

From: akr <ko1@a...>
Date: Fri, 20 Nov 2009 07:48:25 +0900 (JST)
Subject: [ruby-changes:14057] Ruby:r25867 (trunk): move Test::Unit::Assertions#invoke_ruby to EnvUtil.invoke_ruby.

akr	2009-11-20 07:47:53 +0900 (Fri, 20 Nov 2009)

  New Revision: 25867


    move Test::Unit::Assertions#invoke_ruby to EnvUtil.invoke_ruby.

  Modified files:

Index: test/ruby/envutil.rb
--- test/ruby/envutil.rb	(revision 25866)
+++ test/ruby/envutil.rb	(revision 25867)
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
   module_function :rubybin
   def rubyexec(*args)
     ruby = EnvUtil.rubybin
     c = "C"
@@ -66,6 +67,56 @@
   module_function :rubyexec
+  def invoke_ruby(args, stdin_data="", capture_stdout=false, capture_stderr=false, opt={})
+    begin
+      in_c, in_p = IO.pipe
+      out_p, out_c = IO.pipe if capture_stdout
+      err_p, err_c = IO.pipe if capture_stderr
+      c = "C"
+      env = {}
+      LANG_ENVS.each {|lc| env[lc], ENV[lc] = ENV[lc], c}
+      opt = opt.dup
+      opt[:in] = in_c
+      opt[:out] = out_c if capture_stdout
+      opt[:err] = err_c if capture_stderr
+      pid = spawn(EnvUtil.rubybin, *args, opt)
+      in_c.close
+      out_c.close if capture_stdout
+      err_c.close if capture_stderr
+      in_p.write stdin_data
+      in_p.close
+      th_stdout = Thread.new { out_p.read } if capture_stdout
+      th_stderr = Thread.new { err_p.read } if capture_stderr
+      if (!capture_stdout || th_stdout.join(10)) && (!capture_stderr || th_stderr.join(10))
+        stdout = th_stdout.value if capture_stdout
+        stderr = th_stderr.value if capture_stderr
+      else
+        flunk("timeout")
+      end
+      out_p.close if capture_stdout
+      err_p.close if capture_stderr
+      Process.wait pid
+      status = $?
+    ensure
+      env.each_pair {|lc, v|
+        if v
+          ENV[lc] = v
+        else
+          ENV.delete(lc)
+        end
+      } if env
+      in_c.close if in_c && !in_c.closed?
+      in_p.close if in_p && !in_p.closed?
+      out_c.close if out_c && !out_c.closed?
+      out_p.close if out_p && !out_p.closed?
+      err_c.close if err_c && !err_c.closed?
+      err_p.close if err_p && !err_p.closed?
+      (th_stdout.kill; th_stdout.join) if th_stdout
+      (th_stderr.kill; th_stderr.join) if th_stderr
+    end
+    return stdout, stderr, status
+  end
+  module_function :invoke_ruby
   def verbose_warning
     class << (stderr = "")
@@ -126,60 +177,8 @@
         out_p.close if out_p && !out_p.closed?
-      def invoke_ruby(args, stdin_data="", capture_stdout=false, capture_stderr=false, opt={})
-        begin
-          in_c, in_p = IO.pipe
-          out_p, out_c = IO.pipe if capture_stdout
-          err_p, err_c = IO.pipe if capture_stderr
-          c = "C"
-          env = {}
-          LANG_ENVS.each {|lc| env[lc], ENV[lc] = ENV[lc], c}
-          opt = opt.dup
-          opt[:in] = in_c
-          opt[:out] = out_c if capture_stdout
-          opt[:err] = err_c if capture_stderr
-          pid = spawn(EnvUtil.rubybin, *args, opt)
-          in_c.close
-          out_c.close if capture_stdout
-          err_c.close if capture_stderr
-          in_p.write stdin_data
-          in_p.close
-          th_stdout = Thread.new { out_p.read } if capture_stdout
-          th_stderr = Thread.new { err_p.read } if capture_stderr
-          if (!capture_stdout || th_stdout.join(10)) && (!capture_stderr || th_stderr.join(10))
-            stdout = th_stdout.value if capture_stdout
-            stderr = th_stderr.value if capture_stderr
-          else
-            flunk("timeout")
-          end
-          out_p.close if capture_stdout
-          err_p.close if capture_stderr
-          Process.wait pid
-          status = $?
-        ensure
-          env.each_pair {|lc, v|
-            if v
-              ENV[lc] = v
-            else
-              ENV.delete(lc)
-            end
-          } if env
-          in_c.close if in_c && !in_c.closed?
-          in_p.close if in_p && !in_p.closed?
-          out_c.close if out_c && !out_c.closed?
-          out_p.close if out_p && !out_p.closed?
-          err_c.close if err_c && !err_c.closed?
-          err_p.close if err_p && !err_p.closed?
-          (th_stdout.kill; th_stdout.join) if th_stdout
-          (th_stderr.kill; th_stderr.join) if th_stderr
-        end
-        return stdout, stderr, status
-      end
       def assert_in_out_err(args, test_stdin = "", test_stdout = [], test_stderr = [], message = nil, opt={})
-        stdout, stderr, status = invoke_ruby(args, test_stdin, true, true, opt)
+        stdout, stderr, status = EnvUtil.invoke_ruby(args, test_stdin, true, true, opt)
         if block_given?
           yield(stdout.lines.map {|l| l.chomp }, stderr.lines.map {|l| l.chomp })
@@ -197,7 +196,7 @@
       def assert_ruby_status(args, test_stdin="", message=nil, opt={})
-        stdout, stderr, status = invoke_ruby(args, test_stdin, false, false, opt)
+        stdout, stderr, status = EnvUtil.invoke_ruby(args, test_stdin, false, false, opt)
         m = message ? "#{message} (#{status.inspect})" : "ruby exit stauts is not success: #{status.inspect}"
         assert(status.success?, m)

ML: ruby-changes@q...
Info: http://www.atdot.net/~ko1/quickml/
