

From: nahi <ko1@a...>
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 2010 21:50:06 +0900 (JST)
Subject: [ruby-changes:16638] Ruby:r28632 (ruby_1_8): * ext/openssl/ossl_config.c, ext/openssl/lib/openssl/config.rb,

nahi	2010-07-13 21:49:56 +0900 (Tue, 13 Jul 2010)

  New Revision: 28632


    * ext/openssl/ossl_config.c, ext/openssl/lib/openssl/config.rb,
              ext/openssl/lib/openssl.rb: reimplement OpenSSL::Config in Ruby. Now
              it should work on windows.
            * test/openssl/test_config.rb: added tests for OpenSSL::Config#dup.

  Added files:
  Modified files:

Index: ruby_1_8/ext/openssl/ossl_config.c
--- ruby_1_8/ext/openssl/ossl_config.c	(revision 28631)
+++ ruby_1_8/ext/openssl/ossl_config.c	(revision 28632)
@@ -10,22 +10,6 @@
 #include "ossl.h"
-#define WrapConfig(klass, obj, conf) do { \
-    if (!conf) { \
-	ossl_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "Config wasn't intitialized!"); \
-    } \
-    obj = Data_Wrap_Struct(klass, 0, NCONF_free, conf); \
-} while (0)
-#define GetConfig(obj, conf) do { \
-    Data_Get_Struct(obj, CONF, conf); \
-    if (!conf) { \
-	ossl_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "Config wasn't intitialized!"); \
-    } \
-} while (0)
-#define SafeGetConfig(obj, conf) do { \
-    OSSL_Check_Kind(obj, cConfig); \
-    GetConfig(obj, conf); \
-} while(0);
  * Classes
@@ -39,46 +23,31 @@
 static CONF *parse_config(VALUE, CONF*);
+ * GetConfigPtr is a public C-level function for getting OpenSSL CONF struct
+ * from an OpenSSL::Config(eConfig) instance.  We decided to implement
+ * OpenSSL::Config in Ruby level but we need to pass native CONF struct for
+ * some OpenSSL features such as X509V3_EXT_*.
+ */
 GetConfigPtr(VALUE obj)
     CONF *conf;
-    SafeGetConfig(obj, conf);
-    return conf;
-DupConfigPtr(VALUE obj)
     VALUE str;
-    OSSL_Check_Kind(obj, cConfig);
-    str = rb_funcall(obj, rb_intern("to_s"), 0);
-    return parse_config(str, NULL);
- * Private
- */
-static CONF *
-parse_config(VALUE str, CONF *dst)
-    CONF *conf;
     BIO *bio;
     long eline = -1;
+    OSSL_Check_Kind(obj, cConfig);
+    str = rb_funcall(obj, rb_intern("to_s"), 0);
     bio = ossl_obj2bio(str);
-    conf = dst ? dst : NCONF_new(NULL);
+    conf = NCONF_new(NULL);
 	ossl_raise(eConfigError, NULL);
     if(!NCONF_load_bio(conf, bio, &eline)){
-	if(!dst) NCONF_free(conf);
+	NCONF_free(conf);
 	if (eline <= 0) ossl_raise(eConfigError, "wrong config format");
 	else ossl_raise(eConfigError, "error in line %d", eline);
 	ossl_raise(eConfigError, NULL);
@@ -88,379 +57,7 @@
     return conf;
-static VALUE
-ossl_config_s_parse(VALUE klass, VALUE str)
-    CONF *conf;
-    VALUE obj;
-    conf = parse_config(str, NULL);
-    WrapConfig(klass, obj, conf);
-    return obj;
-static VALUE
-ossl_config_s_alloc(VALUE klass)
-    CONF *conf;
-    VALUE obj;
-    if(!(conf = NCONF_new(NULL)))
-	ossl_raise(eConfigError, NULL);
-    WrapConfig(klass, obj, conf);
-    return obj;
-static VALUE
-ossl_config_copy(VALUE self, VALUE other)
-    VALUE str;
-    CONF *conf;
-    str = rb_funcall(other, rb_intern("to_s"), 0);
-    GetConfig(self, conf);
-    parse_config(str, conf);
-    return self;
-static VALUE
-ossl_config_initialize(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
-    CONF *conf;
-    long eline = -1;
-    char *filename;
-    VALUE path;
-    rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "01", &path);
-    if(!NIL_P(path)){
-	SafeStringValue(path);
-        filename = StringValuePtr(path);
-	GetConfig(self, conf);
-	if (!NCONF_load(conf, filename, &eline)){
-	    if (eline <= 0)
-		ossl_raise(eConfigError, "wrong config file %s", filename);
-	    else
-		ossl_raise(eConfigError, "error in %s:%d", filename, eline);
-        }
-    }
-    else rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "wrong number of arguments (0 for 1)");
-    else {
-	GetConfig(self, conf);
-	_CONF_new_data(conf);
-    }
-    return self;
-static VALUE
-ossl_config_add_value(VALUE self, VALUE section, VALUE name, VALUE value)
-    rb_notimplement();
-    CONF *conf;
-    CONF_VALUE *sv, *cv;
-    StringValue(section);
-    StringValue(name);
-    StringValue(value);
-    GetConfig(self, conf);
-    if(!(sv = _CONF_get_section(conf, RSTRING_PTR(section)))){
-	if(!(sv = _CONF_new_section(conf, RSTRING_PTR(section)))){
-	    ossl_raise(eConfigError, NULL);
-	}
-    }
-    if(!(cv = OPENSSL_malloc(sizeof(CONF_VALUE)))){
-	ossl_raise(eConfigError, NULL);
-    }
-    cv->name = BUF_strdup(RSTRING_PTR(name));
-    cv->value = BUF_strdup(RSTRING_PTR(value));
-    if(!cv->name || !cv->value || !_CONF_add_string(conf, sv, cv)){
-	OPENSSL_free(cv->name);
-	OPENSSL_free(cv->value);
-	OPENSSL_free(cv);
-	ossl_raise(eConfigError, "_CONF_add_string failure");
-    }
-    return value;
-static void
-rb_ossl_config_modify_check(VALUE config)
-    if (OBJ_FROZEN(config)) rb_error_frozen("OpenSSL::Config");
-    if (!OBJ_TAINTED(config) && rb_safe_level() >= 4)
-	rb_raise(rb_eSecurityError, "Insecure: can't modify OpenSSL config");
-static VALUE
-ossl_config_add_value_m(VALUE self, VALUE section, VALUE name, VALUE value)
-#if defined(OSSL_NO_CONF_API)
-    rb_notimplement();
-    rb_ossl_config_modify_check(self);
-    return ossl_config_add_value(self, section, name, value);
-static VALUE
-ossl_config_get_value(VALUE self, VALUE section, VALUE name)
-    CONF *conf;
-    char *str;
-    StringValue(section);
-    StringValue(name);
-    GetConfig(self, conf);
-    str = NCONF_get_string(conf, RSTRING_PTR(section), RSTRING_PTR(name));
-    if(!str){
-	ERR_clear_error();
-	return Qnil;
-    }
-    return rb_str_new2(str);
-static VALUE
-ossl_config_get_value_old(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
-    VALUE section, name;
-    rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &section, &name);
-    /* support conf.value(nil, "HOME") -> conf.get_value("", "HOME") */
-    if (NIL_P(section)) section = rb_str_new2("");
-    /* support conf.value("HOME") -> conf.get_value("", "HOME") */
-    if (NIL_P(name)) {
-	name = section;
-	section = rb_str_new2("");
-    }
-    /* NOTE: Don't care about conf.get_value(nil, nil) */
-    rb_warn("Config#value is deprecated; use Config#get_value");
-    return ossl_config_get_value(self, section, name);
-static VALUE
-set_conf_section_i(VALUE i, VALUE *arg)
-    VALUE name, value;
-    Check_Type(i, T_ARRAY);
-    name = rb_ary_entry(i, 0);
-    value = rb_ary_entry(i, 1);
-    ossl_config_add_value(arg[0], arg[1], name, value);
-    return Qnil;
-static VALUE
-ossl_config_set_section(VALUE self, VALUE section, VALUE hash)
-    VALUE arg[2];
-    rb_ossl_config_modify_check(self);
-    arg[0] = self;
-    arg[1] = section;
-    rb_block_call(hash, rb_intern("each"), 0, 0, set_conf_section_i, (VALUE)arg);
-    return hash;
- * Get all numbers as strings - use str.to_i to convert
- * long number = CONF_get_number(confp->config, sect, StringValuePtr(item));
- */
-static VALUE
-ossl_config_get_section(VALUE self, VALUE section)
-    CONF *conf;
-    CONF_VALUE *entry;
-    int i, entries;
-    VALUE hash;
-    hash = rb_hash_new();
-    StringValue(section);
-    GetConfig(self, conf);
-    if (!(sk = NCONF_get_section(conf, StringValuePtr(section)))) {
-	ERR_clear_error();
-	return hash;
-    }
-    if ((entries = sk_CONF_VALUE_num(sk)) < 0) {
-	OSSL_Debug("# of items in section is < 0?!?");
-	return hash;
-    }
-    for (i=0; i<entries; i++) {
-	entry = sk_CONF_VALUE_value(sk, i);		
-	rb_hash_aset(hash, rb_str_new2(entry->name), rb_str_new2(entry->value));
-    }
-    return hash;
-static VALUE
-ossl_config_get_section_old(VALUE self, VALUE section)
-    rb_warn("Config#section is deprecated; use Config#[]");
-    return ossl_config_get_section(self, section);
-#define IMPLEMENT_LHASH_DOALL_ARG_FN_098(f_name,o_type,a_type) \
-            void f_name##_LHASH_DOALL_ARG(void *arg1, void *arg2) { \
-		                o_type a = (o_type)arg1; \
-		                a_type b = (a_type)arg2; \
-		                f_name(a,b); }
-static void
-get_conf_section(CONF_VALUE *cv, VALUE ary)
-    if(cv->name) return;
-    rb_ary_push(ary, rb_str_new2(cv->section));
-static IMPLEMENT_LHASH_DOALL_ARG_FN_098(get_conf_section, CONF_VALUE*, VALUE)
-static VALUE
-ossl_config_get_sections(VALUE self)
-    CONF *conf;
-    VALUE ary;
-    GetConfig(self, conf);
-    ary = rb_ary_new();
-    lh_doall_arg(conf->data, LHASH_DOALL_ARG_FN(get_conf_section), (void*)ary);
-    return ary;
-static void
-dump_conf_value(CONF_VALUE *cv, VALUE str)
-    CONF_VALUE *v;
-    int i, num;
-    if (cv->name) return;
-    sk = (STACK_OF(CONF_VALUE)*)cv->value;
-    num = sk_CONF_VALUE_num(sk);
-    rb_str_cat2(str, "[ ");
-    rb_str_cat2(str, cv->section);
-    rb_str_cat2(str, " ]\n");
-    for(i = 0; i < num; i++){
-	v = sk_CONF_VALUE_value(sk, i);
-	rb_str_cat2(str, v->name ? v->name : "None");
-	rb_str_cat2(str, "=");
-	rb_str_cat2(str, v->value ? v->value : "None");
-	rb_str_cat2(str, "\n");
-    }
-    rb_str_cat2(str, "\n");
-static IMPLEMENT_LHASH_DOALL_ARG_FN_098(dump_conf_value, CONF_VALUE*, VALUE)
-static VALUE
-dump_conf(CONF *conf)
-    VALUE str;
-    str = rb_str_new(0, 0);
-    lh_doall_arg(conf->data, LHASH_DOALL_ARG_FN(dump_conf_value), (void*)str);
-    return str;
-static VALUE
-ossl_config_to_s(VALUE self)
-    CONF *conf;
-    GetConfig(self, conf);
-    return dump_conf(conf);
-static void
-each_conf_value(CONF_VALUE *cv, void* dummy)
-    CONF_VALUE *v;
-    VALUE section, name, value, args;
-    int i, num;
-    if (cv->name) return;
-    sk = (STACK_OF(CONF_VALUE)*)cv->value;
-    num = sk_CONF_VALUE_num(sk);
-    section = rb_str_new2(cv->section);
-    for(i = 0; i < num; i++){
-	v = sk_CONF_VALUE_value(sk, i);
-	name = v->name ? rb_str_new2(v->name) : Qnil;
-	value = v->value ? rb_str_new2(v->value) : Qnil;
-        args = rb_ary_new3(3, section, name, value);
-	rb_yield(args);
-    }
-static IMPLEMENT_LHASH_DOALL_ARG_FN_098(each_conf_value, CONF_VALUE*, void*)
-static VALUE
-ossl_config_each(VALUE self)
-    CONF *conf;
-    RETURN_ENUMERATOR(self, 0, 0);
-    GetConfig(self, conf);
-    lh_doall_arg(conf->data, LHASH_DOALL_ARG_FN(each_conf_value), (void*)NULL);
-    return self;
-static VALUE
-ossl_config_get_sections(VALUE self)
-    rb_warn("#sections don't work with %s", OPENSSL_VERSION_TEXT);
-    return rb_ary_new();
-static VALUE
-ossl_config_to_s(VALUE self)
-    rb_warn("#to_s don't work with %s", OPENSSL_VERSION_TEXT);
-    return rb_str_new(0, 0);
-static VALUE
-ossl_config_each(VALUE self)
-    rb_warn("#each don't work with %s", OPENSSL_VERSION_TEXT);
-    return self;
-static VALUE
-ossl_config_inspect(VALUE self)
-    VALUE str, ary = ossl_config_get_sections(self);
-    const char *cname = rb_class2name(rb_obj_class(self));
-    str = rb_str_new2("#<");
-    rb_str_cat2(str, cname);
-    rb_str_cat2(str, " sections=");
-    rb_str_append(str, rb_inspect(ary));
-    rb_str_cat2(str, ">");
-    return str;
  * INIT
@@ -474,20 +71,5 @@
     rb_define_const(cConfig, "DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE",
-    rb_include_module(cConfig, rb_mEnumerable);
-    rb_define_singleton_method(cConfig, "parse", ossl_config_s_parse, 1);
-    rb_define_alias(CLASS_OF(cConfig), "load", "new");
-    rb_define_alloc_func(cConfig, ossl_config_s_alloc);
-    rb_define_copy_func(cConfig, ossl_config_copy);
-    rb_define_method(cConfig, "initialize", ossl_config_initialize, -1);
-    rb_define_method(cConfig, "get_value", ossl_config_get_value, 2);
-    rb_define_method(cConfig, "value", ossl_config_get_value_old, -1);
-    rb_define_method(cConfig, "add_value", ossl_config_add_value_m, 3);
-    rb_define_method(cConfig, "[]", ossl_config_get_section, 1);
-    rb_define_method(cConfig, "section", ossl_config_get_section_old, 1);
-    rb_define_method(cConfig, "[]=", ossl_config_set_section, 2);
-    rb_define_method(cConfig, "sections", ossl_config_get_sections, 0);
-    rb_define_method(cConfig, "to_s", ossl_config_to_s, 0);
-    rb_define_method(cConfig, "each", ossl_config_each, 0);
-    rb_define_method(cConfig, "inspect", ossl_config_inspect, 0);
+    /* methods are defined by openssl/config.rb */
Index: ruby_1_8/ext/openssl/lib/openssl/config.rb
--- ruby_1_8/ext/openssl/lib/openssl/config.rb	(revision 0)
+++ ruby_1_8/ext/openssl/lib/openssl/config.rb	(revision 28632)
@@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
+= Ruby-space definitions that completes C-space funcs for Config
+= Info
+  Copyright (C) 2010  Hiroshi Nakamura <nahi@r...>
+= Licence
+  This program is licenced under the same licence as Ruby.
+  (See the file 'LICENCE'.)
+# Should we care what if somebody require this file directly?
+#require 'openssl'
+require 'stringio'
+module OpenSSL
+  class Config
+    include Enumerable
+    class << self
+      def parse(str)
+        c = new()
+        parse_config(StringIO.new(str)).each do |section, hash|
+          c[section] = hash
+        end
+        c
+      end
+      alias load new
+      def parse_config(io)
+        begin
+          parse_config_lines(io)
+        rescue ConfigError => e
+          e.message.replace("error in line #{io.lineno}: " + e.message)
+          raise
+        end
+      end
+      def get_key_string(data, section, key) # :nodoc:
+        if v = data[section] && data[section][key]
+          return v
+        elsif section == 'ENV'
+          if v = ENV[key]
+            return v
+          end
+        end
+        if v = data['default'] && data['default'][key]
+          return v
+        end
+      end
+    private
+      def parse_config_lines(io)
+        section = 'default'
+        data = {section => {}}
+        while definition = get_definition(io)
+          definition = clear_comments(definition)
+          next if definition.empty?
+          if definition[0] == ?[
+            if /\[([^\]]*)\]/ =~ definition
+              section = $1.strip
+              data[section] ||= {}
+            else
+              raise ConfigError, "missing close square bracket"
+            end
+          else
+            if /\A([^:\s]*)(?:::([^:\s]*))?\s*=(.*)\z/ =~ definition
+              if $2
+                section = $1
+                key = $2
+              else
+                key = $1
+              end
+              value = unescape_value(data, section, $3)
+              (data[section] ||= {})[key] = value.strip
+            else
+              raise ConfigError, "missing equal sign"
+            end
+          end
+        end
+        data
+      end
+      # escape with backslash
+      QUOTE_REGEXP_SQ = /\A([^'\\]*(?:\\.[^'\\]*)*)'/
+      # escape with backslash and doubled dq
+      QUOTE_REGEXP_DQ = /\A([^"\\]*(?:""[^"\\]*|\\.[^"\\]*)*)"/
+      # escaped char map
+      ESCAPE_MAP = {
+        "r" => "\r",
+        "n" => "\n",
+        "b" => "\b",
+        "t" => "\t",
+      }
+      def unescape_value(data, section, value)
+        scanned = []
+        while m = value.match(/['"\\$]/)
+          scanned << m.pre_match
+          c = m[0]
+          value = m.post_match
+          case c
+          when "'"
+            if m = value.match(QUOTE_REGEXP_SQ)
+              scanned << m[1].gsub(/\\(.)/, '\\1')
+              value = m.post_match
+            else
+              break
+            end
+          when '"'
+            if m = value.match(QUOTE_REGEXP_DQ)
+              scanned << m[1].gsub(/""/, '').gsub(/\\(.)/, '\\1')
+              value = m.post_match
+            else
+              break
+            end
+          when "\\"
+            c = value.slice!(0, 1)
+            scanned << (ESCAPE_MAP[c] || c)
+          when "$"
+            ref, value = extract_reference(value)
+            refsec = section
+            if ref.index('::')
+              refsec, ref = ref.split('::', 2)
+            end
+            if v = get_key_string(data, refsec, ref)
+              scanned << v
+            else
+              raise ConfigError, "variable has no value"
+            end
+          else
+            raise 'must not reaced'
+          end
+        end
+        scanned << value
+        scanned.join
+      end
+      def extract_reference(value)
+        rest = ''
+        if m = value.match(/\(([^)]*)\)|\{([^}]*)\}/)
+          value = m[1] || m[2]
+          rest = m.post_match
+        elsif [?(, ?{].include?(value[0])
+          raise ConfigError, "no close brace"
+        end
+        if m = value.match(/[a-zA-Z0-9_]*(?:::[a-zA-Z0-9_]*)?/)
+          return m[0], m.post_match + rest
+        else
+          raise
+        end
+      end
+      def clear_comments(line)
+        # FCOMMENT
+        if m = line.match(/\A([\t\n\f ]*);.*\z/)
+          return m[1]
+        end
+        # COMMENT
+        scanned = []
+        while m = line.match(/[#'"\\]/)
+          scanned << m.pre_match
+          c = m[0]
+          line = m.post_match
+          case c
+          when '#'
+            line = nil
+            break
+          when "'", '"'
+            regexp = (c == "'") ? QUOTE_REGEXP_SQ : QUOTE_REGEXP_DQ
+            scanned << c
+            if m = line.match(regexp)
+              scanned << m[0]
+              line = m.post_match
+            else
+              scanned << line
+              line = nil
+              break
+            end
+          when "\\"
+            scanned << c
+            scanned << line.slice!(0, 1)
+          else
+            raise 'must not reaced'
+          end
+        end
+        scanned << line
+        scanned.join
+      end
+      def get_definition(io)
+        if line = get_line(io)
+          while /[^\\]\\\z/ =~ line
+            if extra = get_line(io)
+              line += extra
+            else
+              break
+            end
+          end
+          return line.strip
+        end
+      end
+      def get_line(io)
+        if line = io.gets
+          line.gsub(/[\r\n]*/, '')
+        end
+      end
+    end
+    def initialize(filename = nil)
+      @data = {}
+      if filename
+        File.open(filename.to_s) do |file|
+          Config.parse_config(file).each do |section, hash|
+            self[section] = hash
+          end
+        end
+      end
+    end
+    def get_value(section, key)
+      if section.nil?
+        raise TypeError.new('nil not allowed')
+      end
+      section = 'default' if section.empty?
+      get_key_string(section, key)
+    end
+    def value(arg1, arg2 = nil)
+      warn('Config#value is deprecated; use Config#get_value')
+      if arg2.nil?
+        section, key = 'default', arg1
+      else
+        section, key = arg1, arg2
+      end
+      section ||= 'default'
+      section = 'default' if section.empty?
+      get_key_string(section, key)
+    end
+    def add_value(section, key, value)
+      check_modify
+      (@data[section] ||= {})[key] = value
+    end
+    def [](section)
+      @data[section] || {}
+    end
+    def section(name)
+      warn('Config#section is deprecated; use Config#[]')
+      @data[name] || {}
+    end
+    def []=(section, pairs)
+      check_modify
+      @data[section] ||= {}
+      pairs.each do |key, value|
+        self.add_value(section, key, value)
+      end
+    end
+    def sections
+      @data.keys
+    end
+    def to_s
+      ary = []
+      @data.keys.sort.each do |section|
+        ary << "[ #{section} ]\n"
+        @data[section].keys.each do |key|
+          ary << "#{key}=#{@data[section][key]}\n"
+        end
+        ary << "\n"
+      end
+      ary.join
+    end
+    def each
+      @data.each do |section, hash|
+        hash.each do |key, value|
+          yield(section, key, value)
+        end
+      end
+    end
+    def inspect
+      "#<#{self.class.name} sections=#{sections.inspect}>"
+    end
+  protected
+    def data
+      @data
+    end
+  private
+    def initialize_copy(other)
+      @data = other.data.dup
+    end
+    def check_modify
+      raise TypeError.new("Insecure: can't modify OpenSSL config") if frozen?
+    end
+    def get_key_string(section, key)
+      Config.get_key_string(@data, section, key)
+    end
+  end
Index: ruby_1_8/ext/openssl/lib/openssl.rb
--- ruby_1_8/ext/openssl/lib/openssl.rb	(revision 28631)
+++ ruby_1_8/ext/openssl/lib/openssl.rb	(revision 28632)
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
 require 'openssl/bn'
 require 'openssl/cipher'
+require 'openssl/config'
 require 'openssl/digest'
 require 'openssl/pkcs7'
 require 'openssl/ssl-internal'
Index: ruby_1_8/ChangeLog
--- ruby_1_8/ChangeLog	(revision 28631)
+++ ruby_1_8/ChangeLog	(revision 28632)
@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
+Tue Jul 13 21:46:38 2010  NAKAMURA, Hiroshi  <nahi@r...>
+	* ext/openssl/ossl_config.c, ext/openssl/lib/openssl/config.rb,
+	  ext/openssl/lib/openssl.rb: reimplement OpenSSL::Config in Ruby. Now
+	  it should work on windows.
+	* test/openssl/test_config.rb: added tests for OpenSSL::Config#dup.
 Mon Jul 12 22:26:00 2010  NAKAMURA, Hiroshi  <nahi@r...>
 	* ext/openssl/ossl_config.c (ossl_config_copy): wrongly updating the
Index: ruby_1_8/test/openssl/test_config.rb
--- ruby_1_8/test/openssl/test_config.rb	(revision 28631)
+++ ruby_1_8/test/openssl/test_config.rb	(revision 28632)
@@ -276,11 +276,15 @@
     c = @it.dup
     assert_equal(@it.sections.sort, c.sections.sort)
+    @it['newsection'] = {'a' => 'b'}
+    assert_not_equal(@it.sections.sort, c.sections.sort)
   def test_clone
     c = @it.clone
     assert_equal(@it.sections.sort, c.sections.sort)
+    @it['newsection'] = {'a' => 'b'}
+    assert_not_equal(@it.sections.sort, c.sections.sort)

ML: ruby-changes@q...
Info: http://www.atdot.net/~ko1/quickml/
