

From: knu <ko1@a...>
Date: Fri, 1 May 2009 16:54:55 +0900 (JST)
Subject: [ruby-changes:11683] Ruby:r23322 (ruby_1_8): * lib/set.rb (SortedSet#add): Do not let an uncomparable object

knu	2009-05-01 16:54:42 +0900 (Fri, 01 May 2009)

  New Revision: 23322


    * lib/set.rb (SortedSet#add): Do not let an uncomparable object
      in. [Bug #118]
    * lib/set.rb (Set#merge): Only directly use the passed objects
      @hash instance variable when self and the passed object are
      instances of the same class. [Bug #118]

  Modified files:

Index: ruby_1_8/ChangeLog
--- ruby_1_8/ChangeLog	(revision 23321)
+++ ruby_1_8/ChangeLog	(revision 23322)
@@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
+Fri May  1 16:52:52 2009  Akinori MUSHA  <knu@i...>
+	* lib/set.rb (SortedSet#add): Do not let an uncomparable object
+	  in. [Bug #118]
+	* lib/set.rb (Set#merge): Only directly use the passed objects
+	  @hash instance variable when self and the passed object are
+	  instances of the same class. [Bug #118]
 Fri May  1 16:01:31 2009  Nobuyoshi Nakada  <nobu@r...>
 	* configure.in: fixed the help strings for the header and library
Index: ruby_1_8/lib/set.rb
--- ruby_1_8/lib/set.rb	(revision 23321)
+++ ruby_1_8/lib/set.rb	(revision 23322)
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 # The method +to_set+ is added to Enumerable for convenience.
-# See the Set class for an example of usage.
+# See the Set and SortedSet documentation for examples of usage.
@@ -260,8 +260,8 @@
   # Merges the elements of the given enumerable object to the set and
   # returns self.
   def merge(enum)
-    if enum.is_a?(Set)
-      @hash.update(enum.instance_eval { @hash })
+    if enum.instance_of?(self.class)
+      @hash.update(enum.instance_variable_get(:@hash))
       enum.is_a?(Enumerable) or raise ArgumentError, "value must be enumerable"
       enum.each { |o| add(o) }
@@ -441,7 +441,35 @@
-# SortedSet implements a set which elements are sorted in order.  See Set.
+# SortedSet implements a Set that guarantees that it's element are
+# yielded in sorted order (according to the return values of their
+# #<=> methods) when iterating over them.
+# All elements that are added to a SortedSet must include the
+# Comparable module.
+# Also, all elements must be <em>mutually comparable</em>: <tt>el1 <=>
+# el2</tt> must not return <tt>nil</tt> for any elements <tt>el1</tt>
+# and <tt>el2</tt>, else an ArgumentError will be raised when
+# iterating over the SortedSet.
+# == Example
+#   require "set"
+#   set = SortedSet.new(2, 1, 5, 6, 4, 5, 3, 3, 3)
+#   ary = []
+#   set.each do |obj|
+#     ary << obj
+#   end
+#   p ary # => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
+#   set2 = SortedSet.new(1, 2, "3")
+#   set2.each { |obj| } # => raises ArgumentError: comparison of Fixnum with String failed
 class SortedSet < Set
   @@setup = false
@@ -466,6 +494,12 @@
 	    @hash = RBTree.new
+	  def add(o)
+	    o.is_a?(Comparable) or raise ArgumentError, "value must be comparable"
+	    super
+	  end
+	  alias << add
       rescue LoadError
 	module_eval %{
@@ -485,9 +519,9 @@
 	  def add(o)
+	    o.is_a?(Comparable) or raise ArgumentError, "value must be comparable"
 	    @keys = nil
-	    @hash[o] = true
-	    self
+	    super
 	  alias << add

ML: ruby-changes@q...
Info: http://www.atdot.net/~ko1/quickml/
