

From: akr <ko1@a...>
Date: Wed, 4 Nov 2009 21:02:48 +0900 (JST)
Subject: [ruby-changes:13846] Ruby:r25646 (trunk): fix typos.

akr	2009-11-04 21:02:37 +0900 (Wed, 04 Nov 2009)

  New Revision: 25646


    fix typos.

  Modified files:

Index: ext/socket/udpsocket.c
--- ext/socket/udpsocket.c	(revision 25645)
+++ ext/socket/udpsocket.c	(revision 25646)
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@
  * Receives up to _maxlen_ bytes from +udpsocket+ using recvfrom(2) after
  * O_NONBLOCK is set for the underlying file descriptor.
- * If _maxlen_ is ommitted, its default value is 65536.
+ * If _maxlen_ is omitted, its default value is 65536.
  * _flags_ is zero or more of the +MSG_+ options.
  * The first element of the results, _mesg_, is the data received.
  * The second element, _sender_inet_addr_, is an array to represent the sender address.
Index: ext/socket/raddrinfo.c
--- ext/socket/raddrinfo.c	(revision 25645)
+++ ext/socket/raddrinfo.c	(revision 25646)
@@ -746,7 +746,7 @@
  *   Addrinfo.new(sockaddr, family, socktype, protocol) => addrinfo
  * returns a new instance of Addrinfo.
- * The instnace contains sockaddr, family, socktype, protocol.
+ * The instance contains sockaddr, family, socktype, protocol.
  * sockaddr means struct sockaddr which can be used for connect(2), etc.
  * family, socktype and protocol are integers which is used for arguments of socket(2).
@@ -771,16 +771,16 @@
  * family is specified as an integer to specify the protocol family such as Socket::PF_INET.
  * It can be a symbol or a string which is the constant name
  * with or without PF_ prefix such as :INET, :INET6, :UNIX, "PF_INET", etc.
- * If ommitted, PF_UNSPEC is assumed.
+ * If omitted, PF_UNSPEC is assumed.
  * socktype is specified as an integer to specify the socket type such as Socket::SOCK_STREAM.
  * It can be a symbol or a string which is the constant name
  * with or without SOCK_ prefix such as :STREAM, :DGRAM, :RAW, "SOCK_STREAM", etc.
- * If ommitted, 0 is assumed.
+ * If omitted, 0 is assumed.
  * protocol is specified as an integer to specify the protocol such as Socket::IPPROTO_TCP.
  * It must be an integer, unlike family and socktype.
- * If ommitted, 0 is assumed.
+ * If omitted, 0 is assumed.
  * Note that 0 is reasonable value for most protocols, except raw socket.
@@ -1917,18 +1917,18 @@
  * nodename or service can be nil if no conversion intended.
- * family, socktype and protocol are hint for prefered protocol.
+ * family, socktype and protocol are hint for preferred protocol.
  * If the result will be used for a socket with SOCK_STREAM, 
  * SOCK_STREAM should be specified as socktype.
  * If so, Addrinfo.getaddrinfo returns addrinfo list appropriate for SOCK_STREAM.
  * If they are omitted or nil is given, the result is not restricted.
- * Similary, PF_INET6 as family restricts for IPv6.
+ * Similarly, PF_INET6 as family restricts for IPv6.
  * flags should be bitwise OR of Socket::AI_??? constants.
  * Note that socktype should be specified whenever application knows the usage of the address.
- * Some platform causes an error when socktype is ommitted and servname is specified as an integer
+ * Some platform causes an error when socktype is omitted and servname is specified as an integer
  * because some port numbers, 512 for example, are ambiguous without socktype.
  *   Addrinfo.getaddrinfo("www.kame.net", 80, nil, :STREAM)
Index: ext/socket/ipsocket.c
--- ext/socket/ipsocket.c	(revision 25645)
+++ ext/socket/ipsocket.c	(revision 25646)
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@
  * Returns the remote address as an array which contains
  * address_family, port, hostname and numeric_address. 
- * It is defined for connection oritented socket such as TCPSocket.
+ * It is defined for connection oriented socket such as TCPSocket.
  *   TCPSocket.open("www.ruby-lang.org", 80) {|sock|
  *     p sock.peeraddr #=> ["AF_INET", 80, "carbon.ruby-lang.org", ""]
Index: ext/socket/socket.c
--- ext/socket/socket.c	(revision 25645)
+++ ext/socket/socket.c	(revision 25646)
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@
  * On unix-based systems the following system exceptions may be raised if 
  * the call to _connect_ fails:
  * * Errno::EACCES - search permission is denied for a component of the prefix
- *   path or write access to the +socket+ is denided
+ *   path or write access to the +socket+ is denied
  * * Errno::EADDRINUSE - the _sockaddr_ is already in use
  * * Errno::EADDRNOTAVAIL - the specified _sockaddr_ is not available from the
  *   local machine
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@
  * * Errno::EHOSTUNREACH - the destination host cannot be reached (probably 
  *   because the host is down or a remote router cannot reach it)
  * * Errno::EINPROGRESS - the O_NONBLOCK is set for the +socket+ and the
- *   connection cnanot be immediately established; the connection will be
+ *   connection cannot be immediately established; the connection will be
  *   established asynchronously
  * * Errno::EINTR - the attempt to establish the connection was interrupted by
  *   delivery of a signal that was caught; the connection will be established
@@ -197,12 +197,12 @@
  * On unix-based systems if the address family of the calling +socket+ is
  * AF_UNIX the follow exceptions may be raised if the call to _connect_
  * fails:
- * * Errno::EIO - an i/o error occured while reading from or writing to the 
+ * * Errno::EIO - an i/o error occurred while reading from or writing to the 
  *   file system
  * * Errno::ELOOP - too many symbolic links were encountered in translating
  *   the pathname in _sockaddr_
  * * Errno::ENAMETOOLLONG - a component of a pathname exceeded NAME_MAX 
- *   characters, or an entired pathname exceeded PATH_MAX characters
+ *   characters, or an entire pathname exceeded PATH_MAX characters
  * * Errno::ENOENT - a component of the pathname does not name an existing file
  *   or the pathname is an empty string
  * * Errno::ENOTDIR - a component of the path prefix of the pathname in _sockaddr_
@@ -347,7 +347,7 @@
  * * Errno::EADDRINUSE - the specified _sockaddr_ is already in use
  * * Errno::EADDRNOTAVAIL - the specified _sockaddr_ is not available from the
  *   local machine
- * * Errno::EAFNOSUPPORT - the specified _sockaddr_ isnot a valid address for
+ * * Errno::EAFNOSUPPORT - the specified _sockaddr_ is not a valid address for
  *   the family of the calling +socket+
  * * Errno::EBADF - the _sockaddr_ specified is not a valid file descriptor
  * * Errno::EFAULT - the _sockaddr_ argument cannot be accessed
@@ -369,14 +369,14 @@
  * Socket::AF_UNIX the follow exceptions may be raised if the call to _bind_
  * fails:
  * * Errno::EACCES - search permission is denied for a component of the prefix
- *   path or write access to the +socket+ is denided
+ *   path or write access to the +socket+ is denied
  * * Errno::EDESTADDRREQ - the _sockaddr_ argument is a null pointer
  * * Errno::EISDIR - same as Errno::EDESTADDRREQ
  * * Errno::EIO - an i/o error occurred
  * * Errno::ELOOP - too many symbolic links were encountered in translating
  *   the pathname in _sockaddr_
  * * Errno::ENAMETOOLLONG - a component of a pathname exceeded NAME_MAX 
- *   characters, or an entired pathname exceeded PATH_MAX characters
+ *   characters, or an entire pathname exceeded PATH_MAX characters
  * * Errno::ENOENT - a component of the pathname does not name an existing file
  *   or the pathname is an empty string
  * * Errno::ENOTDIR - a component of the path prefix of the pathname in _sockaddr_
@@ -434,7 +434,7 @@
  * 	socket.bind( sockaddr )
  * 	socket.listen( 5 )
- * === Example 2 (listening on an arbitary port, unix-based systems only):
+ * === Example 2 (listening on an arbitrary port, unix-based systems only):
  * 	require 'socket'
  * 	include Socket::Constants
  * 	socket = Socket.new( AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0 )
@@ -457,7 +457,7 @@
  * * Errno::EINVAL - the _socket_ is already connected
  * * Errno::ENOTSOCK - the _socket_ argument does not refer to a socket
  * * Errno::EOPNOTSUPP - the _socket_ protocol does not support listen
- * * Errno::EACCES - the calling process does not have approriate privileges
+ * * Errno::EACCES - the calling process does not have appropriate privileges
  * * Errno::EINVAL - the _socket_ has been shut down
  * * Errno::ENOBUFS - insufficient resources are available in the system to 
  *   complete the call
@@ -469,7 +469,7 @@
  * * Errno::EADDRINUSE - the socket's local address is already in use. This 
  *   usually occurs during the execution of _bind_ but could be delayed
  *   if the call to _bind_ was to a partially wildcard address (involving
- *   ADDR_ANY) and if a specific address needs to be commmitted at the 
+ *   ADDR_ANY) and if a specific address needs to be committed at the 
  *   time of the call to _listen_
  * * Errno::EINPROGRESS - a Windows Sockets 1.1 call is in progress or the
  *   service provider is still processing a callback function
@@ -550,7 +550,7 @@
  * * Errno::ECONNRESET - a connection was forcibly closed by a peer
  * * Errno::EFAULT - the socket's internal buffer, address or address length 
  *   cannot be accessed or written
- * * Errno::EINTR - a signal interupted _recvfrom_ before any data was available
+ * * Errno::EINTR - a signal interrupted _recvfrom_ before any data was available
  * * Errno::EINVAL - the MSG_OOB flag is set and no out-of-band data is available
  * * Errno::EIO - an i/o error occurred while reading from or writing to the 
  *   filesystem
@@ -572,7 +572,7 @@
  * * Errno::ENETDOWN - the network is down
  * * Errno::EFAULT - the internal buffer and from parameters on +socket+ are not
  *   part of the user address space, or the internal fromlen parameter is
- *   too small to accomodate the peer address
+ *   too small to accommodate the peer address
  * * Errno::EINTR - the (blocking) call was cancelled by an internal call to
  *   the WinSock function WSACancelBlockingCall
  * * Errno::EINPROGRESS - a blocking Windows Sockets 1.1 call is in progress or 
@@ -582,7 +582,7 @@
  *   SO_OOBINLINE enabled, or (for byte stream-style sockets only) the internal
  *   len parameter on +socket+ was zero or negative
  * * Errno::EISCONN - +socket+ is already connected. The call to _recvfrom_ is
- *   not permitted with a connected socket on a socket that is connetion 
+ *   not permitted with a connected socket on a socket that is connection 
  *   oriented or connectionless.
  * * Errno::ENETRESET - the connection has been broken due to the keep-alive 
  *   activity detecting a failure while the operation was in progress.
@@ -713,7 +713,7 @@
  * Accepts an incoming connection using accept(2) after
  * O_NONBLOCK is set for the underlying file descriptor.
- * It returns an array containg the accpeted socket
+ * It returns an array containing the accepted socket
  * for the incoming connection, _client_socket_,
  * and a string that contains the +struct+ sockaddr information
  * about the caller, _client_sockaddr_.
@@ -776,7 +776,7 @@
  * call-seq:
  * 	socket.sysaccept => [client_socket_fd, client_sockaddr]
- * Accepts an incoming connection returnings an array containg the (integer)
+ * Accepts an incoming connection returning an array containing the (integer)
  * file descriptor for the incoming connection, _client_socket_fd_,
  * and a string that contains the +struct+ sockaddr information
  * about the caller, _client_sockaddr_.
@@ -1127,7 +1127,7 @@
  * Obtains name information for _sockaddr_.
  * _sockaddr_ should be one of follows.
- * - packed sockddr string such as Socket.sockaddr_in(80, "")
+ * - packed sockaddr string such as Socket.sockaddr_in(80, "")
  * - 3-elements array such as ["AF_INET", 80, ""]
  * - 4-elements array such as ["AF_INET", 80, ignored, ""]
@@ -1508,7 +1508,7 @@
     return list;
 #elif defined(SIOCGLIFCONF) && defined(SIOCGLIFNUM) && !defined(__hpux)
     /* Solaris if_tcp(7P) */
-    /* HP-UX has SIOCGLIFCONF too.  But it uses differenet struct */
+    /* HP-UX has SIOCGLIFCONF too.  But it uses different struct */
     int fd = -1;
     int ret;
     struct lifnum ln;
Index: ext/socket/basicsocket.c
--- ext/socket/basicsocket.c	(revision 25645)
+++ ext/socket/basicsocket.c	(revision 25646)
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@
  * call-seq: setsockopt(level, optname, optval)
  * Sets a socket option. These are protocol and system specific, see your
- * local sytem documentation for details.
+ * local system documentation for details.
  * === Parameters
  * * +level+ is an integer, usually one of the SOL_ constants such as
@@ -250,7 +250,7 @@
  * call-seq: getsockopt(level, optname)
  * Gets a socket option. These are protocol and system specific, see your
- * local sytem documentation for details. The option is returned as
+ * local system documentation for details. The option is returned as
  * a String with the data being the binary value of the socket option.
  * === Parameters
Index: ext/socket/ancdata.c
--- ext/socket/ancdata.c	(revision 25645)
+++ ext/socket/ancdata.c	(revision 25646)
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
  * - etc.
  * _cmsg_type_ should be an integer, a string or a symbol.
- * If a string/symbol is specified, it is interepreted depend on _cmsg_level_.
+ * If a string/symbol is specified, it is interpreted depend on _cmsg_level_.
@@ -1694,7 +1694,7 @@
  * _flags_ is bitwise OR of MSG_* constants such as Socket::MSG_PEEK.
- * _maxcontrolslen_ is the maximum length of controls (ancillary data) to receive.
+ * _maxcontrollen_ is the maximum length of controls (ancillary data) to receive.
  * _opts_ is option hash.
  * Currently :scm_rights=>bool is the only option.
@@ -1704,7 +1704,7 @@
  * In this case, recvmsg closes the passed file descriptors immediately.
  * This is the default behavior.
- * If :scm_rights value is neigher nil nor false, application expects SCM_RIGHTS control message.
+ * If :scm_rights value is neither nil nor false, application expects SCM_RIGHTS control message.
  * In this case, recvmsg creates IO objects for each file descriptors for
  * Socket::AncillaryData#unix_rights method.
@@ -1723,7 +1723,7 @@
  *   #<Socket::AncillaryData: AF_UNIX SOCKET RIGHTS 7>
- * _maxmesglen_ and _maxcontrolslen_ can be nil.
+ * _maxmesglen_ and _maxcontrollen_ can be nil.
  * In that case, the buffer will be grown until the message is not truncated.
  * Internally, MSG_PEEK is used and MSG_TRUNC/MSG_CTRUNC are checked.
Index: ext/fcntl/fcntl.c
--- ext/fcntl/fcntl.c	(revision 25645)
+++ ext/fcntl/fcntl.c	(revision 25646)
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
-This module is just a translation of the C <fnctl.h> file.
+This module is just a translation of the C <fcntl.h> file.

ML: ruby-changes@q...
Info: http://www.atdot.net/~ko1/quickml/
