ruby_1_9_3/lib/rdoc/markup/parser.rb	(revision 32802)
+++ ruby_1_9_3/lib/rdoc/markup/parser.rb	(revision 32803)
@@ -86,11 +86,18 @@
   # Builds a Heading of +level+
   def build_heading level
-    _, text, = get  # TEXT
-    heading = RDoc::Markup::Heading.new level, text
-    skip :NEWLINE
+    type, text, = get
-    heading
+    text = case type
+           when :TEXT then
+             skip :NEWLINE
+             text
+           else
+             unget
+             ''
+           end
+    RDoc::Markup::Heading.new level, text
@@ -405,13 +412,19 @@
                    @line += 1
                  # === text => :HEADER then :TEXT
-                 when s.scan(/(=+)\s*/) then
+                 when s.scan(/(=+)(\s*)/) then
                    level = s[1].length
-                   level = 6 if level > 6
-                   @tokens << [:HEADER, level, *token_pos(pos)]
-                   pos = s.pos
-                   s.scan(/.*/)
-                   [:TEXT, s.matched.sub(/\r$/, ''), *token_pos(pos)]
+                   header = [:HEADER, level, *token_pos(pos)]
+                   if s[2] =~ /^\r?\n/ then
+                     s.pos -= s[2].length
+                     header
+                   else
+                     pos = s.pos
+                     s.scan(/.*/)
+                     @tokens << header
+                     [:TEXT, s.matched.sub(/\r$/, ''), *token_pos(pos)]
+                   end
                  # --- (at least 3) and nothing else on the line => :RULE
                  when s.scan(/(-{3,}) *$/) then
                    [:RULE, s[1].length - 2, *token_pos(pos)]
Index: ruby_1_9_3/lib/rdoc/markup/formatter.rb
--- ruby_1_9_3/lib/rdoc/markup/formatter.rb	(revision 32802)
+++ ruby_1_9_3/lib/rdoc/markup/formatter.rb	(revision 32803)
@@ -4,6 +4,10 @@
 # Base class for RDoc markup formatters
 # Formatters use a visitor pattern to convert content into output.
+# If you'd like to write your own Formatter use
+# RDoc::Markup::FormatterTestCase.  If you're writing a text-output formatter
+# use RDoc::Markup::TextFormatterTestCase which provides extra test cases.
 class RDoc::Markup::Formatter
Index: ruby_1_9_3/lib/rdoc/markup/to_html.rb
--- ruby_1_9_3/lib/rdoc/markup/to_html.rb	(revision 32802)
+++ ruby_1_9_3/lib/rdoc/markup/to_html.rb	(revision 32803)
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
     @list = nil
     @from_path = ''
-    # external hyperlinks
+    # external links
     @markup.add_special(/((link:|https?:|mailto:|ftp:|www\.)\S+\w)/, :HYPERLINK)
     # and links of the form  <text>[<url>]
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
   # These methods handle special markup added by RDoc::Markup#add_special.
-  # +special+ is a potential hyperlink.  The following schemes are handled:
+  # +special+ is a potential link.  The following schemes are handled:
   # <tt>mailto:</tt>::
   #   Inserted as-is.
@@ -97,12 +97,13 @@
   def handle_special_HYPERLINK(special)
     url = special.text
     gen_url url, url
-  # This +special+ is a hyperlink where the label is different from the URL
-  # label[url] or {long label}[url]
+  # This +special+ is a link where the label is different from the URL
+  # <tt>label[url]</tt> or <tt>{long label}[url]</tt>
   def handle_special_TIDYLINK(special)
     text = special.text
@@ -232,8 +233,8 @@
-  # Generate a hyperlink for +url+, labeled with +text+.  Handles the special
-  # cases for img: and link: described under handle_special_HYPERLINK
+  # Generate a link for +url+, labeled with +text+.  Handles the special cases
+  # for img: and link: described under handle_special_HYPERLINK
   def gen_url(url, text)
     if url =~ /([A-Za-z]+):(.*)/ then
Index: ruby_1_9_3/lib/rdoc/markup/to_html_crossref.rb
--- ruby_1_9_3/lib/rdoc/markup/to_html_crossref.rb	(revision 32802)
+++ ruby_1_9_3/lib/rdoc/markup/to_html_crossref.rb	(revision 32803)
@@ -1,94 +1,21 @@
 require 'rdoc/markup/to_html'
+require 'rdoc/cross_reference'
-# Subclass of the RDoc::Markup::ToHtml class that supports looking up words
-# from a context.  Those that are found will be hyperlinked.
+# Subclass of the RDoc::Markup::ToHtml class that supports looking up method
+# names, classes, etc to create links.  RDoc::CrossReference is used to
+# generate those links based on the current context.
 class RDoc::Markup::ToHtmlCrossref < RDoc::Markup::ToHtml
-  ##
-  # Regular expression to match class references
-  #
-  # 1. There can be a '\\' in front of text to suppress the cross-reference
-  # 2. There can be a '::' in front of class names to reference from the
-  #    top-level namespace.
-  # 3. The method can be followed by parenthesis (not recommended)
+  # :stopdoc:
+  # :startdoc:
-  CLASS_REGEXP_STR = '\\\\?((?:\:{2})?[A-Z]\w*(?:\:\:\w+)*)'
-  # Regular expression to match method references.
-  #
-  METHOD_REGEXP_STR = '([a-z]\w*[!?=]?)(?:\([\w.+*/=<>-]*\))?'
-  ##
-  # Regular expressions matching text that should potentially have
-  # cross-reference links generated are passed to add_special.  Note that
-  # these expressions are meant to pick up text for which cross-references
-  # have been suppressed, since the suppression characters are removed by the
-  # code that is triggered.
-                      # A::B::C.meth
-                      #{CLASS_REGEXP_STR}(?:[.#]|::)#{METHOD_REGEXP_STR}
-                      # Stand-alone method (preceded by a #)
-                      | \\?\##{METHOD_REGEXP_STR}
-                      # Stand-alone method (preceded by ::)
-                      | ::#{METHOD_REGEXP_STR}
-                      # A::B::C
-                      # The stuff after CLASS_REGEXP_STR is a
-                      # nasty hack.  CLASS_REGEXP_STR unfortunately matches
-                      # words like dog and cat (these are legal "class"
-                      # names in Fortran 95).  When a word is flagged as a
-                      # potential cross-reference, limitations in the markup
-                      # engine suppress other processing, such as typesetting.
-                      # This is particularly noticeable for contractions.
-                      # In order that words like "can't" not
-                      # be flagged as potential cross-references, only
-                      # flag potential class cross-references if the character
-                      # after the cross-reference is a space, sentence
-                      # punctuation, tag start character, or attribute
-                      # marker.
-                      | #{CLASS_REGEXP_STR}(?=[\s\)\.\?\!\,\;<\000]|\z)
-                      # Things that look like filenames
-                      # The key thing is that there must be at least
-                      # one special character (period, slash, or
-                      # underscore).
-                      | (?:\.\.\/)*[-\/\w]+[_\/\.][-\w\/\.]+
-                      # Things that have markup suppressed
-                      # Don't process things like '\<' in \<tt>, though.
-                      # TODO: including < is a hack, not very satisfying.
-                      | \\[^\s<]
-                      )/x
-  ##
-  # Version of CROSSREF_REGEXP used when <tt>--hyperlink-all</tt> is specified.
-                      # A::B::C.meth
-                      #{CLASS_REGEXP_STR}(?:[.#]|::)#{METHOD_REGEXP_STR}
-                      # Stand-alone method
-                      | \\?#{METHOD_REGEXP_STR}
-                      # A::B::C
-                      | #{CLASS_REGEXP_STR}(?=[\s\)\.\?\!\,\;<\000]|\z)
-                      # Things that look like filenames
-                      | (?:\.\.\/)*[-\/\w]+[_\/\.][-\w\/\.]+
-                      # Things that have markup suppressed
-                      | \\[^\s<]
-                      )/x
-  ##
   # RDoc::CodeObject for generating references
   attr_accessor :context
@@ -102,7 +29,7 @@
   # Creates a new crossref resolver that generates links relative to +context+
   # which lives at +from_path+ in the generated files.  '#' characters on
   # references are removed unless +show_hash+ is true.  Only method names
-  # preceded by '#' or '::' are hyperlinked, unless +hyperlink_all+ is true.
+  # preceded by '#' or '::' are linked, unless +hyperlink_all+ is true.
   def initialize(from_path, context, show_hash, hyperlink_all = false,
                  markup = nil)
@@ -111,22 +38,36 @@
     crossref_re = hyperlink_all ? ALL_CROSSREF_REGEXP : CROSSREF_REGEXP
+    @cross_reference = RDoc::CrossReference.new context
     @markup.add_special crossref_re, :CROSSREF
+    @markup.add_special(/rdoc-ref:\S+\w/, :HYPERLINK)
-    @from_path = from_path
-    @context = context
-    @show_hash = show_hash
+    @from_path     = from_path
     @hyperlink_all = hyperlink_all
+    @show_hash     = show_hash
+  end
-    @seen = {}
+  ##
+  # Creates a link to the reference +name+ if the name exists.  If +text+ is
+  # given it is used as the link text, otherwise +name (... truncated)

ML: ruby-changes@q...
Info: http://www.atdot.net/~ko1/quickml/
