

From: yugui <ko1@a...>
Date: Sun, 10 Jul 2011 23:54:24 +0900 (JST)
Subject: [ruby-changes:20455] yugui:r32503 (trunk): * docs/NEWS-1.9.3: moved from NEWS.

yugui	2011-07-10 23:54:03 +0900 (Sun, 10 Jul 2011)

  New Revision: 32503


    * docs/NEWS-1.9.3: moved from NEWS.
    * docs/ChangeLog-1.9.3: merged ChangeLog for 1.9.3.
    * NEWS: NEWS for 1.9.4 that describes changes since 1.9.3
    * ChangeLog: new ChangeLog for 1.9.4.

  Added files:
  Modified files:

Index: doc/NEWS-1.9.3
--- doc/NEWS-1.9.3	(revision 0)
+++ doc/NEWS-1.9.3	(revision 32503)
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
+# -*- rd -*-
+This document is a list of user visible feature changes made between
+releases except for bug fixes.
+Note that each entry is kept so brief that no reason behind or
+reference information is supplied with.  For a full list of changes
+with all sufficient information, see the ChangeLog file.
+== Changes since the 1.9.2 release
+=== License
+* Ruby's License is changed from a dual license with GPLv2
+  to a dual license with 2-clause BSDL.
+=== C API updates
+* rb_scan_args() is enhanced with support for option hash argument
+  extraction.
+* ruby_vm_at_exit() added.  This enables extension libs to hook a VM
+  termination.
+=== Library updates (outstanding ones only)
+* builtin classes
+  * ARGF
+    * new methods:
+      * ARGF.print
+      * ARGF.printf
+      * ARGF.putc
+      * ARGF.puts
+      * ARGF.read_nonblock
+      * ARGF.to_write_io
+      * ARGF.write
+  * Array
+    * extended method:
+      * Array#pack supports endian modifiers
+  * Bignum
+    * Multiplication algorithm for Bignums with a large number of digits over
+      150 BDIGITs is changed in order to reduce its calculation time.
+      Now such large Bignums are multiplied by using Toom-3 algorithm.
+  * Encoding
+    * new encodings:
+      * CP950
+      * CP951
+      * UTF-16
+      * UTF-32
+    * change alias:
+      * SJIS is Windows-31J
+  * File
+    * new constant:
+      * File::NULL
+        name of NULL device.
+      * File::DIRECT
+        name of O_DIRECT.
+  * IO
+    * extended method:
+      * IO#putc supports multibyte characters
+    * new methods:
+      * IO#advise
+      * IO.write(name, string, [offset] )
+        Write `string` to file `name`.
+        Opposite with File.read.
+      * IO.binwrite(name, string, [offset] )
+        binary version of IO.write.
+  * Kernel
+    * move #__id__ to BasicObject.
+    * extended method:
+      * Kernel#rand supports range argument
+  * Module
+    * new methods:
+      * Module#private_constant
+      * Module#public_constant
+  * Random
+    * extended method:
+      * Random.rand supports range argument
+  * String
+    * extended method:
+      * String#unpack supports endian modifiers
+    * new method:
+      * String#prepend
+      * String#byteslice
+  * Time
+    * extended method:
+      * Time#strftime supports %:z and %::z.
+  * Process
+    * Process#maxgroups and Process#maxgroups= now raise NotImplementedError if
+      the platform don't support supplementary groups concept.
+* bigdecimal
+  * Kernel.BigDecimal and BigDecimal.new now accept instances of Integer,
+    Rational, and Float.  If you pass a Rational or a Float to them, you must
+    specify the precision to produce the digits of a BigDecimal.
+  * The behavior of BigDecimal#coerce with a Rational is changed.  It uses
+    the precision of the receiver BigDecimal to produce the digits of a
+    BigDecimal from the given Rational.
+* date
+  * Accepts flonum explicitly with limitations.
+    * If the given offset is flonum, DateTime assumes its precision is
+      at most second.
+      DateTime.new(2001,2,3,0,0,0,3.0/24) ==
+      DateTime.new(2001,2,3,0,0,0,'+03:00')
+        #=> true
+    * If the given operand for -/+ is flonum, DateTime assumes its
+      precision is at most nanosecond.
+      DateTime.new(2001,2,3) + 0.5 == DateTime.new(2001,2,3,12)
+        #=> true
+    * Precision of offset is always at most second.
+      Rational('0.5') == Rational('0.500001')  #=> false
+      DateTime.new(2001,2,3,0,0,0,Rational('0.5')) ==
+      DateTime.new(2001,2,3,0,0,0,Rational('0.500001'))
+        #=> true
+  * Ignores long offset and far reform day (with warning).
+    * Now accepts only:
+      -1<=offset<=1 (-24:00..+24:00)
+      2298874<=start<=2426355 or -/+oo
+        (proleptic Gregorian/Julian mean -/+oo)
+  * A method strftime cannot produce huge output (same as Time's one).
+    * Even though Date/DateTime can handle far dates, the following gives
+      an empty string:
+      DateTime.new(1<<10000).strftime('%Y')  #=> ""
+  * Changed the format of inspect.
+  * Changed the format of marshal (but, can load old dumps).
+* io/console
+  * new methods:
+    * IO#noecho {|io| }
+    * IO#echo=
+    * IO#echo?
+    * IO#raw {|io| }
+    * IO#raw!
+    * IO#getch
+    * IO#winsize
+    * IO.console
+* matrix
+  * new classes:
+    * Matrix::EigenvalueDecomposition
+    * Matrix::LUPDecomposition
+  * new methods:
+    * Matrix#diagonal?
+    * Matrix#eigen
+    * Matrix#eigensystem
+    * Matrix#hermitian?
+    * Matrix#lower_triangular?
+    * Matrix#lup
+    * Matrix#lup_decomposition
+    * Matrix#normal?
+    * Matrix#orthogonal?
+    * Matrix#permutation?
+    * Matrix#round
+    * Matrix#symmetric?
+    * Matrix#unitary?
+    * Matrix#upper_triangular?
+    * Matrix#zero?
+    * Vector#magnitude, #norm
+    * Vector#normalize
+  * extended methods:
+    * Matrix#each and #each_with_index can iterate on a subset of the elements
+    * Matrix#find_index returns [row, column] and can iterate on a subset
+      of the elements
+    * Matrix#** implements Numeric exponents (using the eigensystem)
+    * Matrix.zero can build rectangular matrices
+* net/http
+  * SNI (Server Name Indication) supported for HTTPS.
+  * Allow to configure to wait server returning '100 continue' response
+    before sending HTTP request body. Set Net::HTTP#continue_timeout AND pass
+    'expect' => '100-continue' to a extra HTTP header.
+    For example, the following code sends HTTP header and waits for getting
+    '100 continue' response before sending HTTP request body. When 0.5 [sec]
+    timeout occurs or the server send '100 continue', the client sends HTTP
+    request body.
+      http.continue_timeout = 0.5
+      http.request_post('/continue', 'body=BODY', 'expect' => '100-continue')
+  * new method:
+    * Net::HTTPRequest#set_form): Added to support
+      both application/x-www-form-urlencoded and multipart/form-data.
+* openssl
+  * PKey::RSA and PKey::DSA now use the generic X.509 encoding scheme
+    (e.g. used in a X.509 certificate's Subject Public Key Info) when
+    exporting public keys to DER or PEM. Backward compatibility is
+    ensured by (already existing) fallbacks during creation.
+  * OpenSSL::ASN1::Constructive#new and OpenSSL::ASN1::Primitive#new
+    (and the constructors of their sub-classes) will no longer force
+    tagging to be set to :EXPLICIT when tag and/or tag_class are passed
+    as parameters. tagging must be set explicitly.
+  * Support for infinite length encodings via infinite_length attribute.
+  * OpenSSL::PKey.read( file | string [, pwd] ) allows to read arbitrary
+    public/private keys in DER-/PEM-encoded form with an optional password
+    for encrypted PEM encodings.
+  * Add new method OpenSSL::X509::Name#hash_old as a wrapper of
+    X509_NAME_hash_old() defined from OpenSSL 1.0.0. It returns OpenSSL 0.9.8
+    compatible hash value.
+* optparse
+  * support for bash/zsh completion.
+* Rake
+  * Rake has been upgraded from 0.8.7 to  For full release notes see
+    https://github.com/jimweirich/rake/blob/master/CHANGES
+* RDoc
+  * RDoc has been upgraded from 2.5.8 to 3.8.  For full release notes see
+    http://docs.seattlerb.org/rdoc/History_txt.html
+* rexml
+  * Support Ruby native encoding mechanism and iconv dependency is dropped.
+* RubyGems
+  * RubyGems has been upgraded to version For full release notes see
+    http://rubygems.rubyforge.org/rubygems-update/History_txt.html
+* stringio
+  * extended method:
+    * StringIO#set_encoding can get 2nd argument and optional hash.
+* test/unit
+  * New arguments:
+    * -j N, --jobs=N: Allow run N testcases at once.
+    * --jobs-status: Show status of jobs when parallel running.
+    * --no-retry: Don't retry testcases which failed when parallel running.
+    * --ruby=RUBY: path to ruby for job(worker) process. optional.
+    * --hide-skip: Hide skip messages. You'll see the number of skips at end of
+      test result.
+* uri
+  * new methods:
+    * URI::Generic#hostname
+    * URI::Generic#hostname=
+* webrick
+  * new method:
+    * WEBrick::HTTPRequest#continue for generating '100 continue' response.
+  * new logging directive:
+    * %{remote}p for remote (client) port number.
+* yaml
+  * The default YAML engine is now Psych. You may downgrade to syck by setting
+    YAML::ENGINE.yamler = 'syck'.
+* zlib
+  * new methods:
+    * Zlib.deflate
+    * Zlib.inflate
+* FileUtils
+  * extended method:
+    * FileUtils#chmod supports symbolic mode argument.
+=== Language changes
+* Regexps now support Unicode 6.0. (new characters and scripts)
+* [experimental] Regexps now support Age property.
+  Unlike Perl, current implementation takes interpretation of the
+  interpretation of UTS #18.
+  http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr18/
+* Turning on/off indentation warnings with directives.
+  ("# -*- warn-indent: true -*-" / "# -*- warn-indent: false -*-")
+=== Compatibility issues (excluding feature bug fixes)
+  None

Property changes on: doc/NEWS-1.9.3
Added: svn:eol-style
   + LF

Index: doc/ChangeLog-1.9.3
--- doc/ChangeLog-1.9.3	(revision 32502)
+++ doc/ChangeLog-1.9.3	(revision 32503)
@@ -1,3 +1,12154 @@
+Sun Jul 10 22:50:00 2011  Kenta Murata  <mrkn@m...>
+	* ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (rmpd_power_by_big_decimal): fix
+	  precision treatment errors.
+	* test/bigdecimal/test_bigdecimal.rb: add tests for the above change.
+	  fix precision treatment errors.
+	* ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_power): precision argument
+	  should be optional for its compatibility.
+Sun Jul 10 22:38:09 2011  Nobuyoshi Nakada  <nobu@r...>
+	* parse.y (var_ref): distinguish vcall from local variable
+	  references.  based on a patch by Michael Edgar michael.j.edgar
+	  AT dartmouth.edu.  Bug #5002
+Sun Jul 10 21:51:29 2011  Koichi Sasada  <ko1@a...>
+	* internal.h: add comments (cautions).
+Sun Jul 10 20:59:38 2011  Shota Fukumori  <sorah@t...>
+	* lib/test/unit.rb: Add new class variable `@@testfile_prefix`.
+	  This is for changing test name prefix. (For testing)
+	* test/testunit/tests_for_parallel/ptest_first.rb: Renamed from
+	  test_first.rb
+	* test/testunit/tests_for_parallel/ptest_second.rb: Renamed from
+	  test_second.rb
+	* test/testunit/tests_for_parallel/ptest_third.rb: Renamed from
+	  test_third.rb
+	* test/testunit/tests_for_parallel/ptest_forth.rb: Renamed from
+	  test_forth.rb
+	* test/testunit/tests_for_parallel/runner.rb: Remove misc.rb
+	* test/testunit/tests_for_parallel/ptest_first.rb: ditto.
+	* test/testunit/tests_for_parallel/ptest_second.rb: ditto.
+	* test/testunit/tests_for_parallel/ptest_third.rb: ditto.
+	* test/testunit/tests_for_parallel/ptest_forth.rb: ditto.
+	* test/testunit/tests_for_parallel/misc.rb: Removed because no longer
+	  needed.
+	* test/testunit/test_parallel.rb: Fix assertions for above.
+Sun Jul 10 16:57:08 2011  Koichi Sasada  <ko1@a...>
+	* vm_insnhelper.c (vm_throw): check a class frame.
+	  Fixes Bug #4648.
+	  The patch is contributed by Kazuki Tsujimoto.
+	* bootstraptest/test_proc.rb: add tests for above.
+Sun Jul 10 17:28:01 2011  KOSAKI Motohiro  <kosaki.motohiro@g...>
+	* thread_pthread.c (mutex_debug): use exit(EXIT_FAILURE) instad of
+	  exit(1).
+	* thread_pthread.c (add_signal_thread_list): ditto.
+	* thread.c (rb_thread_call_with_gvl): ditto.
+	* util.c (Bug): ditto.
+Sun Jul 10 15:58:12 2011  NARUSE, Yui  <naruse@r...>
+	* ext/json: Merge json gem 1.5.4+ (f7f78896607b6f6226cd).
+	  [Bug #4700]
+Sun Jul 10 16:41:32 2011  KOSAKI Motohiro  <kosaki.motohiro@g...>
+	* vm_core.h (typedef struct rb_vm_struct): create a new
+	  'inhibit_thread_createion' field.
+	* thread.c (rb_thread_terminate_all): set inhibit_thread_creation.
+	* thread.c (thread_s_new): don't permit to create new thread
+	  if the VM is under destruction. Otherwise evil finalizer code
+	  can make SEGV. [Bug #4992][ruby-core:37858]
+	* bootstraptest/test_objectspace.rb: new test for this fix.
+Sun Jul 10 16:06:16 2011  KOSAKI Motohiro  <kosaki.motohiro@g...>
+	* signal.c (sigsegv): use abort() instead of exit() when nested
+	  SEGV was happen. Because unnested SEGV use abort().
+	  [Bug #5013][ruby-dev:44078]
+Sun Jul 10 15:30:00 2011  Kenta Murata  <mrkn@m...>
+	* load.c (rb_f_autoload): prevent to autoload for singleton
+	  classes.  fixes [Bug #4886] [ruby-dev:43816]
+	* bootstraptest/test_autoload.rb: add tests for the above change.
+Sun Jul 10 15:09:17 2011  Shota Fukumori  <sorah@t...>
+	* lib/test/unit/assertions.rb: Import documentation patch by Justin
+	  Collins. [ruby-core:37225] [Feature #4903]
+Sun Jul 10 14:57:36 2011  Tadayoshi Funaba  <tadf@d...>
+	* ext/date/date_core.c: canonicalizes nth and sf.
+Sun Jul 10 14:13:50 2011  Koichi Sasada  <ko1@a...>
+	* internal.h (rb_thread_call_with_gvl, rb_thread_call_without_gvl):
+	  make them visible as experimental C APIs.  fixes Feature #4328.
+Sun Jul 10 12:18:00 2011  Kenta Murata  <mrkn@m...>
+	* ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_power): support non-integral
+	  exponent.  fixes [Bug #3271]
+	* ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (rmpd_power_by_big_decimal): ditto.
+	* ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_power_op): add a function to
+	  only use for "**" operator.
+	* test/bigdecimal/test_bigdecimal.rb: add a bunch of tests for the
+	  above changes.
+	* ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (is_integer): add an utility function.
+	* ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (is_negative): ditto.
+	* ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (is_positive): ditto.
+	* ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (is_zero): ditto.
+	* ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (is_one): ditto.
+	* ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (is_even): ditto.
+Sun Jul 10 12:08:39 2011  Yusuke Endoh  <mame@t...>
+	* compile.c (when_vals): when a string literal is written on when
+	  clause, skip string creation to make it faster.  [ruby-dev:44068]
+	  [Feature #5000]
+Sun Jul 10 11:35:29 2011  Yusuke Endoh  <mame@t...>
+	* parse.y (reduce_nodes_gen): NODE_RETURN in rescue body must not be
+	  reduced when there is an else clause.  This caused bizarre behavior
+	  in [Bug #4473] [ruby-core:35629] [ruby-core:37884].
+Sun Jul 10 09:46:14 2011  Masaya Tarui  <tarui@r...>
+	* range.c (range_max): fix behavior with excluded end value.
+	  [Bug #4591]
+Sun Jul 10 09:13:18 2011  Eric Hodel  <drbrain@s...>
+	* NEWS:  Fix RubyGems version.  [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #5004]
+Sat Jul  9 20:01:59 2011  Tadayoshi Funaba  <tadf@d...>
+	* internal.h: rb_rational_reciprocal is defined in rational.c.
+Sat Jul  9 19:48:31 2011  Tadayoshi Funaba  <tadf@d...>
+	* internal.h: added declarations.
+	* complex.c: followed the above change.
+Sat Jul  9 17:24:41 2011  Tadayoshi Funaba  <tadf@d...>
+	* NEWS: bigdecimal is not a builtin.
+Sat Jul  9 17:17:53 2011  Tadayoshi Funaba  <tadf@d...>
+	* ext/date/date_core.c: some improvements for performance.
+Sat Jul  9 16:56:01 2011  Nobuyoshi Nakada  <nobu@r...>
+	* atomic.h (ATOMIC_OR): _InterlockedOr is unavailable in VC6.
+	* numeric.c (ULLONG_MAX): fallback definition.
+Sat Jul  9 15:59:19 2011  Nobuyoshi Nakada  <nobu@r...>
+	* win32/win32.c (rb_w32_{read,write}): should be signed.
+	  Bug #5001
+Sat Jul  9 14:02:20 2011  Takeyuki FUJIOKA  <xibbar@r...>
+	* lib/cgi/core.rb: fix multipart form parsing bug. [Bug #3866]
+Sat Jul  9 11:41:03 2011  Marc-Andre Lafortune  <ruby-core@m...>
+	* lib/matrix.rb: Add Vector#normalize [ruby-dev:43829]
+Sat Jul  9 09:25:06 2011  Eric Hodel  <drbrain@s...>
+	* enumerator.c:  Remove "enumeration sequenced by".
+	  [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4757]
+Sat Jul  9 09:14:56 2011  Eric Hodel  <drbrain@s...>
+	* io.c:  Note that methods other than IO#gets may increase IO#lineno.
+	  [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4902]
+Sat Jul  9 08:39:39 2011  Nobuyoshi Nakada  <nobu@r...>
+	* common.mk (RUN_OPT): disable gems.
+Sat Jul  9 08:37:05 2011  Nobuyoshi Nakada  <nobu@r...>
+	* io.c (rb_io_close): close(2) on a fd which is being read by
+	  another thread causes deadlock on Mac OS X 10.5
+Fri Jul  8 21:20:39 2011  NARUSE, Yui  <naruse@r...>
+	* addr2line.c: use USE_ELF instead of __ELF__ because Solaris
+	  doesn't define it. USE_ELF is already provided by configure.
+	  patched by Naohisa Goto. [ruby-dev:44066] [Bug #4998]
+	* addr2line.h: ditto.
+	* vm_dump.c: ditto.
+Fri Jul  8 16:40:38 2011  Nobuyoshi Nakada  <nobu@r...>
+	* ext/json/parser/parser.rl (convert_encoding): should not modify
+	  the argument.
+	* ext/json/parser/parser.rl (convert_encoding): no needs to use
+	  force_encoding.
+Fri Jul  8 15:53:31 2011  Nobuyoshi Nakada  <nobu@r...>
+	* error.c (rb_bug): get rid of segfault after all threads
+	  disposed.
+Fri Jul  8 15:01:06 2011  NAKAMURA Usaku  <usa@r...>
+	* ext/openssl/ossl.h: include openssl/e_os2.h before checking the
+	  defition of OPENSSL_SYS_WIN32.
+Fri Jul  8 14:40:39 2011  NAKAMURA Usaku  <usa@r...>
+	* win32/win32.c (wunlink): reverted a part of r32426. it was mistakenly
+	  mixed.
+Fri Jul  8 14:29:47 2011  Narihiro Nakamura  <authornari@g...>
+	* configure.in: can't subtract void *.
+Fri Jul  8 14:33:26 2011  NAKAMURA Usaku  <usa@r...>
+	* win32/Makefile.sub (config.h): define GC_MARK_STACKFRAME_WORD.
+	  fixed build problem of r32438.  the value (30) is temporary value.
+	  maybe it's enough by 20~24 according to my observation.
+Fri Jul  8 13:47:39 2011  KOSAKI Motohiro  <kosaki.motohiro@g...>
+	* thread.c (rb_mutex_unlock_all): folded into
+	  rb_threadptr_unlock_all_locking_mutexes.
+	* thread.c (rb_threadptr_unlock_all_locking_mutexes) ditto.
+Fri Jul  8 13:36:02 2011  KOSAKI Motohiro  <kosaki.motohiro@g...>
+	* thread.c (thread_unlock_all_locking_mutexes): rename to
+	  rb_threadptr_unlock_all_locking_mutexes and remove static.
+	* vm_core.h: add rb_threadptr_unlock_all_locking_mutexes declaration.
+	* thread.c (thread_start_func_2): adjust the above rename.
+	* eval.c (ruby_cleanup): call rb_threadptr_unlock_all_locking_mutexes
+	  again after finalizer. [Bug #4988] [ruby-dev:44049]
+Fri Jul  8 13:06:09 2011  KOSAKI Motohiro  <kosaki.motohiro@g...>
+	* cont.c (FIBER_MACHINE_STACK_ALLOCATION_SIZE): Fiber stack size
+	  don't need to keep multiple number of sizeof(VALUE).
+Fri Jul  8 11:39:12 2011  Nobuyoshi Nakada  <nobu@r...>
+	* common.mk (sudo-precheck): true command is not standard on
+	  Windows.
+Fri Jul  8 10:39:52 2011  KOSAKI Motohiro  <kosaki.motohiro@g...>
+	* thread_pthread.c (gvl_destroy): fix cond_t leak.
+Fri Jul  8 09:17:59 2011  Eric Hodel  <drbrain@s...>
+	* gc.c:  Improve documentation
+Thu Jul  7 23:35:31 2011  Narihiro Nakamura  <authornari@g...>
+	* gc.c: change water_mark value that may call
+	  gc_mark(lev <= GC_LEVEL_MAX) in gc_mark().
+	  In ruby_stack_check(), water_mark is a value that may call some
+	  C function. Fixes Bug #3781
+	* configure.in: define GC_MARK_STACKFRAME_WORD that approximate
+	  size of gc_mark() and gc_mark_children() stackframes.
+Thu Jul  7 17:55:05 2011  NAKAMURA Usaku  <usa@r...>
+	* test/testunit/test_parallel.rb (TestParallelWorker#teardown): wait
+	  the child process even if the communication pipe is br (... truncated)

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Info: http://www.atdot.net/~ko1/quickml/
