

From: naruse <ko1@a...>
Date: Sun, 6 Mar 2011 05:29:03 +0900 (JST)
Subject: [ruby-changes:18995] Ruby:r31031 (trunk): * class.c: fix camelCase to snake_case in documentation code examples.

naruse	2011-03-06 05:25:08 +0900 (Sun, 06 Mar 2011)

  New Revision: 31031


    * class.c: fix camelCase to snake_case in documentation code examples.
      patched by Andrew Grimm. fixes Bug #4469
    * marshal.c: ditto.
    * proc.c: ditto.
    * sample/biorhythm.rb: ditto.
    * vm_eval.c: ditto.
    * vm_method.c: ditto.

  Modified files:

Index: ChangeLog
--- ChangeLog	(revision 31030)
+++ ChangeLog	(revision 31031)
@@ -1,3 +1,19 @@
+Sun Mar  6 05:21:41 2011  NARUSE, Yui  <naruse@r...>
+	* class.c: fix camelCase to snake_case in documentation code examples.
+	  patched by Andrew Grimm. fixes Bug #4469
+	* marshal.c: ditto.
+	* proc.c: ditto.
+	* sample/biorhythm.rb: ditto.
+	* vm_eval.c: ditto.
+	* vm_method.c: ditto.
 Sun Mar  6 03:22:27 2011  KOSAKI Motohiro  <kosaki.motohiro@g...>
 	* io.c (io_cntl): use rb_thread_io_blocking_region() instead
Index: sample/biorhythm.rb
--- sample/biorhythm.rb	(revision 31030)
+++ sample/biorhythm.rb	(revision 31031)
@@ -29,13 +29,13 @@
 require "optparse"
 require "optparse/date"
-def printHeader(y, m, d, p, w)
+def print_header(y, m, d, p, w)
   print "\n>>> Biorhythm <<<\n"
   printf "The birthday %04d.%02d.%02d is a %s\n", y, m, d, w
   printf "Age in days: [%d]\n\n", p
-def getPosition(z)
+def get_position(z)
   pi = Math::PI
   z = Integer(z)
   phys = (50.0 * (1.0 + sin((z / 23.0 - (z / 23)) * 360.0 * pi / 180.0))).to_i
@@ -89,24 +89,24 @@
 display_period = options[:days]
 if ausgabeart == "v"
-  printHeader(bd.year, bd.month, bd.day, dd - bd, bd.strftime("%a"))
+  print_header(bd.year, bd.month, bd.day, dd - bd, bd.strftime("%a"))
   print "\n"
-  phys, emot, geist = getPosition(dd - bd)
+  phys, emot, geist = get_position(dd - bd)
   printf "Biorhythm:   %04d.%02d.%02d\n", dd.year, dd.month, dd.day
   printf "Physical:    %d%%\n", phys
   printf "Emotional:   %d%%\n", emot
   printf "Mental:      %d%%\n", geist
   print "\n"
-  printHeader(bd.year, bd.month, bd.day, dd - bd, bd.strftime("%a"))
+  print_header(bd.year, bd.month, bd.day, dd - bd, bd.strftime("%a"))
   print "                     P=physical, E=emotional, M=mental\n"
   print "             -------------------------+-------------------------\n"
   print "                     Bad Condition    |    Good Condition\n"
   print "             -------------------------+-------------------------\n"
   (dd - bd).step(dd - bd + display_period) do |z|
-    phys, emot, geist = getPosition(z)
+    phys, emot, geist = get_position(z)
     printf "%04d.%02d.%02d : ", dd.year, dd.month, dd.day
     p = (phys / 2.0 + 0.5).to_i
Index: vm_eval.c
--- vm_eval.c	(revision 31030)
+++ vm_eval.c	(revision 31031)
@@ -459,12 +459,12 @@
  *  values.
  *     class Roman
- *       def romanToInt(str)
+ *       def roman_to_int(str)
  *         # ...
  *       end
  *       def method_missing(methId)
  *         str = methId.id2name
- *         romanToInt(str)
+ *         roman_to_int(str)
  *       end
  *     end
@@ -1082,12 +1082,12 @@
  *  optional <em>filename</em> and <em>lineno</em> parameters are
  *  present, they will be used when reporting syntax errors.
- *     def getBinding(str)
+ *     def get_binding(str)
  *       return binding
  *     end
  *     str = "hello"
  *     eval "str + ' Fred'"                      #=> "hello Fred"
- *     eval "str + ' Fred'", getBinding("bye")   #=> "bye Fred"
+ *     eval "str + ' Fred'", get_binding("bye")  #=> "bye Fred"
Index: proc.c
--- proc.c	(revision 31030)
+++ proc.c	(revision 31031)
@@ -336,10 +336,10 @@
  *  calling +eval+ to execute the evaluated command in this
  *  environment. Also see the description of class +Binding+.
- *     def getBinding(param)
+ *     def get_binding(param)
  *       return binding
  *     end
- *     b = getBinding("hello")
+ *     b = get_binding("hello")
  *     eval("param", b)   #=> "hello"
@@ -358,10 +358,10 @@
  *  <em>lineno</em> parameters are present, they will be used when
  *  reporting syntax errors.
- *     def getBinding(param)
+ *     def get_binding(param)
  *       return binding
  *     end
- *     b = getBinding("hello")
+ *     b = get_binding("hello")
  *     b.eval("param")   #=> "hello"
@@ -2211,15 +2211,15 @@
  *       def initialize(n)
  *         @secret = n
  *       end
- *       def getBinding
+ *       def get_binding
  *         return binding()
  *       end
  *     end
  *     k1 = Demo.new(99)
- *     b1 = k1.getBinding
+ *     b1 = k1.get_binding
  *     k2 = Demo.new(-3)
- *     b2 = k2.getBinding
+ *     b2 = k2.get_binding
  *     eval("@secret", b1)   #=> 99
  *     eval("@secret", b2)   #=> -3
Index: vm_method.c
--- vm_method.c	(revision 31030)
+++ vm_method.c	(revision 31031)
@@ -1152,20 +1152,20 @@
  *     end
  *     class Cls
  *       include Mod
- *       def callOne
+ *       def call_one
  *         one
  *       end
  *     end
  *     Mod.one     #=> "This is one"
  *     c = Cls.new
- *     c.callOne   #=> "This is one"
+ *     c.call_one  #=> "This is one"
  *     module Mod
  *       def one
  *         "This is the new one"
  *       end
  *     end
  *     Mod.one     #=> "This is one"
- *     c.callOne   #=> "This is the new one"
+ *     c.call_one  #=> "This is the new one"
 static VALUE
Index: class.c
--- class.c	(revision 31030)
+++ class.c	(revision 31031)
@@ -988,14 +988,14 @@
  *  <i>obj</i>'s ancestors.
  *     class Klass
- *       def kMethod()
+ *       def klass_method()
  *       end
  *     end
  *     k = Klass.new
- *     k.methods[0..9]    #=> [:kMethod, :freeze, :nil?, :is_a?,
- *                        #    :class, :instance_variable_set,
- *                        #    :methods, :extend, :__send__, :instance_eval]
- *     k.methods.length   #=> 42
+ *     k.methods[0..9]    #=> [:klass_method, :nil?, :===,
+ *                        #    :==~, :!, :eql?
+ *                        #    :hash, :<=>, :class, :singleton_class]
+ *     k.methods.length   #=> 57
Index: marshal.c
--- marshal.c	(revision 31030)
+++ marshal.c	(revision 31031)
@@ -876,7 +876,7 @@
  *       def initialize(str)
  *         @str = str
  *       end
- *       def sayHello
+ *       def say_hello
  *         @str
  *       end
  *     end
@@ -886,7 +886,7 @@
  *     o = Klass.new("hello\n")
  *     data = Marshal.dump(o)
  *     obj = Marshal.load(data)
- *     obj.sayHello   #=> "hello\n"
+ *     obj.say_hello  #=> "hello\n"
  * Marshal can't dump following objects:
  * * anonymous Class/Module.

ML: ruby-changes@q...
Info: http://www.atdot.net/~ko1/quickml/
