

From: akr <ko1@a...>
Date: Sun, 9 May 2010 09:36:47 +0900 (JST)
Subject: [ruby-changes:15765] Ruby:r27693 (trunk): revert previous doc. change.

akr	2010-05-09 09:36:38 +0900 (Sun, 09 May 2010)

  New Revision: 27693


    revert previous doc. change.

  Modified files:

Index: ext/pty/pty.c
--- ext/pty/pty.c	(revision 27692)
+++ ext/pty/pty.c	(revision 27693)
@@ -462,10 +462,10 @@
  *   # assuming that factor uses stdio for stdout buffering.
  *   # If IO.pipe is used instead of PTY.open,
  *   # this code deadlocks because factor's stdout is fully buffered.
- *   require "io/console"
  *   m, s = PTY.open
+ *   system("stty raw", :in=>s) # disable newline conversion.
  *   r, w = IO.pipe
- *   pid = s.raw { spawn("factor", :in=>r, :out=>s) }
+ *   pid = spawn("factor", :in=>r, :out=>s)
  *   r.close
  *   s.close
  *   w.puts "42"

ML: ruby-changes@q...
Info: http://www.atdot.net/~ko1/quickml/
